Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1812 October 06

Vol. VII.]


[No. 517.

[Transcriber's note: The issue number here repeats that for 18121003EDRG]


For Sale by the Subscribers, [heading]
HOFFMAN's cherry brandy, Rhenish wine, Tarragon vinegar, pickles, olives, capers, salad oil, currie powder, Wright's and Stoughtons bitters, black pepper, loaf sugar, by the loaf or puncheon; fine hyson tea, in chests and canisters; gunpowder tea, currants, sugar candy, spices assorted, in pound papers; Hudson's bleaching liquid, eau de cologne, perfumery, gauging-rods, boxes of bubbles, do. negro pipes, gunpowder, shot, ledgers and journals, day-books, memorandum books, ink powder, quills; Russia and brown canvas, flaxen Osnaburgs, tarred, bolt, and white rope; spun-yarn and oakum, deep sea and fishing lines, boat flags, hour and half-hour glasses, double and single blocks, mast-hoops, jib-hanks, gaff trucks, dead eyes, bound and unbound hooks and thimble; yellow bordered green cloth, fine Welch flannel, superfine coat patterns, cassimeres, nankeen jackets, broad-cloth coats, white and coloured Marseilles vests, black silk do. cassimere pantaloons, Irish sheeting, French cambric, white counterpanes, bed ticking, ladies' black and white silk stocking and gloves, cotton stockings, black silk handkerchiefs, gentlemen's morocco slippers, servants' hats, negro hats, check, check shirts, dowlas, negro watch coats, jackets, blankets, salempores, dust pans, shoe brushes, yellow and black paint, rock cement paint, slate and stone colour; jugs of lamp oil five gallons each, neatsfoot oil; trunks, saddles, toilet glasses, a writing table, a floor-cloth, 21 feet by 30, Persian pattern; Indian shades, barrel lamps, shades and brackets, patent shade candlesticks, a set of glass-ware, decanters, wine-glasses, handsome cut fruit glasses, and tumblers; patent dish-covers, gridirons, sod irons, tea-trays and waiters, silver table and tea spoons, and ladles; plated do. plated candlesticks, cruet and liquor stands; gallon and half gallon measures, coffee filters, sugar strainers, coffee manaries, copper wire for do. 4, 4 1/2, and 5 feet grating bars; hard metal mill brasses, steel steps, iron pots, 1, 2, and 3 gallons; copper kettles, 15, 20, and 25 gallons; sets of scales and weights (Dutch), steelyards to weigh 2500 pounds, Dutch weight, with scale-board, balance peas, and can-hooks; leathern fire-buckets; hoes, shovels, cutlasses, axes, anchors and grapnels, standing foot-scrapers, nails assorted, door and window bolts, hinges, stay-bars, brass and iron locks, carpenters' and coopers' tools, masons' trowels, puncheon and hogshead truss hoops, marking-irons, and whip-saws.
October 6. James Robertson & Co.

FOR SALE, by the Subscriber, Turk's Island Salt, in barrels; Tobacco; Temper-Lime; Pork, in barrels and half-barrels; Butter, in firkins; &c.
October 6. Owen Kernan

FOR SALE, [heading]
AT a moderate price, a few Head of Creole Milch Cattle, (not exceeding six) of very superior breed. Also two young Spanish Horses, in good order. For which Coffee, Cotton, Sugar or Rum, will be accepted in payment. Apply to the Printer. October 6.

ABSCONDED from the Subscriber, some time since, the Negro named Cudjoe; a stout, elderly, man; a carpenter by trade; and lately purchased fo Mr. P. De Vries. He has frequently been seen about Werk & Rust. All persons are cautioned against harbouring the said negro, and a reward of One Joes will be given for approaching and lodging him in the colony-barracks, or delivering him to the subsriber.
Alex. Cumming,
October 5. At Mr. W. Allen's in Cumingsburg.

SIMSON, GRANT and Co. have received by the Kingsmill a Consignment of a few hogsheads of Tobacco, Puncheons of Negro-Clothing, and Madeira Wine in pipes, hogsheads and quarter-cask - which they will dispose of very reasonable, for immediate payment in cash or produce. Oct. 6.

ALL persons having claims against the late Miss Mary Davis are requested to render them in as soon as possible; and those indebted to her, will please to make payments to the Undersigned.
October 6. Anthony Osborn,

[sailing ship icon heading]
For Glasgow. [heading]
The Ship Nereid, [heading]
W. Orr, Master, [heading]
Will sail hence in ten days, or as soon as ready. For freight or passage apply to the Master, or
Oct. 6. Fullerton, Oliverson, and Co.

Militia General Order. [heading]

            King's-House, Demerary, October 5, 1812.
His Excellency the Acting Governor thinks proper to repeat in Public Orders to the Militia, his verbal Address of last night's parade.
"It appears to me to be my duty, on the present occasion, particularly to explain to the Garrison, the cause of the rejoicing of this evening. The glorious victory, obtained by the allied army of Britain and Portugal, under the command of the Marquis of Wellington, over the armies of Bonaparte, assuming the title of Emperor of France. As many of the soldiers I am now addressing, are natives of different countries, although now voluntarily serving the King of England, I conceive it my duty to draw to their recollection, the conduct of the present Ruler of France, entirely directed to his own personal ambition, and the agrandisement of his family; for which he has sacrificed the best blood of France, and brought on the destruction of many good men of that once happy and great nation.
I think it proper to draw concisely, and abstract of Bonaparte's proceedings from the time he announces himself the Champion of Humanity and Liberty. After the massacre in cold-blood, of loyal Frenchmen at Toulon, Lyons, and other places, he went to Egypt for the purpose, he avowed, of bestowing the blessing of freedom upon the inhabitants, and became himself a Mahometan, denying the Christian religion to promote his own designs. He was frustrated in the conquest of Egypt; in the first instance at Acre by Sir Sidney Smith, a captain in the British navy, and the Turks to whom he proffered friendship. He deserted his army when in distress, which was afterwards conquered in a general action, by the English under Sir Ralph Abercromby.
In the wars of La Vandee, at Quiberon, and several of the principal cities of France, Frenchmen fought against each other. The conquest of Austria was afterwards attempted, which cost France many men; and as the consequences have since proved, for the benefit and views of this individual. Unfortunately, disunion and civil dissention [sic] in Holland, afforded an opportunity for this consummate politician and general to overthrow the independence of that great nation, and which their ancestors had gained after severe conflicts for many years, with glory to themselves; happiness, liberty, and advantage to their posterity - all which have been sacrificed to the altar of family ambition - in erecting a throne for Louis, the brother of Bonaparte, who abandoned this kingdom formed for him, and now annexed as a province to the empire of Napoleon.
His brother Lucian was also offered a kingdom, which he declined, and took refuge in England, as the real land of liberty. Westphalia, formerly in the empire of Germany, was formed into a kingdom for his other brother, Jerome, after much bloodshed.
He attempted the conquest of Portugal for one of his generals, in which he failed by the interposition of England. For four years Spain has been deluged in blood, for the purpose of forcing the Spaniards to accept of Joseph Bonaparte as their king; and it is fervently to be prayed for, by every good man, in whatever country he may first have drawn his breath, that England will have further successes in her glorious exertions for the freedom of those people, now struggling against oppression.
Those brave men in arms, who I have now the honour to address, will I trust agree with me, when reflecting upon the extraordinary and unprecedented events since the French Revolution, now twenty-two years, that the civilized world, in every quarter of the globe, has overflowed with the best blood of its bravest inhabitants; whilst England, who commanding the ocean, might have rested in her own security, defended by her wooden bulwarks - but she disdained being an inanimate or timid spectator of such dreadful scenes of oppression, while she had the power to aid the injured, and raise the hand of justice.
Providence seems to have favoured those noble principles by signal victories in different parts of the universe, by sea and by land.
I shall briefly recapitulate. Egypt, Portugal, Maida, Malta, the East and West Indies and Spain. The Russians and Swedes are now in alliance with England. The latter, king by Bonaparte's own appointment and one of his generals; but, like many other brave and good Frenchmen, will not support his actions or cause, when they evidently are not calculated or correspondent with his professions and the general good of mankind.
The contest is not now, as in former wars, nation against nation, but it is the general opposition of every man of honour, honesty, or love for his country, against an individual aiming at universal empire, and grasping at power and dominion with an inordinate and insatiable passion.
As the countries, over which he has had even a temporary rule, can testify, and are now proving in may instance, the system of plundering foreign countries, by which his troops have been casually supported, sometimes in profusion and at others dying by famine and distress, is unknown to those in the service of the King of England - the whole army, without distinction of nation, being regularly subsisted, clothed, and paid, superior to any other troops, as the good behaviour of a brave soldier is alone appreciated and impartially rewarded, of whatever country he may be a native, and of which we see in this great battle and triumph, which we now celebrate.
Officers and soldiers of France, Germany, Poland, Portugal, and Spain, distinguished as gallant warriors by the British General, under whose standard they fought and conquered. Being confident that there are many loyal and worthy Dutch present, I have peculiar pleasure in repeating the Marquis of Wellington's official report of the Prince of Orange: -
"Among the latter, I particularly request your Lord-
"ship to draw the attention of His Royal Highness
"the Prince Regent to his Serene Highness the Here-
"ditary Prince of Orange, whose conduct in the field,
"as well as upon every other occasion, entitles him
"to my highest commendations, and has acquired for
"him the respect and regard of the whole army."
I have not a doubt, that every man in arms, of whatever rank or country he may be, in this command I have the honour to hold, should an opportunity offer in these colonies, will follow the glorious example of that gallant young Prince, and be ever ready to serve, at a moment's notice, in the cause of true patriotism and real humanity."
By Command,
J. R. Brant, [sic]
Major Brigade D. M.


This is to inform the
Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony;-

Van het Secretary deezer Colonie word geadverteerd
dat de volgende Persoonen
von voorneemens zyn van hier
na elders te vertrekken, viz;

The free coloured woman, Terry, in 14 days or 6 weeks, . . Sept. 2.
W. N. Massiah, in do. or 6 weeks . . . . . . 4.
John Newton, in 14 days, or by the Ship Douglas . 5.
J. W. Robinson, sen. and one servant, in do. or a month . . . . 7.
Joseph Templemann, in do. or by the Oct. convoy, . . . . 16.
George Smith, in do. or one month, . . . . 17.
Adam Niel, in do. or six weeks, . . . . . 18.
Caleb Carter, in do. . . . . . . . . . . . 18.
John Brown, in 14 days or by the Ship Pilgrim, 22.
R. M. Jones, with a servant, in 14 days or 6 weeks, 23.
Miss Mary Ann Shepherd, in do. or by the First Packet . . . . Oct. 1.
Secretary's Office, Demerary, October 3, 1812.
Charles Wilday,
Sworn Clerk.


The Sale of Negroes advertised by F. W. Tuckerman, Esq. q.q. on the 5th instant, will take place on Thursday the 8th instant.

On Thurs[mutilated] for sale
at the Vendue Office[mutilated] Tuckerman,
Esq. Executor to Mrs. J. [mutilated] deceased -
Six Slaves, named Cerberus, New-Year, Simon, Casix, Taleran, and Jauw.
Also by order of Mrs. Tradaux, a Negro Woman, Lena, a good washer.
October 6. Robert Kingston.

On Monday the 28th of September by order of Mr. Archibald M'Queen, Acting Executor of Alexander Macrae, deceased, on Plantation New-Hope - Household-furniture of different descriptions, a quantity of plate, a collection of books, live-stock, and what further may appear on the day of sale.
August 29. Robert Kingston.
[Transcriber's note: see 18120829EDRG, where this vendue was originally scheduled for the '28th of September']

THE Combined College of Kiezers and Financial Representatives is appointed by His Excellency the Acting Governor to meet on Saturday next, the 10th instant, at the Colony-House, in George-Town; in order to be sworn in and to proceed to the election of a Member for the Honourable Court of Policy.
Court House, George Town, October 6, 1812.
By Command, Charles Wilday,
Clerk of the Court of Policy.

                        OFFICE OF ORDNANCE,
                        Demerary, October 5, 1812.
OATS. [centered]
ANY Person willing to supply this Department with the best Poland Oats, (32 pounds to the bushel) for Six Months certain, will please to send in Tenders to this Office, on, or before, the 9th instant, at 10 o'clock, when they will be opened, and the lowest offer (if approved of) accepted.
Henry St. Hill,

By the Schooner Fame, from Barbados, which arrived on Sunday last, we have received Papers to the 26th ultimo; and, in our Foreign Department will be found, some interesting extracts, under the head of The United States.

LOCALITIES. [heading]

On Sunday last, about four o'clock in the afternoon, the Royal Militia of this Metropolis, assembled on the Grand Parade, and soon after marched to the Camp - where, conjointly with the Troops of the Line, they fired a feu-de-joie in honor of the late brilliant success in Spain, under the auspices of the now Marquis of Wellington. In the course of the evening, His Excellency the Commander in Chief, addressed the Troops in his accustomed energetic and appropriate manner, on the glorious occasion.
Nor are the above-mentioned honours, all that the Inhabitants of George Town have paid; for that evening, an Illumination took place, which was as general and brilliant as the peculiar nature of the buildings would admit.

Departed this life, this morning, on Plantation La Resouvenir, John Van der Haas, Esq. of this Colony.



Baltimore, July 28. - Last night and this morning, our city has been under Mob Government, the most disgraceful that ever visited any city, except Paris in the French revolution. - Yesterday morning the Federal Republican was again published from No. 45, South Charles Street, which contained severe reflections against our Police, and the Democratic party, which they did not relish, and an immediate attack was meditated against the premises. The proprietors being apprised of it, collected about twenty of their friends, and put the house in a state of defence. - General Lee, of Virginia, was the Commander in Chief of the house; with him, were Captains Murray and Lingan, of the United States' army. Things were in this state when the mob began to assemble at night, and when their numbers were deemed sufficiently powerful, they began breaking the windows. They then attempted to break open the door, when the Commander of the garrison within told them to desist, or they would be fired upon. - This seemed to have no effect; and, after a great deal of forbearance on the part of the garrison - they commenced firing, and one of the mob leader was shot immediately through the heart, and died instantaneously; one other shot in the groin - another received four balls in the side from a blunderbuss - and a fourth severely wounded; two of the three it is expected will die. After this repulse, the mob procured a 4 pound cannon, had it well charged, placed it before the house, and one of them stood ready with a lighted match to fire it as occasion might require, but fortunately it was not done. In the mean time the militia were called out but the mob would not disperse, and insisted upon the surrender of the garrison that they might reek their bloody vengeance on the men who had killed one of their chiefs, and this they adhered to until about nine o'clock this morning. - At last the garrison agreed to give themselves up to the military, and they were marched down Market-street, and from thence to goal, where they now are. I hear that an attack will be made on the goal this night, to force them out and execute vengeance on them. - Our Police are not worth a straw - they are really afraid to act. In the early part of this horrid business, Samuel Hoffman, a son of Old Peter Hoffman, was sent by General Lee from the garrison to propose terms. He was taken by the mob and very much beaten; and they went so far as to get a halter round his neck, and were actually going to hang him to the first lamp post they came to! He was fortunately rescued, after spending a night in the watch house.
MOST HORRIBLE ! ! [heading]
The passengers in the Pilot Stage from Baltimore arrived here yesterday afternoon inform, that on Tuesday night, between the hours of eight and nine o'clock, the mob forced the goal, and murdered General Henry Lee, General Lingan, (of George-Town), Alexander C. Hanson, Esq. and twelve others, who were confined there with them. After they were dead, they took the bodies of General Lee, Mr. Hanson, and a Mr. Thomson, tarred and feathered them, and carried them through the streets of Baltimore, committing many indignities on them. After which they brought them back to the goal, where, when the stage came away, the mob was raging worse than ever, still increasing, and the whole city continued in a state of unutterable tumult and horror."
The mob brought a 24 pounder opposite the goal, to fire in case any resistance should be made by the guards; there was none; and they broke open the door with axes. Gen. Henry Lee was beaten with clubs, and left for dead. Mr. Hanson and the others, who were all unarmed, were dispatched immediately; after which, the murderers finding some symptoms of returning life in the unfortunate Lee, held a consultation whether he should be permitted to live. His death was decreed, the candles were put out, and he was dispatched. Two gentlemen, Mr. Bigelow and Mr. Finch, escaped from Goal, while the massacre was going on. We understand twelve houses were marked by the mob for demolition and pillage last night. Many of the respectable inhabitants were leaving the city, and abandoning their property. It is said among those massacred, were seven revolutionary officers including Gen. Lee. Most of these Martyrs have left wives and children to mourn bitterly their fate.
Thus has fallen by the hands of a cruel and licentious mob, Gen. Henry Lee, one of the heroes of the American revolution.
POSTSCRIPT. [heading]
A letter received last night from Baltimore, states the number massacred in goal, was twenty eight, among whom were Captains Murray and Lingan, of the United States' army.

Concluded from our last. [heading]

Anxious to make every experiment short of the last resort of injured nations, the United States have withheld from Great Britain, under successive modifications. The benefits of a free intercourse with their market, the loss of which could not but outweigh the profit accruing from her restriction of our commerce with other nations. And to entitle those experiments to the more favourable consideration, they were so framed as to enable her to place her adversary under the exclusive operation of them. To these appeals her Government has been equally inflexible, as if willing to make sacrifices of every sort, other than yield to the claims of justice, or renounce the [illegible] of a false pride. Nay, so far were the attempts carried to overcome the attachment of the British Cabinet to its unjust Edicts, that it received every encouragement, within the competency of the executive branch of our Government, to expect that a repeal of them would be followed by a war between the United States and France, unless the French Edicts should be repealed. Even this communication, although silencing forever the plea of a disposition in the United States to acquiesce in those Edicts, originally the sole plea for them, received no attention.
If no other proof existed of a premeditation of the British Government against a repeal of its Orders, it might be found in the correspondence of the Minister Plenipotentiary of the United State at London, and the British Secretary for Foreign Affairs in1810, on the question whether the blockade of May, 1806, was considered in force or not in force. It had been ascertained that the French Government, which urged this blockade as the ground of its Decree, was willing, in the event of its removal, to repeal that Decree; which being followed by alternate repeals of the other offensive Edicts, might abolish the whole system on both sides. This inviting opportunity for accomplishing an object so important to the United States, and professed so often to be the desire of both de Belligerents, was made known to the British Government. As that Government admits that an actual application of an adequate force is necessary to the existence of a legal blockade; and it was notorious, that if such a force had ever been applied, its long discontinuance had annulled the blockade in question, there could be no sufficient objection on the part of Great Britain to a formal revocation of it; and on imaginable objection to a declaration of the fact that the blockade did not exist. The declaration would have been consistent with her avowed principles of blockade, and would have enabled the United States to demand from France the pledged repeal of her Decrees: either with success, in which case the way would have been opened for a general repeal of the belligerent Edicts; or without success, in which case the United States would have been justified in turning their measures exclusively against France. The British Government would, however, neither rescind the blockade, nor declare its non-existence, nor permit its non-existence to be inferred and affirmed by the American Plenipotentiary. On the contrary, by representing the blockade to be comprehended in the Orders in Council, the United States were compelled so to regard it in their subsequent proceedings.
There was a period when a favourable change in the policy of the British Cabinet was justly considered as established. The Minister Plenipotentiary of His Britannic Majesty here proposed an ajustment [sic] of the differences more immediately endangering the harmony of the two countries. The proposition was accepted with a promptitude and cordiality corresponding with the invariable professions of this Government. A foundation appealed to be laid for a sincere and lasting reconciliation. The prospect, however, quickly vanished. The whole proceeding was disavowed by the British Government without any explanation which could at that time express the belief, that the disavowal proceeded from a spirit of hostility to the commercial rights and prosperity of the United States. And it has since come into proof, that at the very moment when the public Minister was holding the language of friendship, and inspired confidence in the sincerity of the negociation with which he was charged, a free agent of his Government was employed in intrigues, having for their object a subversion of our Government, and a dismemberment of our happy union.
In reviewing the conduct of Great Britain towards the United States, our attention is necessarily drawn to the warfare just renewed by the savages on one of our extensive frontiers; a warfare which is known to spare neither age nor sex, and to be distinguished by features particularly shocking to humanity. It is difficult to account for the activity and combinations which have for some time been developing themselves among the tribes in constant intercourse with British traders and garrisons, without connecting their hostility with that influence; and without recollecting the authenticated examples of such interpositions heretofore furnished by the Officers and Agents of that Government.
Such is the spectacle of injuries and indignities which have been heaped on our country: and such the crisis which its unexampled forbearance and conciliatory efforts have not been able to avert. It might at least have been expected, that an enlightened nation, if less urged by moral obligations, or invited by friendly dispositions on the part of the United States, would have found on its true interests alone a sufficient motive to respect their rights and their tranquility on the high seas: that an enlarged policy would have favoured the free and general circulation of commerce, in which the British Nation is at all times interested, and which in times of war is the best alleviation of its calamities to herself, as well as the other belligerents; and more especially that the British Cabinet would not, for the sake of a precarious and surreptitious intercourse with hostile markets, have persevered in a course of measures which necessarily put at hazard the invaluable market of a great and growing country, disposed to cultivate the mutual advantages of an active commerce.
Other Councils have prevailed. Our moderation and conciliation have had no other effect than to encourage perseverance, and to enlarge pretensions - We behold our seafaring citizens still the daily victims of lawless violence committed on the great and common highway of nations, even within sight of the country which owes them protection. We behold our vessels freighted with the products of our soil and industry, or returning with the honest proceeds of them, wrested from their lawful destination, confiscated by prize courts, no longer the organs of public law, but the instruments of arbitrary edicts; and their unfortunate crews dispersed and lost, or forced or inveigled in British ports into British fleets; whilst arguments are employed in support of these aggressions, which have no foundation but in a principle equally supporting a claim to regulate our external commerce in all cases whatsoever.
We behold, in fine, on the side of Great Britain, a state of war against the United States; and on the side of the United States, a state of peace towards Great Britain.
Whether the United States shall continue passive under these progressive usurpations, and these accummulating wrongs; or, opposing force to force in defence of their natural rights, shall commit a just cause into the hands of the Almighty Disposer of events: avoiding all connection, which might entangle it in the contests or views of other powers, and preserving a constant readiness to concur in an honourable establishment of peace and friendship, is a solemn question, which the constitution wisely confides to the Legislative Department of the Government. In recommending it to their early deliberation, I am happy in the assurance that the decision will be worthy the enlightened and patriotic councils of a virtuous, a free, and a powerful nation.
Having presented this view of the relations of the United States with Great Britain, and of the solemn alternative growing out of them, I proceed to remark, that the communications last made to Congress on the subject of our relations with France, will have shown that since the revocation of her Decrees as they violated the neutral right of the United States, her Government has authorised illegal captures by its privateers and public ships, and that other outrages have been practised on our vessels an our citizens. It will have been seen also, that no indemnity had been provided, or satisfactorily pledged, for the extensive spoilations committed under the violent and retrospective order of the French Government against the property of our citizens seized within the jurisdiction of France.
I abstain at this time from recommending to the consideration of Congress definitive measures with respect to that nation, in the expectation, that the result of the unclosed discussions between our Minister Plenipotentiary at Paris and the French Government, will speedily enable Congress to decide with greater advantage, on the course due to the rights, the interests, the honour of our country.
Washington, June 1, 1812." James Madison.

GEORGE-TOWN: [centered]
Printed & published every Tuesday & Saturday Afternoon,
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 18 June 2008   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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