Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1812 April 07

Vol. VII.]


[No. 465.



Notification. [heading]
His Excellency Governor Bentinck having, in compliance with the commands of His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, signified through the Right Honourable the Earl of Liverpool, resigned the Civil Government of these Colonies, to Major-General Carmichael, Commanding Officer of His Majesty's Troops in the said Colonies; and Major-General Carmichael having, at an Extraordinary Meeting of the Hon. Court of Policy, held on this day, been sworn in as Acting Governor; - this is, by command of the said Court, to publicly notify the same, to the end that all persons within these Colonies may pay due obedience to His Excellency Major-General Carmichael in his said capacity of Acting Governor of these Colonies accordingly.
Court-House, Stabroek, Demerary this 7th day of April 1812
By Command,
P. F. Tinne,
Dep. Sec. of the Court of Policy

Proclamation. [heading]

[first column]
[image of a seal, a circle, with the letters 'L. S.' within]
[second column]
BY a Letter received from the Right Honourable Lord Liverpool, Secretary of State for War and the Colonies, dated Downing-street, Twenty
[end columns]
fifth February, 1812, His Royal Highness the Prince Regent's commands are conveyed to Major-General Carmichael, to assume the Administration of the Civil Government of the Colonies of Demerary and Essequebo: - all Authorities thereof, Civil and Military, are hereby directed to conduct themselves accordingly.
Given under my Hand and Seal-at-Arms, at the Camp-House, this 7th Day of April, 1812, and in the 52d Year of His Majesty's Reign.
H. L. Carmichael.
By Command,
John Carmichael,
Government Secretary.

Proclamation, [heading]
[first column]
[image of a seal, a circle, with the letters 'L. S.' within]
[second column]
By Major-General Hugh Lyle Carmichael, Acting-Governor of the Colonies of Demerary and Essequebo, &c. &c.
[end columns]
WHEREAS I have received instructions from His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, to recal [sic] the proclamation issued on the 25th of May, 1811, and to give every aid to missionaries in the instruction of religion: the proclamation of the above date is hereby recalled, and the following regulations will take place from this date;
First - It is to be understood, that no limitations or restraint can be enforced upon the right of instruction, on particular estates, provided the meetings for this purpose take place upon the estate, and with the consent and approbation of the proprietor and overseer of such estate.
Secondly - As it has been represented, that on Sundays inconvenience might arise from confining the hours of meeting in chapels, or places of general resort, between sun-rise and sunset, the hours of assembling on that day shall be between five in the morning and nine at night. And on the other days the slaves shall be allowed to assemble for the purpose of instruction, or divine worship, between the hours of seven and nine at night, on any neighbouring estate to that to which they belong; provided that such assembly takes place with the permission of the overseer, attorney, or manager, of the slaves, and of the overseer, attorney, or manager, of the estate on which such assembly takes place.
Thirdly - All chapels and places destined for divine worship, or public resort, shall be registered in the Colonial Secretary's Office, and the names of persons officiating in them, shall be made known to the Governor, and the doors of the places shall remain open during the time of public worship or instruction.
Given under my Hand and Seal-at-Arms, at the Camp-House, this 7th Day of April, 1812, and in the 52d Year of His Majesty's Reign.
H. L. Carmichael.
By Command,
John Carmichael,
GOD SAVE THE KING! [centered]

Hyndman and Cary are now landing the Cargo of the American Brig Retrieve - consisting of
Lumber and Fish, [centered]
Flour and Rice, and Crackers in barrels, [centered]
Cyder Vinegar in barrels, [centered]
R. O. Staves and some Small Boats. [centered]
April 7.

FOR SALE, [heading]
Best Cogniac Brandy - proof 25 - at f 16 10 per gal.
Best Holland's Gin . . . . . . . . . 11 0 do.
Best Ship's Rum . . . . . . . . . . . 1 15 do.
Best Madeira Wine . . . . . . . . . . 36 0 per doz.
April 6. G. Lacy and Co.

FOR SALE, [centered]
AT the Store of the Subscribers, the Cargo of the Brig Freeman, Capt. Douglass, from New-London - consisting of
Forty-seven Draft and Saddle Horses, [centered]
Cod Fish in hhd. and boxes, [centered]
Pilot and Ship Bread, [centered]
Red Oak Shooks and Staves, [centered]
Wood Hoops & Onion. [centered]
April 7. J. H. Albouy and Co.

FOR SALE, [heading]
TWO LOTS OF LAND, in Cumingsburgh, Nos. 291 and 292. Very pleasantly situated, being adjacent to the Brick-Road, and where the air cannot be impeded by the buildings on any other lots. Apply to
April 7. John Crossman.

FOR SALE, [heading]
PART of the cargo of the Ship Mary, Capt. Hewes, from Boston, consisting of
Fish and lumber, [centered]
W. O. Shooks, and Wood Hoops, [centered]
Clapboards, Shingles, Tar, and Ship Bread. [centered]
April 7. Lemmex & Fraser.

DEMERARY. [heading]

This is to inform the
Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony;-

Van het Secretary deezer Colonie word geadverteerd
dat de volgende Persoonen
von voorneemens zyn van hier
na elders te vertrekken, viz;

A. Fullerton, in 14 days or 6 weeks from March 4.
J. S. Johnson, in do. or do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.
S. Todd, in do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.
S. Dealey, in do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.
Mrs. Van den Paadevoort, in ditto, . . . . . . . . . 17.
The Hon. Ms. Tinne, in ditto, . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.
Mrs. J. A. Bate, in do. or 6 weeks, . . . . . . . . . 20.
J. J. Muncker, and one servant, in do. . . . . . . 23.
H. Fyes, in 14 days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.
W. Karst, in do. or 6 weeks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.
R. M'Lean, in 14 days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26.
Robert Douglas, Jun. In 14 days or 6 weeks . . 31.
Mrs. Waterton, and her servant, 14 days, April 2.
Philip Tinne, in 14 days or 6 weeks . . . . . . . . . 3.
Robert Phipps,
Sworn Clerk.

IN DEMERARY. [heading]

On Friday next the 10th instant, at the house of Mr. Robert Noonan - all the stock remaining of the late firm of Bryant & Noonan.
April 7. Robert Kingston.

On Monday the 20th instant, will be sold, for immediate payment in cash, by order of Alex. Pitman, Esq. Assistant-Commissary-General, on the premises - the Barracks No. 9 and 10, situated in Camp, as they now stand. To be removed forthwith by the purchaser.
April 7. Robert Kingston.

On Tuesday the 21st inst. at the Vendue Office, by order of Mr. R. W. Alkins, q.q. Mr. J. B. Young, will be sold, a House, on part of Lot No. 25, in North Street, Bridge Town - at three months credit.
Also, by order of Mr. P. Pool, - a Negro Man, named Geluk, and a Woman, named Ninon.
Also, by order of Jean M'Rae, - a Negro Woman, named Carrabella, a complete washer and huckstress.
April 7. Robert Kingston.

On Monday the 5th of October, 1812, will be sold, by Order of Gilbert Robertson, acting executor to the Will of Thomas Warricker, deceased, in compliance with the tenor of the said Will - The Cotton Plantation Bristol, situated on the north side of the Mahaica canal, consisting of 130 acres of land (more or less) planted with full bearing cotton trees, in the best order, together with 42 prime negroes, cotton logie, gin house, dwelling house, store, stable, punt, &c. The buildings are nearly as good as new, having been very lately repaired, at a considerable expence.
The favourable situation and productive powers of the lands bounded by the Mahaica canal are too well known to require any comment.
The plantation and negroes can at any time be seen by applying to the Manager, and terms will be made known on the day of sale.
April 7. Robert Kingston.
[Transcriber's note: see also 18120627EDRG, where this vendue appears advertised again with a paragraph appended at the end and a different posting date.]

His Excellency the Acting-Governor has been pleased to appoint John Carmichael, Esquire, to be Government Secretary.

We have no arrival of importance to announce this day. The Packet will sail for England on Thursday next.

In the British Parliament, on the 24th of January, we find, that Mr. Whitbread - (than whom the sun shines not on an abler legislator, a more disinterested patriot, or a better man!) - remarked, on the subject of America, that "by what he saw in the public papers, the crisis between England and the United States, was approaching: but he was one of those who thought that the calamity of a rupture with them might still be averted." Now, that the man of peace, is, in the eye of Humanity, as undoubtedly the best man, as a rupture with America is an event of which no man can be desirous: we should like to enquire of Mr. Whitbread, in what way can it be averted, if the American Government act upon the advice and with the feeling of the Foreign Committee in House of Representatives? They tell us in their Report, that they have the power of destroying the British trade with even the British colonies, of conquering Canada, and, in short, of nearly annihilating the British, as a commercial nation! - language, surely, that would justify the Government of England, in putting an immediate end to all negociation, and justifing [sic] the tone of determined defiance. That which it might have been resolved to concede, must be withheld, that it may not be supposed it yields to menace and to insult. It is obvious that if America go to war, it is a war entirely of her own choosing. No fresh cause of complaint has been afforded her: may one (the Chesapeake affair) has, it is well known, been removed. Yet almost immediately afterwards, she raises her tone and pretensions, and taking a new ground at once, declares that the Orders in Council are themselves a sufficient justification of war. It is a fact therefore, that if America go to war, we repeat, it will be a war of her own choice. Mr. Whitbread does not say, how he would avert a war - and therefore the subject must be left until the motion on the subject of which he has given notice, comes before the House - conscious, however, we are, that a repeal of the Orders in Council cannot be a measure he would propose for the purpose, as they were issued by the Government of Great Britain, as a just retaliatory measure against the Decrees of France - and from France, in a political point of view, we believe Mr. Whitbread would be the last Briton who would accept a fraternal hug!

A Committee of the Assembly of Jamaica has been appointed to prepare a petition to the British Regent, stating the hardships to which the inhabitants have been reduced, and praying such alleviations as shall place the property of the Colonists on an equal footing with that of their fellow subjects in the parent state.

At a late Meeting of the ship-owners of Kirkaldy, (Scotland), it was unanimously resolved to present a memorial to the British Privy Council, praying their Lordships to refuse granting licences to foreigners to trade with ports from which British ships are excluded; but more especially to prohibit the importation of timber from Norway and the Baltic. The grounds upon which the meeting founded these resolutions, were - 1st, That the colonies can furnish ample supplies of wood for the whole demand of Great Britain and Ireland; and the total freight is realised, in ship-building and shipping interest at home, and the cost paid for in British goods sent out. 2d, Granting licences to foreigners affords them all the advantages of peace, while it enables them to privateer British ships on their passage home. 3d, It places a great deal of British property in the power of the enemy. 4th, It furnishes occupation to 50,000 seamen, ready to be employed against ourselves, whenever it pleases the French Emperor to require their services. 5th, It cost annually an immense sum of money for freight to foreign shipping, and is the principal cause of the drain of the specie, and the depreciation of the foreign exchanges.

In the American House of Representatives, Mr. M'Kee lately offered a resolution of the following import: "Resolved, That the President be requested to cause to be laid before the House such information as may be in his possession, not improper to be communicated, touching any influence that may have been used by any subjects of Great Britain instigating the Indians to hostility with us - any evidence of hostility in the Shawanese Prophet and his adherents anterior to the late conflict of November 7 - the orders vested in Governor Harrison by the United States, under which the expedition was formed; and such other information as it may be in his power and is proper to be communicated, relative to these subjects." On Motion of Mr. Talmadge, Mr. M'Kee amended the resolution, by adding, 'or of any other power (besides Great Britain) that might have instigated the Indians.' - Laid on the table.

A petition has been presented to Congress for leave to import certain negroes from the West Indies.

They write from Philadelphia to Boston, that a letter from France, received in that city, states that Bonaparte has ordered the American sequestered property at St. Sebastians, to be transported to Bayonne, and sold for account of the French Government!

The President of the United States has issued a Proclamation, dated the 7th of February, offering a full pardon to all deserters from the army and navy, who shall surrender themselves within four months.

The following is a more detailed statement of the judgement of the American Court of Inquiry on the subject than, we believe, has yet appeared in any colonial print:
"The Court of Inquiry, authorised and required by precept, issued by the Hon. the Secretary of the Navy of the United States, bearing date July 24, 1811, have, in conformity with the same, minutely examined into every circumstance stated in the letter of John Rodgers, Esq. bearing date, off Sandy Hook, May 23, 1811, and addressed to the Hon. the Secretary of the Navy of the United States, relative to the affair between the United States frigate the President and His Britannic Majesty's ship Little Belt; and having taken all the testimony that could, in any manner or degree, elucidate facts, do, in obedience to the aforesaid precept, state all the facts that have been disclosed.-
1st, It has been proved, to the satisfaction of the Court, that Commodore Rodgers, on perceiving H. B. M. ship the Little Belt to be a ship of war, made every exertion to come up with her before dark.
2d, That the flag of the United States was displayed on board the United States frigate the President, as soon as H. B. M. ship the Little Belt was discovered to be a ship of war, and was kept flying until noon the next day.
3d, That Capt. Bingham acknowledged that the broad pendant of the U. S. frigate the President had been distinguished during the chace from H. B. M. ship the Little Belt.
4th, That no colours were perceived flying on board H. B. M. ship the Little Belt, until she hove-to, and that it was then too dark to distinguish to what nation they belonged.
5th, That Commodore Rodgers hailed H. B. M. ship the Little Belt first.
6th, That Commodore Rodgers' hail was not satisfactorily answered.
7th, That H. B. M. ship the Little Belt fired the first gun.
8th, That the first gun fired by H. B. M. ship the Little Belt was without any previous provocation or justifiable cause.
9th, That the shot fired from H. B. M. ship the Little Belt was returned from the U. S. frigate the President by a single gun.
10th, That the general fire was commenced by H. B. M. ship the Little Belt
11th, That after the firing had continued for four or five minutes, H. B. M. ship the Little Belt ceased firing.
12th, That after H. B. M. ship the Little Belt had ceased firing, and the fire of the U. S. frigate the President had, in about three minutes, recommenced her fire upon the latter.
13th, That the second fire continued about five minutes, when H. B. M. ship Little Belt was totally silenced.
14th, That, in both instances, when the fire of H. B. M. ship was silenced, Commodore Rodgers exerted himself to prevent further injury being done her.
15th, That the U. S. frigate the President was lying-to with lights hoisted during the night after the affair with H. B. M. ship Little Belt.
16th, That Commodore Rodgers proffered aid to the Commander of H. B. M. ship Little Belt the morning after the recounter.
17th, That, in consequence of the fire from H. B. M. ship the Little Belt, one boy was wounded on board the U. S. frigate President, one shot struck her main-mast, another struck her fore-mast, and some of her rigging was cut.
18th, That the letter of Commodore Rodgers, bearing date off Sandy Hook, on the 22d of May last, and addressed to the Hon. the Secretary of the Navy of the United States, is a correct and true statement of the occurrences which took place between the United States frigate the President and H. B. M. ship the Little Belt."

The following is the substance of a Bill reported by Governor Wright for the benefit of American Seamen. The Bill has a preamble, stating that, "Whereas the Treaty of 1794 with Great Britain provided for a firm and inviolable peace, &c. and whereas Great Britain caused many of our seamen to be impressed, &c. be it enacted," &c.
The first section declares, that any person impressing an American seaman, shall be adjudged and held to be a pirate, and shall suffer death whenever taken and tried for the said offence.
The second section authorises any seaman or seamen, whenever any foreign subject shall attempt to impress him, to repel force by force; and if such subject shall be wounded or killed by such seaman or seamen, proof of it being done in so repelling an attempt to impress him, shall be a sufficient justification of the act before any Court in the United States.The third section authorises the President, on information that any citizen or citizens have been impressed, to cause to be seized and detained for rigorous retaliation a similar number of the subjects of the foreign Government impressing the same.
The fourth section authorises an impressed seaman to attache nay sum in the hands of a creditor of any British subject, equal to thirty dollars per month, for as long a period as he may be detained on board a British vessel.
THe fifth section authorised the President to capture by way of reprisal, as many British subjects on the high seas, in the United States, or elsewhere, as there are impressed American seamen in possession of Great Britain, and to exchange the same by cartel, if Great Britain shall think proper.
The sixth section authorises the President to forbid, by Proclamation, any pilot or other person in the United States, from furnishing any supplies, or other aid, to any foreign vessel whose Commander may impress an American seaman; the said pilot or other person, on conviction of the offence, to be fined not exceeding 1000 dollars; and imprisoned not exceeding one year.
The seventh section provides, that after a certain day to be fixed on, the President shall prohibit by proclamation, the landing or unlanding in any port in the United States, of any ship or vessel belonging to any foreign-nation, the Commander of whose public armed vessels shall have captured, or impressed, any American seamen or citizens. No goods can be landed from such ship or vessel: nor any goods put on board the same, to any American port. Such ship or vessel, however, may proceed to any foreign port, or remain laden or idle in any of our ports.

STABROEK: [centered]
Printed & published every Tuesday & Saturday Afternoon,
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 18 June 2008   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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