Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1812 September 01

Vol. VII.]


[No. 508.



                  Demerary, Sept. 1.
EMPLOYMENT WANTED by a Young Man, in the capacity of Clerk or Overseer of an Estate; a clerkship will be preferred.
T. Quiding.

The Domicilium Citandi et Executandi of the Undersigned, is at the House of Alexander Reath, Esq.
Essequebo, August 24. J. Henley.
[Transcriber's note: this item not found in earlier issue.]

LOST. [heading]
A Plain Silver Watch, with a second hand, having also a stop; made in London, but the maker's name not recollected; No. 1117. Also a Gold Chain, long-linked, and a large Gold Seal, plain Cornelian, and a Plated Key.
The reward of One Joe will be given to the person who will deliver the same to the Printer of this Paper. August 31.

ABSENTED, from Plantation Nabaclis, Two Men - namely, Tom Gibson, a mason by trade, and Quomin, a carpenter.
A reward of Two Joes each, will be given for apprehending and delivering them on the Estate; and all persons are cautioned against employing them, as the law will be rigidly enforced against all offenders.
Nabaclis, August 28. Benjamin Jones.

RUNAWAY, from the Subscriber when last in George-Town, on the 1st of August, a negro Man, named George; stout made, and a little bow-legged. He was purchased at the Vendue of S. Cramer, Esqr. held of Fort-Island, in October last. All persons are hereby warned against harbouring the said negro; and Masters of Vessels are cautioned not to carry him from the colony. A reward of One Joe will be paid on delivering him to Alex. Reith, Esqr. Robb's Town, or to me,
Post Morocco, Aug. 27. H. Linau.

THE Ordinary Meeting of the Commissaries of George-Town, will take place at the Colony-House, on Saturday next, the 5th instant, at ten o'clock. Demerary, Sept. 1.
F. Van Den Velden,

FOR SALE, [heading]
A SCHOONER-BOAT, 38 feet keel and 15 1/2 beam; with anchors, sails, and rigging; now lying off the America Stelling, and where she will remain until disposed of. If not sold by private sale, by the 15th instant, will then be put up at public vendue, and sold to the highest bidder. For further particulars apply to
Sept. 1. Arch. Iver, qq.

FOR SALE, [heading]
PRIME Mess Pork in barrels, and Beef in tierces; Superfine Flour in barrels; Tobacco in barrels and hogsheads; Sugar Boilers, 60 and 100 gallons each; Grating Bars and Bearers; Madeira Wine in hogsheads, pipes, and per dozen; and Stationery in trunks.
September 1. Garden, King, & Co.


This is to inform the
Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony;-

Van het Secretary deezer Colonie word geadverteerd
dat de volgende Persoonen
von voorneemens zyn van hier
na elders te vertrekken, viz;

Thomas De Lisle, in 14 days or six weeks, Aug. 1.
Richard Jenkins, in do. . . . 6.
Owen Jones, in 14 days or 6 weeks . . . 15.
James Souter, in 14 days, or by the Ship Sisters 28.
Thomas Martin, in do. or by the Ship Richard, 28.
Secretary's Office, Demerary, August 29, 1812.
Charles Wilday,
Sworn Clerk.


On Tuesday the 15th of September, [18120815EDRG] . . .
Also by order of the Executors of John Foster, Esq. a negro man, named Moses.
August 15. Robert Kingston.
King's House. [heading]

            George-Town, September 1, 1812.
BY Order of His Excellency Major-General H. L. Carmichael, Acting-Governor;
Notice is hereby given, that persons wishing to Contract to Weed, Drain, and Level, Sixteen Lots of Land, in the District of Cumingsburg; will please send Tenders to the Government-Secretary's Office, on or before Saturday the 5th instant, when they will be opened before His Excellency the Acting-Governor.
The said land to be raised in the center; to have a trench of seven or eight feet all round, and the whole of the small drains and trenches at present thereon, to be filled up. For further particulars apply to
H. B. Fraser,

Except the Sloop Blackbird, from Barbados, no arrivals having taken place since our last, the only articles which will be found in our Foreign Department this day, are - 1st Copies of Letters from the august and potent Joseph, King of Spain, to most of the members of his illustrious family, which were lately intercepted by the Spanish General Mina, and published in the Gibraltar Gazette of the 22d of June; - and 2dly, A Copy of Marshal Beresford's Order of the Day, which we alluded to in our publication of the 4th ultimo.

LOCALITIES. [heading]

[From the Orphan-Chamber.] [heading]


Free Coloured.









[From the Orphan-Chamber.] [heading]

July 19. P. Burnier, Plantation Engelrust.
23. Henriette Sampson, (mulatto) Pl. Pattenson.
Aug. 16. St. Rose Gerson, (mulatto) Pl. Amsterdam.
17. R. Noonan, drowned.
18. P. F. Schirmeister, Stabroek.
--- Charlotte Emilia Anne Borel, Fort-Island
27. J. H. Runnels, Stabroek.

PS. The Register of the Deaths and Births is very sorry to observe, that the law concerning them, though only lately renewed, is not observed - several persons, who have died, not having been reported at his office; and he will be obliged to inform the Fiscal of this, his proper interest being in no way concerned in the fine to be paid, and the public interest his sole motive. F. A. Vernede.


Aug. 1. Brig Gov. Hodson, Cooper, for Newfoundland.
-- Sloop Dispatch, Hinson, Barbados.
-- Sloop Eliza and Jane, Tynes, Barbados.
4. Schr. Fame, Greenidge, Barbados.
6. Ship Amazon, Reid, Liverpool.
-- Sloop Blackbird, Coverley, Barbados.
7. Schr. Gov. Bentinck, Williamson, Oronoque.
11. Schr. Huzza, Criffon, Bermuda.
13. Schr. Burchall, Lawson, Barbados.
--- Schr. Eliza, Adams, St. John's, N.B.
18. Schr. Neptune, Thompson, Barbados.
20. Schr. Phoenix, Norburn, Barbados.
--- Sloop Eliza and Jane, Tynes, Barbados.
21. Schr. Joseph, Strickland, Barbados.
22. Schr. Gov. Carmichael, Pearce, Barbados.
--- Schr. Mahaicony, Martin, Barbados.
--- Schr. Nancy, Douglas, Barbados.
25. Ship John, Tyrer, Liverpool.
26. Schr. Burchall, Hill, Barbados.
--- Schr. Catharine, White, Barbados.
27. Schr. Fame, Greenidge, Barbados.
28. Sloop Lydia, Thomas, Barbados.
--- Schr. Trafalgar, Swan, St. Lucia.

GEORGE-TOWN: [centered]
Printed & published every Tuesday & Saturday Afternoon,
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 18 June 2008   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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