Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1812 March 10

Vol. VII.]


[No. 457.


TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 1812.

                  OFFICE OF ORDNANCE,
                  Demerary, March 10, 1812.
WANTED - SIX CHAIRS, for the use of this Office. Any person willing to supply the same, will please send sealed proposals to the subscriber, which will be opened on Saturday the 14th instant, at 12 o'clock, in presence of the respective Officers, and the lowest offer accepted.
Henry St. Hill,
Ordnance Store-Keeper.

WANTED for the use of Government, the following Cloathing and Provisions:
[first column]
66 Tradesemens' Hats,
44 Ditto Jackets,
44 Russia Sheeting Trowsers,
44 Penniston ditto,
75 Yards of Salemporis,
200 Ditto of Check,
[second column]
36 Pullicat Handkerchiefs,
30 Womens' Penniston Wrappers,
8 Barrels Mess Beef,
8 Ditto of Pork,
And 1 Tierce of Rice.
[end columns]
Tenders for the whole of the above Articles, (endorsed "Tenders for Cloathing and Provisions," will be received at the Government-Secretary's Office, from this date until the 24th instant, and the lowest offer accepted.
J. R. Brandt,
Demerary, March 10. Commissary.

FOR SALE, [heading]
A Dwelling-House and Lot of Land, with a convenient Out-Building; situated No. 60, Stabroek, opposite the House of A. Tinne, Esquire. The whole will be sold on very moderate terms to an approved purchaser. For further particulars apply to P. C. Mickerts, M.D. Stabroek, Brick-Dam.
March 10.

FOR SALE. [heading]
A NEGRO WOMAN, who is a good seamstress, washer, and house-servant; with her Child, a BOY, about two years old. Apply to
March 10. James Jackson.

BEG leave to inform the Public, that they have removed their residence to the Water-Lot, near the Canal Vlissingen: - where House-Frames of the best materials and workmanship, Timber, Saw-Mill-Plank, Staves, Shingles, &c. may be had on the shortest notice; and where Blacksmith's and Cooper's Work will be executed with correctness and dispatch.
[right pointing hand icon] Punts faithfully built. - March 10.

WANTED. [heading]
A Piece of IRON, of the following dimensions: 8 feet 9 inches to 9 feet long, and 5 1/2 inches square. Apply to the Printer.
March 10.

FOR SALE by the Subscribers, at their Stores in Cumingsburg, cheap for good payment.
[first column]
Superfine flour, in barrels
Lamp-oil, in casks and jugs
Dutch terras and Roman cement
Tar, in barrels
[second column]
Spermaceti candles
Tea, in chests and canisters
Black-pepper, in barrels
Newfoundland fish
Lumber, and
Eight white-oak butts, of about 300 gallons each
[end columns]
March 10. Hyndman & Cary.

THE Colonial and Representatives of British Creditors of the Estate of F. Kroll, deceased, are requested to attend a Meeting at the Union-Coffee-House, on Thursday the 12th instant, at 12 o'clock precisely.
William King,
Demerary, John Johnson, q.q.
March 10, 1812. Peter Verbeke.

FOR SALE, by P. Reynard and Co. at their House in Charlestown, lately occupied by Mr. Le Tessier - the Cargo of the Schooner Neptune, from Oronoque; consisting of
39 Mules and a Capital Poney,
All in excellent order.
March 10.

FOR LONDON. [heading]
[sailing ship icon] The Ship John and Thomas, John Wilson, Master,
Has just undergone a thorough repair, is new sheathed, new coppered and copper-fastened - will positively sail in all May, having the greatest part of her cargo engaged. For Freight or Passage apply to the Master at the Store of
March 10. Wardrop & Ferguson.

Brig Harmony, from London. [heading]
LANDED from that vessel, and for sale by the Subscriber, very reasonable for immediate payment:
[first column]
Morton's London brown-stout, in full-quart bottles
Spermaceti candles, fours
Mould candles fours and sixes, with waxed wicks
Fine yellow hard soap
Loaf-sugar five loaves, single and double refined
Fine hyson and gunpowder tea
Olives, capers, sauces, &c.
Hoffman's cherry-brandy
Capilaire, raspberry-vinegar
Fine strong white-wine vinegar in bottles
Gentlemen's pearl-handled pocket combs
Small ivory tooth do.
Dressing cases
Clothes and shoe brushes
Very fine burning-oil
Inverness cotton bagging
[second column]
Fine blue India salempores
Fine white do.
Do. India long cloths
Do. chintzes
White and yellow India nankeen
Fine pin-cord dimity
Ditto white Marseilles
Musqueto-net muslin, striped and plain
Coopers' axes, adzes, double and single, jointer-irons, crose-irons, flagging-irons, drawing-knives, jigger-knives, &c.
Knives and forks
Plated spurs
Ditto table and tea spoons
[end columns]
ALSO ON HAND, [centered]
[first column]
Tongues, tripe, beef,
Cordage, 1 to 5 1/2-inches
Nails assorted
4d. and 6d. brads
Powder and shot
Shoes and boots
Coats, coatees, round-robins,
Waistcoats, trowsers, web
White and yellow nankeen and jean pantaloons
Cotton shirts
Cravats, braces
Tea, sugar
Double block-tin dish-covers
[second column]
Double block-tin coffee pots
Large and small scales with best beams and weights
Large and small best plate chamber swinging-glasses
Breakfast and tea China
Buck glasses
Stationery, saddlery
Strong bolts, hinges
Stock-locks, and very large strong door-locks
Glass and earthen ware
Paints, paint oil, brushes, &c.
[end columns]
Fish, lumber, ash-oars, chalk, very old rum, fine-flavour, gin, Madeira wine, mess beef and pork in barrels and half-barrels, sheet-copper, and a variety of other goods.
ALSO, [centered]
Some very fine young heifers, of a superior breed, and good milkers, (some will shortly calve their first and some their second calves); some Berbice breeding-ewes, and a few young horses.
March 10. H. O. Seward.

DEMERARY. [heading]

This is to inform the
Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony;-

Van het Secretary deezer Colonie word geadverteerd
dat de volgende Persoonen
von voorneemens zyn van hier
na elders te vertrekken, viz;

J. F. Smith, in 14 days . . . from Feb. 14.
W. Douglas, in do. or by the Ship Thomas, 19.
T. Blake, in do. or 6 weeks . . . 20.
J. Aikin, in 14 days . . . 21.
P. Hamer, and her Son, in do. . . . 21.
J. Forsyth, in do. . . . 26.
J. Lyon, and one servant, in do. or one month 26.
B. Jackman, and one servant, in 14 days . . . 28.
T. Frankland, in do. or six weeks . . . 29.
R. Deane, in do. . . . 29.
A. Fullerton, in do. or do. . . . March 4.
J. S. Johnson, in do. or do. . . . 6.
L. Barnes, in 14 days . . . 7.
The black man William Baa, in do. . . . 7.
H. P. Fleischman, in do. . . .
Robert Phipps,
Sworn Clerk.

IN DEMERARY. [heading]

On Monday, the 16th of March, 1812, at the Store of Mr. Thomas Shute. - provisions, groceries, dry goods, hardware, glassware, jewellery, cordage, paints and oil, boat-anchors, Negro-clothing, and (without reserve) a considerable quantity of bottled Madeira wine, of different qualities.
March 10. Robert Kingston.

IN ESSEQUEBO. [heading]

By order of the Governor of the Work-house, Fort-Island, Essequebo, will be sold at Vendue, on the 6th and 7th of April next, the following plank:- Green-heart, Crab-wood, Serwabalie, Suradaby, Daumerie, Cabocaly, and Simaroupa, of different thinknesses [sic]. Likewise, by the Honourable Fiscaal of Essequebo, - a runaway Negro, named Prins, brought on the 7th of August last by H. Pieters, belonging to Fitzkow, of Demerary. And, lastly, by order of the Hon. Board of Orphan-Chamber of this River, - one or more Negroes, a logie, with posts in the ground, situated in front of Plantation Good-Intent, West Coast of this River; also a side-building, intended for Negro-houses, an unfinished hardwood frame, 33 feet by 17 1/2 feet; some vats, tools, &c.: the buildings to be taken away immediately after the sale. Further, by order as above, a piece of land near Sarappapa-Creek, West Bank of this River, cattle, &c.
Also, by order of the Commissaries and Members of the Union-Society, - the billiard-table, balls, cues, &c. and all the furniture belonging to the said Society.
Essequebo, March 8, 1812.
B. Hebbelinck,
Deputy Vendue-Master.

STABROEK: [centered]
Printed & published every Tuesday & Saturday Afternoon,
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 18 June 2008   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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