Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1812 April 25

Vol. VII.]


[No. 470.



                  OFFICE OF ORDNANCE,
                  Demerary, April 25, 1812.
ANY Person willing to supply the Ordnance-Department with such quantity of Whole and Half BRICKS as may, from time to time, be required, and landed at the Ordnance-Yard - will please send in Tenders for the same, addressed to the Subscriber, on or before Tuesday next, at 12 o'clock, when they will be opened in the presence of the respective officers, and the lowest (if approved) accepted.
Henry St. Hill.
Ordnance Store-Keeper.

                  OFFICE OF ORDNANCE,
                  Demerary, April 25, 1812.
CASH WANTED for Bills of Exchange, to be drawn on the principal officers of His Majesty's Ordnance, London, for £ 450 Sterling, at Thirty Days, in sums as low as £ 50 Sterling each. Sealed Tenders for which, endorsed "Tenders for Bills of Exchange," will be received by the Subscriber, till Tuesday next, the 28th instant, at 12 o'clock, when they will be opened in presence of His Excellency the Governor, and the highest offers (if approved) accepted.
Henry St. Hill.
Ordnance Store-Keeper.

St. George's Church. [heading]
NOTICE is hereby given - that, in consequence of the Painter being still at work upon the Church, there will be no Divine Service performed to-morrow. April 25.

FOR SALE, [heading]
Burton Ale and Brown Stout, [heading]
In barrels of three and four dozen each. Enquire of
April 25. Richard Batty.

NOTICE, to all whom it may concern, that the Undersigned is appointed Agent in this colony, for the Management of the Affairs of the Underwriters at Lloyd's, London.
Demerary, April 23. H. O. Seward.

JUST imported from London, and for sale by the Subscriber:
A fashionable assortment of straw bonnets; ditto ladies' morning, half, and full dresses; silk handkerchiefs, ribbons, and corsets.
Also a very extensive and fashionable assortment of jewellery, viz. silver and pearl Regent head-ornaments, pearl ear-rings; ditto bracelets, broaches, and lockets; fashionable Regent silver ear-rings, ditto top and drop ditto, ditto silver ant [sic] beads; sapphire, amethyst, emerald, garnet, topaz, and cornelian, ear-rings, with ornaments to suit; dead-gold ear-rings; amulet crosses and clasps; rich silver and silver-gilt coral and bells; seed coral, and large assorted ditto; cut garnet necklaces, garnets in broaches, ditto mock, and cut black ditto; silver and gold thimbles; rich silver gilt and gold mounted snuff boxes; silver scissar-chains; gold watch hands and keys; silver, ivory, and pearl, handled butter and cheese knives and ladles; double and single framed, gilt, and silver mounted, green and white glass spectacles and goggles; mourning ornaments; tortoise-shell combs, &c. &c.
April 25. C. SHUTE.

GORDON, DUFF, & Co.'s choice old Madeira Wine, just landed from the Ship Diana, and for sale by the Subscriber, in pipes, hhds. and quarter-casks, (also per dozen, at f 40, cash)
ON HAND, [centered]
About 200 dozen of good-quality Madeira, (per Tweed), at f 80 per dozen, cash; Champaigne, Claret, Cyder, Beer, and Porter.
Wanted, one thousand dozen bottles, for which articles, at cash-price, will be given in payment.

THERE are on board the Brig Albion, from Cork, two hundred barrels of Navy Pork, shipped by Dominick Waters, there, and consigned to order, which, if not claimed in ten days, will be landed and stored on account of those concerned. April 25.

RECEIVED by the Ship Belmont, an assortment of very superior damask table-linen, from 6-4ths to 10-20ths, also a few dozens of napkins of the same manufacture, linen huckaback, Russia sheeting, threads, linen platillas and Britannias, seeded muslins, refined sugar, hams, butter, and soap, in half boxes - for sale by
April 25. William Lucas.

ABSENTED from the Subscriber, in Demerary, on the 18th of March, a Negro Woman, named Lucretia, formerly the property of James Anderson, deceased. She is well known on the West Coast of Essequebo, being used to work in a jobbing gang. Any person who will apprehend the said Negro Woman, and deliver her to the Subscriber, on Fort-Island, or to Miss Mercy Ann Hayes, in Demerary, shall receive One Joe Reward.
April 25. Peggy Anderson.

IN the possession of His Excellency Governor Bentinck, "De tweede deel van de Beschryving van Guiana, of de Wilde Kost in Zuid America, &c. &c. by Mr. Jan Jacob Hartsinck."
The person to whom the book belongs may have it on application to the undersigned.
April 25. F. White.

ABSCONDED from the Subscriber, a negro woman, named Franky, well-known about the town and country: a reward of one joe will be given for apprehending her. She was seen, last Saturday, coming ashore from the Pilot-boat, and skulking about the logies in Cumingsburgh. All persons are hereby cautioned against harbouring the said runaway, as the law will be rigidly enforced against any delinquent.
April 25. Frances Stewart.

IMPORTED in the Belmont, and for sale at the store of Messrs. Pollards.
Lancashire hams, rounds of beef, English ox tongues, white canvas, No. 1, 2, 3, and4, coffee bagging, Gentlemen's coats, coatees, pantaloons, and vests, after the latest fashion; stationary, a collection of books, &c.
Also, a few hogsheads of oats, temper-lime, barrels of pilchards, vat hoops, rum, gin, port wine, &c.
April 25.

FOR SALE, OR TO LET, [heading]
A NEW Commodious Dwelling-House, situated in Kingston, next to Mr. Thomas Dunbrack's. Terms will be made easy to an approved purchaser. For particulars enquire of Mr. George Angle, or
April 25. W. F. Dobbrauski, Jun.

IMPORTED by the Subscribers, from Liverpool, per Ship Belmont, Capt. Knubley:
Cork butter, in firkins and half-firkins
Irish mess beef and pork, in half-barrels
Cumberland hams, Gloucester cheese
Double refined sugar, per puncheon or single loaf
Mould candles, 4s. and 6s - soap
Nails, from 4d. to half-crown, including coopers' 8d.
ON HAND, [centered]
First-quality cordage, from 9-thread to 6-inch
Hoes, shovels, cutlasses
Old Madeira Wine, per dozen; and porter.
April 25. Nurse & Troughton.

DEMERARY. [heading]

This is to inform the
Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony;-

Van het Secretary deezer Colonie word geadverteerd
dat de volgende Persoonen
von voorneemens zyn van hier
na elders te vertrekken, viz;

Chas. Griffith, in 14 days, from April . . . . . . . 10.
P. D. W. Cuvelje, ditto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.
George Martin, in 14 days or one month, . . . . . . . 12.
D. N. A. Van Hoytema, in 14 days, . . . . . . . . . . 15.
J. L. C. Brauns, in 14 days . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.
H. Cantzlaar, and one Servant, in a month or 6 weeks 16.
Colin Douglas, in 14 days or 6 weeks, . . . . . . . . 16.
P. M'Arthur, ditto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.
A. Reach, ditto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.
Alex. M'Bain, ditto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.
Secretary's Office, Demerary 25th April, 1812.
Robert Phipps,
Sworn Clerk.

AT the request of Mr. H. Cantzlaar, notice is hereby given, that, at the first Commissary Court, he will give a Transport of the buildings situate on the Concession No. 31, in that part of the front of Vlissingen called Columbus District, together with all his right, title, and interest, in the land of said lot, during the present lease, to Joseph Beete, Jun.; and also, that M. Marx will, at the same time, give a Transport of the Quarter-Concession No. 22, situate on the South-Dam, Stabroek, with the buildings thereon, to him.
Secretary's Office, Demerary, April 25, 1812.
Robert Phipps,
Sworn Clerk.

IN DEMERARY. [heading]

[Transcriber's note: no new or modified Public Vendues]

The arrivals since Tuesday are, the Latona, Capt. Magrath, and the Eliza-Ann, Capt. Ross, from London; the Belmont, Capt. Knubley, from Liverpool; and the Elizabeth, Capt. Crary, from New York. - The London Papers received are to the 10th of March, and those of North-America to the 9th of the same month.

At length the highly respected regiment, the Royals have taken leave of the colony in which they resided upwards of ten years; and, for their excellent conduct during that period, the last return that can be made, is - to wish, as we now do, that, should their King and Country consign them to the field of battle, the palm of victory may ever wave o'er their banners; or if to peaceful quarters, they may continue on to inspire similar respect, and receive similar tokens of gratitude, to what was the case in the Colony of Demerary. The last detachment sailed this morning.

Departed this life, on Tiger Island, Essequebo, on Thursday the 16th instant, in the 61st year of his age, Samuel Eburne, Esq. an old and respectable inhabitant of these Colonies. His skill in physic, which he formerly practised, has been evinced by many; and his integrity and benevolence, and the sensibility of his heart, could rarely be excelled.

JAMAICA. [heading]

We announced, in our Gazette of the 7th instant, that a Committee of the House of Assembly of Jamaica had been appointed to prepare a Petition to the British Regent, in consequence of the present situation of the affairs of that island. The following, therefore, is the substance of it:
It begins by adverting to the state of the coffee trade. - It states, that the exportation of coffee from the country, which, on the average of four years ending the 30th of September, 1791, was 1,603,066 lb. had increased, in the three years terminating the 30th of September, 1808, to 28,500,000 lb. and upwards, which, at the rate of £ 6 per cwt. produced an annual revenue to the cultivators of £ 1,700,000. This prosperity was, however, of short duration; and, in consequence of the French Continental System, and the shutting of the European markets, the proprietors of coffee-plantations were reduced to the greatest distress and misery. The produce of their plantations became of no value, either to sell, barter, or pledge: and, by compelling it to be sent to Great Britain, incurring thereby a new debt for freight and mercantile charges, the ruin was still further increased, the accumulation of coffee being such that there is no hope that the proceeds will ultimately relieve the proprietor. The representation then proceeds to advert to the means of extending the home-market for coffee, and suggests the taking off the duty of excise, and imposing only a small custom; it also suggests the supplying with coffee the army, navy, prisoners of war, and all who receive rations from Government, the continuance of the existing duties on coffee from the conquered and foreign colonies, and the imposing a high protective duty, if not a prohibition, on the production of St. Domingo.
The distresses of the island are not, however, it is stated, confined to the coffee-planters; the growers of cotton, pimento, and the minor staples, are suffering severely from their depreciation.
The sugar-planters, however, it is observed, call more especially for the protection and interference of His Royal Highness, as, if they are overwhelmed, all other classes of the inhabitants must share in their fate. On this part of the subject it is stated, that, from the year 1799, there has been a progressive diminution in the actual money-price of sugar, while that of all articles employed in carrying on the plantations has regularly increased. The cost of raising the sugar, after applying the value of rum, and excluding any allowance whatever for keeping up the capital, is stated
at                  £ 1      1      6 per cwt.
The freight and mercantile charges in
Great Britain            0      16      0
                  1      17      6
The duty, subject to a contingent rise,
but of no diminution            1      7      0
            £      3      4      6
When sugar, therefore, it is observed, sells in Great Britain at 64 s. 6 d. per cwt. the planter is only paid the charges of raising and bringing it there, without a fraction to liquidate the interest of his debt, or defray the expences of his family. If the average price of sugar be below 37 s. 6 d. exclusive of the duty, as was the case in 1808, and as has now become the actual situation again, the planter does not merely cultivate his estate for the benefit of the British Government exclusively, but he also pays for being employed as the bailiff on his own plantation, a contribution to the extent of whatever sum the sugar shall sell for under 37 s. 6 d.
The consequence of this state of affairs, is alleged to be, that estate after estate has passed into the hands of mortgagees and creditors absent from the island, until there are large districts, whole parishes, in which there is not a single proprietor of a sugar plantation resident.
The Representation then proceeds to state, that sugar cannot be brought into the British market for less than 30 s. per cwt.; and observes, that it would not be unreasonable to call for an assessment of duty, leaving this equitable return for capital and labour. If, it proceeds, to observe, from a gross price of 30 s. there be levied a duty of 50 s. let that duty be reduced, at least, as the gross sales are diminished, and the Treasury be contented with 20 s. when the market-price is 60 s. At this last rate, and with the moderate impost, only 2 s. 6 d. per cwt. would remain to the planter, whilst he would pay to the public the whole 20 s. which ought to be raised on the consumer. - "Deplorable, indeed, is the distress which call for this as an alleviation! We hope, however, from the justice of your Royal Highness, that the produce of our fields may be admitted into the markets of our country on the same footing with the productions of home provinder and "with perfect confidence, though in all humility, we claim, as a right, a preference over the corn of aliens and of enemies."
"If it be not thought expedient to employ our [mutilated - paper fold]
clusively in distillation, we hope that they will be [mutilated - paper fold]
on terms of fair equality with grain of native grow[mutilated - paper fold]
resorted to as a substitute for foreign corn, whenever,[mutilated - paper fold]
can supply its place, without evident disadvantage."
It is then observed, that accumulating coffee in the warehouses of Great Britain can be beneficial to no one; but, by a permission, for a limited time, and under reasonable restrictions, to barter for bullion, provisions, or other commodities, which may be lawfully brought into the colony, and to export the coffee in the vessels of any friendly or neutral power, to all ports of America and Europe, where it may be received, some alleviation would be afforded to the miseries of the grower. He might at least be able to procure the fish, salt, and clothing, absolutely necessary for his people.
Being permitted to refine their own sugar, would also, it is stated, afford obvious and great relief.
It is also suggested, that an adequate supply of red and white oak stave cannot, it is believed, be obtained from any other source than the United States of America, and that flour and dry provisions for the army and navy, and inhabitants of the towns, are only to be procured from the same quarter. Formerly, rum was consumed in the United States to the extent of 30,000 puncheons annually; but, during the last three years, the export has been only 5,380 puncheons annually, the Americans preferring their own corn-spirit. - "In payment," is added, "for necessaries with which we cannot dispense, we are allowed to offer nothing that will be received by bullion. A constant drain of our specie is therefore kept up, and the want of a circulating medium considerably aggravates our difficulties. At the out-ports, specie cannot be obtained; and, in the present state of the currency, the Americans will not take bills of exchange on Great Britain at a discount of 20 per cent. After disposing of the cargo for money, they proceed to the Havannah, and lay it out for sugar and coffee, which they would have been glad to have obtained here, in the first instance."
And it is therefore urged, that, to permit neutral and friendly vessels to take away coffee, rum, and sugar, to the value of the cargoes imported, by a fair tarif or book of rates, or under any other reasonable restrictions, would be a considerable alleviation of the difficulties of the country. It would preserve a circulating medium, and enable the poorer planters to procure, by barter, those articles of the first necessity, which, at present, they cannot raise money to purchase.
The Petition concludes with an earnest prayer to His Royal Highness, to direct his Ministers to bring the distresses of the colony under the review of Parliament.

NORTH-AMERICA. [heading]

March 5. [heading]
Mr. Fitch presented a petition from some merchants in Troy, in the state of New-York, praying for liberty to import goods from Liverpool - referred to a Committee of the whole House; to whom has been referred a bill permitting importations, under certain circumstances.

They write from Norfolk, that a rumour had so much prevailed in that place for several days past, that the dispatches lately brought by the Macedonian, for Mr. Foster, had been fraudulently broken open in passing from thence to Washington by mail, that the Post-Master felt it to be his duty to write to the Post-Master of Washington, on the subject. The following is, therefore, the reply of the latter gentleman:-
                  "Post-Office, Washington, Feb. 23.
"Sir - I this morning received your letter of the 20th instant, and was not a little surprised at the purport of it. The circumstances relative to the Packet for Mr. Foster, are fresh in the recollection of two of my clerks as well as myself, and I with pleasure communicate the following particulars, which form a correct statement of that affair.
On the morning when the said packet was received here, Mr. Foster called at the office in person. The packet was laying on the table, full in view, for it was too large to be admitted into the square holes where the letters are deposited. It was in good order, and there was no aperture in the envelope, that could possibly enable us to judge the contents. - Mr. Foster's idea of its containing papers was nothing but conjecture, but so much was he under that impression, that when I gave it into his hands, he observed that he did not think it worth the 39 dollars postage - was doubtful whether he would pay it, and wondered that the British Consul at Norfolk should send it by Mail. I told him that if he would open the packet, and it should appear that it was not legally chargeable with letter postage, I would make the proper deduction. To which he agreed. - The corner was accordingly broken open, and the contents proved to be - Bills of Exchange!!! Mr. F. made some remarks expressive of his indifference about the Bills; supposed however that the letter accompanying the packet, which he said was from the Consul at Norfolk, (and which was handed him a few minutes before by one of the clerks) would explain the intention of them. He then left the office, saying that as the packet was too bulky for him to take, it might be delivered to his servant when he called for the letters by the Eastern Mail, which was accordingly done.
A few days after this, Mr. Foster asked me if I had noticed that the cover of the packet was broken when it arrived here? To which I very readily and truly answered in the negative; reminding him at the same time of his having examined it with uncommon attention, previous to opening it, and observed, that even had it been bursted or been broken open intentionally before, I thought it could not have escaped either his notice or mine. He said, he thought he observed it open at a side or corner? I then asked him if any part of the contents were missing, or if he suspected any thing like fraud or violence? - He (rather lightly as I thought) answered, "No, but wished it had arrived," or "that it was intended to have come to hand before Mr. Morler's departure."

                  Thomas Munroe.
William Newsum, Esq.

For London. [heading]
[sailing ship icon] To sail with the June Convoy, The Ship Latona, M. Magrath, Master,
For Freight or Passage, apply to the Master on board, or
April 25. Owen Kernan, and Co.

in the Colony-Stocks of Demerary. [heading]



Brought by.





Mrs. Van Doresten,



Pl. Georgia,

B. Jeffery,


Pl. Sarah Johanna,




Van der Waater,


Pl. Hambourg,

J. B. Sandiford.



A. M'Millan,


Pl. Bel Air,

T. Finlayson.


Pl. Bel Air,

T. Finlayson.

April 25.                  F. STRUNKAY, Scout.

in the Colony-Stocks of Essequebo. [heading]



Brought by.






Free Negro Jotto.


J. J. Deeges,



D. Dunn,



Pl. Grove (Mahaica)


April 16. W. V. D. WAGT, Scout.

STABROEK: [centered]
Printed & published every Tuesday & Saturday Afternoon,
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 18 June 2008   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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