Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1812 April 11

Vol. VII.]


[No. 466.

[Transcriber's note: the first page, first column and second page, third column of this issue are mutilated by sections cut out from the paper.]


[Transcriber's note: first page, middle column]

J. Carmichael, Esquire, Government-Secretary, intending to leave the Colony, Henry St. Hill, Esquire, is appointed Acting-Secretary during his absence.
April 8.

A Convoy is appointed to sail from this River, for the General Rendezvous, on the 14th instant.
By Command,
L. Van Rossum,
Pres. Sec.
King's House, Demerary, April 14, 1812.

Notice is hereby given, that His Excellency Major-General Carmichael, Acting-Governor, &c. will attend every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, from ten o'clock in the forenoon, until two in the afternoon, at the King's House, in Stabroek, for the dispatch of Public Business in the Civil Department. On matters, however, of a pressing nature, His Excellencymay be applied to at all times.
By Command,
L. Van Rossum,
Pres. Sec.
King's House, Demerary, April 11, 1812.

                  Demerary, April 10, 1812.
CASH WANTED for the following Bills of Exchange, drawn by Joseph Bullock, Esq. Commissary-General, on the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury, London, at Thirty Days' sight:-
No. 2326 . . . . £ 200.
2327 . . . . 200.
2328 . . . . 200.
2329 . . . . 100.
2330 . . . . 100.
----- £ 800 Sterling.
Tenders in triplicate, endorsed, "Tenders for Bills of Exchange," will be received at this Office until Monday the 20th instant, at 9 o'clock in the morning, when they will be opened, and the offer most advantageous to Government accepted.
Alex. Pitman,
Assistant Commissary-General.

PICKED-UP, in front of Plantation Best - a PUNT, with one beam in the middle. The owner may have her by paying for this advertisement, and a reward to the negro who found her. April 8.

ABSENTED himself from the Subscriber, since Sunday the 29th of March, a Mulatto Man, named George Inglis; formerly the property of Mr. Waldron, Taylor. He is well-known about town, and has been frequently seen walking towards the Fort, in the evening. A Joe will be given for apprehending him, and those found harbouring him, after this notice, will be punished with the utmost rigour. J. Gentle.
NB. - If he returns on his own accord he will be forgiven. April 10.

A Meeting of the Creditors of the late Mr. John Foster, is requested on Monday the 27th instant, at the house of the Subscriber.
April 10. Thomas Shute.

NEW FISH, [heading]
Just landing from the Brig Mary & Eliza, from Newfoundland, and for sale by
Chorley and Cook,
April 10. and
J. H. Albouy and Co.

NOTICE. [heading]
ALL those who may have any demands against or are indebted to the Honourable A. Van Ryck de Groot, are hereby requested to give in their account, and pay their respective dues, to J. B. Theyssen, Esq. of Leguan Island, who has been duly qualified by him to arrange and liquidate his accounts. Those concerned are therefore requested to apply for the above purpose solely to said Mr. J. B. Theyssen, at whose residence Mr. Van Ryck de Groot has (until further notice) taken his Domicilium Citandi et Executandi. Essequebo, Fort Island, April 1.
[Transcriber's note: not found in previous issues.]

ALLE den geenen die iets te pretendeeren hebben van ofte verschuldigd zyn aan den Wel Edele Gest. Heer A. Van Ryck de Groot, worden verzogt daar van opgaave en betaaling te doen aan den Wel Edelen Heer J. B. Theyssen, woonagtig op het Leguan Eyland, alhier; dewelke behoorlyk tot den ontsangt van penningen, mitsgaders tot sluyting en veretsening zyner openstaande rekeningen is gequalificeerd. De hier by belang hebbende worden diensvolgens verzogt, ten einde ale vermeld, met den zelven Heer J. B. Theyssen te transigeeren, ten wiens huyze den Heer A. Van Ryck de Groot (tot wederop zeggens toe) desselvs Domicilium Citandi et Executandi heest gekoozen.
Fort Eyland, Essequebo, April 1.
[Transcriber's note: not found in previous issues.]

ABSENTED himself from the Subscriber, a Negro Man, named Billy; about five feet eight inches high. A reward of One Joe will be given to any person who will lodge him in the Colony Barracks, or bring him to the Subscriber.
April 11. John Hall, Junr.

THE Owner of the American Brig Retrieve, offers for sale-
From 2 to 3000 Spanish Dollars,
And from 1 to 2000 Dollars Exchange on Boston.
Also wanted to purchase a few Puncheons RUM. Apply on board the Retrieve, or to
April 11. Hyndman and Cary.

THE Subscribers have received by the Union, Capt. Henry, from Glasgow, the undermentioned articles, which they offer for sale very reasonable for immediate payment only, viz.-
Irish mess beef in half barrels, do. pork in do. butter in firkins, hams, trip, pickled herrings in kegs, potatoes, pearl barly, split pease, pine and Gloucester cheese, porter and table-beer, port wine, loaf sugar, mould candles in boxes of 30 to 40lbs. each, soap in do. fishing-seins, 15 to 25 fathoms, sein twine, cotton bagging, men's dress shoes, do. strong do. with buckles, ladies' Spanish leather slippers, children's morocco pumps, fine and coarse Irish linens, cotton Britannias, cotton cambrics, white jeans, printed calicoes, buff, blue, pink, and purple striped ginghams, Russia sheeting, men's silk hats, boys' beaver do. girls' bonnets, fine pot, foolscap, and letter paper, wafers &c. Nun's thread, fine Welch flannel, twilled Florentine, printed Marseilles waistcoating, men, women, and children's cotton hose, nails assorted 4d. to 30d. coffin-furniture, in full sets, white funeral gloves, men's buckskin, doe, and Woodstock gloves, &c.
April 11. Paul Massiah & Co.

MARSHAL's OFFICE, [heading]
DEMERARY. [heading]

BY Virtue of an Order of His Excellency Governor H. W. Bentinck, bearing date the first day of the present month of April - I, the undersigned First Marshal of this Colony, at the request and instance of J. S. Masse, Fiscal ad interim, R. O. do hereby, by edict, ad valvas curiae, Summon - Jan Dorscher: personally to appear before the Honourable the Court of Criminal and Civil Justice for the Colonies of Demerary and Essequebo, at their session to be holden in the chief town of Stabroek, on the fifteenth day of June next, and following days; in order to hear the demand and conclusion, then to be made by His Honour the Fiscal ad interim, R. O. (in criminal cause), respecting maltreatment of slaves, to answer to the same, and further to be proceeded against according to law, cum expencis.
Demerary, this 10th day of April, 1812.
Mart. Smit,
First Marshal.

DEMERARY. [heading]

This is to inform the
Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony;-

Van het Secretary deezer Colonie word geadverteerd
dat de volgende Persoonen
von voorneemens zyn van hier
na elders te vertrekken, viz;

A. Fullerton, in 14 days or 6 weeks from March 4.
S. Dealey, in do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.
Mrs. Van den Paadevoort, in ditto, . . . . . . . . . 17.
The Hon. Ms. Tinne, in ditto, . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.
Mrs. J. A. Bate, in do. or 6 weeks, . . . . . . . . . 20.
J. J. Muncker, and one servant, in do. . . . . . . 23.
H. Eyes, in 14 days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.
W. Karst, in do. or 6 weeks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.
R. M'Lean, in 14 days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26.
Robert Douglas, Jun. In 14 days or 6 weeks . . 31.
Mrs. Waterton, and her servant, 14 days, April 2.
Philip Tinne, in 14 days or 6 weeks . . . . . . . . . 3.
Duncan McLachlan, in do. or do. . . . . . . . . . . . 7.
James Gover, in 14 days, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.
Henry Frost, in do. or one month, . . . . . . . . . . 9.
H. T. Ferguson, in do. or do. . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.
Chas. Griffith, in 14 days, . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.
Robert Phipps,
Sworn Clerk.

IN DEMERARY. [heading]

FURNITURE, WINE, BOOKS, &c. [heading]

On Wednesday next, the 15th instant, at Government-House, - Household Furniture, consisting of Mahogany dining tables, sideboard, chairs, sofas, glassware, &c. &c. - Bottled Madeira Old Wine, Claret, a collection of Books, among them are the Encyclopedia Britannica, Edinburgh Review, Sir William Jones' Works, Johnson's Dictionary, Robertson's History of America, Annual Register, Burke's Works, Cicero's Orations, Gillie's Greece, Gibbon's Roman Empire, Hume's History of England, Smollet's Continuation, and a variety of other valuable Works.
N. B. The Articles for Sale being numerous, the Vendue will begin exactly at 11 o'clock.
April 11. Robert Kingston.

On Monday the 11th of May, by Order of Mr. John Ryan, for the late firm of C. and J. Ryan, on the premises - all that very valuable Lot and extensive Premises erected thereon, adjoining the American-Stelling; the property of the late C. and J. Ryan. The lease of these premises has been lately renewed for a term of twenty-one years.
For further particulars, and terms of sale, apply at the Vendue Office.
April 11. Robert Kingston.

By the Opossum sloop-of-war, which arrived on Thursday, Barbados Papers have been received to the 31st ult.; the following, however, is the one article we have conceived of importance enough to copy:
"By the arrival of the Elizabeth man of war schooner from St. Thomas, information is received of an action having taken place between the Southampton frigate, Capt. Sir J. L. Yoe [sic - for Yeo], and a ship of war belonging to the Haytian Empire, occasioned by the following circumstance: - The British frigate was cruising off the port of Jaquemel, St. Domingo, and observing the vessel with which she was afterwards engaged, coming from that port, fired a shot to bring her to; this was immediately returned by her oponent [sic] - the fight consequently ensued, and was continued for six hours, during which a most dreadful carnage was made on board the Haytian vessel - she had a complement of 800 men, of whom 400 were killed and wounded before she struck to the Southampton, which also lost a number of men. Sir J. L. Yeo lost a leg in this affair, and his First Lieutenant was dangerously wounded. - It appears that the crew of the vessel taken had, some time previous to this revolted, and carried her from Christophe's squadron to that of his rival Petion, and were therefore afraid of being discovered and sent back to their former Chief - this, it is said, caused them to risk an action. - The Southampton has carried her prize to Jamaica, to which station she belongs."

The Packet, from this River, sailed on Thursday; and among the Passengers we noticed-
John Carmichael, Esquire, Government-Secretary, of this Colony; and C. J. O'Hara, Esquire, late Ordnance-Store-Keeper.

The Union, Capt. Henry, from Glasgow, is also arrived - but she does not bring any intelligence of importance.

in the Colony-Stocks of Demerary. [heading]



Brought by.





Mrs. Van Doresten,



M. Doyle,

Pl. Covent Garden,


Pl. Georgia,

B. Jeffery,



Pl. Cornelia & Ida.


A. Engels,

John Farrows,


Pl. Sarah Johanna,




Pl. Kitty,



J. Barrows,


G. Lacy,

Pl. Repentier



Van der Waater,



Pl. Swanenschuts.

April 11.                  F. STRUNKAY, Scout.

STABROEK: [centered]
Printed & published every Tuesday & Saturday Afternoon,
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 18 June 2008   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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