Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1812 February 22

Vol. VII.]


[No. 452.



Wy H. W. BENTINCK, Gouverneur in en over de Colonien en Onderhoorige Districten van Demerary en Essequeb, Vice Admiraal, President in alle Collegien binnen dezelve, &c. &c.
En RAADEN VAN POLITIE over gem. Colonien.
Alle de geene die deeze zullen zien of hooren leezen, Salut, doen t' wooten:

NAADIEN het noodig is de Gouvernements veeder te voorzien van de nodige Fondsen tot
[obscured]aaking der Jaarlyksche onkosten, warmed
[obscured]lve belast is.
[obscured]o is het, dat wy, ingevolge voordragt van den
[obscured]Gouverneur, by dezen uitschryven het Hoofd-
[obscured] over den Jaare 1810, op dezelfde voet als het-
[obscured] over den Jaare 1809, laastelyk is uit geschreven
[obscured]est, te weeten, tegens f 3-10 per hoofd voor ieder
[obscured]kbaare Slaaf of Slavinee boven de twaalf Jaren
[obscured] Jaaren, met verdere bepaaling, agtervolgens
[obscured]aftgestelde systhema nopens de meerdere berekon-
[obscured] voor de Huisslaaven, dat voor ieder Huisslaaf of
[obscured]nne zal worden betaald door die geenen die drie
[obscured]minder zoodanige slaaven of slaavinnen hebben,
[obscured]Guldens per hoofd.
[obscured]Door de [sic] geene, die vier hebben, Tein Guldens per
[obscured]Door die geenen, die vyf hebben, Vyftien Guldens
[obscured] hoofd.
[obscured]Door die geenen, die ses hebben, Twintig Guldens
[obscured]Door die geenen, die zeven hebben, Vyf en twentig
[obscured]dens per hoofd.
[obscured]Die geenen, die agt, hebben, Dertig Guldens per
[obscured]n die geenen, die negen of daarboven hebben,
[obscured]rtig Guldens.
[obscured]Doch zullen van deeze hoogere berekening op
[obscured]ds-Slaaven, bevryd zyn, Planters die op hunne
[obscured]tagien woonen, als mede de Heer Gouverneur
[obscured] een getal van twintig Slaaven, Raaden, Secreta-
[obscured]en, Ontvangers en Vendue Meesters, tot een
[obscured]al van ses Negers, en laagere Amptenaaren, die
[obscured]plicht zyn aan de Hoofdplaatsen te woonen, tot
[obscured] getal van vier Slaaven toe.
[obscured]Dat voorts de Ambagts Lieden voor de Slaaven,
[obscured] zy by hun Ambagt emploijeeren, zullen betaalen
[obscured]ge Slaaf of Slaavinne.
[obscured]Dat de Vrye gecouleurde Meiden zullen hebben
[obscured]tebrengen, ieder voor haar Persoon, Tien Guldens,
[obscured]rwyld de overige Regulatien omtrent de Vrye ge-
[obscured]rdonnantien dien aangaande bepaald is.
[obscured] En ten einde de opgaven tot betaaling dezer Hoofd-
[obscured]lden op eene regelmatige wyze te doen geschieden,
[obscured]hen wy verder bepaald, gelyk wy bepaalen by dezen.
[obscured]Dat een iegelyk Planter in deze Colonie of Rivier-
[obscured], het zy Eigenaar of Administrateur, verplicht
[obscured]l zyn voor den 1¼ Mey 1812, exacte opgave
[obscured]der presentatie van Eede te doen van het generaal
[obscured]tal slaaven over den Jaar 1810, behoorende tot
[obscured]k Plantagie, dewelke hun aankoomende is, of onder
[obscured]nne administratie zich bevindt, verdeeld volgens
[obscured] Lysten, aan den voet deeser Publicatie gedrukt
[obscured] welke verder aan de respective Ontvangers comp-
[obscured]ren in blanco, ter opvulling, te bekoomen zyn.
[obscured] Zullende de Ingezetenen die geen Plantagien be-
[obscured]tten, ofschoon daarop woonende, endezulke, welke
[obscured]et op Plantagien, maar op eenige Grond in deze
[obscured]olonien ofte in de Hoofdplaatzen hun Verblyf
[obscured]uden, mede gehouden zyn onder presentatie van
[obscured]de exacte opgave te doen van hunne slaaven en
[obscured]vinnen, zoo Huis slaaven, Ambachts en andere
[obscured]aven; ten welken einde alsmede door de Inge-
[obscured]etenen in dit gedeelte deezer Ordonnantie bedoeld
[obscured]ystent zullen moeten ingevuld worden agtervolgens
[obscured]t model meede aan den voet deeser Publicatie ge-
[obscured]drukt on aan de Ontvangers Comptoiren te bekoo-
[obscured]en. En zullen voorts dezelve Lysten met de meeste
[obscured]aartrwkeuringheid moeten worden ingevuld, dusdanig
[obscured]dat men duydelyk kan distingueeren het getal der
[obscured]laaven van ieder soort in deze opgaven vermelde,
[obscured] het volle getal van alle slaaven, die zich op iedere
[obscured]Plantagie in den Jaare 1810 bevonden.
[obscured] En zal wyders de belasting der Hoofdgelden over
[obscured]den Jaare 1810 hiervooren omschreeven door ieder
[Transcriber's note: next newspaper column begins]
Ingezeten respectivelyk ter zelve tyd met het doen der opgaaven, ten comptoire der respective Ontvangers, moeten betaald worden voor den 1¼ Mey 1812, alles in Contante Spetien, Wisselbrieven ten genoegen, van den Ontvanger of in Wettige Ordonnantien ten lasten van's Lands of Gouvernements Cas.
Wordende voorts vastgesteld, dat de Ontsangers der Lands Cas, zoo in Essequebo als Demerary tot het aanneemen van deeze Opgaven en Betaalingen zullen moeten vaceeren van heden af, van t' Maandags to Vrydags inclusief van de klokke 9 Uuren voor de middag tot de naa de middags ten 1 Uur, alles op Poena, dat die geenen, welke nalatig zullen zyn hunne Opgaven en Betaalingen, in deezen gerequireerd, binnen de daartoe bepaalde tyd, en zoo en in diervogen, als de Lysten indiqueeren, te doen, daadelyk naa expiratie van de gem: tyd, in des Ontvangers Boeken zullen worden gedebiteerd voor alzulke somma, als door hun aan Hoofdgelden over Jaare 1809 is betaald geweest, met een vierde verhooging of 25 per Cent meerder dan hunne Contributie in gem: Jaar 1809 heest bedraagen, en de zulks alles om tegens de nalatingen by Parate Executie te worden verhaald.
Terwyl voorts die geenen, welke niet de Boeken der Ontvangers bekend mogten staan en gevonden worden nalatig te zyn in hunne Opgaven binnen den bepaald tyd, conform dewet, te doen, immediaat zullen vervallen in eene Boete van f 150, ten voordeele der Gouvernements Cas, onvermindert hunne gehoudenis tot betaaling hunner Hoofdgelden [sic - no period]
Alle zoodaanige Eigenaaren van Plantagien in beide Colonien als welke, ingevolge het 6e Articul van het Reglement nopens Concessien van Gronden, op den 21ste July 1792 door den toenmaaligen Souverein deezer Landen geŠrresteerd, gehouden zyn tot de betaaling van eene Jaarlyksche Recognitie van 3 Stuivers per Akker van hunne vergunde voorgronden, en van 2 Stuivers per Akker van tweede dieptens, worden mitsdeezen opgeroepen en gewaarschuuwd om de alzoo verschuldigde Recognitien voor den 1ste May 1812, ten Comptoire van de respective Ontsangers van S'Konings Kas te komen betaalen, op poene van te vervallen in de poenaliteit by het voorz: Reglement vastgesteld, en om mitsdien, na expiratie van de gemelde yd, terstond gedebiteerd te worden met het dubbelde beloop van hunne agterstallige Recognitien, dewelke by Parate Executie zullen worden [sic - no period]
En op dat niemand van dit alles, in deze Publicatie vervat, eenige Ignorantie voorwende, zal deze worden gepubliceerd geŠssigeerd, met den Druuk geneen gemaakten alomme rongezonden.
Aldus geŠrresteerd in Onze Vergadering, gehouden 1e February, 1812, un gepubliceerde den 18e February, daaraanvolgende.
Ter Ordonnantie van den Hove.
P. F. Tinne, Sects.

TAX DER HOOFDGELDEN OVER Ao 1810. [centered]
Opgaave der Slaaven, van de Plantagie _______________
Werkbaaren . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Van 3 tot 12 Jaaren . . . . . . . . .
Zuigelingen, Malingers en Macroenen
Totaal Slaaven [centerd]
Vrye Meyden . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

TAX DER HOOFDGELDEN OVER Ao 1810. [centered]
Opgaave der Slaaven, behoorende aan _______________
Huis Slaaven . . . . . . . . . . .
Ambachts Slaaven . . . . . . . . .
Werkbaaren . . . . . . . . . . . .
Van 3 tot 12 Jaaren . . . . . . . . .
Zuigelingen, Malingers en Macroenen
Totaal Slaaven [centerd]
Vrye Meyden . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

                  ORPHAN CHAMBER,
                  Demerary, Feb. 21, 1812.
ALL Persons who have given in their claims against the Estate of John Allan, and having been declared by the Honourable Court of Justice to be concurrent-creditors, and, in consequence, entitled to 68 and 1-16 per cent. can receive a second and last dividend of 13 per cent. on applying at the Orphan Chamber.
D. H. Van Nooten,
By Command, President.
F. A. Vernede,

NOTICE. [heading]
THE Promoters of the Address of these Colonies and Berbice to Mr. THOMAS CUMING, in order to convey a testimony of their esteem and regard for him, request a meeting of all the Subscribers, or as many of them as can make it convenient, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon of Thursday, the 27th inst. at the house of Mr. Evan Fraser, in Cumingsburg, for the purpose of appointing a Committee to forward their Address, and to put their intentions into execution.
Any of Mr. Cuming's friends who have not signed the Address, and may be desirous of doing so, are informed, that the same is left at Mr. Fraser's for signature, and that it will be highly gratifying if they will honour the proposed meeting with their presence. - Demerary, Feb. 21, 1812.

TO be sold at THOMAS GREEN's Store, at very reduced prices, the remains of his stock, as under:
[first column]
Brown Hollands
Printed calico
Cotton cambric, 9-8, 5-4, 6-4
Checks, corded dimity
Gingham patches, 7 yd each
Ditto, 9 8, 12 yd. each
Madras handkerchiefs
India jeans
Printed muslins
Cotton platillas
Ditto shirting
Irish Dowlas, sheeting
[second column]
Diaper towelling
Cotton stockings
Jean trowsers, quilted vests
Gentlemen's hats
Tradesmen's ditto
Boots, Ladies' slippers
Brown soap
Trenching-shovels, nails
Mineral paint, in jars
Salt, in tierces
[end columns]
For prompt payment in cash, sugar, rum, cotton, and coffee, at the current prices, or Berbice paper-money. - Feb. 22.

FOR LONDON. [heading]
[sailing ship icon] The Staunch Coppered Brig Success, J. T. Rickets, Master,
Well armed and manned, will positively sail the first springs in April, a running vessel. For Freight or Passage (having most excellent accommodations,) apply to said Master, or
Feb. 22. Wardrop and Ferguson,

THE underwritten Stewards of the last SUBSCRIPTION-BALLS beg leave to request the attendance of those Gentlemen who have subscribed already, as well as those who wish to become subscribers to the NEW SUBSCRIPTION-BALLS, at a Meeting to be held at the Union Coffee-House, on Monday, the 2d of March next, in order to deliberate on such Regulations as on that day, by a majority, will be decided upon.
Feb. 22, 1812. PETER M'GAREL.

NOTICE. [heading]
L. S. Van S'GRAVESANDE and ANTHONY BARKEY, Acting-Commissaries for the District of Charles Town, give his public notice to the proprietors or occupiers thereof, that whereas it now becomes necessary that the roads of said district be cleared of grass and the drains opened - They do hereby request, that all and every proprietor or occupier of lots (agreeable to the regulations of the town,) will be pleased to send, at six o'clock in the morning of Thursday next, the 27th instant, a Negro-shoveller, duly provided with a shovel, hoe, cutlass, and provisions; in order that the gang may be given over to an Overseer, who will attend the said work. - It is therefore made known, that the Commissaries (being duly empowered) will hire such negroes for account of those proprietors of lots as shall appear absent on the morning of the said 27th inst. Wherefore, and in order to avoid disagreeable proceedings, they are desirous the inhabitants of said district will pay due attention to the above notice.
Demerary, Feb. 20.

THE respective Creditors of the Estate of the Honourable F. Kroll, deceased, are requested to meet, at the Union-Coffee-House, on Saturday the 10th of March next, to deliberate and conclude on certain points, to be then laid before the meeting, by the Subscriber, respecting Plantation Sophia.
Those Gentlemen-Creditors, who cannot attend, will be pleased to send Proxies fully empowered to act.
Feb. 22. C. M. Overweg, Q.Q.

ABSENTED himself, a Negro Boy, named William, the property of Mrs. Van Basel. Whoever lodges said negro boy in the Barracks, or delivers him to the undersigned; will be handsomely rewarded. The boy is short, and marked with the small-pox; and was formerly the property of O. J. Laurin, deceased.
Feb. 20. D. H. Van Nooten, q.q.

                  Kingston, Feb. 19, 1812.
THE Proprietors of Lots in the town of Kingston, or their Representatives, are requested to meet at the Dwelling-House of the Honourable I. V. D. Paadevoort, at 10 o'clock precisely, on Monday next, on particular business, to be submitted to their consideration, which cannot be postponed.
G. I. Furnace, [right pointing brace, indicating 'Commissaries.']
H. B. Fraser,

FOR Sale by the Subscribers, in addition to their former assortment:
Cod fish, in 3, 4, 6, and 8 quintal casks
Salmon in tierces and barrels
Herrings in do. Tar in barrels
Mess pork in do. Planters' mess beef in half barrels
Tobacco in hogsheads and barrels
Choice old London particular Madeira wine, in pipes, hogsheads, and quarter-casks, &c.

MARSHAL's OFFICE, [heading]
DEMERARY. [heading]

NOTICE is hereby given to the public, that, by command of His Excellency, the Commissary-Court, which was to have commenced on the 9th day of March next, is postponed until the 13th day of April thereon following: wherefore, the Court of Rolls appointed for the said month of March will not take place until the 13th and 27th day of the aforesaid month of April.
Demerary, February 22, 1812.
Mart. Smit,
First Marshal.

In consequence of the Commissary-Court, which was to have commenced on the 9th day of March next, being postponed until the 13th of April next, notice is hereby given, that the Execution-sale in behalf of Henry Lookey versus Bridge and Harrower, which was to take place on the 10th day of March, according to former advertisements, is also postponed until the second day of the next Session of the said Commissary-Court, namely, the 14th day of April next.
Demerary, February 22, 1812.
Mart. Smit,
First Marshal.

DEMERARY. [heading]

This is to inform the
Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony;-

Van het Secretary deezer Colonie word geadverteerd
dat de volgende Persoonen
von voorneemens zyn van hier
na elders te vertrekken, viz;

H. Higgins, in do. or by the Ship Albion, Feb. 3.
J. H. Cantzlaar, in do. or 6 weeks, . . . 3.
M. R. Embleton, & one servant, in do. or do. 5.
C. I. Robertson, in do. . . . 9.
J. Jones, in do. . . . 12.
J. J. M'Pherson, in do. . . . 13.
J. Innes, and servant, in do. . . . 14.
J. F. Smith, in 14 days . . . 14.
W. Douglas, in do. or by the Ship Thomas, 19.
T. Blake, in do. or 6 weeks . . . 20.
J. Aikin, in 14 days . . . 21.
P. Hamer, and her Son, in do. . . . 21.
Robert Phipps,
Sworn Clerk.

Whereas Donald McNicol, Esq. Captain in the First Battalion of the Royal Regiment, bachelor, born in Scotland, was this day betrothed, before the Hon. the Commissaries of the Court of Justice of this Colony to
Miss Anna Johanna Frislin, spinster, born in this Colony, with the consent of her Mother, Mrs. Anna Van Kerwyk, and her Guardians, C. Vincent and I. M. Spooner, Esqrs.
This is to give Notice, that if any person, or persons, shall have just cause, or reason, to show why the above parties shall not be joined together in Holy Matrimony, they must declare the same at the Secretary's Office of this Colony. By especial licence of His Excellency the Governor, this is the 2d and 3d time of asking.
Given under my hand at the Secretary's Office of this Colony, the 18th Feb. 1812.
P. F. Tinne,
Dep. Sec.

At the request of Mrs. Wolff, notice is hereby given, that all persons having demands against the Estate of her deceased husband, Dr. J. C. Wolff, are requested to render them, properly attested, at the house of Mr. J. Ceurvorst, Werk en Rust; and those indebted to the said estate, are solicited to come forward with payment as early as possible.
Demerary, February 20, 1812.
P. F. Tinne,
Dep. Sec.

At the Commissary-Court in the month of April next ensuing, a Mortgage will be executed by Robert Williamson in favour of Messrs. Bolton & Littledale, of Liverpool, Merchants, on Plantation Glazer's Lust, situated in Little Courabana, Letters of Decree being first obtained from the Honourable Court of Justice.
Demerary, February 22, 1812.
P. F. Tinne,
Dep. Sec.

ESSEQUEBO. [heading]

By order of His Excellency Governor H. W. Bentinck, notice is hereby given, from the Secretary's Office in Essequebo, that the Honourable Court of Justice of said Colony will meet on Monday the 2d of March next; in consequence whereof no Roll or Commissary Court will take place at that time.
Essequebo, February 17, 1812.
J. J. L. Moliere,
Sec. ad intm.

OP last en authorisatie van zyn Excellentie den Heer Gouverneur H. W. Bentinck, wood van weegens 't Secretary deezer Colony bekend gemaakt, dat den Edelen Achtb. Hove van Justitie deezer rivier zal vergaderen op Maandag den 2den Maart aanstaande, ten welken einde de Roll en Commissary vergadering word opgeschort tot nader.
Essquebo, den 17e February, 1812.
J. J. L. Moliere,
Sec. ad intm.

IN DEMERARY. [heading]

On Monday the 24th inst. [see 18120215EDRG] …
Also by Order of Mrs. Smith – a negro man, named Prince.
Feb. 15. Robert Kingston.

On Monday and Tuesday the 2d and 3d of March, by order of Mr. J. W. Robinson, without reserve - The whole of his stock on hand, consisting of a general assortment of dry-goods, too tedious to enumerate; a quantity of old rum, which will be sold to suit purchasers; also a parcel of best Madeira wine, per dozen; together with some very valuable women and house-boys; among the women is a sempstress, warranted to be a proficient in her business.
Feb. 21. Robert Kingston.

On Monday the 9th of March, [see 18120215EDRG for '10th of March'] . . .
[see 18120218EDRG for '10th of March'] . . .
Also by Order of the executor of W. Hooper, dec. - three Negroes, named Jim, Nero, and Soloman, a gold watch, and several other articles.
Feb. 14. Robert Kingston.

There having been no arrival from Europe or America since Tuesday, we have nothing particularly new to announce this day.

It will be doubtless heard with pleasure, that an Address to that indefatigable and worthy Patriot of Demerary, T. Cuming, Esq. (expressive of the esteem and regard of the Inhabitants of these Colonies) is now lying for signatures at the house of Mr. Evan Fraser.

The following Rates of Freightage of Colonial Produce, have been agreed to by the Merchants and Planters of Berbice:





Cotton in round bales,



1/2 per lb.

Ditto in square ditto,




Coffee in bags,



per cwt.

Ditto in casks,




Sugar in casks,




Astronomical Intelligence. - On Thursday the 27th instant, there will be a grand and total Eclipse of the Moon. At the beginning of the eclipse the moon will be vertical, or directly over-head at midnight, in 8 deg. 58 min. north latitude, in longitude 59 deg. 29 min. west from London; which place falls near the Island of Trinidad. At the middle of the eclipse, the moon will be vertical in 8 deg. 41 min. north latitude, and 88 deg. 2 min. west from London, which place is not far from Cape Blanco on the western coast of New Spain in North America. At the end of the eclipse, the moon will be vertical in 8 deg. 25 min. of north latitude, and 116 deg. 35 min. of west longitude from London; which place falls in the Great Southern Ocean, a little to the south of Captain Cliperton's Island. Hence it appears, that the beginning of the this eclipse will be visible to all the northern and southern parts of Europe, and the western parts of Africa; but the end will not be visible in any part of Europe or Africa, except at the Azores and Cape de Verd Islands. The moon will set on the eastern parts of England totally eclipsed, but to the western, it is expected, she will be coming out of total darkness before she sets. The moon will rise eclipsed at the Sandwich and Society Islands; and the end will extend itself as far as the Friendly Islands, and the New Hebrides, New Zealand; all situated in the Great South Sea. This eclipse may very properly be called an American Eclipse, as it will be visible from the beginning to the end in every part of the Continent, and also to all the West India Islands. The progress of the eclipse will be as follows: (apparent time, morning)-






0h. 2m.

3h. 54m. 0s.

3h. 41m. 11s.

Do. of Total Darkness

1h. 8m.

4h. 59m. 30s.

4h. 46m. 41s.


2h. 0m.

5h. 52m. 0s.

5h. 39m.

Total Darkness ends

2h. 53m.

6h. 44m. 30s.

6h. 31m. 41s.

End of Eclipse

3h. 58m.

7h. 50m. 0s.

7h. 57m. 11s.

N.B. The Moon, in this great eclipse, will continue 1h. 45m. totally involved in the Earth's shadow.

It is reported that Napoleon has issued a decree, directing the French astronomers to discover a new star, to be honoured with the title of King of Rome. This decree has produced the utmost confusion among the astronomers, as they can find no new star, and the baby King will have one; and Napoleon will not rescind his decree, as the nurse and nobles who attend His Majesty's cradle have declared, that his babyships's mind is so big, that nothing less than a new star of the first magnitude, for a plaything, will satisfy him. It is proposed by the nobles of his babyship's court to have all his baubles on a large scale, suited to his mind, his station, and parentage. He is to have the earth for a footfall, the Atlantic for a fishing-pond, the cable of "the Royal George" for a line, and the anchor for a hook. His rod is to be cypress, the "mighty tree" of Florida. By way of amusement, he is to hunt mammals in the forests of Siberia, and shoot flying dragons with the celebrated "Queen Elizabeth's Pocket-piece." His birth is annually to be celebrated by a grand military fete, consisting of "the universe in arms." He will, on these occasions, take the command in person, mounted on the tail of a comet, and command, "By kingdomal to the right, wheel! march!" &c. After this review of his "grand army," he will dismount from the comet, and there will be a grand display of fire-works, to consist of several planets to be put up like rockets, from Aetna and Vesuvius, accompanied by "the music of the spheres," by way of a band. - (From an American Paper)


The York, of Belfast, on her passage to Jamaica, was captured, 16 November last, by a French privateer schooner, commanded by Baptist Boniton, and plundered of 5,000 dollars. The York mounted ten 12-pounders; the privateer was armed only with musquetry!


Vessels Entered and Cleared. [heading]

ENTERED. [heading]
Feb. 13. Brig Success, Rickets, from London Madeira.
Ship Juliana, Campbell, Berbice.
14. Ship Henrietta, Watson, Lisbon.
Brig Sophia, Langford, Bristol.
Sch. Regent, Dennis, Newfoundland.
15. Brig May Flower, Lamb, Gibraltar.
18. Ship Argo, Tryon, London.

CLEARED. - None. [heading]

In the Colony-Stocks of Demerary. [heading]



Brought by





Pl. Elizabeth-hall,

Juff. de Wolf,


Bennet (Berbice),



Juff. Doresten,




Pl. Covent Garden,


Pl. Georgia,

B. Jeffery,


P. Benjamin,

Pl. Loo,





Dctr. Richardson,

Clerk of the Market





Phillis Butler,

T. Farriands,



Dr. Richardson.


J. McPherson,

Pl. Blygezigt,


A. Smith,

La Grange.



Pl. Uytvlugt,


Pl. La Conoisence,




Pl. Schoonord,





C. Smit,

Good Verwachting



G. J. Furnace.

Feb 22. F. STRUNKAY, Scout.

In the Colony-Stocks of Essequebo. [heading]



Brought by






H. Pieters.






J. Otto,


J. J. Deeges,



Pl. Grove (Mahaica)


Feb. 10. W. V. D. WAGT, Scout.

STABROEK: [centered]
Printed & published every Tuesday & Saturday Afternoon,
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 18 June 2008   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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