Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1812 July 18

Vol. VII.]


[No. 495.


SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1812.

[Transcriber's note: the issue number above (495) skips an issue number (494).]

A Full Meeting of the Subscribers is earnestly desired at the Union-Coffee-House on Tuesday next, the 21st instant, at 12 o'clock, as some information relative to the late, and the arrangement of the future Balls, seem absolutely necessary.
James Robertson,
July 18. Treasurer.

RICHARD FORSHAW is not in my employ.
July 16, 1812. W. Postlethwaite.

HUGH DOUGLAS has received by the Belleisle, Captain Cameron, from Glasgow, and for sale - viz.
Prime Irish mess beef and pork, in 1/2-barrels; tongues, in ditto; butter, hams, smoked beef, cheese, pickled herrings, barley, split-peas, porter and table-beer, loaf sugar and hyson tea, cordage assorted, stationery, hats, candles, soap, and cotton and coffee-bagging. July 8.
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement does not appear in any previous issue; suspect that the 'posting' date has a faint '1' preceding the '8']

ALL those having demands against the Estate of Doctor A. Baum, deceased, are requested to render the same as early as possible; and all indebted to said estate, to make payment without delay.
J. S. Masse,
July 17. T. T. Thomson,

A FALSE report being in circulation, that I intend to remove from Leguan, in order to rectify any mistake, and satisfy my friends and employers on this subject, I hereby contradict it, in the most positive manner, as a change of situation has never been thought of by me.
Malicious or interested individuals, to indulge their spleen, or in expectation of furthering their own views, have propagated this tale. I will add to their chagrin, by declaring, that I never shall leave this Island, whilst my services to the community are duly appreciated and moderately rewarded.
Leguan-Island, Essequebo, Philip Portless,
July 17, 1812.

THE Subscriber having rented the premises of Mr. Reynard, situated in Middle-Street, Robb's Town, opposite to that of Mr. Murray, the saddler, and having sufficient store-room, takes this method of submitting the following plan to the consideration of planters, on which he proposes to conduct business; and trusts, from the utility of the undertaking, to merit their patronage - namely, that he will procure any articles they may be in want of from town, on the most reasonable terms, transact their business, store their produce, sent to town for sale, dispose of the same to the best advantage, attend to their craft, and in all other respects to the business of an estate, for 5 per-cent. commissions: but let it be understood, that the produce must always be sent to town to pay for articles when wanted.
M. Jacobs,
Who has on sale, the following articles, in payment for which he will take sugar, rum, first-quality coffee, cotton, or wallaba shingles, viz. - Double and single pieces yellow nankeen, blue and white do. superfine black cloth, corded dimity, printed calicoes, Russia sheeting, large and small table-cloths, coarse linen, cotton shirting, red flannel shirts, check shirts and trowsers, negro jackets, lined through; boots and shoes, loaf sugar, London particular Madeira wine, per dozen; real Bourdeaux claret, per do. best old rum, in kegs of 5 1/2 gallons; Hollands gin, per gallon; hyson tea, sweet oil, tobacco, in barrels; pig-tail do. real Spanish segars, in boxes; HL and door hinges, axes for wood-cutters, of the very best kind; a few dozen hoes and shovels, Dutch steelyards, padlocks, Irish butter, in firkins; pigs' tongues in small kegs, 12 in each; black pepper, gloves, Golding's double distilled lavender and honey water, different kinds of sirup, Windsor soap, sugar-plumbs, capers, olives, best stomachic bitters, from a celebrated prescription; Martinique liquors, mustard, tabac de macouba, &c. Also 10M. wallaba shingles, at f 22 per thousand, and 200lbs. real arrow-root starch - to be disposed of for cash. July 17.
N.B. A small side-building to let, situated in the same street, consisting of a little shop, hall, and chamber.

FOR SALE, [heading]
THE HALF OF LOT No. 17, with the Buildings thereon, at present occupied by the subscriber, adjoining the premises of Thomas Finlayson, Esq. consisting of a House, two stories high, 30 feet by 22; the lower part of which is fitted up as a store, with counter, shelves, counting-room, &c. On the second story, is a good hall, chamber, and pantry, with two good chambers on the third floor; a good kitchen, with brick fire-place, oven, &c. - The whole capable of great improvement, as a stelling might be run out at a small expence, and would answer extremely well for the American, or any other business. For particulars enquire on the premises of
July 17. William Gunn.

THE Subscriber offers to rent, the commodious new House in Middle-Street, George-Town, opposite to Messrs. Hugh Mackenzie & Co.'s, containing a hall, three bed-rooms, &c. a capital store on the lower floor, a look-out at top, together with the out-buildings necessary. Apply to
July 16. Dorothy Thomas.

FOR SALE, [heading]
Cheese, hams, Irish butter; mess beef and pork, in barrels and half barrels; gunpowder and hyson tea, loaf sugar, split-peas, pearl-barley, Morton's London brown-stout, Madeira Wine, fine-flavoured old Antigua rum, candles and soap, Irish linens, demities, blue India salempores, very elegant and fashionable furniture, and a great variety of other goods, very cheap for immediate payment.
July 18. H. O. Seward.
100 Rum-puncheons, water and liquor vats, from 300 gallons to 2,500 gallons each; a few iron puncheon hoops.

THE Domicilium Citandi et Executandi of the Subscriber is at his house in Cumingsburg.
July 17. Thomas Cathrey.

SHIP TAVERN. [heading]
M. THOMSON respectfully informs the Public, that he has put up a Billiard-Table, with proper accommodations, and that his price is one bit per game during the day, and three bits in the evening.
Boarding and Lodging on the most reasonable terms, for prompt payment. July 18.

THE Copartnership of the Subscribers is dissolved by mutual consent.
H. E. Lemmex,
July 18. James Fraser.

FOR HIRE, [heading]
THE well-situated Lot, House, and Out-Buildings, of the late N. Rousselet, Esquire, on the Brick-Dam, North-side of Stabroek, in George-Town; just put in repair, and rendered commodious by different alterations. For further particulars apply to James Robertson,
July 18. Deliberating Executor.

ABSENTED herself from the Subscriber, a Negro Woman, named Mary Balance; she is well known in town and country, as she has been a huckster for the last nine years. A reward of one joe will be given to any person who will lodge her in the Barracks; and all persons are cautioned against harbouring or taking her off the Colony.
July 18. Betsey Game.

FISCAL's OFFICE. [heading]

TEN JOES REWARD. [heading]
THE House of Mr. Benjamin Jacobs having been robbed, in the night of the 14th instant, of some cash; the above reward is offered for the discovery of the offender or offenders, and the name of the informers shall be kept secret, if desired.
George-Town, Fiscal's Office, July 17, 1812.
J. S. Masse,


BY authority duly obtained from His Excellency the Acting-Governor, I, the undersigned First Marshal, will expose and sell, in the presence of two Counsellor-Commissaries and their Secretary, at the Court-House, George-Town, on Tuesday the 4th day of August next ensuing, the following Negro slaves, in behalf of the Vendue Office of Demerary versus De Munnick & Co. as Securities for C. van Dyk, viz. William, and Nelly, with her Children, Rachel, Columbia, and Siff; Tuff, and the Woman Araminda. Any person conceiving to have right, title, or claim, on the above-mentioned Negroes, and wishes to oppose the sale of the same, let such person or persons address themselves, in due time, to me, the undersigned First Marshal, stating their reasons of opposition, in writing; when I will appoint such person or persons a day of hearing before the Honourable Court of Justice, for the trial of the same; and those inclined to speculate, please to attend the sale, on the day and place before-written.
Demerary, July 17, 1812.
Mart. Smit,
First Marshal.

IN pursuance of an order, granted by the Honourable the Court of Criminal and Civil Justice, bearing date 27th of June, 1812, granted at the request and behalf of John Haywood and John Fraser, Executors of Alexander Fraser, deceased, and also of John Wilson, as Attorney of James Fraser, residing in Great Britain, the other Executor named in the Will of Alexander Fraser, deceased, and appointed Guardian of W. Fraser, minor heir of the said Alexander Fraser, deceased, I, the undersigned First Marshal, do hereby by Edict Summon, all known and unknown creditors to the estate of Alexander Fraser, deceased, to appear before the Honourable Counsellor-Commissaries of the Court of Justice, at their session to be held at the Court-House, George-Town, on the 3d day of August next and following days, in order to hear such proposals as will be made in behalf of the above-mentioned estate of Alexander Fraser deceased, and if possible to agree in such extension of time, or other reasonable arrangements in general, as shall then be proposed, according to existing circumstances, and in case the said creditors cannot be induced to accede to or enter into fair and equitable proposals of settlement, then to have the business reported by the said Commissaries to the Honourable Court, in order to be decided, ex officio, as shall appear to be just and legal.
Demerary, this 17th day of July, 1812.
Mart. Smit,
First Marshal.


This is to inform the
Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony;-

Van het Secretary deezer Colonie word geadverteerd
dat de volgende Persoonen
von voorneemens zyn van hier
na elders te vertrekken, viz;

Richard Jenkins, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from June 20.
John Naegeli, in do. . . . 20.
Elizabeth Rouse Bentinck, in do. or a month 27.
William M'Bean, in do. . . . 29.
Gabriel James, in 14 days or one month . . . 30.
G. M. Forbes, in do. . . . 30.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold, and two children, with one servant, in 14 days or 6 weeks, 7.
Joe Connor, free man, in 14 days, . . . 10.
Mary Donovan, in do. or one month, . . . 10.
Robert Fellows, in 14 days or 6 weeks, . . . 10.
Francis Grimes, in do. or a month, . . . 11.
Archibald Edmonston, in 14 days, or by the John, 11.
William Postlethwaite, Jun. in do. or a month 11.
Richard S. Carter, in do. . . . 13.
John Welsh, in 14 days, or by the Ship John, 16.
Frances Rebecca Frye, in 14 days or 6 weeks 17.
Maria Kendrick, in do. . . . 17.
Secretary's Office, Demerary, July 18, 1812.
Charles Wilday,
Sworn Clerk.

(FIRST-TIME) [heading]
BETWEEN Joseph Byble and Mary Heyliger, both of this Colony.
Any person knowing any just cause or impediment why the above parties should not be joined together in holy matrimony, must declare the same at the Colonial Secretary's Office.
Demerary, July 15, 1812.
Charles Wilday,
Sworn Clerk.

WHEREAS J. H. Fraser, has addressed himself to the Honorable Court of Policy of Demerary and Essequebo for Letters of Manumission for the Mulatto woman Charlotte, formerly the property of Dr. Cramer; all those who may have any right or title to said slave, must give in their claims between this date and the next sitting of the Court of Policy aforesaid, on the 27th instant.
Secretary's Office, July 18, 1812.
Charles Wilday,
Sworn Clerk.

[Transcriber's note: the first six transports originally appear in 18120711EDRG]
At the Commissary-Court on the 3d of August [heading]
next, will be passed the following [heading]
Transports and Mortgages; [heading]
viz. [heading]
1. By William Carbery, a Transport of his undivided half of Plantation Three Friends, with the Negroes, mules, and appurtenances, thereto attached, situated on the West Coast of Essequebo, to Richard Hinkson.
2. By Richard Hinkson, a Mortgage on the whole of the above estate, with all the Negroes, mules, and appurtenances, thereto attached, in favour of William Carbery.
3. By Miss Rebecca Ritchie, a Transport of the east half of the concession or lot No. 237, Cumingsburg, with all the buildings thereon, to Miss Ann Hammond.
4. By A. M'Kinnon, a First Mortgage on the following 7 Negroes: Frantz, Thomas, William, Frank, Finlay, Bentinck, and John, to John M'Crah. [?]
5. by J. M. Bauch, a Transport of the quarter-concession or lot No. 22, with all the buildings thereon, situated on the South-Dam, Stabroek, to Ann Sanderson.
6. By Mary Lewis, free coloured woman, a Transport of the building situated on the half lot of No. 37 in Bridge-Town, with all her right and interest in the half-lot during the present lease to Ann Sanderson.
7. By Thomas Cathrey, nomins uxoris, a Transport of Plantation Sans Souci, on Wakenam-Island, with 63 slaves, to Charles Dickson.
8. By Charles Dickson, a Mortgage on said Plantation and slaves, with 37 additional negroes; including a second Mortgage on 10 negroes morgaged [sic] to Peter M'Garel, Esq. by said C. Dickson, to Thomas Cathrey, nomins uxoris.
9. The Inhabitants of Kingston Transport their right in and to any Passage or road through the Premises at present railed in and occupied as a Garrison Hospital; which right formerly consisted of one road by the front-dam, 30 feet wide, and one near the centre, being a continuation of Street No. [blank], being also 30 feet wide; as well as to any right the said inhabitants may have hitherto claimed of a passage along the dam of the navigable canal, so far as it is at present within the enclosures above-mentioned - to Government, for the benefit of said Hospital.
10. By Elizabeth Howard, a Transport of the half of Lot No. 6, situated in Kingston, to the Executors of William Harris, deceased.
11. By Isaac Hadfield, nomine uxoris, a Transport of a piece of land called New Hope, situated on the south side of Madewiny Creek, being about 160 roods facade, bounded on the lower side by the land of C. de Beausobre, Esq. to James Johnstone.
Secretary's Office, George-Town, July 12, 1812.
Charles Wilday,
Sworn Clerk.


On Thursday next, the 23d instant, at the Stores of Messrs. Fullerton, Oliverson, & Co. - 30 hogsheads of Newfoundland fish, 60 barrels of Irish mess beef and pork, and 30 firkins of ox-tongues.
July 18. Robert Kingston.

The arrivals since our last have been confined to three small Vessels - one from Barbados, one from St. Vincent, and one from the Oronoque; but no intelligence of importance has been received by either - if we except the following Extract of a Letter:
                  "St. Vincent, July 8.
"Another dreadful, and, in regard to human life, a most extensive fatal explosion of the Souffriere has occurred lately. - In the course of which, the estate of Mr. Lewis Grant was completely inundated with lava - twenty-five of his negroes were swept away and consumed, and many more dreadfully wounded."

LOCALITIES. [heading]

His Excellency the Governor, who has been indisposed for some time past, we are happy to announce is much better.

Jacobus Merteens [sic], Esq. and Lady, departed for England in the Belmont, on Thursday last; and Theophilus Williams, Esquire, of our Post-Office, proceeds in the Packet.

On the 11th instant, His Excellency Governor Gordon took formal leave of the Honourable Members of the Court of Policy and Justice of Berbice, in the course of a very appropriate Address: and on the 11th, delivered over the Civil Government of that Colony to Major Grant, who is finally to place it in the hands of Colonel Murray.

The ship Granger, Capt. C. Van Dyk, (late from this river) we lament to state, when off Scilly, fell in with the French privateer L'Aigle, (late the Chesterfield packet), which she engaged a considerable time, but was at length captured, after having the mate killed, the Captain's thigh broke, and several men wounded. She was re-taken by the Con[illegible]nt gun-brig, and arrived at Plymouth. The Captain, passengers, and part of the crew had been put on board the privateer which proceeded for France.


ENGLAND. [heading]

(Liverpool, May 11.) [heading]

SUGARS. - The old stock of B. P. Sugars in this place was wholly exhausted about the middle of last month, and the supplies by the running ship lately arrived here have been insufficient to satisfy the demand for ordinary consumption, and considerable supplies continue therefore to be drawn from London, whilst prices here have advanced 2s. to 3s. on dabs and tow Brown, and 1s. to 2s. on finer qualities; but our currency being now so much above that of London, and indeed all the other ports in the kingdom, in [sic] cannot be expected to ascend much higher above the general level, although likely to be well supported during the summer months. The prohibition of Grain in distillation is now extended in Ireland, and the use of Sugar in the breweries is to be sanctioned by some Legislative Act; both of which measures will cause an additional demand on the arrival of the fleets, and tend to support present prices.
FOREIGN SUGARS have been extremely dull for some time past, as no purchases for shipment have been made to any extent lately, notwithstanding the advanced period of the season; in the few sales which have been made there is no perceptible alteration in prices, and we accordingly continue our quotations of last month; some business has indeed been done in London, where prices rule considerably higher than in this market; but the difference is not yet sufficiently great to attract the purchaser hither. Our future prospects with regard to this article are not flattering, it depends so much on foreign demand.
COFFEE. - The demand for Coffee for export continues very limited; but the occasional purchases which have been lately made with that view exceed the import, so that the diminution of stock is about equal to the home consumption, which continues very steady: within these few days the demand has rather improved, and what has been offered has gone off freely at 1s. to 2s. advance above our quotations. In London the sales for export under licence have of late been considerable, and upon the whole the stock in the kingdom begins to lessen, although still much too heavy to admit of any considerable advance until a more free intercourse with the Continent shall be established.
COTTONS. - A considerable amendment has taken place in our Cotton market: the spinners and dealers having exhausted their stocks, have lately bought pretty freely, which, aided by some business of speculation, has caused an advance of 1/2d. a 3/4d. per lb.
RUM. - It is clear that the import of Rum last month, although considerable, has not been equal to the quantity taken out of bond, so that the stock continues diminishing. The London market rules much lower than ours, and may possibly prevent any farther advance; but, from the lowness of our stock, and the operation of the Distillery Bill, now extended to Ireland, it is probable high prices will be supported during the summer, even though the import should be heavy.

(Duty included) [heading]
Demerary Sugar - 77s. to 78s. good.
------------ Coffee - 48s. to 56s. middling.
------------ Cotton - 1s. 3d. to 1s. 6d1/2.
------------ Rum ---------------------

in the Colony-Stocks of Demerary. [heading]





Mr. Fraser,



Pl. Soesdyk,

Mr. Poolman,


Mr. Samms,

Mahaicony Ferry.


G. Sutherland,

H. M'Coll.


Mrs. Robb,

Simson, Grant & Co.





Kayoos, (Berbice)



Simmy Eyman,



Dr. Phippen,

J. Hubbard.


John Rogers,

Van Senden.


R. B. Knight,



Mr. Blake,

Pl. Covent Garden.


Pl. Lancaster,

V. Wyeth.





Colony Berbice,



Pl. Ruimveld,

L. Corbett.



From Borasery.

July 18. F. STRUNKAY, Scout.

GEORGE-TOWN: [centered]
Printed & published every Tuesday & Saturday Afternoon,
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 18 June 2008   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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