Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1812 January 11

Vol. VII.]


[No. 440.

[Transcriber's note: first two pages missing]


DEMERARY. [heading]

This is to inform the
Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony;-

Van het Secretary deezer Colonie word geadverteerd
dat de volgende Persoonen
von voorneemens zyn van hier
na elders te vertrekken, viz;

J. J. Anslow, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from Jan. 2.
R. Deane, do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.
D. M'Leay, in 14 days . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.
T. Higgins, in do. or 6 weeks . . . . . . . . 3.
Mrs. C. Ryan, do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.
C. Van Dyk, in 14 days . . . . . . . . . . . 3.
A. Auld, in do. (or by the Ship Nereid) . . . 6.
Robert Phipps,
Sworn Clerk.

IN DEMERARY. [heading]

On Monday the 3d of February, at the Store formerly occupied by W. Hallstead, and Co. South-Steet, by order of Captain David Webster, for account of the Underwriters or others concerned. - The hull of the Ship Tweed and her sails, rigging, spars, &c. &c. condemned by a Board of Survey.
Jan. 11. Robert Kingston.

General Militia Order.

His Excellency Governor Bentinck has been pleased to make the following Promotions and Appointments:
Fourth Battalion. [centered]
1st Company - First Lieutenant C. De L'Escaille to be Captain, vice Steur, resigned; First Lieutenant F. Wright, from the 2d Battalion, to be First Lieutenant, vice De L'Escaille, promoted; J. V. Nedderman, Gent. to be Second Lieutenant, vice D. Johnstone, removed to another District.
2d Company - G. I. Goppy, Esq. to be Captain; R. G. C. Eckhart, Gent. to be First Lieutenant; - Bert, Gent. to be Second Lieutenant.
3d Company, commanded by Captain Frost - First Lieutenant, D. Johnstone to be First Lieutenant.
Staff. [centered]
O. L. Schultz, Esq. to be Adjutant, with the rank of Captain.
Dr. F. Reisser to be Surgeon to the Battalion.
Alexander Marshall . . . to the 1st Company.
- Rose, . . . to the 2d ditto.
King's-House, Stabroek, Demerary, Jan. 11, 1812.
By His Excellency's Command,
J. R. Brandt,

The only arrivals, since our last, are, the Ship Pilot, Capt. Barton, from Bristol, last from Berbice, having put into that River in distress; and the Ship White-Oak from Portsmouth, N. A.; but they are not the bearers of any particular intelligence.

Died last night, Miss Pollard, of this Colony.

HOLLAND. [heading]

The Moniteur, of the 3d of November, contain a brief of Imperial decrees, issued from the Palace of Amsterdam, relative to the administration of the Dutch provinces.
The first fixes the boundaries of the departments, the cantons, districts, &c. into which Holland is divided. That country is divided into seven departments; namely, the mouth of the Meuse, the mouth of the Issel, the East Ems, the West Ems, Friesland, the Upper Issel, and the Zuyder-Zee. Each department is divided into districts, or sub-prefectures; and various salaries, of from 4000 to 5000 francs annually, are assigned to the Sub-prefects, with similar sums for the expence of their offices, or bureaus.
A second decree prescribes the introduction of the French system of taxation into these departments, on the 1st of January, 1812. The line of the customs, on the side of Old France, will be raised, on the ensuing 1st of July. The land-tax for the ensuing year is fixed at 15,400,000 francs; the tax on doors and windows at 3,400,000 francs. Other articles of the decree relate to the establishment of the stamp-duties, the consolidated duties, municipal dues, the duties on salt, tobacco, &c. With regard to tobacco, all the growers, manufacturers, and dealers in that article, were to give in an account of the quantities of leaf-tobacco in their possession on the 1st instant; which were to be purchased on account of Government, and paid by bons [sic - italicized in text] on the central chest of Amsterdam. Two imperial manufactories were then to be established; one at Amsterdam and the othe Rotterdam, which were to have the exclusive privilege of manufacturing tobacco and snuff according to the system established in France.
A third decree relates to the roads in Holland. The road form Amsterdam to Antwerp by Utrecht, and the other roady by Leyden and Rotterdam; the road from Amsterdam to Germany by Utrecht and Munster; and also that from Amsterdam to the Helder; are declared Imperial roads. The tolls on these roads, belonging to towns or individuals, shall be kept up till the expiration of their titles, when they shall revert to the domains of the State. The canals, bridges, and sluices, shall continue to be supported as formerly. The ports of Helvoet-Slys, Medemblick, and the Helder, are declared special ports of war, and subjected to the Administration of the Marine.
A fourth decree ordains the erection of three houses of detention, for the seven departments. The first to be placed at Amsterdam, the second at Groningen, and the third at Munster, in the department of La Lippe. The department of the Zuyder-Zee shall have a depot of mendicity. There shall be a new acqueduct [sic] for conveying water to Amsterdm and another for the Hague.
By a fifth decree, the budget of receipts in Holland, for her proportion of the revenue for 1810, is fixed at 95,000,000, and the expences at 111,000,000. The sum of 16,000,000, being the difference between the receipts and expenditure, shall be paid in debentures on the Syndicate, which are created by another decree, of the same date.
A sixth decrees confers upon Hollnd two academies, as branches of the Imperial University; one at Leyden and the other at Groningen. The members of the universities of these cities shall be admitted by preference to chairs in the two academies. The University of Utrecht, the Athaeneum of Amsterdam, and that of Deventer, shall take the title of secondary schools. There shall be a Lyceum at Utrecht, at Leyden, and at Groningen. At each of these academies there shall be two inspectors, who shall be charged with the superintendance of these primary schools. The teachers of private schools at present existing shall be bound to procure, within three months after the date of this decree, the means of teaching the French language in them. After the lapse of a year from the 22d of October, no person can receive a certificate, or enter a school either as master or assistant, unless personally able to teach the rudiments of the French language; and after two years, unless he speaks and writes the language with facility.
By a seventh decree, the Institute of Amsterdam is continued; and a sum of 20,000 francs is given for its expences.
An eighth decree continues the national guard of Holland on its present footing till its definitive organization. On the 1st of January, 1812, there shall be established a guard, with pay, for the service of Amsterdam; and the present night guard shall be suppressed. The national guard shall not be called upon to do duty, except in cases of the insufficiency of the hired guard. This latter guard shall consist of two battalons and one squadron; each battalion to consist of four companies, and each company of 140 men. Their pay, subsistence, clothing, &c. shall be defrayed at the expence of the city.
By a ninth decree, the Imperial Court of the Hague shall appoint one of its members to decide, in a special court, after the Dutch laws, and with an appeal to the Council of State, on all seizures made in Holland by the sea or land forces, and by the officers of the customs, and on captures made by privateers and other armed vessels.
A tenth decree creates the thirtieth Court of Conservation of forests for the new departments.
The eleventh decree orders the Commission of the great book of the public debt of Holland to liquidate such pensions as are granted to persons formerly employed in the administration of finance.
By a twelfth decree, the city of the Hague is raised to the rank of a good city, the mayors of which are entitled to be present at a coronation.


Vessels Entered and Cleared. [heading]

ENTERED. [heading]
Dec. 30. Brig John, Capt. Brown, from Rhode Island
Schooner Endeavour, Tallman, New York.
Jan. 8. Schr. Good Intent, Strickland, Barbados.

CLEARED. [heading]
Jan. 2. Brig Hope, Basden, for Falmouth.
4. Brig Paulina, Gookin, Portsmouth.

In the Colony-Stocks of Demerary. [heading]



Brought by





Pl. Elizabeth-hall,

Juff. de Wolf,


Bennet (Berbice),



Juff. Doresten,




Pl. Covent Gardens,


M. Bourda,

Pl. Petershall,


Pl. Georgia,

B. Jeffery,


Judy Mitchel,



P. Benjamin,

Pl. Loo,



Pl. ???





Dctr. Richardson,

Clerk of the Market



Pl. Cornelia Ida,






Pl. Ruimveld,


S. Deeges,

Pl. Essex,


Phillis Butler,

John Farrows,






Pl. Sopiha.

Jan. 11. F. STRUNKAY, Scout.

STABROEK: [centered]
Printed & published every Tuesday & Saturday Afternoon,
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 18 June 2008   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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