Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1812 October 20

Vol. VII.]


[No. 520.



                        OFFICE OF ORDNANCE,
                        Demerary, October 20, 1812.
A SLUICE - is proposed to be immediately erected on the Canal-dam of Eve Leary Barracks, of the following dimensions:
Length of Main Body . . . . . . . . 15 Feet.
Openings, in space for door . . . . 5 do.
Wings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 do.
to be sunk below the level of the Canal.
Any person willing to superintend the entire work, becoming responsible that it is executed in a sufficient and workman-like manner, to stand good for two years, (under a penalty of the whole expence incurred) - will be pleased to send in sealed tenders to this office, on or before the 26th instant; when they will be opened, and the lowest offer (if approved of) accepted.
Labourers and Materials of every description, to be supplied by Government, with the exception of Masons and Bricks, to be furnished by the Superintendant.
Further particulars may be known, and a plan of the Sluice seen, on application to the Assistant-Engineer.
Persons also inclined to supply such quantities of Bricks, as may from time to time be required, by the Royal Engineer Department, for the above Work, will please send in a separate tender for the same, as above-directed.
Henry St. Hill,

NOTICE, [heading]
THE Subscribers, on account of the house being sold by the Proprietor, are under the necessity of removing the business of the late Alexander Scott, to the house next Mrs. Moorehouse, opposite St. George's Church.
Robert Spence,
George-Town, Oct. 19. Peter M'Laggan,

ROBERT MURRAY, [heading]
Saddler and Military-Accoutrement Maker, [heading]
BEGS leave to inform the Public, that he has a few military-saddles, pistol-holsters, and bridles, for sale; together with every appendage necessary for either horsemen or foot, conformable to the latest regulations of the army; and that old accoutrements are repaired on the shortest notice, and most reasonable terms.
R. Murray has also on hand, a neat assortment of every kind of saddlery, warranted the best quality of London-made goods, which he will sell cheap for cash. He makes and repairs all sorts of saddles, bridles, harness, and whips - and trims chaises off with dispatch. And he will dispose of three single-horse chaises, on very moderate terms, for which we will take in payment, good rum at cash-price.
George-Town, October 20.

NOTICE. [heading]
IN order to obtain regularity, and prevent disagreeable consequences, it is earnestly requested, that every owner granting permission to their slaves to slaughter hogs, &c. in the Market of Stabroek, will supply them with a Pass - either each time they slaughter, or nominating a certain period for that purpose; otherwise they will be treated as acting clandestinely.
October 20. Joseph Tayler,
Clerk of the Market.

F. HORN, Solicitor, duly admitted and sworn before the Commissaries of the Honourable Court of Criminal and Civil Justice of this Colony, begs leave to inform the public, and his friends in particular, that he has removed his office to the house on Lot No. 18, North-dam, Stabroek - where he will attend on business, at the usual office-hours; and he assures all those who may favour him with their affairs, that they may rely on his punctuality and dispatch.
George-Town, October 20.

CARRIED-OFF, from on board my schooner, with other papers, on the 29th of September which day she was taken by, the American privateer-schooner, Saucy Jack, an Order on Plantation Meer Zorg, accepted by T. Cathrey, Esqr. drawn in favour of W. Parker Croney, by J. H. Knolman, Esqr. and transferred to the Undersigned for f 335.
This is to give notice, that the said accepted Order is no longer valid, and can be of no use to any person but the Undersign, who must of course receive the amount from the said Thomas Cathrey, to whom it is hoped, this advertisement will be a sufficient security, in case the same should be ever presented to him.
Demerary, October 20, 1812, John Hunt.


This is to inform the
Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony;-

Van het Secretary deezer Colonie word geadverteerd
dat de volgende Persoonen
von voorneemens zyn van hier
na elders te vertrekken, viz;

Miss Mary Ann Shepherd, in do. or by the First Packet from Oct. 1.
Alexander McRae, in 14 days or 6 weeks, . . . 6.
Archibald Iver, in 14 days, . . . . . 9.
W. Reynolds, in 14 days or 6 weeks . . . . 16.
Secretary's Office, Demerary, October 17, 1812.
Charles Wilday,
Sworn Clerk.


On Saturday the 24th instant, at the Vendue Office - Firkins of Irish butter, half-barrels of Irish mess pork, &c. Also a collection of medical books (a catalogue to be seen at the Vendue Office), three cases of chirurgical instruments, a do. for the recovery of drowned persons, and a parcel of splints, of different sizes, for setting limbs. - Cooper on Hernia, Fordyce on Degestion [sic], Bell's Surger, Fothergill's Works, Mead's Works, Monro on the Dropsy, White on Lying-in Women, Heborden's Commentaries, Hooper's Anatomist's Vade Mecum, Underwood on Children, Hunter on the Venereal, Sydenham's Works, Swediaux on the Venereal, Cullen's First Lines and Synopsis, Hoffman's Practice, Smollie's Midwifery, Hooper's Medical Dictionary, Medical Commentaries, Fordyce on Fevers, Manning on Diseases, Bree on Resperation [sic], Earle on the Hydrocele, Jenner on the Cow Pox, Willan on Cutaneous Diseases, Fordyce's Practice of Physic, Saunders on the Liver, Cleghorn on Diseases, Skeete on Bark, Haller's Physiology, Monro on the Army, Thesaurus Medicaminum, Leake's Midwifery, Letters and Essays by different Practitioners, Lind on Hot Climates, Healde's Pharmacopeia, Huxham on Fevers, Nisbet's Clinical Guide, Monro's Practitioner's Medica, Pringle on the Army, Foster's Midwifery, Hamilton's Midwifery, Pharmacopeia Londinensis, Chirurgica, and ditto Graves, Heister's Cases, Cullen's Materia Medica, Medical R[mutilated]
Buchan's Domestic Medicine, James's Dispensatory, Darwin's Zoonomia, Adams's Essays on the Microscope, by Kanmacher, and on Electricity, Whithering and Robson's Botany, Gibbon's Roman Decline, Kite's Essays on the Recovery of the Apparently Drown[mutilated]
Shaw's Boyle, Hinslaw's Anatomy, Cullen on Medicine Theory and Practice of Physic, Anatomical Tables of the Human Body, Pharmacopeia, Tissot on Health, [mutilated]
Observations on the Chances [sic] of the Air, A Lot of Books of Doctour Herman Boerhaave, &c. &c.
October 17. Robert Kingston.
[Transcriber's note: compare with 18121017EDRG - the present advertisement expands with a list of books]

We know of no arrival since our last, capable of communicating any Foreign Intelligence. Two Vessels, however, arrived this morning from Berbice, for the purpose of joining the Convoy now over the Bar.

OUR LAST REPORT. [heading]
October 15. Brig Harmony, Woodall, for London.
-- Ship Demerary, Dougal, London.
16. Ship Douglas, Evans, do.
-- Schooner John Duncan, Birnie, Barbados.
17. Ship Belleisle, Cameron, Glasgow.
-- Brig Patience, M'Kenny, Bermuda.
-- Brig Claude Scott, Stroyan, Liverpool.
-- Schooner Brothers, Martin, Barbados.
-- Ship Pilgrim, Horn, London.
19. Ship Favourite, Kind, do.
-- Ship Proselyte, Barton, do.
-- Sloop Governor Beckwith, Pierse, Barbados.

Departed this life, last night, Sarah-Elizabeth, Daughter of Mr. W. Lyng, of this Colony.

THE LATE [heading]

The Narrative of John Thompson, one of the Persons in- [heading]
tended to have been massacred in the Gaol of [heading]
Baltimore, in July last. [heading]

"On Monday the 27th of July last, I was invited by Mr. Hanson to his house, and in the evening about twilight, I went there and found from 15 to 20 gentlemen in his house, most of them known to me. I was told that an attack upon the house was threatened that night, which they had made preparations to resist and defeat. I saw some muskets, pistols, and swords in the house, for the purpose of defence. After being there some time, I understood an arrangement had been made, that in case of an attack, the direction of the defence was appointed to Gen. Lee. About eight o'clock, a number of persons were collecting at the front of the house, who were very noisy and began to throw stones at the windows, and they broke several of them. The house was in front completely closed, the door and inside window-shutters being shut, till the stones broke the glass, and burst open the shutters. Mr. Hanson spoke from the second story to the mob, and told them if they did not desist they would fire upon them, and he warned the spectators to go away. Gen. Lee in the house, told them not to fire unless it should be absolutely necessary, and the doors were forced. The mob continued to increase and to throw stones more violently, which broke the windows of the first and second stories. Gen. Lee directed a volley to be fired from the upper story over the heads of the people in the street to frighten them away without injuring them. This was executed, and nobody was hurt. The mob huzzaed, were still more violent, and broke open the lower door. They were then fired upon, and a man fell at the door upon the inside thereof; who was immediately taken up and removed by some of the mob. This must have happened about 10 o'clock, or after. Judge Scot made his appearance and came into the house, the door having remained open after it was broken and requested us to leave the house - he was told we should no such thing, that we could not be secure unless the civil authority interfered, that we were lawfully employed with Mr. Hanson in protecting him and his house against violence, and whenever the mob would disperse, or the civil authority interfere, we would retire to our homes, and not before. - During the night, we continued to defend ourselves, and never fired but after some new and violent attack. - I believe it is probable several were wounded.
The mob during the night retired, and gathered again, and attempted some fresh damage. Just about or before day light, the mob brought a field piece, which was placed near the house, and in front of it, but it was prevented from being discharged by the arrival of Barney's troop of horse, some of whom were stationed round the house, and six of them having dismounted, took possession of the front room on the first floor, and of the back yard! Hanson and his friends occupied the same places which they had done during the night; so things remained until Edward Johnson, the Mayor, Gen. Stricker, John Montgomery, the Attorney-General, James Calhoun, Lemuel Taylor, and several others, arrived and proposed that we should leave the house. We answered we had no objection to leave the house, provided the mob would retire, or we could get home with safety. The Mayor said the mob could not be dispersed, nor would they be satisfied without we went to goal, and that we should be protected from them in going to goal, and while in it. To this proposal most of us expressly objected. Gen. Lee principally carried the conversation on our part with the Mayor and Gen. Stricker. The Mayor, Gen. Stricker, and the Attorney-General severally declared and assured us that we should be protected, as well in going the goal, as in it; and the Mayor pledged his life and his honour that we should be safe, and that he would die with us, if we should be hurt. General Stricker expressed himself in similar terms. Also, Montgomery, Taylor, Calhoun, and their companions, gave us assurance of safety if we went to goal. - After these assurances, and finding the civil authority would not make any exertion to disperse the mob, we consented with the advice of Gen. Lee, to give ourselves up to the civil authority. The Mayor declared his opinion in that we should not be safe in the goal without a guard, and he and Gen. Stricker promised there should be one. About eight or nine o'clock on Tuesday forenoon, we left the house and went under the care and custody of the Mayor, who preceded us, and we were placed between two lines of infantry, consisting as it appeared of about fifty Militia; about twenty dragoons mounted advanced before us to the goal; Gen. Stricker marched on front with the infantry, and an immense concourse of people were in the streets, some of whom went along, and we were abused in the most opprobrious language; some stones were thrown with violence at us, one struck Mr. Kilgore and cut him badly in the forehead; and another struck Mr. Bigelow, and nearly knocked him down. The distance from Hanson's house to the goal was about one mile.
At our arrival the goal door, and as we entered it, several of us were struck by some of the mob whom we found there. Being delivered into the custody of John H. Bentley, the goaler, some time in the forenoon, we were put in a room in the common criminal department, where we remained the rest of the day. - The dragoons and infantry left the goal soon after we were placed in it, and they did not return, nor was there any military guard afterwards. In the afternoon, the Mayor came to us in the goal, and assured us that there should be a guard, and that preparations were making to send one. He told us that he would lose his own life before we should be hurt. Gen. Stricker, was also at the goal, outside of it. The Mayor having been with us about twenty minutes, went away, leaving us in the belief that there would be a guard of armed Militia sent to protect us in the [illegible]aly. During the afternoon we were told several times by persons admitted to see us, that the Militia were called out and assembling. Late in the afternoon two butchers, one named Mumma and the other Maxwell, came into our room, the former having a key in his hand. Mumma asked me the names of several of the prisoners - I told him. Mr. Hoffman said he wondered Mr. Bentley should suffer so many men to come into their room, who had no business there - Mumma answered, that he came there on Mr. Bentley's business. - They were personally known to me, and some of my fellow prisoners: we suspected their intentions were not good, and I inquired of Mr. Bentley if Mumma was a friend of his - Bentley answered, he pretended to be so. I replied, you ought to know him well before you trust the key of our room in his hands, and I proposed that he should lock the door and give up the key through the grate. On the inside the door cannot be unlocked, and there was the outer door locked. Bentley refused, saying, I cannot do so as you are a prisoner under my care. The door was immediately locked by somebody, and the mob very soon began to assemble from various quarters, but no troops were arriving. This excited much alarm in our room, it being after sun-set, and we apprehended we were to be sacrificed. About dark the back door of the goal was beset by the mob, who entered it without breaking it by force. By whom it was opened I do not know, but by hearsay. They began to break own the wood and iron gratings in the passage leading to our room, which took them at least three quarters of an hour. They had the light of torches. The grating of our room was opened instantly without any exertion, which makes me believe it was opened by some one having the key, and I believe either by Mumma or Maxwell. The first person I recognised at the gratings was Henry Keating, who keeps a printing-office, and him I could have killed with my pistols, but for Gen. Lee who laid hold of my arm and begged me not to fire, and also prevented Mr. Murray from firing. It had been agreed that Mr. Murray and myself, being the strongest men, should rush out and make the best of our way, and every person was to escape as he could. Some of the mob rushed into the house, and Mr. Murray and myself rushed out, both of us armed, I had a pistol in each hand, and he had a dirk and a pistol. We made our way through the passage and hall without injury, till I was at the front outer door, when I was struck on the back of my head with a heavy club by some man I had passed, which threw me forward from the head of the steps, and I fell headlong down about twelve feet; there I saw a gang of ruffians armed with clubs, ready to destroy whomsoever should pass down the steps, and six or seven of them instantly assaulted me while down, and beat me about the head until I was unable to rise; some then dragged me twenty or thirty yards, while others were beating me with clubs. They then tried to make me stand on my feet, and looking round I perceived Lemuel Taylor, and I called upon him to prevent these men from taking my life. He told the men to desist and said they had beat me enough, and begged them not to take my life: they said they would kill me: he again repeated that I was beat enough, and desired I should be let alone, and he would be security for me for my forthcoming in the morning. They disregarded what he had said, they dragged me along, and it was proposed to tar and feather me, and as I went along they continued to strike me with sticks and cubs - one fellow struck at me with an axe, who missed me; when they had dragged me a considerable distance and into the old town, they met with a cart and put me into it, and dragged it along themselves to a place where they got tar. I had left my coat in the goal, and they tore my shirt and other cloathing and put the tar on my bare body, upon which they put feathers. They drew me along in the cart in this condition, and calling me traitor, tory and other scandalous names, they did not cease to beat me with clubs, and cut me with rusty swords. I received upon my head, arms, sides, thighs, and back upwards of eighteen cuts of the sword. - On my head one cut was very deep, beside which my head was broken in more than twelve places by other instruments, such as sticks and clubs. I received a few blows in my face, and very many severe bruises on different parts of my body; my eyes were attempted to be gouged, and preserved by means of the tar and feathers, though they were much injured.
About the same time, as I was laying in the cart, a fellow struck both of my legs with a bar of iron, swearing - 'D--n my eyes I'll break your legs' - I drew my legs up and he was led to think and to say he had broke them. Shortly after I received a blow with a club across my eyes, upon which I lay as if dead, supposing it would stop their further beating: remaining so for some time, I was struck upon my thighs, which I bore as if dead; a villain said he would soon see if I was dead, and he stuck a pin into my body twice, at which I did not flinch, but still remained senseless as if dead. - Another said he would shew if I was dead, he pulled a handful of tar and feathers and set fire to it, and stuck it on my back, which put into a blaze what was on my back - I turned over suddenly, and rolled upon the flame, which put it out before it reached to a great height, but I was burnt in several parts. I then rased [sic] upon my knees and addressed them - 'for God's sake be not worse than savages: if you want my life take it by shooting or stabbing:' - often I begged them to put an end to it. Upon this one said 'don't burn him' - another said, 'we will hang him' - one in the shafts of the cart turned and said to me, 'if you will tell the names of all in the house and all you know about it, we shall save your life;' - believing all the damage was done, which could be done by them, I did not hesitate to say I would. They took me out of the cart upon the causeway, at Fell's Point, and carried me to the Bull's Island Tavern: there I gave them the names of the persons in the house (most of them already known by them), whom they took in writing, and the reason of our being in the house, which was to defend Mr. Hanson and his house against violence with which he had been threatened. They detained me about an hour at this Tavern, and offered me some whiskey, of which I took several glasses, being extremely thirsty and weak from loss of blood.
They then made me walk, with several persons on each side upholding me, towards the watchhouse, where they said I should be kept till the morning, and that I should swear to what I had said before a Magistrate by nine o'clock, or if I did not they would hang me. On my way I was unable to proceed, and stopped twice for rest. When I first stopped, some of them said they had got all they could out of me, and they would now hang me. - I rose and went on, and some who were against hanging me followed, and I was obliged, by weakness, to stop again - when it was again proposed to hang me, and one person said they would cut off my head and stick it on a pole. The vote was taken and carried for hanging me, but some said they should not hang me, that my life had been promised upon condition of disclosing what I knew, an that the information I might give them would be of use to them; I was then moved on to the watch-house and delivered to the Captain of the watch about two o'clock in the morning, who was told that they held him responsible for my body at nine o'clock. I laid myself on the floor, a Doctor was sent for by the Captain of the watch, who came and having removed the tar and feathers, sewed up the wounds on the head, and dressed them. Between nine and ten o'clock the mob were gathered at the watch house, and some were for hanging me, saying that I had not sworn to what I had told them before a Magistrate before nine o'clock, as had been stipulated; and one of them said the rope was ready. I observed it was not my fault, that I was not able to go to a Magistrate, and that I was ready to swear to it if they would bring one. They then brought a Magistrate of the name of Galt, who took my affidavit, in which was stated the names of the persons in the house, the causes of their meeting, and the name of the person under whom they were acting in the house. It was read aloud, and at this period the Mayor, Lemuel Taylor, and some others arrived, who said they would take me to the hospital out of the hands of these men. Mr. Taylor said he had no idea of seeing one alive. The Doctor had lent me a shirt, and I was now provided with a pair of trowsers; the Mayor sent for a carriage, but the mob said I should not ride in it, that a cart was good enough for me - and a cart was brought in which I was placed, stretched out in the cart and exposed to a hot sun. About eleven o'clock, I was carried to the hospital, the distance of a mile, the Mayor accompanying me amid the noise of a great concourse of people. There I heard the groans of Gen. Lee, in a room adjoining, who had been said to be dead.
After the crowd had dispersed, some of my [mutilated] who did not think me safe, sent me a carriage, in which I was put, without losing a minute; Gen. Lee was put into the same carriage. We were hurried away into the country in our wounded, bruised, and mangled condition; we arrived at York-Town, Pennsylvania, on Sunday evening the 1st of August, where we received the humane friendly sympathies and attentions of the inhabitants, and the medical aid of two Gentlemen of the faculty."

GEORGE-TOWN: [centered]
Printed & published every Tuesday & Saturday Afternoon,
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 18 June 2008   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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