Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1812 January 14

Vol. VII.]


[No. 441.

[Transcriber's note: mutilated issue]


WHOEVER will undertake and engage to deliver at Fort Island, three hundred and twenty bunches of good Plantains every week (either Saturdays or Sundays), for the time of six months, certain, to begin on the 1st of February next, may send tenders to this office, from this day to the 24th instant, when the lowest offer, if approved of, will be preferred. The Plantains must not be thown into trenches or [mutilated] previous to their being brought into the boat, [mutilated] an addition of 5 per cent. is expected to make [mutilated] the bunches which will get partly stripped by [mutilated]. Payment will be made every three months [mutilated], by the Receiver of this Colony.
Commandement-Office, Essequebo, this 9th Day [mutilated] January, 1812.
By Order of the Hon. Commandeur,
P. C. Ouckama,
J. Schepens,
Com. sec.

NOTICE. [heading]
[obscured]ALL Persons indebted to the Estate of W. H. Cox, deceased, are requested to come forward with payment; and those to whom said Estate is indebted are requested to render their accounts to the undersigned in the course of four months from the date hereof.
Pl. Kew, West-Sea Coast, Essequebo, Jan. 11.
S. B. Cox, q.q.

FOR SALE by the Subscribers, at their Store in Cumingsburg:
Hoes, shovels, socket and handled cutlasses, nails assorted, pump tacks, tools, whip-saws, fies, axes,
[obscured] hoops, round, square, and flat bar iron; anchors,
[obscured] for colony boats; hinges assorted, butt cocks, ladles,
[obscured]ling-house lamps, strainers, fine and coarse skimmers;
[obscured]gro jackets, shirts, trowsers, check, Osnaburgs, hats,
[obscured]tillas, Irish linen, cotton and coffee bagging, brown
[obscured] bleached canvas, sewing twine, cordage assorted,
[obscured] 8-inch cable, oats in puncheons, tea, mess beef and
[obscured]k, Madeira wine of first and second quality, old hock,
[obscured]rry brandy, Newfoundland fish, tobacco, fine [illegible]
[obscured]ters' do. jockey, Hessian, and military boots, [illegible]
[obscured] chip hats, servants' hats, glue, Roman cement,
[obscured], stationary, blocks, black pepper, [illegible]
[obscured], and neatsfoot oil; spermaceti candles, blac[illegible]
[obscured], paints, lamp-black, &c.
Jan. 14. HYNDMAN and CARY.

FOUND on the 12th Inst in front of Plant. La Bonne Intention, East-Coast, a schooner's Small-Boat, apparently new. The Owner may have same restored by paying for this advertisement, and rewarding the negroes who found it.
Jan. 14.

WANTED to Hire, TEN GOOD FIELD NEGROES. Enquire of the Printer.
Jan. 14.

NOTICE, [heading]
THAT the Copartnership heretofore carried on under the Firm of BRYANT & NOONAN is this day dissolved by mutual consent. They earnestly request those to whom they may be in debt to render their accounts for examination; and those who are in their debt to make payment to either of [illegible], who are fully authorised to give receipts and [illegible] for said late Firm.
[illegible] A. BRYANT,
[illegible], in future, will be carried on by [illegible] at the house lately occupied by Bryant [illegible] & [illegible], who will be thankful to his friends for a continuance of their favours.

STOLEN away, a few nights ago, from her moorings, at the back of the dwelling-house of - Muller, Esq. a FOUR-OAR BOAT, lately repaired, and there being every reason to suppose it was taken away by the Negro Carpenter, Peter, belonging to Martin Spooner, Esq. owing to some difference about the repairs of the said Boat; a liberal Reward will be paid on information of the thief or thieves.
Jan. 14. A. Game, Taylor.

FOR SALE, [heading]
TWO HOUSES; with good Stores, and every convenience for a family; one in Middle-Street, and the other in North-Street, Bridge-Town. For particulars enquire of the Printer. Jan. 14.

[text below recovered from a later issue]
THE Subscriber offers for sale, - Choice white-pine lumber and a few thousand red-oak staves, payable in rum and molasses; lumber, at f 63 per M. red-oak staves at f 63 per M.; also the following articles, for ready money, first-quality Madeira wine; porter, beer, ale, and vinegar; real Hollands gin; potatoes, onions, and a few boxes of English yellow-soap, &c.
January 14, 1812. M. Jacobs.

The Blacksmith, Founder, and Horse-shoing [sic], Business, heretofore carried on in the name of A. F. Harrower, will be in future carried on, at the same shop, by the Undersigned; who solicit a continuance of the former Customers to the shop.
Angus Catanach, & Co.
Lot ??, Cumingsburg, January 11.

TEMPER LIME, [heading]
Just Landed, and for Sale by [centered]
Jan. 11. Simpson, Rose, Croal, and Co.

To be Let or Sold, [heading]
THE HOUSE, with upwards of Two Lots of Land, occupied by Mr. O'Hara, in Kingston. The Premises are in complete repair, and possession may be had on the 1st of February next. Enquire at the House, or to
Demerary, Jan. 11. O. Kernan & Co.

NOTICE. [heading]
ROBERT GORDON having died on Plantation Georgia, on the 1st of November, 1811, leaving only a pocket-book; by whose contents it appears, that, in the years 1808 and 1809, he was Manager of Plantation Dankbaarheid, in Berbice, and since has resided in Surinam. Every person who can give information of him, his relations, or the goods he has left, (there being two keys in the said pocket-book), please to give it at the Orphan-Chamber of this Colony.
Demerary, January 9, 1812.
F. A. Vernede,

[Transcriber's note: not found in previous issues]
WANTED, an Overseer on a Sugar Estate, on this River, who understands the Distillation of Rum and Field-work. A good salary will be given to a person who can be recommended for sobriety and writing a good hand. Apply to the Printer of this Paper. -- January 4, 1812.

[Transcriber's note: not found in previous issues]
LANDING from the Brig Mechanic, P. Greely, Master, from Portland; Lumber, R. O. Staves, W. and R. O. Shooks, with heads, Fish, Flour, Rice, Bread, &c. &c.
Jan. 4th. Wardrop & Furguson.

[Transcriber's note: not found in previous issues]
James Stuart informs his friends and the public that he intends, after the 1st of January, carrying on the Taylor business, in South-Street, opposite the house of Mr. James Lyon; where he hopes, by industry and attention, to merit their favours, as he will work on the very lowest terms for immediate payment.
N. B. - Any orders from the country will be faithfully attended to. Demerary, Jan. 4.

Notice. [heading]
Robert Gordon having died on Plantation Georgia, on the 1st of November 1811, leaving only a pocket-book; by whose contents it appears, that, in the years 1808 and 1809, he was Manager of Plantation Dankbaarheid, in Berbice, and since has resided in Surinam. Every person who can give information of him, his relations, or the goods he has left, (there being two keys in the said pocket-book, please to give it at the Orphan-Chamber of this colony.
Demerary, January 9, 1811.
F. A. Vernede,

DEMERARY. [heading]

This is to inform the
Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony;-

Van het Secretary deezer Colonie word geadverteerd
dat de volgende Persoonen
von voorneemens zyn van hier
na elders te vertrekken, viz;

J. J. Anslow, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from Jan. 2.
R. Deane, do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.
D. M'Leay, in 14 days . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.
J. Higgins, in do. or 6 weeks . . . . . . . . 3.
Mrs. C. Ryan, do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.
C. Van Dyk, in 14 days . . . . . . . . . . . 3.
A. Auld, in do. (or by the Ship Nereid) . . . 6.
Robert Phipps,
Sworn Clerk.

WHEREAS the following Persons have petitioned the Honorable Court of Policy for Letters of Manumission for the aftermentioned Slaves: -
William Black, for a negro woman, named Ann, late the property of Joseph Hamer, deceased, and her children, Mary-Ann, Francis, John, Thomas, and Sam.
John Grant, for three young mulatto slaves, named Margaret, James, and John, children of a negro woman, named Matilda.
John Luthers, for a negro woman, named Duchess, with six mulatto children, named Johanna, Cornelia, Jan, Saloman, Samuel, and Hermanus.
Retter Sampson, for herself, her daughter, Nancy, and her sons, John, Edward, and Peter.
All those who may have any right or title to said Slaves are hereby notified to give in their claims, either at the Commandement in Essequebo, or at the Secretary's Office of Demerary, between this date and the next ensuing Ordinary Meeting of the Court of Policy aforesaid; as the Court will then proceed to give such orders on the said several petitions as it shall seem meet.
Court-House, Demerary, January 11, 1812.
P. F. Tinne,

(IN DEMERARY. [heading]
[Transcriber's note: no new or updated vendues in this issue]

Secretary's Office. [heading]
Essequebo. [heading]
Banns of Matrimony, [heading]
(For the First Time)
Between Mr. E. Henery, Batchelor, born in London, and Miss Johanna Thomas, Spinster, born in the Island Grenada; both of the Reformed Church.
Any Person knowing just cause or impediment why the above Parties should not be joined together in Holy Matrimony must declare the same at the Secretary's Office of this Colony.
Essequebo, 12th January, 1812.
J. J. L. Moliere,
Sec. ad intm.

[transcriber's note: some mutilation of the following - corrections derived from later issues]
(For the First Time) [heading]
Between Mr. E. Henery, Batchelor, born in London, and Miss Johanna Thomas, spinster, born in the Island Grenada; both of the Reformed Church.
Any person knowing just cause or impediment why the above Parties should not be joined together in Holy Matrimony must declare the same at the Secretary's Office of this Colony.
Essequebo, 12th January, 1812.
J. J. L. Moliere,
Sec. ad intm.

(Voor de Eerste Maal,) [heading]
Alzo den Heer E. Henery, minderjaarig jongman, geboortig van London, en van den gereformeerden Godsdienst, ter eenre; en Mejuffrow Johanna Thomas, meerderjaarige jong dochter, gebooren in Grenada, en meede van de Protestantsche religie, ter andere zyde.
Voorneemens zyn met elkanderen een Wettig Huwelyk aantegaan, wartoe reeds op den 6e January l.l. door Heeren Raaden Commissarissen alhier in Ondertrouw zyn opgenoomen. Zoo word zulks mits deezen aan elk en ygelyk bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geene welke vermeenen zich tegens hun voorgenoomen Huwelyk te kunnen opponeeren, zulks in tyds, zouden kunnen doen daar en zo 't behoord.
Actum Secretary, Essequebo, 12e January, 1812.
J. J. L. Moliere,
Sec. ad intm.

NOTICE. [heading]
At the Commissarial Meeting in the month of January next, will be given by J. C. Spieringshoek Nom. Uxs. unto Thomas Cathrey, Nom. Uxs transport of his share (being one sixth part) in Pl. Meerzorg with the appurtenances thereof, situated on Walkenaam Island, in this river; and, of the same will be passed, by said Thomas Cathrey, Nom. Uxs. on behalf of J. C. Spieringshoek, Nom. Uxs. a mortgage on two sixth parts of said Plant. Meerzorg - said J. C. Spieringshoek, Nom. Uxs. to be exonerated and acquitted of all claim and demand on account of [illegible] of H. W. Knolmn, deceased.
Secretary's Office, Essequebo, 10th January, 1812.
J. J. L. Moliere,
Sec. ad intm.

MET de Commissariaale Vergadering in de maand February aanstande, zal door den Heer J. C. Spieringshoek, Nom. Uxs. aan den Heer Thomas Cathrey, Nom. Uxs. worden getransporteerd, d[illegible]
een sesde in de Plantage Meerzorg, met ap en depen[illegible]
tien, geleegen op 't Walkenaam Eyland, binnen d[illegible]
rivier; en zal ten zelven dage door verm. Tho[illegible]
Cathrey, Nom. Uxs. ten behoeve van J. C. Sp[illegible]
ingshoek, Nom. Uxs. worden verleeden Hypoth[illegible]
op twee sesde gedeeltens der Plantage Meerzorg, [illegible]
genoemd - en zal voorts den zelven Spieringshoek, Nom. Uxs. worden geexhonoreerd van alle op en[illegible]
spraak van den boedel wylen H. W. Knolman.
Actum ter Secretary, Essequebo, January 10, 1812.
J. J. L. Moliere,
Sec. ad intm.

Intrusted with powers, that but too often ex [mutilated] ed
harshly produce discontent, and generate digust [mutilated] ith
the naval service, by injuring the commerce th[mutilated] are
meant to protect; that part of the community wh[mutilated]re
concerned in the shipping in this port, wish me to ex[mutilated]
on their part, how deeply they feel, by our ex[mutilated]
that a systematic propriety of conduct, supported by th[mutilated]
correct pinciples, and embellished by suavity of t[mutilated]
and the most gentlemanly manners, can conduce to re[mutilated]
the necessity that the war occasions, for seamen so[mutilated]
navy with the interest, and even with the convenien[mutilated]
the trade; both of which are but too often sacrificed [mutilated]
I am farther commissioned, my dear Sir! to pr[mutilated]
for you, such token of their high respect and regar[mutilated]
may be most gratifying to your wishes; for which pu[mutilated]
I hold One Hundred Johannes, which I shall, w[mutilated]
first convenience, remit to my much respected f[mutilated]
Mr. James Baillie, of Bedford-Square, [mutilated]
to signify, through me, or by direct communicatin,[mutilated]
objects of its appropriation.
If, my dear Sir, I fail in conveying to you the [mutilated]
expression of good-will of this whole commu[mutilated]
shall still fall more particularly short in express[mutilated]
grateful sense I feel in being honoured with you indi[mutilated]
and intimate friendship, while the public serv[mutilated]
detained you among us. I shall look back on the[mutilated]
[illegible] a mixture of pleasure and regret, as I trust [mutilated]
forward, with a full hope of its permanency, [mutilated]
ever we may happen to be thrown; being, with [mutilated]
sentiment of respect and regard,
My dear Sir!
Your most sincere friend,
And very obedient servant,
Joseph Beete
Captain Smith, of His Majesty's Brig Demerary.

For the Address to Captain Smith, of His Majesty's Brig Demerary.
[first column]
H. W. Bentinck
John Forbes
Joseph Beete
Peter Grant
Jonas Fileen
James Johnstone
L. Van Rossum
J. R. Brandt
Charles Vincent
J. W. Dunkin
James Robertson
?. Merteens [sic]
Alexander Fullerton
W. G. Straghan
Patrick Mackintyre
E. J. Henery
Colin Douglass
?. M'Lachlan
Thomas White
Peter Verbeke
Henry Halket
G. Angle
D. Smith
De Munnick & Co.
Robert Phipps
D. N. A. Van Hoytema
H. Cantzlaar, J.Z.
Owen Kernan & Co.
James Jackson
Bryant & Noonan
Hugh Douglas
Henry T. Ferguson
David Cornfoot
Robert Hall
David King
John L. Smith
Simson, Grant, & Co.
Adam Smith
P.A. De Veer
[second column]
H. M. Heemskirk
Vander Stok [sic]
Hyndman & Cary
Willam King
Thomas Naghten
Johnson, Dyett, M'Garel, & Co.
Simpson, Rose, & Co.
James Albouy & Co.
Charles Waterton
Chorley & Cook
Archibald Iver
P. Benjamin, for the P[illegible] Office
C. Van Dyk, Master of the Ship Granger

I am duly favoured with [mutilated]
[illegible]ter of yesterday's date, conveying to me the [mutilated]
which His Excellency the Governor, the majority of [mutilated]
most respectable inhabitants of these Colonies, and [mutilated]
Masters of the merchant ships in the port, have [mutilated]
pleased to confer on me, by evincing so flattering a [mutilated]
of my condut, during the period His Majesty's [mutilated]
has detained me on this coast; as well as the muni[mutilated]
manner in which they are desirous of having the[mutilated]
timents recorded.
In the performance of my public duties, it is [mutilated]
highest degree gratifying to me to find my intention[mutilated]
so far succeeded as to have gained the [mutilated]
esteem of His Excellency the Governor, and the [mutilated]
respectable inhabitants of these Colonies; the kind[mutilated]
handsome token of whose approbation I accept with [mutilated]
and pleasure, as a memorial of their regard: [mutilated]
such a token was necessary to recal to my mind the[mutilated]
[mutilated]membrance of the friendly anh hospitable [mutilated]
[mutilated] ever experienced during my stay on this [mutilated]
[mutilated]ve made a deep and lasting impression.
[mutilated] leave the election of the token these G[mutilated]
[mutilated]ous of presenting me, to my choice, I [mutilated]
[mutilated]y dear Sir, by your requesting your [mutilated]
[mutilated] procure for me a good Time-keeper [mutilated]
[mutilated]will be of great professional utility, I shall[mutilated]
[mutilated]you to consult without recurring to the[mutilated]
[mutilated]urs I have passed in the society of De[mutilated]
May I intreat you, my dear Sir, in my name, to express my sincere thanks to His Excellency the Governor and the Gentlemen whose names you have inclosed to me, and to assure them how warmly and anxiously I shall ever wish for their health and prosperity, as well as for those of all the inhabitants of these Colonies.
Allow me now, my dear Sir, to address myself to you individually, and to assure you, that, if any thing could add to the gratification I feel in thus receiving the general expression of the good-will of this whole community, it is the circumstance of these Gentlemen having deputed you (who have honoured me with your intimate friendship, which I so duly appreciate, and which will ever be to me a source of pleasure) to communicate their flattering sense of my conduct.
Accept, my dear Sir, my heartfelt and grateful acknowledgments for all your kind attention to me, and my unfeigned and sincere wishes for every happiness to attend you.
In the hope that we may, ere long, meet in a mor favoured clime,
I remain, my dear Sir"
Your much obliged and faithful friend,
W. H. Smith.
To the Hon. Joseph Beete, Esq.
Plant. Phoenix, Demerary.

By a Gentleman, just arrived from Berbice, we have been favoured with the loan of Barbados Papers to the 31st ult. and which contain London News to the 23d of November - but nothing of importance appears, if we except the following narrative of the Defeat of the Spanish General Blake, by the army under the command of Marshal Suchet:
[Transcriber's note: not transcribed - European news]

Died last night, at his residence in Cumingsburg, Mr. A. T. Browne - Also, a few days since, the Lady of A. I. Van den Heuvel, Esq. - of this Colony.

[Transcriber's note: not found in previous issues]
STOLEN or Strayed, from the House of the Undersigned, on Sunday last - a handsome large BROWN SCOTCH TERRIER; answert to the name of Fox; was brought out by Capt. Dougal, in his former voyage in the Demerary. Whoever will return said Dog, or give information of him, so tht he may be recovered, shall receive a Joe reward on application to
Jan. 7. Alex. Tinne.

STABROEK: [centered]
Printed & published every Tuesday & Saturday Afternoon,
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 18 June 2008   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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