Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1812 June 23

Vol. VII.]


[No. 486.


TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 1812.

THE Subscribers have for sale, the following assortment of Merchandize:
Hoes, cutlasses, shovels and grindstones; cotton pruning knives and gin cranks; cotton bagging and temper lime; cordage assorted, from 1 to 7 inch; small boats, with rudders and tillers; large and small anchors; cambooses, suits of colours, and pumps, for colony-schooners; mast-hoops, blocks, gib-hanks, and dead eyes; sein and sewing twine; seins, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 fathom, with bag in centre; mill-wedges; steel plates and capooses; copper skimmers and ladles; boiling-house lamps; fowling pieces, gunpowder, shot and shot-belts; brass cover plate locks; double and single padlocks; mooring chains and ship screws; iron pots, corn mills and grating bars; bar and steel iron; Buck axes; brass vat and wine cocks; pump leather and tacks; nails assorted; hooks and hinges; stay bars and staples; sash pullies and weights; butter, in whole and half firkins; mess beef and pork; beer and porter, in hogsheads; bottled port wine; Madeira wine, in pipes, hogsheads and quarter-casks; negro hats, jackets, wrappers and caps; Duck frocks, Oznaburghs, &c.
June 23. H. Mackenzie & Co.

Dutch Reformed Church. [heading]
THE Reverend G. RYK being called by duty to Essequebo, no Divine Service will be performed on Sunday next. June 23.

FOR SALE - a few thousand feet of CRAB-WOOD FLOORING BOARDS.
June 23. H. O. SEWARD.

TO HIRE - Any Gentleman wanting a good House-Boy, and who is also an excellent cook, and ostler - and otherwise a well-disposed servant; may hear of one at the Royal Gazette Office.
June 23

FOR SALE, [heading]
An excellent Saddle-Horse. [centered]
Enquire at the Printing-Office. [centered]
[Transcriber's note: no posting date.]

PAMPHLETS, [heading]
[Transcriber's note: all text centered]
&c. &c.
Printed and sold at the Royal Gazette Office.

Printed in English and Dutch.
Price Eleven Guilders.
Every Man his own Lawyer!
The Manner of Proceeding in the Courts of Demerary.

Price Eleven Guilders,
The Tropical AEsculapia!
A Compendium of Popular Instructions for the
management of some of the most prevalent
Diseases of this Climate.

Price One Guilder.
Clerical Eloquence!
Exemplified in Ryk's Oration on laying the Founda-
tion of the Dutch Church in this Colony.
The last-mentioned Pamphlet may be had also in Dutch. - f 1.

Price Six Guilders.
The Colonial Itinerary;
A List of the Plantations of this Colony, the Names
of the Proprietors, Number of Slaves, &c.
N.B. - An Almanack for the Present Year will be given with
this Pamphlet.

Blank Bills of Lading and Exchange - Blank Coffee
Certificates - Sheet Almanacks for 1812 -
Block-House-Signals on Cards, &c.

[first column]
4, 5, and 6 quire Journals
1 and 2 quire books, plain and ruled,
Pocket journals
Do. memorandum books,
Clasp receipt books,
[second column]
Wafers, wax, red tape,
Black lead pencils,
Red and black ink powder,
Rulers and wafer seals,
Blotting paper,
Ink, &c.
[end columns]

                  OFFICE OF ORDNANCE,
                  Demerary, June 22, 1812.
ANY Person willing to supply the Ordnance Department in this colony, with such quantities of Best POLAND OATS, from time to time as may be required for Six Months - will please send sealed tenders to this Office until Thursday the 25th instant.
Henry St. Hill,

THE Subscriber having some very pressing demands against him, earnestly requests those indebted to him to come forward immediately with payment of their respective accounts and notes-of-hand, as he will be under the painful necessity of recovering those out-standing, on the 1st proximo, by coercive measures. He informs his friends and the public, that he still carries on the Boot and Shoe-making Business as heretofore, but that nothing can in future be delivered without being previously paid for. John Arnot.
NB. Some excellent Sole-Leather for Sale.
June 23.

A Set of Circular Saws (to be sold) with all the apparatus, and under the first cost; as the owner has not time at present to set them to work. - They are of the best materials and workmanship of London; and payment of them will be taken in lumber or shingles, or any thing else wanted on the proprietor's estate. Apply at Messrs. Wardrop and Ferguson's. June 23.

Public-Offices [heading]


This is to inform the
Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony;-

Van het Secretary deezer Colonie word geadverteerd
dat de volgende Persoonen
von voorneemens zyn van hier
na elders te vertrekken, viz;

William Mackenzie, in one month, or in [right pointing brace]
the Brig Penelope, . . . from June 5.
Robert Trotman, in 14 days or 6 weeks, . . . . . . . 5.
Charlotte Gowdy, with 5 servants, in do. . . . . . . 5.
Andrew Rose, in 14 days, or one month . . . . . . . . 6.
Francis Granes, in 14 days or 6 weeks . . . . . . . . 6.
Jonathan Hawkesworth, in do. or one month . . . . . . 8.
E. Fraser, in do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.
Jesse Furnace, and family, in do. or 6 weeks . . . . 11.
The Hon. A. Meertens, with the first Packet, [right pointing brace]
or in 14 days, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.
P. M'Intyre, in 6 weeks, or by the Ship Traveller 12.
Mrs. Sarah Nurse, in 14 days, or a month, . . . . . . 15.
Walter Skerrett, in do. or 6 weeks, . . . . . . . . . 16.
Thomas Pogue, in do. or 3 weeks, . . . . . . . . . . 17.
W. D. Grant, in do. or a month, . . . . . . . . . . . 18.
The Free Charlotte Scott, in do. . . . . . . . . . . 20.
The Free Cuba Williams, in do. . . . . . . . . . . . 20.
Secretary's Office, Demerary, June 20, 1812.
Charles Wilday,
Sworn Clerk.


On Wednesday the 1st of July, [see 18120609EDRG] . . .
Also by Order of M. J. Ceurvorst, qq. - Two Negroes, named Jessy and Jacob.
June 9. Robert Kingston.
[Transcriber's note: see 18120630EDRG, where the Vendue is reduced to only Mr. Ceurvorst's vendue.]

We have had two arrivals since Saturday - one from the Oronoque, and the other (the Dispatch-Boat) from Barbados. The former represents the country from which she came, as still engaged in civil warfare; and the latter is the bearer of Papers to the 15th instant.

Although as yet without any arrivals in our own River, from Great Britain, it is, nevertheless, with great pleasure we announce, that Barbados is in possession of London Papers to the 4th ultimo; and that they contain, at last, that long-expected Dispatch from the Earl of Wellington, which narrates the storming of Badjaoz [sic] - and of which, a copy will be found under our head of "Foreign-Affairs."

Our subsequent columns also contain a more particular account of the Naval Action off Lisbon, than we believe has yet appeared; and a few Remark on Bonaparte's self-boasted Observance of Treaties.

LOCALITIES. [heading]

We have nothing particular to announce, in the present number, in this dapartment [sic]; but we beg leave to correct some inaccuracies which inadvertently crept into our account of the Militia Court-Martial, assembled for the trial of Capt. Phipps, in our last Gazette. In the first place, the Judge-Advocate is, ex officio, Prosecutor on behalf of the Crown - and, with respect to the charges, we were mistaken in stating that "ungentleman-like conduct" was one of them. - They are "unofficer-like and disrespectful conduct towards his superior officers, and disobedience of orders."

The above-mentioned Court sat, for a short time, yesterday; and this morning a further adjournment took place until to-morrow.

The present session of our Court of Justice is expected to continue a considerable time; so many causes being yet to be tried. The next Roll Court will be on the 29th of this month.

The Son of Mr. John Gilbert, of Kingston, departed this life yesterday morning.


A late report of the French Ministers to their Emperor and the Senate clearly prove, that it is the intention of Bonaparte to take in his way all the ports of Prussia, previous to his marching to Petersburg. There is very excellent plunder at Konigsberg, Memel, Libau, and all Courland; then Riga, Livonia, are all opulent cities, with a rich country for his troops to subsist in; not like Spain and Poland. When he is there, we hope the inhabitants of his bonne ville de Paris, will take such measures as to produce a new order of things; may, if we are to credit the last account from France, it appears that disturbances have already taken place at Caen, in Normandy. But the most extraordinary passage in these French reports is, the public and unreserved declaration, "that free bottoms are to make free goods, and that the Berlin and Milan decrees are not revoked respecting those nations who submit to English maritime regulations." In plain English, this is telling us, that his allies, the Americans (the only neutrals), shall be allowed to go all over the world with the produce of France and Italy. Our readers will recollect, that it has been said that the Americans would not be content with the simple revocation of the Orders in Council, and that they would then demand what Bonaparte has now demanded from them, namely, that "the flag is to cover the merchandise." Bonaparte has, to use a common phrase, "let the cat out of the bag." What he has just disclosed will save much writing, discussion, and negociation. He has now spoken for Mr. Madison.
In the French reports alluded to, the Treaty of Utrecht is again mentioned, to which England replies in a few words:-
1st. As the Treaty of Utrecht was not taken as a basis in the last Treaty of Peace, it cannot be said that she violated it.
2d. By the Treaty of Utrecht, the Spanish dynasty was settled in the family of the Bourbons. Has Bonaparte observed that part of the said treaty?
3d. The Treaty of Utrecht, Art. XIX says, that "no capture or seizure can be made till within six months from the date of the declaration of war." - Wars of course put an end to treaties. But now let us see how this grand regenerator, Napoleon, acted on the above equitable principle of the Treaty of Utrecht. In the eigth [sic] article of the treaty which he concluded with America, in the year 9 (1800), it is positively stipulated, that no capture or seizure can be made by either of the contracting parties, till six months after the declaration of war. Yet he confiscates American ships, because they allowed themselves to be hailed by our cruisers. - And yet Bonaparte quotes the Treaty of Utrecht!
In the same Treaty of Utrecht, Art. XXI. the two powers stipulated that a neutral must submit to have her papers examined in order to see if there are contraband articles on board. Bonaparte, for this very article, confiscates American ships; and yet he quotes the Treaty of Utrecht!
As to the doctrine of free bottoms making free goods, no maritime power that has the means to resist that principle, will submit to it. The French themselves, ever since the Treaty of Utrecht, did not, and at this moment do not acquiesce to this doctrine. It well becomes a person like Bonaparte to talk of neutrality, after having issued the following order, taken from the Moniteur of December 6, 1806:-
"Hamburg, Nov. 26, 1806. - The French Minister, Mr. Bourienne, has transmitted a note to our Senate demanding the confiscation of all English merchandise; no matter to whom it belonged!"
A similar requisition was made to the Senates of Lubec and Bremen.
But there is, however, a fact yet to be stated, which will no doubt silence all those who accuse the British Government of having been the first to make infringements on neutral commerce. So far back as 1803, Bonaparte issued the following decree, which appeared in the Moniteur of the 29th of August, 1803:-
"Antwerp (Bonaparte was there at the time), 1st Thermidor, year 11. - The Government of the Republic, on the report of the Minister of the Interior, decrees - From the date of the publication of the present decree, no vessel coming from, or having touched at any English port, is allowed to enter any port in France.
(Signed)      "Bonaparte.
"The Secretary of State, Maret." [centered]

However, let it not be imagined that he ever acted upon that mild decree, as ships coming from England were allowed to enter, but were confiscated afterwards, although they knew nothing of the existence of that decree. Two American vessels, consigned to the American Consul at Antwerp, Mr. Ridgway, were confiscated on that decree. - And yet Bonaparte urges the observance of treaties!


The following occurrence is said to have lately happened at Washington, at a fete given by the British Ambassador, Mr. Foster, to a large party of the American gentry of both sexes, which illustrates the degree of perfection, politeness, and decorum they have attained in the higher circles of that civilized nation. A Mr. Anderson, a Senator, and one of the most violent Democrats in the Congress of the United States, placed himself near the fire-grate, around which a great part of the company were assembled, and by a similar measure to the one resorted to by Gulliver for extinguishing the fire in the Queen's Palace at Lilliput, produced nearly as great an effect. How the American ladies felt upon the occasion is not particularly stated, but it appears probable, that had they been in Lilliput at the time of Gulliver's exploit, that traveller's life would not have been endangered. Several gentlemen, however, of the company went up to Mr. Foster, and pretending to be incensed at the gross outrage which had been given to decency and decorum, recommended that the Senator be advised to quit the room. To this recommendation, Mr. Foster calmly replied, that he was unacquainted with American manners and customs, which however ill they might accord with his own ideas of propriety, he did not feel himself authorised to correct; that he conceived the company must be the better judges of Mr. Anderson's conduct, and would doubtless convince him of its impropriety, should it in their eyes appear reprehensible. After this reply, which we cannot too much commend, no further notice was taken of the circumstance, and the company, generally, thus tacitly acknowledged the conduct of Mr. Anderson to have been perfectly confound of American customs.

GEORGE-TOWN: [centered]
Printed & published every Tuesday & Saturday Afternoon,
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 18 June 2008   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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