Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1812 February 01

Vol. VII.]


[No. 446.



The Reverend G. Ryk, being obliged to perform his duty in Essequebo, informs the Public that on the three following sundays [sic] no service will be done in the Dutch Reformed Church, in Stabroek.
Feb. 1.

ON Thursday, the 7th of February next, will be publicly sold to the highest bidder, at the King's Warehouse, on the premises of Messrs. Fullerton, Oliverson, & Co. for immediate payment in cash:
73 Whole and 48 half barrels of beef
15 Half barrels of tongues
53 Kegs of butter and lard
46 Barrels of bread
38 Hhds. and 54 boxes of fish;
seized on board the American Ship White-Oak, by Lieutenant Guise, commanding His Majesty's Brig of War Liberty, and sold in pursuance of an order of the Honourable Joseph Beete, Judge-Surrogate of the Court of Vice-Admiralty of this Colony.
Custom-House, Demerary, 28th of January, 1812.
John Forbes, Collector.
John Ashley, Acting Comptroller.

A FRAME, 54 feet long by 34 feet in breadth, 2 1/2 stories high, with a back-wing, 20 feet long by 16 feet wide, and 2 stories high, to rest on a brick wall, and to be of the best green-heart.
A FRAME, 90 feet long by 28 feet wide, to be 10 feet to the plate, one story high, all of green-heart, and to rest on a brick foundation.
TWO FRAMES, each 48 feet long by 16 feet in breadth, the roof to project 5 feet on one side, to form galleries.
Any person willing to supply the above (it being understood, that those who furnish the frames will roof and shingle them, as well as supply the shingles, which must be of the best Wallaba) will please send in offers, of each separately, in writing, to Messrs. Simson, Grant, & Co. in Cumingsburg, on or before the 17th day of February; on which day, the most favourable offers will be accepted, and the person contracting settled with accordingly. In the meantime, any farther particulars may be known, and a plan of the buildings seen by application as above.
Simson, Grant, & Co. will also agree with any person for the finishing the above buildings, as soon as the frames are put up. - Cumingsburg. Jan. 31.

For sale by the Subscribers: [heading]
Poland Oats, in hogsheads
Pilchards, in barrels; ox-tongues
Bristol beer, porter, and cyder
Claret, Port wine, vat-hoops, &c.
Also, [centered]
On board the Ship Pilot, a few thousand bricks and hhds. of lime.
New-Town, Feb. 1. J. H. & N. W. Pollard & Co.

Brig Harmony, from London. [heading]
JUST landed from that vessel, and for sale by the Subscriber, very reasonable for immediate payment:
[first column]
Morton's London brown-stout, in full-quart bottles
Spermaceti candles, fours
Mould candles fours and sixes, with waxed wicks
Fine yellow hard soap
Loaf-sugar five loaves, single and double refined
Fine hyson and gunpowder tea
Olives, capers, sauces, &c.
Hoffman's cherry-brandy
Capilaire, raspberry-vinegar
Fine strong white-wine vinegar in bottles
Gentlemen's pearl-handled pocket combs
Small ivory tooth do.
Dressing cases
Clothes and shoe brushes
Very fine burning oil
Inverness cotton bagging
[second column]
Fine blue India salempores
Fine white do.
Do. India long cloths
Do. chintzes
White and yellow India nankeen
Fine pin-cord dimity
Do. white Marseilles
Musquito-net muslin, striped and plain
Coopers' axes, adzes, double and single jointer-irons, crose-irons, flagging-irons, drawing-knives, jigger-knives, &c.
Knives and forks
Plated spurs
Do. table and tea spoons
Dog whistles
[end columns]
ALSO ON HAND, [centered]
[first column]
Tongues, tripe, beef,
Cordage, 1 to 5 1/2-inches
Nails assorted
4 and 6d brads
Powder and shot
Shoes and boots
Coats, coatees, round-robins,
Waistcoats, trowsers, web
White and yellow nankeen and jean pantaloons
Cotton shirts
Cravats, braces
Tea, sugar
Double block tin dish-covers
[second column]
Do. coffee-pots
Large and small scales with best beams and weights
Large and small best plate chamber swinging glasses
Breakfast and tea China
Buck glasses
Stationery, saddlery
Strong bolts, hinges
Stock locks, and very large strong door locks
Glass and earthen ware
Paints, paint oil, brushes, &c.
[end columns]
ALSO, [centered]
Fish, lumber, ash-oars, chalk, very old rum, fine-flavour, gin, Madeira wine, and a variety of other goods.
Feb. 1. H. O. Seward.

Custom House Sale. [heading]

Also at the same time and place, as the sale advertised in the first page of this Paper, and on the same terms - 40 Horses, 2 Bulls, 2 Oxen, and 2 Cows: likewise seized by Lieut. Guise, commanding His Majesty's Brig of War Liberty, and sold in pursuance of an Order of the Honourable Joseph Beete, Judge-Surrogate of the Court of Vice-Admiralty of this Colony.
John Forbes, Collector,
J. Ashley, Acting Comptroller.
Custom-House, Demerary,
1st Feb. 1812.

Just imported in the Brig Farmer, - 36 Saddle and Draft Horses, which will be sold on moderate terms, by the Subscribers, for immediate payment.
Feb. 1. J. H. Albouy & Co.

The east-half of Plantation Greenfield, without Negroes, situated in the district of Mahaica, next the Estate Orange Nassau, containing near three hundred acres of excellent cotton and plantain land, with a good Dwelling-House, out-buildings, and cistern. There are of the land about two hundred and fifty acres cultivated in good cotton and plantain walks, and the remainder very excellent plantain land.
The terms to an approved purchaser will be made very easy. No money required down, and a long credit given. For further particulars apply, on the premises, to
Feb 1. Edward Austin.

FOUND, by the Undersigned, opposite the Government-House, Sundry Papers; among which are two Goods to a considerable amount, as well as Colonial Money. Whoever can prove property, may have the same restored, by paying for this advertisement, and applying at the Store of M. Jacobs, in Middle-Street.
Feb. 1. B. Jacobs.

Marshals' Office, [heading]
Demerary. [heading]
By authorization obtained, there will be offered for sale, by me, the underwritten First Marshal of the Honourable Court of Justice of this Colony, in presence of two Counsellor-Commissaries and the Secretary, at the Court-House, in the chief town of Stabroek, on Tuesday, the 11th of February next:- [see 18120125EDRG] . . .
[an addition]
3d. In behalf of P. F. Schirmeister, versus J. Arians - a Punt 30 feet by 11 feet, and a Tent-Boat, with rudder and four oars.
Rio Demerary, 24th of January, 1812.
M. Smit,
First Marshal.

DEMERARY. [heading]

This is to inform the
Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony;-

Van het Secretary deezer Colonie word geadverteerd
dat de volgende Persoonen
von voorneemens zyn van hier
na elders te vertrekken, viz;

J. J. Anslow, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from Jan. 2.
R. Deane, do. . . . 2.
D. M'Leay, in 14 days . . . 3.
J. Higgins, in do. or 6 weeks . . . 3.
Mrs. C. Ryan, do. . . . 3.
C. Van Dyk, in 14 days . . . 6.
A. Auld, in do. (or by the Ship Nereid) . 6.
L. Cary, in do. . . . 13.
Mrs. Atkins, and family, in do. or 6 weeks, . 14.
H. Clementson, in do. or do. . . . 16.
Mrs. Clementson, and ones servant, in do. or do. 16.
G. Dickson, in ditto or ditto, . . . 17.
C. Taylor, in 14 days . . . 17.
T. Hoppe, with one servant, in do. or 6 weeks 20.
E. Brush, do. . . . 21.
G. Trotter, in 14 days, or by the Ship Ariadne 21.
Mrs. S. Walcott, in do. or 6 weeks . . . 24.
J. Walcott, in ditto, or ditto . . . 24.
C. de L'Escaille, in do. or do. . . . 28.
C. Edmonstone, in do. or do. . . . 29.
C. Waterton, in do. or do. . . . 29.
M. Glyn, in do. or do. . . . 30.
R. W. Newiell, in do. or do. . . . 31.
Robert Phipps,
Sworn Clerk.

(For the First Time,) [heading]
Between Mr. T. G. Albouy, Batchelor, born in the Island of Bermuda, and Miss F. E. Sampson, Spinster, born in the Island of St. Eustatius; assisted by her Guardian, Mr. James Sampson, and with the consent of her Grandmother.
Any person knowing just cause or impediment why the above Parties should not be joined together in Holy Matrimony must declare the same at the Colonial Secretary's Office. - Demerary, 31st January, 1812.
P. F. Tinne,
Deputy Secretary.

(Voor de Eerste Maal,) [heading]
Alzo den Heer T. G. Albouy, meerderjaarige jongman, gebooren te Bermuda, ter eenre; en Mejuffrouw F. E. Sampson, minderjaarige jong dochter, gebooren te St. Eustatius; geassisteerd met haar Voogd, den Heer James Sampson, en met consent van haar Grootmoeder, ter andere zyde.
Van voorneemens zyn met elkander een Wettig Huwelyk aantegaan, wartoe by op den 23e January l.l. door Heeren Commissarissen uit den Edele Acht. Hove van Justitie in Ondertrouw zyn opgenoomen. Zoo word zulks aan een iegelyk bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geene welke vermeenen zich tegens het voltrekken van dit Huwelyk te kunnen opponeeren, zulks in tyds zoude kunnen doen daar en zo 't behoord.
Actum Secretary van Demerary, 31e January, 1812.
P. F. Tinne,

IN DEMERARY. [heading]

On Wednesday, the 12th of February, will be exposed for sale by Order of Messrs. Wardrop & Ferguson, at their store: - Butter in whole and half firkins, hams, cheese, beer, porter, cyder, Irish linens, sheeting, lawns, cotton shirting, diaper, table cloths, Osnaburghs, checks, salempores, negro cloathing, refined sugar, Port wine, Madeira wine in quarter casks, Malmsey and Sercial in do. Newfoundland fish, and a variety of other articles.
Feb. 1. Robert Kingston.

On Monday, the 17th of February, by order of Mrs. Van der Hoff, at the half-lot No. 65, Stabroek, the following articles, being the property of her deceased husband, F. Van der Hoff, viz. The half-concession or lot No. 65, fronting the Brick-Dam, situated betwixt the lots of Mr. Van Hoytema and the Widow De Jongh, with a building thereon 30 feet by 18, a water stand, a negro woman, named Jenny, and her child William, a chaise and horse, two milch cows, three tables, three sophas, a writing desk, a locket case, a case containing 12 silver spoons, a do. a ladle and 12 silver forks, 12 knives, 6 plated tea-spoons, one trunk with cloath and linen, one do. with glass-ware, a chest of earthen-ware, a tea-tray, a bench with four goblets, a sword, a gold watch and chain, two cotton hammocks, &c.
Feb. 1. Robert Kingston.

IN ESSEQUEBO. [heading]

On the 25th of February, 1812, will be sold, by order of Messrs. Philip Portless & Park Benjamin, q.q. Benjamin Maynard, on Leguan Island, - a dwelling house, situated on part of the Estate Diamond, and 30 acres of land, more or less, of said Estate; a Negro man, named Dick; a few sheep, goats, furniture, &c. &c. and what will further be offered for sale.
Essequebo, January 25, 1812.
B. Hebbelinck,
Deputy Vendue-Master.

The Packet bearing the December Mails for these Colonies, arrived last night, and will sail again about Thursday next. The London Papers by this conveyance, are only to the 21st of that month; and therefore do not contain much novelty. The price of Colonial Produce, we are happy to find still looks upwards; and there is no doubt but the distillation from grain will be almost immediately prohibited. - His Majesty's health was much the same.

The Schooner Jackman, Capt. Merchant, also arrived on Thursday, from Barbados. The Papers of that Island are to the 25th ult.

Married - On the 30th November, Kenneth M'Leay, Esq. of Newmore, (late Deputy Paymaster-General on this station), to Isabella, eldest daughter of John Horne, Esq. of Stircoke.

Vessels Entered and Cleared. [heading]

ENTERED. [heading]
Jan. 24. Brig Tartar, Capt. Simon, from Guernsey.
Sch. Providence, Skell, Grenada.

CLEARED. [heading]
Jan. 24. Brig Union, Darnholt, for Liverpool.
Ship Catharine, Jackson, London.
Mary, Ferguson, Liverpool.
Paragon, Forsyth, Liverpool.

In the Colony-Stocks of Demerary. [heading]



Brought by





Pl. Elizabeth-hall,

Juff. de Wolf,


Bennet (Berbice),



Juff. Doresten,




Pl. Covent Gardens,


Pl. Georgia,

B. Jeffery,


P. Benjamin,

Pl. Loo,





Dctr. Richardson,

Clerk of the Market






Pl. Ruimveld,


S. Deeges,

Pl. Essex,


Phillis Butler,

John Farrows,






Dr. Richardson.


J. McPherson,

Pl. Blygezigt,





Boedel Heathcote


Feb 1. F. STRUNKAY, Scout.

In the Colony Stocks of Essequebo. [heading]



Brought by






H. Pieters.






Negro Jotte.


J. J. Deeges,

J. C. Reuter.

Jan. 31. W. V. D. WAGT, Scout.

STABROEK: [centered]
Printed & published every Tuesday & Saturday Afternoon,
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 18 June 2008   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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