Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1812 July 11

Vol. VII.]


[No. 492.


SATURDAY, JULY 11, 1812.

                  Demerary, July 10, 1812.
ORDNANCE BILLS. [centered]
CASH WANTED for One Thousand Pounds Sterling for Bills of Exchange of £ 50 to £ 100 Sterling, drawn by Henry St. Hill, Esq. Ordnance Store-Keeper, on the Right Hon. the Principal Officers of His Majesty's Ordnance, London, at Thirty Days's sight. Tenders in triplicate, on sheets of foolscap paper, will be received at this Office until Tuesday the 14th instant, when they will be opened, and the offer most advantageous to Government accepted.
Alex. Pitman,

                  PUBLIC MARKET, Stabroek.
THE Hucksters, attending the above, are hereby informed, that the Sheds are now completely floored, and may be hired at the former rate (viz. f 6 per month). Those wishful of hiring them, are to apply to the Clerk of the said Market. July 11.

THE Subscribers have imported an invoice of goods, per Belleisle, which, with their remaining stock on hand, make up the following general assortment:
Irish mess beef and pork, butter, hams, tongues, soap, candles, refined sugar, hyson tea, sago, vinegar, salad-oil, pickles, capers, old Port Wine; porter, beer, and ale bottled and in wood; iron puncheon and vat hoops, bolts, locks, hinges, hoes, shovels, cutlasses, iron pots, Buck axes, felling ditto, carpenters' and coopers' tools, nails assorted, powder and shot, broad-cloths and cassimere, Negro-jackets, hats, shirts, trowsers, Guernsey-frocks, blankets, checks, Oznaburgs, salempores, Irish linen, sheeting, dowlas, seins, sein and sewing twine, cordage, canvas, gentlemen's ready made clothes, boots, dress and planters' shoes, ladies' and children's shoes, calf-skins, sole-leather; patent silk, Leghorn, and willow, hats; servants' glazed ditto, with bands; broad brimmed and children's ditto; ladies and gentlemen's silk, cotton, and thread, stockings; cotton and worsted socks, gloves, large-sized boat-cloaks, black silk Florentine, crape, bombazeen, flannel, green baize, a large assortment of muslins, dimities, jeans, ginghams, cambrics, pullicat and other handkerchiefs, threads, tapes; white, yellow, and brown, paints and oil; lamp and neatsfoot oil, copper skimmers and ladles, coffee manaries, stationary, &c. &c.
July 11. Henry Halket & Co.

ALL Persons having demands against the late Firm of Simpson, Rose, Croal and Co. are requested to render the same for settlement, to the two last Subscribers, at their Store on Robb's Stelling; and those indebted thereto, are solicited to make payment to them in like manner - they being properly authorised to bring the business to a close.
A. Simpson,
Demerary,            Peter Rose,
9th July, 1812.      John Croal

WANTED, for the Civil-Commissary's Department, 450 Bunches of PLANTAINS, more or less, weekly, but not exceeding 600.
Persons wishing to contract for the delivery of the above, at the Commissary's Store, will please send tenders to the Government-Secretary's Office, on or before the 22d instant; when they will be opened before His Excellency the Governor, and the lowest (if approved of) will be accepted. The Contractor binding himself in a penalty of Two Hundred Pounds for the full performance of his contract.
Demerary, July 11, 1812.
H. B. Fraser,

[sailing ship icon - heading]
FOR SURINAM, [heading]
Will positively sail on Monday evening next, [heading]
For Freight or Passage apply to [heading]
July 11. J. P. Hicks,
Who has for sale a quantity of American Hoops and a few barrels of Tar.

CASH. [heading]
WANTED to Purchase - from Six to Ten Good FIELD-NEGROES; payable immediately in Cash. Enquire at the Printing Office.
July 11.

NOTICE. [heading]
THE Undersigned requests all Persons having any demands against Plantation Three Friends, (West-Coast of Essequebo) to give them in and call for their payment, on said Estate.
July 8. Richard Hinkson.

NOTICE - The Undersigned, intending to quit the colony in one month after his Vendue, requests those he may be indebted to, will render their accounts; and those indebted to him will please come forward with payment.
July 10. Isaac Hadfield.

IMPORTED by the Subscriber, in the Ship Belleisle, from Glasgow, just arrived, and for sale cheap for immediate payment, the following goods, viz.
Prime mess beef and pork in barrels and half-barrels; Cork rose-butter, in firkins; hams, Gloucester and pine cheese, bottled small-beer, London bottled porter, Port Wine, refined sugar, split-peas, barley, black-peppre, cassia, nutmegs, cloves, mace, sago in canisters, fig-blue, sweet-oil, soap and candles in small boxes, printed calicoes, Welsh flannel, scarlet and blue cloth, white cassimere, Irish linens assorted, long-lawn, brown sheeting, diaper, dowlas, India jean, gentlemen's socks, children's stockings, ditto shoes, gentlemen's buck skin gloves, fear-nought boat-cloaks with sleeves, brown camblet ditto, stock and hair mattresses, green gauze lamp-line, planters' and dress shoes, ladies' ditto, paint and oil assorted, tallow for mill grease, mill case-wedges, iron taches and grating-bars, skimmers, ladles, boiling-house lamps, mill-brasses, sheet-lead, shovels, hoes, cutlasses, HL and hook-and-eye hinges, window-bolts; nails, from 4d. to 30d. inclusive; spike and sheathing ditto, iron puncheon-hoops, Negro-pipes, ditto blankets ditto hats and clothing assorted, Oznaburgs; patent canvas, No. 1 to 4; cordage, from 9-thread to 4 inches; boat cables, 5 1/2 & 6 inches; boat-anchor and grapnels, blocks and mast-hoops, sewing twine, log and fishing lines, red-ochre in kegs, lamp-black, painters' brushes, bees' wax, stationery, double flint glase-ware [sic], &c. &c.
July 11. Archibald Iver.

A. CARRON & Co. [heading]
HAVE imported per Belleisle, Capt. Cameron, from Glasgow, and offer for sale:
Hams, cheese, barley, butter, white herrings, beer, potatoes; mould candles, 4s. and 6s.; Irish linens, Oznaburg, cotton bagging, coffee ditto, sein twine.
July 11.

THE Undersigned respectfully acquaints his friends, and the public in general, that desirous of making himself useful, he has established an Office for the purpose of receiving all papers and proceedings at law; which, otherwise, are required to be delivered at the residence of the part.
All persons who will favour him with their patronage may depend on the strictest attention being paid to their interest, and their commands executed with punctuality and dispatch. Terms will be very moderate.
Domicilium-Office, No. 51, Brick-dam, Stabroek, George-Town, Demerary, July 11.
T. Quiding.

NOTICE. - The Undersigned has chosen his Domicilium Citandi et Executandi at the House of Mr. J. E. Boter, Charles-Town, in George-Town.
July 8. J. H. Knolman.
[Transcriber's note: item not found in previous issue.]

                  UNION COFFEE-HOUSE,
                  George-Town, July 6, 1812.
THE Undersigned begs leave to inform his friends and the public, who are not acquainted with the cause of the Public Subscription-Balls being removed from his house, that it is not from any kind of prejudice or disrespect shewn to the public, but the very low emolument allowed by the Standing-Committee for those entertainments, not being adequate to the expences incurred on the night of the last Ball; which stipulated sum was (one hundred Joes) very much curtailed, considering the sum he has been allowed for former Balls.
Thomas Marsh.
[Transcriber's note: not found in previous issues.]

JUST imported, and for sale by the Subscribers:
Jaconett, cambric, lappet, book, tamboured, sprigged, corded, and cambric-spotted muslins, of various qualities; muslin robes, plain and tamboured; buff, blue, pink, checked, and striped, ginghams, of fine qualities; linen checks, handkerchiefs, and white threads.
July 11. Cornfoot & Bell.

WANTED to purchase immediately, a few hogsheads of SUGAR. Apply to
July 11. Simson, Grant, & Co.

NOTICE is hereby given - that the Subscriber intends quitting the colony in a short time. He therefore requests all those he may stand indebted to, to render their accounts to Mr. R. Estwick, on Plantation Land of Canaan; and those who are indebted to him, to make payment to the said Mr. Estwick, to enable him to make good the demands against the Subscriber.
Demerary, July 11. J. S. Smith.

RUNAWAY - two Negroes - one named Cudjoe, an elderly man, lately purchased from P. De Vries; and the other, named Scorpion, a middle-aged negro, bought from the boedel of J. F. Le Tessier. They both have been working at the carpenter's trade. A reward will be given for lodging them in the Colony-Barracks, or delivering them to the Subscriber, at Mr. W. Allan's House in Cumingsburgh.
July 11. Alex. Cumings.

ON Wednesdy, the 15th instant, will be exposed for public sale, and sold to the highest bidders, on Plantations 40 and 41, West-Coast of this Colony - From Forty to Fifty Head of CATTLE, (belonging to Sundries); among which are Melch-Cows [sic], with their Calves, fine fat Oxen, and Heifers. Also a number of Sheep.
Refreshments will be provided at the place of sale. Should any of the purchasers wish to carry away their Cattle by water, Abary-Creek affords a good place for embarkation. Berbice, July 3.
William Threlfall,

                  VENDUE-OFFICE, Berbice,
ON Friday the 31st instant, will be sold at Public Vendue, on Plantation Bellevue the valuable Library of P. Eggers, deceased; consisting of a select collection of the most esteemed English, Dutch, and French Books. Also some elegant Book-Cases, a Writing-Table and Desk complete, a Piano-Forte, a large Copying Machine, a Penna Duplex, a small Printing-Press, a large Microscope, a Telescope, elegant Spy-glasses, an Electrifying Machine, a small Bookbinder's Press, a Camera Obscura, a Concave Mirror with all the apparatus thereto belonging, a Convext ditto, a large and elegant Chamber-Organ with five barrels, some Counting-house Lamps, and Candlesticks with shades, &c.
Likewise, two excellent Saddle and Draft Horses, and what further may appear on the day of sale.
William Threlfall,
NB. A list of the Books is to be seen at the Vendue-Office. July 9.

FOR LONDON. [heading]
[sailing ship icon] The Ship Favourite, William Kind, Master,
Will sail from hence with the October Convoy. For Freight or Passage, apply to the Master, or to
Johnson, Dyett, M'Garel, & Co.
July 11.

Public-Offices [heading]


IN pursuance of authority obtained from His Excellency the Acting-Governor, I, the undersigned First Marshal of this Colony, will expose and sell, at Marshals' sale, in presence of two Hon. Counsellor-Commissaries of the Court of Justice and their Secretary, at the Court-House in George-Town, on Tuesday the 4th day of August next ensuing:
1st. In behalf of M. Jacobs, versus J. A. Otto - The Lot of Land, situated in front of Pl. Repentir, known as No. 15, with all the Buildings thereon, consisting of a Dwelling-House, 1 1/2 high, 33 feet by 18, more or less, a side-building 45 feet by 16, more or less, a kitchen and stable.
2d. In behalf of Archd. M'Queen, q.q. Colin Macrae, versus Charles L. Robertson, q.q. D. Glasfurd - A Promissary-Note of W. Robertson, dated 12th of April, 1808 drawn in favour of C. L. Robertson, q.q. D. Glasfurd, amounting to twenty one thousand guilders, H. C. bearing interest from the date of said note.
Whoever should think to have any right, interest, or claim on the above-mentioned premises and note-of-hand, and wish to oppose the sale thereof, let such person or person address themselves to me, the First Marshal, stating their reason of opposition in writig; I will then appoint such person or persons a day of hearing before the Honourable Court of Justice, for the trial of the same; and those inclined to speculate, attend the sale on the day and place above-mentiond, and profit therefrom.
Demerary, the 11th day of July, 1812.
Mart. Smit,
First Marshal.

BY virtue of an appointment granted by the Hon. Court of the United Colonies of Demerary and Essequebo, on the petition of John Johnson and Stephen Cramer, Attornies of Ralph Lee Ashington, bearing date the 27th of June last, I, the undersigned First Marshal of the United Colonies of Demerary and Essequebo aforesaid, do, by these presents, by EDICT SUMMON all known and unknown, colonial as wel as other, Creditors of the aforesaid Ralph Lee Ashington to appear before the Commissaries of the Hon. Court of Justice at their Session in George-Town District, Stabroek, on the 3d day of August next, in order to hear such reasonable proposals as, by the afore-mentioned Attornies, in the name and behalf of the said Ralph Lee Ashington, shall be made, and to consent to, or object against, the same. Which being done, and report made by the aforesaid Commissaries to the Hon. Court of their proceedings, the same will proceed with such dispostion in the premises as shall be considered just and agreeable to law.
Demerary, July 8, 1812.
Mart. Smit,
First Marshal.


This is to inform the
Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony;-

Van het Secretary deezer Colonie word geadverteerd
dat de volgende Persoonen
von voorneemens zyn van hier
na elders te vertrekken, viz;

W. D. Grant, in do. or a month, from June 18.
The Free Charlotte Scott, in do. . . . 20.
The Free Cuba Williams, in do. . . . 20.
Richard Jenkins, in 15 days or 6 weeks, . . . 20.
John Naegeli, in do. . . . 20.
Elizabeth Rouse Bentinck, in do. or a month . . . 27.
James Ogle, in 14 days, or by the Ship Friendship 28.
Mrs. Mary Farnum, in 14 days or 6 weeks . . . 29.
William M'Bean, in do. . . . 29.
Sarah Edey Cumings, and one servant, in 14 days . . . 30.
Francis Wingate, and one servant, in do. . . . 30.
Gabriel James, in 14 days or one month . . . 30.
G. M. Forbes, in do. . . . 30
The Hon. M. Lamaison, LL.D. with two servants, Quamina and Francis, in 14 days or by the Ship Spectator, from July 1.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold, and two children, with one servant, in 14 day or 6 weeks, 7.
Jacobus Meertens, Esquire, and Lady, in 14 days, or by the Ship Belmont 8.
Joe Connor, free man, in 14 days 10.
Mary Donovan, in do. or one month 10.
Robert Fellows, in 14 days or 6 weeks 10.
Francis Grimes, in do. or a month, 11
Secretary's Office, Demerary, July 11, 1812.
Charles Wilday,
Sworn Clerk.

AT the request of J. A. Kihing, by his Attorney, Robert Powell Conway, notice is hereby given, that the former will pass a deed of security in favour of the Widow G. Egeling on the half-concession or water-lot No. 50, situate in Werk en Rust. All person who may have any opposition against said security being passed, will give in the same, on or before the 3d of August next, to Robert Powell Conway.
Charles Wilday,
July 11, 1812. Sworn Clerk.

[from previously transcribed for posting date of July 12 - but here a truncated 'first' posting occurs for July 11]

At the Commissary-Court on the 3d of August [heading]
next, will be passed the following [heading]
Transports and Mortgages; [heading]
viz. [heading]
1. By William Carbery, a Transport of his undivided half of Plantation Three Friends, with the Negroes, mules, and appurtenances, thereto attached, situated on the West Coast of Essequebo, to Richard Hinkson.
2. By Richard Hinkson, a Mortgage on the whole of the above estate, with all the Negroes, mules, and appurtenances, thereto attached, in favour of William Carbery.
3. By Miss Rebecca Ritchie, a Transport of the east half of the concession or lot No. 237, Cumingsburg, with all the buildings thereon, to Miss Ann Hammond.
4. By A. M'Kinnon, a First Mortgage on the following 7 Negroes: Franco, Thomas, William, Frank, Finlay, Bentinck, and John, to John M'Crae. [note: change of Frantz to Franco; and M'Crah to M'Crae]
5. by J. M. Bauch, a Transport of the quarter-concession or lot No. 22, with all the buildings thereon, situated on the South-Dam, Stabroek, to Ann Sanderson.
6. By Mary Lewis, free coloured woman, a Transport of the buildings situated on the half lot of No. 37 in Bridge-Town, with all her right and interest in the half-lot during the present lease to Ann Sanderson. [change here - building to buildings]
Secretary's Office, George-Town, July 11, 1812.
Charles Wilday,
Sworn Clerk.


On Thursday, the 16th of July, [see 18120704EDRG] . . .
Also - Several Seasoned-Negroes.
July 4. Robert Kingston.

To the Editor of the Royal Gazette, [heading]
As some most infamous and illiberal Cariacatures were stuck up in town this morning, tending to injure the honour of Mr. H. M'Kenzie and myself - I owe it to Mr. M'Kenzie's character and my own, through the medium of your Paper, to state, upon my honour, as a Gentleman, that there was no truth whatever in the subject of those Caricatures, which must have been invented by some evil-disposed person: and I, in consequence, feel myself called upon to declare, that Mr. M'Kenzie's conduct, during a late unpleasant affair was perfectly that of a Man of Honour and a Gentleman.
I am, Sir, your obedient servant,
H. Halket.
Demerary, July 9, 1812.

The long-expected April and May Mails have at last arrived. They were brought by the Shark schooner, from Surinam, on Wednesday; in which River the Packet was to remain until yesterday. On her arrival here, she will remain about six days, and then proceed home, via Barbados and Martinique.

The London Papers, by the above conveyance, are to the 23d of May inclusive; but, in consequence of a considerable pressure of official and other advertisements, we have not been abole to make an extensive compilation from their contents.

Since our last, have also arrived the Ship Bellisle, Captain Cameron, from Glasgow; and the Amazon, Captain Reid, from Liverpool. - The Albion, Captain Nicholson, and the Russia Company, Captain Cole, late from this River, we find have arrived at their places of destination.

                  Royal Gazette Office, 3 P. M.
We have just been favoured with the following Extract from the Second Edition of a London Paper, on the subject of the New Administration:
[Transcriber's note: European news not transcribed.]

For Liverpool. [heading]
[sailing ship icon] The Ship Amazon, Robert Reid, Master,
Will positively sail the first spring in August. For freight or passage apply to Capt. Reid, or
July 11. Fullerton, Oliverson, & Co.

in the Colony-Stocks of Demerary. [heading]





Mr. Fraser,



Pl. Soesdyk,

Mr. Poolman.


Mr. Samms,

Mahaicony Ferry.


G. Sutherland,

H. M'Coll.


Mrs. Robb,

Simson, Grant & Co.





Kayoos (Berbice)




Capt. George.


Simmy Eyman,



Dr. Phippin,

J. Hubbard.


John Rogers,

Van Senden.


R. B. Knight,



Mr. Blake,

Pl. Covent Garden.



J. Koert.


Paules (Berbice)

Pl. De Kinderen.


Pl. Zel den Rust,

Peter Annis.


Pl. Lancaster,

V. Wyeth.


Sarah Webly,

A. Smith.

July 11. F. STRUNKAY, Scout.

GEORGE-TOWN: [centered]
Printed & published every Tuesday & Saturday Afternoon,
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 18 June 2008   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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