Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1812 August 08

Vol. VII.]


[No. 501.



King's House. [heading]

Militia General Orders. [heading]

The Detachment of Militia at Ruymzigt to be withdrawn until further Orders.
His Excellency the Acting-Governor had great pleasure in observing the alacrity and vigilance with which the Cavalry, Rifle Company, Grenadiers, and Light-Company, paraded, and repaired to their station.
The Major-General will as much as possible, avoid calling the Militia from their homes and employments - confident of their cheerful services; and that they will be assured, no extra duties will be required of them, unless for the purpose of impeding at an early period, objects, that by neglect, might soon grow into matter of serious moment, requiring more time and arduous exertions.
It having been reported to His Excellency, that there are a number of Persons in the Colony, not enrolled in the Militia; certain measures will be taken, and the fines put in force, against those who can reconcile it to themselves, to remain inactive under such circumstances.
King's-House George-Town, Demerary, 8th August, 1812
By His Excellency's Command,
J. R. Brandt,
Major Brigade D. M.

FOR SALE OR HIRE, [heading]
A COMMODIOUS HOUSE, with Four Lots of Land and Out-offices, complete for the residence of a family; situate in Cumingsburg. It has the advantage of a neat Garden, with a great variety of Plants and Fruit-Trees, in a thriving condition; and Reservoirs of Fresh Water for the use of Stock, &c. Further particulars may be known on application at the Office of this Paper. August 8.

THE Undersigned requests a meeting of all his Creditors, on Thursday the 13th instant, at twelve o'clock at noon, at the house of Mr. Leesemann, Werk & Rust; when a statement of his affairs will be laid before them, and such arrangements formed as may be for the advantage of all the Creditors.
August 8. G. Mahlstedt.

                  Demerary, August 8, 1812.
PERSONS willing to Contract for the Undermentioned Work, viz.
The railing-in of the whole Square on which the Secretary's Office, Vice-Chamber, &c. stand, and supplying proper Gates or Entrances - also for the erection of two small Houses, similar to those in the Market-Place, one for a watch-house and the other for a fire-engine:
will please to send Tenders to this Office, where a Plan is to be seen, before the 1st of September next; when they will be opened in the presence of His Excellency the Acting-Governor and the Honourable Court of Policy, and the lowest offer, if approved, accepted.
The Contractor to be bound in the penalty of One Hundred Pounds Sterling, for the due performance of his Contract.
F. Van Den Velden,

                  Demerary, August 8, 1812.
PERSONS willing to Contract for the Undermentioned Work, viz.
The Digging-out once a-year, the whole of the Trenches and Canals in George-Town; comprehending from the District of Charles-Town to the District of Kingston, inclusive - the clearing of the Grass and removing every obstruction to the same, every three months - and for the keeping of the Cross-streets, in all and every one of the Districts (comprehending George-Town), in proper order, and covered with gravel or broken bricks, to be provided by the Contractors:
will please send Tenders for the whole or any particular district, to this Office, on or before the 5th of September next, when they will be opened in the presence of the Board of Policy of the Town, and the lowest offer, if approved of, accepted.
The Contractor is to be bound in the penalty of Two Hundred Pounds Sterling, for the due performance of his Contract.
F. Van Den Velden,
N.B. Every Tender must describe the width, depth, and extent, of the canals and trenches which it may offer to clean.

THE Domicilium Citandi et Executandi of A. Brouwer, for himself as well as q.q. is at the above Office - as also is that of H. Visser.
August 8. T. Quiding.

BY Command of His Excellency the Acting-Governor, all Masters of Ships and Vessels at anchor in this River, are hereby particularly cautioned against throwing any Ballast overboard, as the law will be strictly enforced; but on the contrary to land such ballast at high-water, close to the dams in front of the Military-Hospital, the road leading between the Colonial-Hospital and the Premises of Heathcote, dec. and the district of Stabroek, all most convenient.
George-Town, August 5, 1812.
L. P. Van Braam,

THE Subscriber, finding no attention paid to his former advertisement, again requests all those indebted to the Estate of W. H. Cox, deceased, to come forward with the amount of their accounts; and all those to whom the said Estate is indebted, to render their claims (properly attested) to him on Pl. Fear-not, in the course of six months from the date hereof, as he is very anxious to bring the affairs of the Estate to a final close.
S. B. Cox q.q.
Pl. Fear-not, West Sea Coast, Essequebo, Aug. 8.

NOTICE - Mr. Thomas Dunbrack, Junr. is no longer in the employ of
August 6. Cornfoot & Bell.

LELYVELD and Co. inform the Public that they have dissolved the Co-partnership this day; and all persons having demands against the said Firm, or on Mr. Lelyveld's private account, are requested to render the same for settlement; and those indebted thereto, are solicited to make payment to Mr. J. Ceurvorst, he being properly authorised to bring said Firm to a close. August 8.

THE Subscriber offers for sale or hire to an approved purchaser or tenant, his House on the Brick-Dam, Stabroek, situated next to the house of the Revd. G. Ryk. It is a comfortable house for a small family, having a good kitchen, stable, garden-ground, &c.
August 8. Robert Marshall.

King's House. [heading]

NOTICE. [heading]
F. P. Van Berckel, Esquire, having been acquitted by the Honourable Court of Justice, on charge of certain misconduct in Office, upon which account he was suspended as Fiscal; and His Excellency the Acting-Governor having received the command of His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, the Honourable F. P. Van Berckel is hereby reinstated in his situation as Fiscal: and all persons concerned, hereby take notice accordingly.
In the execution of this duty, His Excellency thinks it but justice to observe, with respect to the conduct of the Acting-Fiscal, the Honourable J. S. Masse, for above four months that he has received his assistance - it has been governed by zeal and indefatigable exertion in the public service; tempering a private disposition to clemency with the firmness and impartiality necessary for so arduous and important an Office.
King's House, George-Town, August 8, 1812.
By His Excellency's Command,
Henry St. Hill,

[Additional subscribers to the Volcano book]
William Cook,
J. S. Masse,
J. Robertson,

Public-Offices [heading]


BY authority duly obtained from the Honourable J. Johnson, Member of the Court of Justice, by indisposition of His Excellency the Governor - I, the undersigned Acting Deputy First Marshal, will expose and sell unto the highest bidder, in presence of two Counsellors-Commissaries of the Honourable Court of Justice, and their Secretary, at the Court-House in George-Town, on Tuesday the eighth day of September next ensuing: In behalf of Evan Fraser, Plaintiff, versus Gilbert Robertson, Defendant - a certain Account against Plantation Heversham, No. 39, West-side of Correntyn river, of which a balance due to the Defendant of four thousand five hundred and twenty-four guilders, fourteen pennings, the justness of which the Defendant having sworn to before His Excellency the Governor. Any person or persons having right, claim, or interest, on the above-named account, and wishes to oppose the sale thereof, let such person or persons address themselves to me, the Acting Deputy First Marshal, stating their reasons of opposition in writing; I will appoint him, her, or them a day of hearing before the Honourable Court of Justice for the trial of the same; and those inclined to speculate, please attend the sale, on the day and at the place before-written.
Demerary, this 7th day of August, 1812.
B. Teyssen, Jun.
Acting Deputy First Marshal.

BY authority duly obtained from the Honourable J. Johnson, Member of the Court of Justice, by indisposition of His Excellency the Governor, dated 3d of August, 1812, I, the undersigned Acting Deputy First Marshal, will expose and sell unto the highest bidder, in presence of two Counsellors-Commissaries of the Honourable Court of Justice, and their Secretary, at the Court-House, George-Town, on Tuesday the 8th day of September next ensuing, and following days: In behalf of L. A. I. Philippart, q.q. the Heirs of H. W. Knolman, deceased Plaintiff, versus J. H. H. Touson, nomine uxoris - the following negroes, viz. - Jan Zwart, Seconde, Fortuyn, Bob, Cupido, Isaac, Howard, Romeo, Souvenir, Augusta, and Mary, with her child Maria; which sale hath been opposed by the said J. H. H. Touson, which opposition has been decreed by the Honourable Court of Justice to be illegal, and the said J. H. H. Touson ordered to withdraw the same. And the required advertisement for any person or persons to come in opposition having already passed, and being published according to law, this is to notify the new-appointed sale, as above-mentioned; and those inclined to speculate please attend on the day and place before-written.
Demerary, 7th day of August, 1812.
B. Teyssen, Jun.
Acting Deputy First Marshal.

BY authority duly obtained from the Honourable Court of Criminal and Civil Justice of the United Colonies of Demerary and Essequebo, I, the undersigned Acting Deputy First Marshal of the Colony aforesaid shall expose and sell, at public execution sale, on the premises, and in the presence of two Counsellors-Commissaries and their Secretary, on the eighth day of October, 1812, at 12 o'clock at noon - Plantation The Henry, the property of Edward Cook, deceased, situated in the Canal No. 3, on the East-side of Demerary river; all conformable to the respective Inventories thereof, now laying at the Marshal's Office for the inspection of those whom it may concern. Whoever should think to have any right, title, or claim on the before-mentioned Plantation, and intends to oppose the sale thereof, let such person or persons address themselves to me, at the Marshal's Office in this Colony, declaring their reasons for such opposition, in due time and form; and, I do hereby give notice, that I will receive such opposition from any one thereto qualified, appoint them a day to have such claim or claims [illegible]
Honourable Court of Justice and further act therein as the law directs.
Demerary, this 7th day of August, 1812.
B. Teyssen, Junr.
Acting Deputy First Marshal.


This is to inform the
Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony;-

Van het Secretary deezer Colonie word geadverteerd
dat de volgende Persoonen
von voorneemens zyn van hier
na elders te vertrekken, viz;

Mr. and Mrs. Arnold, and two children, with one servant, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from July 7.
Archibald Edmonston, in 14 days, or by the John, 11.
John Welsh, in 14 days, or by the Ship John, 16.
Frances Rebecca Frye, in 14 days or 6 weeks 17.
Maria Kendrick, in do. . . . 17.
J. B. Cleton, in do. . . . 20.
Adam Niel, in do. . . . 20.
J. C. H. Kuster, with 12 Slaves, names to be seen at this Office, in do. 21.
Henry Woolford, in do. . . . 22.
Frederick Backer, with negro boy Favourite, in 14 days, . . . 24.
Thomas De Lisle, in 14 days or six weeks, Aug. 1.
Richard Jenkins, in do. . . . 6.
Secretary's Office, Demerary, August 8, 1812.
Charles Wilday,
Sworn Clerk.

NOTICE is hereby given, at the request of Bartholomew Fowler, Esquire, Attorney of Mrs. Martha Fowler, Heiress of the Estate of John Haslin, deceased - That all persons having any business or transactions with said Estate, will please address themselves to the undersigned; he having taken over from the Honourable A. Meertens all the estate and effects of the deceased.
B. Fowler.
Secretary's Office, August 8, 1812.
Charles Wilday,
Sworn Clerk.


On Monday the 17th of August, will be exposed for sale at the House of H. D. Obermuller, Esquire, by order of C. Vincent and Van Hoytema, Esquires, Executors to - Heemskerk, Esquire, deceased - Wearing apparel.
Also by order of Mr. Obermuller - Irish linen, linen Britannias, bed-sheeting, Russia sheeting, furniture, &c.
August 8. Robert Kingston.

The Pilgrim, last from Cayenne, is the only arrival since Tuesday. The Swaggerer and Liberty brigs-of-war, have both departed this River.

We have only two articles of a foreign nature, this day, to present our readers. The first of which relates to the renewal of the East-India Company's Charter; or, at least, developes [sic] the only terms on which the British Ministry will undertake to procure for it the sanction of Parliament - the other is a copy of a Report of the French Minister at War, to the self-created "Emperor and King," previous to his departure for Dresden - and an excellent Dose of Political Ipecacuanha it is!

LOCALITIES. [heading]

Preparations are making at the King's House, for the purpose of conferring all possible honour on the 12th of August - a day, certainly more blessed (the 4th of June excepted) than any other of the British Calendar! for on that day, in the year 1762 was born, the Heir-Apparent to a Crown the most valuable to the wearer of any on the globe, in as much as it may be considered - the gift a great and free people. We allude to His Royal Highness the present Prince Regent of England, who on Wednesday next, enters on his fifty first year - and who has established an eternal claim to the fidelity and gratitude of these colonies in particular, as, from becoming conscious of their hitherto neglected value, he is almost daily demonstrating himself - the patron they deserve.

The following is the substance of a Proclamation from the Governor and Court of Policy of our Colonial Neighbour (Berbice), dated the 14th of July - "We have thought proper to enact and direct, that henceforth shall be esteemed as preferent debts, all demands of merchants and shopkeepers, duly attested for supplies, furnished for the use of estates, or negroes belonging to plantations taken under execution previous to and during the last twelve month antecedant to the date that the estate has been regularly taken under execution, as well as the salaries of manager and other servants and medical practitioners." His Excellency Brigadier General Murray, we find, received from Major Gram[illegible] the Civil Administration of that Government of the 26th ultimo.


ENGLAND. [heading]

Proposals of the Court of Directors. [heading]
1st. No British or Indian ship to sail, directly or circuitously, from a British port in Europe to China.
2d. No British subject to be permitted to reside in China without the Company's licence.
3d. No goods, the growth or produce of China, to be imported into any of the ports of the United Kingdom, except by the East India Company.
4th. The power of levying duties in India, upon British subjects, and the subject of foreign nations, to be continued to the Company, upon the footing on which it at present exists, and the same power, with respect to British subjects, to be extended to the districts, within the jurisdiction of the courts of Calcutta, Madrass, Bombay, and Prince of Wales Island.
5th. Saltpetre to be considered as a political article, and to be confined exclusively to the Company.
6th. The whole of the Indian trade to be brought to the port of London, and the Goods sold at the Company's sales, and to be, as at present, under the Company's management.
7th. The three per cent. now paid to the Company by the private traders, for the warehousing and management of their private trade, to be increased to five per cent.
8th. No private ship to be permitted to sail for India, except from the port of London.
9th. No ship to be permitted to sail, except under a licence from the East India Company. Ships obtaining the licence, to deliver one copy to their journals at the East India House; and the licence to contain such clauses as may be likely to prevent an unlimited or improper intercourse of individuals with India.
10th. Fire-arms, military and naval stores, to be prohibited articles.
11th. Existing restrictions, with respect to the article of piece goods, to be continued.
12th. It being desirable, as well for the public as for the Company, that the quality of the silk grown in India as sold not be deteriorated, it is submitted that this article be confined to the Company.
13th. The ships of private persons to be subject to the same regulations, in respect to convoys, &c. as those belonging to the Company.
14th. No private ship to be permitted to sail, either from Great Britain to India, or from India to Great Britain, of a less burthen than four hundred tons.
15th. The Company to be subject to no obligation with respect to exports to India, except in common with the private traders.
16th. The Lascars and Chinese sailors brought home in private ships, to be placed under proper regulations. Not, upon any account, to be suffered to wander about the streets of London. Good treatment to be secured to them; and the Company to be enabled, by some summary process, to recover the expences to which they shall be subjected, in the event of neglect on the part of the owners of such ships in these respects.
17th. The Company to be indemnified for their unexpired engagements for extra shipping, provided for the accommodation of extra traders.
18th. An unrestrained intercourse with India to be prevented, and the existing restrictions with respect to residence in India to be continued.
19th. The number of His Majesty's forces in India to be in future maintained by the East India Company to be now fixed, and any troops sent beyond that number (except at the express requisition of the East India Company) to be at the charge of the public.
20th. The Company to be released from any future account with the Pay-office, and to be henceforward charged, either so much per regiment of a given force, or so much per man.
21st. The present heavy current and postponed demands of the Pay-office against the Company, to be arranged upon some footing of general equity, and some advertence in settling their account made to the share which the Company have been obliged to bear in foreign captures not retained by them and to their having constrained to maintain an European and native force, larger than what was required for the defence of the Peninsula, and other heavy expences.
22d. The Proprietors to be secured, as at present, in the receipt of their dividend of ten and a half per cent. upon the faith of which dividend the capital in 1798 was raised.
23d. The whole of the surplus of the East India Company to be appropriated to a diminution of their debts, until the debts be reduced to the sum of ten millions sterling.
24th. The sums required by the East India Company to liquidate the debt transferred from India to Europe, and becoming payable in 1812 and 1813, to be funded by the Minister, the interest of which shall be regularly paid unto his Majesty's Exchequer by the Company, together with any such per centage, for the gradual liquidation of the capital or redemption of the fund, as shall be deemed proper by him Majesty's Ministers.
The twenty-fifth article did not seem a part of the proposition submitted to Lord Melville, but is now introduced by the Committee of Correspondence, and is as follows, viz.
25th. That, in order to give the utmost possible extension to the commerce of private merchants, and at the same time secure the Company's exclusive trade to and from China, private ships be not permitted to go farther eastward than Point Romania, at the entrance of the China seas, and to the northward, not beyond the equinoctial line.
N. B. Should it be the intention of Government that private trades shall be excluded from the spice islands, the limits ought then to be for them not to go to the eastward of the Straits Bally, nor to the northward of the line.

Answers of the Ministers. [heading]

1st, 2d, and 3d. It is deemed advisable, with a view to the security of the revenue and to other objects connected with the trade to China, to leave it on its present footing, and to guard, by proper regulations, against any encroachment on that branch of the Company's exclusive privilege.
4th. This proposition ought to be acceded to; with the observation, however, that the Government in India ought to be restricted from imposing new duties, without the previous sanction of the authorities in England.
5th. The company are understood to have, in some degree the power of regulating the internal trade of saltpetre in India; it appears therefore, to be scarcely necessary to impose any other restrictions on the exportation of saltpetre from India, than such as may be deemed expedient for political objects, especially in time of war.
6th. The adoption of the regulation suggested in this proposition, will probably tend to the security and advantage of the public revenue, in collecting the duties on all articles imported from the East Indies and China, as well as other countries to the eastward of the Cape of Good Hope.
7th. The Company ought at least to be indemnified from the charges incurred by this management.
8th. There does not appear to exist any sufficient reason for preventing ships from clearing out for the East Indies from other ports in the United Kingdom besides the port of London.
9th. It will be necessary, either by the regulations suggested in this proposition, or by others of a similar description, to guard against the evil therein described.
10th. It will probably be necessary to regulate the exportation of military stores to the East Indies, and also of naval stores in the time of war.
11th. It is understood that the object of this proposition is to secure to the manufacturers of piece goods in India, the continuance of regular and constant employment, under the same system of local management, for their benefit, as prevails at present. If that object is likely to be attained, without containing the restrictions mentioned in this proposition, it [illegible] be desirable that [illegible] should cease, except in so far as it may be necessary to regulate the importation of Indian piece goods, with a view to the protection of British manufactures.
12th. [illegible] no such restrictions exist at present in the importation of fish by private merchants, and as the reasons which have hitherto been adduced on the part of the Court of Directors, for establishing such a regulation, though entitled to much consideration do not appear to be conclusive, it will scarcely be deemed expedient to agree to this proposal.
13th. This suggestion appears to be perfectly reasonable.
14th. It is understood, that this proposition is founded on a principle of guarding against the dangers to which vessels of less burthen than four hundred tons would be exposed on a voyage to the East Indies, and also for providing for the security of the revenue, which might be affected by permitting importations in smaller vessels. These reasons, though entitled to due consideration, do not appear to be sufficiently strong to justify the proposed restriction, or the making a distinction, in that respect, between ships trading to the East Indies and to other countries.
15th. This seems to be reasonable.
16th. It would be necessary to provide, by proper regulations, for the care and maintenance of those persons, and for their return to the East Indies.
17th. This proposal would be wholly inadmissable, unless it were limited to such unexpired engagement as do not extend beyond March 14, 1814, when the Company's present term of exclusive privileges will expire; but the Public may fairly look to the Company to bear this burthen, as a compensation, to a certain extent, for the continuance of the exclusive trade to China.
18th. It will be indispensably necessary, for the purpose of guarding against the inconvenience herein alluded to, that the existing restriction should be continued, with such alterations as may be requisite in the new system of trade.
19th. The number of His Majesty's forces to be maintained by the East India Company may without inconvenience be limited, as herein suggested. It will be necessary, however, in consequence of the increased extent of the British territories in India, since the passing of the Act by which the number is at present regulated, that a considerable addition should be made to it.
20th. It will be necessary, that the present system of accounting between the East India Company and the Paymaster General should be abolished, and new regulations enacted.
21st. These demands must necessarily be arranged on the principles suggested by the Committees of the House of Commons, who have reported upon the subject of the accounts herein referred to. If it were necessary or proper, in discussing the future regulations which it may be deemed advisable to establish, respecting the affairs of the East India Company, there would be no difficulty to [illegible]ing, that amount of force maintained in India, has not gone beyond what was requisite for the defence and security of the Company's possessions, and for other operations intimately and inseparately connected with those objects.
22d. The Proprietors ought to be secured, as at present, in their dividend of ten and a half per cent.
23d. The whole of the surplus funds of the East India Company, at home and abroad ought to be applied, in the first instance, to the reduction of debt, till it is reduced in India to the sum of ten millions, and the bond debt at home to the sum of three millions, after providing for a proportionate increase of the capital stock of the Company, if they should think fit to avail themselves of the power now vested in them by law to that effect.
24th. It is intended to submit to Parliament a proposition to that effect, or similar in substance.
25th. If the object adverted to in this proposition can be obtained by exclusion from the dominions of the Emperor of China, and a prohibition to import the produce of the country without licences from the Company, it will be preferable to the mode herein suggested. There seems to be no reason for excluding the private trade from the Spice Islands.

in the Colony-Stocks of Demerary. [heading]





Mr. Fraser,



Pl. Soesdyk,

Mr. Poolman,


Mr. Samms,

Mahaicony Ferry.


G. Sutherland,

H. M'Coll.


Simmy Eyman,



Colony Berbice,



J. Henery,

W. Kool.


H. Douglas,



Captain Van Dyk,

Pl. Mindenburg.


Rule (Berbice)

Pl. Grove.


Island Barbados,


August 8. F. STRUNKAY, Scout.

GEORGE-TOWN: [centered]
Printed & published every Tuesday & Saturday Afternoon,
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 18 June 2008   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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