Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1812 May 30

Vol. VII.]


[No. 480.


SATURDAY, MAY 30, 1812.

[first column]
[image of a seal, a broken circle, with the letters 'L. S.' within]
H. L. Carmichael.
[second column]
By His Excellency Major-General Hugh Lyle Carmichal Acting-Governor and Commander in Chief in and over the Settlements of Demerary and Essequebo, and their Dependencies, &c. &c.
[end columns]
WHEREAS, upon the union of the two Colonies, there will necessarily be an augumentation of business in the Fiscal's Office, I have thought it proper to appoint William Robertson, Esq. Additional Fiscal; who is hereby empowered to act in the United Colony as Second Fiscal, with the same authority, and conformable to instructions in possession of the Hon. J. S. Masse; who, as First Fiscal, will make the usual report to me.
Given under my Hand and Seal-at-Arms, at the King's House, this 27th of May, 1812, and in the 52d Year of His Majesty's Reign.
H. L. Carmichael.
By His Excellency's Command,
Henry St. Hill,
GOD SAVE THE KING! [centered]

[first column]
[image of a seal, a circle, with the letters 'L. S.' within]
H. L. Carmichael.
[second column]
By His Excellency Major-General Hugh Lyle Carmichal Acting-Governor and Commander in Chief in and over the Settlements of Demerary and Essequebo, and their Dependencies, &c. &c.
[end columns]
IN reference to the Notice in yesterday's Gazette, respecting the junction of the Colonies of Demerary and Essequebo, a Committee, composed of the following gentlemen, viz. the Hon. P. Grant and T. Higgins, of the Court of Policy, and the Hon. Thomas Naghten and John Johnson, of the Court of Justice, assisted by William Robertson, Esq. Second Fiscal, will, on the 1st of June next, receive from the former respective Officers of Essequebo all Public Properties and Documents relating thereto, and take such measures as may appear to them best calculated to carry into effect the commands of His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, in conformity to the powers and instructions granted to them by a commission under my sign-manuel [sic].
All persons having held Official Situation in that Colony are required to attend the Commissioners at Fort-Island, and give every facility in forwarding this service.
Given under my Hand and Seal-at-Arms, at the King's House, this 27th day of May, 1812, and in the 52d Year of His Majesty's Reign.
H. L. Carmichael.
By His Excellency's Command,
Henry St. Hill,
GOD SAVE THE KING! [centered]

                  George-Town, May 30, 1812.
A GREAT part of the Subscription given in honour of His Excellency Governor Bentinck has been received, and will be remitted in a few days. The respect due to such an engagement of itself insures payment of the remainder; but, as the Committee are desirous to send forward the whole immediately, and at once, if practicable, the Undersigned has been requested to intimate, the Undersigned has been requested to intimate the same to the Gentlemen interested, that the sums given may be paid with as little delay as possible.
The following is a list of tose who have already paid:
[first column]

Joseph Beete, sen.

f 220

A. Backer


A. Z.


Baron Grovestin


David Cornfoot


Robert Bell


Alexander Macrae


J. S. Masse


James Robertson


Lachlan Cuming


Robert Phipps




Carried up

f 1540

[second column]

J. R. Brandt


Isaac V. D. Heuvel


Charles Edmonstone


Archibald Edmonstone


Charles Vincent


Dr. Hancock


C. N. Bollers


J. V. D. Haas


J. C. Brandes





f 2480

James Robertson,

                  Demerary, May 30, 1812.
CASH WANTED for the following Bills of Exchange, drawn by Joseph Bullock, Esq Commissary General, on the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury, London, at Thirty Days' sight:
[first column]
No. 2395 . . . 250
2396 250
2397 200
2398 200
[second column]
No. 2399 150
2400 150
2401 150
2402 150
[end columns]
Sealed Tenders in triplicate, marked "Tenders for Bills of Exchange," to be sent to this Office until 10 o'clock in the morning of Thursday, the 4th of June, when they wil be opened, and the proposal most eligible for the public will be accepted.
Alex. Pitman,

NOTICE is hereby given, that if the Two Hundred Barrels of Navy Pork, shipped by Dominick Waters, of Cork, on-board the Brig Albion, advertised on the 24th of April, and since landed at the Stores of Mr. William Good, are not claimed within fourteen days from date, they will be sold at Public Vendue, to pay freight, storage, &c.
May 30. D. Crake.

SEVERAL very fine seasoned HORSES, both for Saddle and Draft, to be disposed of reasonable, the owner having no further use for them. Enquire of the Printer. May 30.

FOR SALE, [heading]
NEWFOUNDLAND Cod-Fish, in 8, 6, 4, and 3 quintal casks, for which coffee, timber, or wallaba-shingles will be taken in payment; also a negro, who is qualified to wait on a gentleman, and who understands the taylor's business, for whom the same kind of payment will be taken.
Also best Irish Mess-Pork, f 80 Cash.
Bridge-Town, May 30. Henry Austin.

To be killed, on Tuesday Morning, at the Market, a remarkably fine GREEN TURTLE, and to be sold at f 1 5 per lb. May 30.

50 BALES OF COTTON [heading]
FOR SALE, from Plantation Cottage, payable in Cash, on delivery, for which Tenders will be received by the Undersigned, at the Counting-House of Fullerton, Oliverson, & Co. until 2 o'clock on Monday, June the 8th, when they will be opened in the presence of such persons as choose to attend, and the highest offer, if approved, accepted.
John Hopkinson, [right pointing brace, indicating 'Sequestrators.']
May 28. John Oliverson,

THE Domicilium of the Undersigned is at the house of Mr. R. Young, Cumingsburg; where he offers for sale, on very reasonable terms for immediate payment, a House-Frame of greenheart, 40 feet long, 24 feet wide, and 1 1/2 stories high.
May 10 [sic]. Colin Young.

BUYING COTTON; [heading]
CASH will be given for 50 Bales, of good quality. Apply to
Peter Rose, or
May 30. John Croal.

THE Subscribers have imported, per Ship Spectator, from London, and offer for sale:
Double-refined sugar, hyson tea, hams, cheese, boots, ancle, half-dress; and dress shoes; ladies' slippers; chaise-harness, saddles, bridles, snaffles with nose bands, spare girths, chaise and horse whips, curry-combs and brushes; shoe, paint, furniture, scrubbing, and hair, brushes; hand-brooms, swords and dirks, waist-belts, gold epaulets, silk sashes, sword-knots, puncheon truss-hoops, corn-mill with fly-wheels, coffee-mills, sugar-hatchets, sets of knives and forks with carvers and steels, plated cruet-stands, ditto shade-snuffers, graters, trays, sugar-cane, musket and fowling-piece flint, coarse and fine gunpowder, shot, white-lead, paint-oil, Indians' pressed wood handle knives, combs, looking-glasses, fishing-hooks, round-eye axes, felling ditto, carpenters' adzes, hoes, nails, spikes, puncheon and vat rivets, mill-clinchers, stock-locks, brass chamber-door locks, iron ditto ditto, padlocks, dripping and frying pans, iron fish and soup kettles, ditto stew and sauce pans, ditto tea-kettles, farrier's rasps, hand-saw files, whip and cross-cut saw ditto, chalk-lines, gimblets, Turkey oil-stones, pump nails and tacks, lanterns, window-bolts, stay-bars and staples, plated and gilt buttons, small pier-glasses.
May 30. A. Carron & Co.

MR. ANDREW ROSE having occasion to go to England for a short time, on particular business, respectfully requests, that those who have claims against him, will have the goodness to render them within three or four weeks, that they may be settled on or befor the expiration of that period. He will sell an excellent chaise-horse, (equally good in the saddle), a capital quiet riding-mule, well known in town, with saddle and double bridle, as good as new; also a few negroes. May 30.

THE Undersigned having been admitted to practice as an Attorney-at-Law at the Bar of the Hon. Court of Justice of this Colony, informs his Friends and the Public that his Office is at the house of Mrs. Ravenscroft, near Messrs. M'Inroy, Sandbach, & Co. and that he will pay the strictest attention to any business committed to his charge.
May 30. Robert Phipps.

[sailing ship icon - heading]
MAHAICONY, [heading]
Will sail for the above Islands early in the ensuing week.
Apply to [centered]
May 30. Wardrop & Ferguson.

THE Public is hereby informed, that Mr. L. A. J. Phillipart is no longer Attorney for the Subscriber.
Essequebo, May 29. Joseph Cook.

DEMERARY. [heading]

This is to inform the
Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony;-

Van het Secretary deezer Colonie word geadverteerd
dat de volgende Persoonen
von voorneemens zyn van hier
na elders te vertrekken, viz;

Gabriel James, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from May 9.
G. M. Forbes, in do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.
Thomas S. M'Ewen, in 14 days, or by the Ship
      Belmont . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.
James Jamison, in do. or by the Ship Diana . . . . . 11.
Henry Frost, in 14 days or 6 weeks . . . . . . . . . 12.
D. Dominick Ghio, in do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.
The Hon. T. Higgins, in do. . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.
Franchine de Brulon, in do. in 14 days or 6 wks from May 14.
G. Van der Haas, in do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.
Donald Morrison, in do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.
Henry M. Mathews, in do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.
George Montauroux, in do. or 6 weeks . . . . . . . . 16.
Robert Patterson and Family, in 14 days
or one month . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.
Thomas Mason, in 14 days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.
Joseph Hill, in do. or 6 weeks . . . . . . . . . . . 22.
George Hayes, in 14 days or one month . . . . . . . 23.
P. Sythoff, and family, in 14 days or 6 weeks . . . 23.
P. L. Soret, in do. or do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26.
The free Julie Danayde, in do. or do. . . . . . . . 26.
Thomas Crauford, in do. or do. . . . . . . . . . . . 26.
John Douglas, in do. or 3 weeks, . . . . . . . . . . 27.
Rebecca Christy, in do. or do. . . . . . . . . . . . 30.
Secretary's Office, Demerary, May 30, 1812.
Charles Wilday,
Sworn Clerk.

[Transcriber's note: see also 18120602EDRG, where the surname 'Dalton' changes to 'Dutton']
BETWEEN Edward Henry Dalton, bachelor, born in England, and Miss Johanna Thomas, spinster, born in Grenada.
Any person knowing any just caus or impediment why the above parties should not be joined together in holy matrimony, must declare the same at the Colonial Secretary's Office.
Demerary, May 29, 1812.
Charles Wilday,
Sworn Clerk.

IN DEMERARY. [heading]

On Saturday the 6th of June, at the Vendue Office, by order of Messrs. Fullerton, Oliverson, & Co. - Fifty barrels of beef, furniture, &c.
May 30. Robert Kingston.

On Monday the 8th of June, [see 18120516EDRG] . . .
Also, by order of Sarah Barry - two mulatto women, one a good seamstress, and the other an excellent pastry-cook and washer:- Also a lot of land No. 86, in Cumingsburgh, with a house thereon.
May 16. Robert Kingston.

On Friday the 12th of June, at the Vendue Office, [see 18120523EDRG] . . .
Also on the same day, by order of Doctor Benjamin Thomas, q.q. the Estate of J. B. Spooner - Two negro men, named Demerary and Peter.
On the same day, at the Vendue Office, by order of Adam Smith, q.q. - twenty prime Negroes, including a boat-captain, some carpenters, sawyers, and very superior field men and women.
May 23. Robert Kingston.

On Monday the 15th of June, at the Vendue Office, by order of Mr. R. W. Allkins - A House on part of Lot No. 25, in North-Street, at three months credit.
Also at the same time, by order of Messrs. Thomas Mewburn and Evan Fraser, Trustees to the Estate of John Campbell, deceased - All the outstanding debts due to that Estate, as per list to be published on Tuesday next.
May 30. Robert Kingston.
[Transcriber's note: posting date changes to June 6 in 18120609EDRG]

On Tuesday the 23d of June, at the Vendue OFfice - Six Pipes very Old Madeira Wine.
May 30. Robert Kingston.
[Transcriber's note: this Vendue is expanded in 18120606EDRG]

On Wednesday the 15th of July next on the premises, by order of Mr. Isaac Hadfield - The unexpired part of the lease (being nearly 19 years) of the Lot No. 30, in the Columbian District, with all the buildings thereon, viz. - a dwelling-house, built entirely of hard-wood, 35 feet square, and two stories high, with suitable out-buildings, which can be viewed at any time previous to the sale; some valuable carpenter, wood-cutter, and house, negroes; a variety of furniture, mostly new, and made of colony-wood, consisting of bedsteads, sideboard, sophas, tables of various descriptions, cardevines, &c. a quantity of joiners' and turners' tools, together with an excellent turning lathe.
Also a piece of land nearly opposite the third island, through which the Madewiny Creek runs, rendering it a valuable acquisition to a sugar estate requiring fuel; and part of it having been under cultivation, would answer well as a pasture estate. - The faade thereof is about 100 roods, bounded on the lower side by the land of C. De Beausobre. Terms of payment, six months.
May 30. Robert Kingston.

His Excellency the Acting-Governor will have the pleasure of receiving on His Majesty's Birth-Day, the 4th of June, all Officers, Civil and Military, and such Gentlemen as may think proper to present themselves at the King's House, after 1 o'clock p.m. in commemoration of that happy event.
King's House, George-Town, Demerary, May 30, 1812.
By Command,
Henry St. Hill,

The arrivals, since Tuesday, are the Ship Camilla, Capt. Lyon; and the Schooner John Duncan, Capt. Barrie; both from Barbados.

Additional Ship-News. - The Mary, Capt. Laughton; the Hannah, Capt. Pert; and the Proselyte, Capt. Barton; late from this River, have arrived at their place of destination.

We understand that great accommodation and advantage will arise to these Colonies in consequence of the establishment of Mail-Boats, which will not only keep alive a regular correspondence with Barbados, but accelerate the receipt of our letters and intelligence by the Surinam Packet, seven or eight days.



Free Coloured.










May 3. Van Buuren, on Pl. Elizabeth.
12. Francis, son of the Indian woman Charlotte, on Pl. Elizabeth.
14. J. F. Buyn, LL.D. on Pl. Le Resouvenir.
16. Mrs. Johanna Catharina Bellot, wife of John Waddell, Esq. in Cumingsburg.
19. H. Cruits, Overseer on Pl. L'Oratoire.
J. G. Francke, Manager on Pl. Jonge Rachel.
21. Dr. William Bostock, on Pl. Arno's Vale.
The above are reported agreeable to the Resolution of the Hon. Court of Policy, of the 26th of April, 1812.

AMERICA. [heading]

The following is a copy of the Act laying an Embargo on all ships and vessels in the ports and harbours of the United States, for a limited time:
"Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That an embargo be, and hereby is, laid, for the terms of ninety days from and after the passing of this Act, on all ships and vessels in the ports and places within the limits and jurisdiction of the United State, cleared and not cleared, bound to any foreign port or place, and that no clearance be furnished to any ship or vessel bound to such foreign port or place, except vessels in ballast, with the consent of the President of the United States; and that the President be authorised to give such instructions to the officers of the revenue and of the navy and revenue cutters of the United States, as shall appear best adapted for carrying the same into full effect, provided that nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent the departure of any foreign ship or vessel, either in ballast or with the goods, wares, and merchandise, on board of such foreign ship or vessel, when notified of this Act.
Sect. 2. And be it further enacted, That, during the continuance of this Act, no registered or sea-letter vessel shall be allowed to depart from any one port of the United States to any other within the same, unless the master, owner, consignee, or factor, of such vessel, shall first give bond with one or more sureties to the Collector of the district from which she is bound to depart, in a sum double the value of the vessel and cargo, conditioned, that the goods, wares, or merchandise, with which she shall be laden, shall be relanded in some port of the United States.
Sect. 3. And be it further enacted, That if any ship or vessel shall, during the continuance of this Act, depart from any part of the United States without clearance or permit, or if any ship or vessel shall, contrary to this Act, proceed to a foreign port or place, or trade with or put on board of any other ship or vessel any goods, wares, and merchandise, of foreign or domestic growth or manufacture, such ships or vessels, goods, wares, and merchandise, shall be wholly forfeited; and if the same shall not be seized, the owner or owners, agent, freighter, or factors, of any such ship or vessel, shall for every such offence forfeit and pay a sum equal to double the value of the ship or vessel and cargo, and shall never thereafter be allowed a credit for duties on any goods, wares, or merchandise, imported by him or them into any of the ports of the United States; and the master or commander of such ship or vessel, as well as all other persons who shall knowingly be concerned in such prohibited foreign voyage, shall each respectively forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding 20,000 nor less than 1,000 dollars for every such offence, whether the vessel be seized and condemned or not; and the oath or affirmation of any master or commander knowingly offending against the provisions of this Section, shall ever thereafter be inadmissible before any of the Collectors of the Customs of the United States.
Sect. 4. And be it further enacted, That all penalties and forfeitures arising under or incured [sic] by virtue of this Act, may be sued for, prosecuted, and recovered, with costs of suit, by action of debt, in the name of the United States of America, or by indictment or information in any Court having competent jurisdiction to try the same; and shall be ditributed and accounted for in the same manner prescribed by the Act intitled "An Act to regulate the collection of duties on imports and tonnage," passed on the 2d day of March, 1799; and such penalties may be examined, mitigated, or remitted, in like manner and under like conditions, regulations, and restrictions, as are prescribed, authorised, and directed, by the Act intituled "An Act to provide for mitigating or remitting the forfeitures, penalties, and disabilities, accruing in certain cases therein mentioned," passed on the third day of March 17 1797, and made perpetual by an Act passed on the 11th day of February, 1800: Provided that all penalties and forfeitures which shall have been incurred by virtue of this Act, previous to the expiration thereof, may and shall hereafter be recovered and distributed in like manner as if this Act had continued in full force and virtue. - Approved, James Madison."

BARBADOS [heading]

A well-informed gentleman in America writes to a most respectable mercantile house in this island, that he had, that day (April 7) received a letter from Mr. Foster, stating to him the probability of an embargo for a limited time, but that he (Mr. F.) did not consider it a war-measure; and added, that some unpleasant intelligence from France was the cause of its being enforced. This correspondent further observes, "I have written to you by another opportunity, in the hope that you will receive one of my letters, in order to remove any conjecture of a war between this country and Great Britain."

By a late arrival from Dominica, we are informed, that they did not experience any of the darkness or fall of the volcanic substance that so awfuly afflicted this island on the 1st of May; but on the night preceding [sic], the sound of cannon was so distinctly heard there, as to occasion great suspicion that an enemy was off the coast; in consequence of which an alarm was raised, the regulars were all placed under arms, the militia called out upon duty, and the vessel giving this account was dispatched hither with letters to the Commanders in Chief of the Army and Navy on this station, with the intelligence.

Considerable relief as to provisions, has been sent to the sufferers in the island of St. Vincent.

For Liverpool. [heading]
[sailing ship icon] The Ship Camilla, A. Lyon, Master,
Will positively sail the 12th of June. For Freight or Passage apply to the Master, or
May 29. Fullerton, Oliverson, & Co.


Monthly Return of Vessels cleared. [heading]



Ship Fame,






Ship Caledonia,






Brig Thomas,






Sch. Joseph,






Sch. Gov Bentinck,






Ship Aurora,



Port Glasgow.



Brig Retrieve,






Brig Park,



New London.



Sch. Neptune,






Sloop Blackbird,






Ship Nereide,






Ship Admiral Colpoys,






Ship Fanny,






Ship Argo,




in the Colony-Stocks of Demerary. [heading]



Brought by.


Mrs. Van Doresten,






W. Roach,



J. Bergh,

Pl. Young Rachel.


Pl. Soesdyk,

Pl. Poolman.



Pl. Kaywary.


Mr. Samms,


Jack Liar,

F. Yates,

Pl. Parika.


W. Keith,

R. S. Turton.


Pl. Musquito Hall,



E. J. Henery,

Pl. La Penitence.

And in the Stocks of Essequebo. [centered]



Free Negro Jotto,


Pl. Grove(Mahaica)



D. Dunn,




Pl. Vilvoorden,

May 30.                  F. STRUNKAY, Scout.
[Transcriber's note: dual language (English/Dutch ended with the 18120523 issue]

GEORGE-TOWN: [centered]
Printed & published every Tuesday & Saturday Afternoon,
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 18 June 2008   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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