Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1812 December 05

Vol. VII.]


[No. 534.



[image of a seal - heading]
The King's House. [heading]
DEMERARY. [heading]

NOTICE is hereby given, that Signals to the West Coast will be tried on Saturday next, at twelve o'clock at noon, or as soon after as the weather will permit during the day. The Signals at night, will commence at seven o'clock, or any time between that and nine, if the weather will admit. Should that day prove unfavorable, it will be postponed until Monday, or any day subsequent that may answer.
King's House, George-Town, December 5, 1812.
By Command,
J. R. Brandt,
Adjutant-General, Militia Forces.

Banns of Matrimony, [heading]
BETWEEN [heading]
Andrew Battlelia, born in the Island of St. Thomas,
AND [centered]
Mary Cornierlison, born in this Colony,
With the consent of her Mother.
Any person knowing just cause why those persons should not be joined together in holy matrimony, must declare the same to
The Rev. W. G. Straghan.
Demerary, Dec. 5, 1812.

ANY Person willing to contract for a LOGIE-FRAME, of best Greenheart, seventy-two feet long, twenty feet wide, and two stories high; with a gallery on each side, ten feet wide, and shingled with the best Walaba shingles, to be brought by the contractor, and erected on the Plantation Hope, on the east coast - will please address the lowest terms to
JOSEPH BEETE, q q James Baillie.
Columbia District, George Town, Dec. 3

RECEIVED, per the Ship Granger, from London, and for sale by the Subscriber, at the Store lately occupied by Messrs. Winandy and Co. Best London-made Hessian and Jockey Boots, Gentlemen's Dress and Half-Dress Shoes, Planter's Strong Shoes with Buckles, Paint and Paint-Oil, &c.
America Street, Dec. 5.

THE next SUBSCRIPTION-BALL will be at Marsh's Hotel, on Wednesday Evening the 16th instant. The early attendance of the Ladies is requested.
THOMAS NAGHTEN, [right pointing brace, indicating 'Stewards.']
P. A. de VEER,
George-Town, Dec. 4.

TO LET. [heading]
THE Premises in Cumingsburg, lately occupied by Mr. Wade, which have now undergone a complete repair. They are eligibly situated for any person in the mercantile line. The house and out-offices will be let with or without a large back-store. For particulars, please apply at the Store of Messrs. Garden, King, and Co. - December 4

H. C. WAHL, desires of Mr. Scheepens to come and make a full settlement with him, for to put him in full power to settle with his creditors; or he will be obliged to take some other method, which he would be very sorry for - and from this day, he takes his Power from Mr. Scheepens.
The Subscriber takes also the liberty to beg his Creditors to have a little patience, until he can be able to dispose of his timber which lays at Fort Island, and not to put him to expence, as he will pay with honour. - Massaroony Post, Dec. 5, 1812.

COFFEE BAGS [heading]
For sale by the Subscriber at f 2 each - Cash or Produce.
December 5. James Fraser.

LANDING, from the Maxwell - Real Cogniac BRANDY in pipes, and TAR in barrels - and for sale by
Who has also on hand, from other late arrivals - Salt in barrels and tierces, Irish Linen, Linen Platillas, White Nankeen, Large Cotton Hammocks, Stationery assorted, Gentlemen's Shirts, and sundry other articles. - December 5.

NOTICE. [heading]
The Subscriber, Deliberating-Executor to the Estate of John Ford, deceased, requests all persons indebted to the said Estate, to come forward with payment; and those to whom it is indebted, are requested to render their accounts for examination.

LEAF Tobacco, Rock Salt, Lamp Oil, Coffee and Cotton Bagging, Osnaburg, Negro Cloathing, Irish Linen, Earthenware, Ironmongery, &c. for sale by
December 5. A. CARRON & Co.

FOR SALE, [heading]
Cheap for immediate payment in Cash, [heading]
or Produce at Cash-Price; [heading]
A NEW SLOOP BOAT, now ready to launch, 30 feet keel, 14 feet beam, and 5 feet hold; will carry 15 or 16 heavy hogsheads of sugar, and will only draw four feet water when loaded; built of the best Hard-wood colony timber, planked with Cabacaly plank, and decked with well-seasoned Crabwood. For particulars apply at the Store of A. IVER, George-Town, or PETER JACK, Supinaam-Creek.
Dec. 5.

THE Subscribers have imported from London, by the Ship Albion, the following articles, which they offer for sale: -
Iron boilers, from 60 to 300 gallons, grating-bars, iron puncheon and vat hoops, long wood hoops, sheet lead, nails, 4d. to 40d. hoes, shovels, and iron-handled cutlasses, carpenters' and coopers' tools of all sorts, vat and wine cocks, tin and iron tea and fish-kettles, gridirons and frying-pans, brass, iron rimmed, and stock-locks; crown glass of different sizes, brass sash and window pullies, tar, temper-lime, tallow and mill-grease, pump-leather, mill brasses, cappooses, and steps; puncheon and sugar-hogshead truss-hoops, real Cocker canvas, No. 1 to 5, Russia and London staple cordage, from 12-thread ratline to 7-inch cable; mast-hoops and jib-hanks, anchors and cambooses for colony-boats, sheet-copper, gunpowder and shot, blue, white, and yellow bunting, single and double blocks, Dutch terras in casks of 13 bushels each, soap and candles, planters' mess beef in whole and half-barrels, Leadenhall beef in kegs, pickled and smoaked tongues, hams, sweet-milk, pine, and Bath loaf cheese; Irish butter in whole and half firkins, Dutch butter in kegs, Scotch barley in kegs, green and yellow split peas in jugs, Poland oats in puncheons, white-wine vinegar in jugs, pickles and fish-sauces, salad-oil and mustard, table salt in baskets, porter and beer, old hock, Soda and Seltzer water, cyder, port-wine, claret of a superior quality, Hoffman's cherry, raspberry, and nectarine brandy; Holland's gin and brandy, hyson tea and refined sugar, blue, black, and fashionable-coloured coats, surtouts lined with silk, white and fashionable coloured vests, black silk ditto, blue and fashionable coloured pantaloons, broad-cloath, black silk Florentine, fine baby flannel, and flannel dressing gowns, gentlemen's silk and beaver hats, ditto silk and cotton stockings, white and yellow wash gloves, Hessian and top boots, pump and dress shoes, ladies' black morocco slippers, ditto parasols and black hats, servants' glazed hats with gold and silver bands, infantry sabres and silk sashes, Irish sheeting, linen, and long-lawn, platillas, Britannias, and brown Holland, fine printed cambric, linen cambric, jaconet muslin, fine rich furniture chintz, fine India jean, green table-covers with yellow borders, green baize, and green canvas for window blinds; white and yellow India nankeens, in long and short pieces; tent bedsteads with mattresses and musquito netting, complete; Marseilles and cotton counterpanes, mattresses of different sizes, with feather bolsters and pillows, complete; Inverness coffee and cotton bagging, baling rope, Osnaburghs, salempores, linen and cotton check, lined and unlined negro jackets, women's wrappers and petticoats, romal handkerchiefs, negro hats, fine ditto for tradesmen, blue duck and striped trowsers, striped cotton shirts, white and linen check ditto, negro pipes in boxes, best pale bark in pound bottle, Glauber salts in kegs, rhubarb and jalap, shade candlesticks, chamber ditto with silver edges, plated and morocco bottle-stands, liquor and cruet stands with cut glass bottles, sets of white ivory-handled knives and forks, backgammon and chess boards, with ivory men; linseed, lamp, spermaceti, and neatsfoot oil in jugs; white, brown, blue, and green paints; paint brushes, saddlery, consisting of best London-made saddles, double and single bridles and martingales, stall-collars, best plated gig harness, curry-combs, brushes, and mane-combs; a few London-made gigs.
ON HAND, [centered]
Choice old Madeira wine, in pipes, hogsheads, and quarter-casks; Malmsey, in quarter-casks, and a few hogsheads of tobacco.
December 5.

Marshals' Office. [heading]

By virtue of an Extract from the Minutes of the Court of Rolls, bearing date the 30th day of November, 1812 - I, the Undersigned Acting Deputy First Marshal, in the name and behalf of A. Van Der Stok, Attorney for the Executrix of the Estate of J. Van Den Paadevoort, deceased, do hereby, for the Fourth Time (exsuperabundanti) by Edict Cite, all known and unknown Creditors of the said estate of J. Van den Paadevoort, deceased, to appear before the Honourable Court of Criminal and Civil Justice for the United Colonies of Demerary and Essequebo, at their Session to be holden in George-Town, on the Fifteenth day of December next, and following days, in order to render as yet their claims duly attested - whereas, after the expiration of this last summons by edict, will be proceeded against the non-appearers according to law.
Demerary, 30th day of November, 1812.
B. Teyssen, Jun.
Acting Deputy First Marshal.


This is to inform the Pubilc, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony: -
Samuel Procter, in 14 days, . . . from Nov. 10.
W. L. Hamilton, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from 27.
Abel Allen, and Lady, in 14 days or 6 weeks from Dec. 4.
Secretary's Office, Demerary, December 5, 1812.
Sworn Clerk.

NOTICE. [heading]
AT the request of Madelaine Hofstede, Executrix to the free coloured woman Jan Ball, deceased - All persons having any demands against the estate of the deceased, are requested to render the same, properly attested, in the course of six weeks from date; and all those indebted to come forward with payment to the Executrix aforesaid, in order to liquidate said estate as soon as possible.
Secretary's Office, December 5, 1812.
Sworn Clerk.


On Tuesday the 8th of December, will be exposed for sale, at the Vendue Office - 20 dozen damaged trowsers, 50 dozen damaged jackets and wrappers, 30 pieces of pennistone in good order, 18 new large hammocks, Britannias, chairs, two trunks of muslin shawls, a side-board, two tables, &c.

On Wednesday the 16th instant, will be exposed for Sale at the Vendue-Office - Ten Hogsheads of New Tobacco, Fifty Half-Barrels of Mess Beef, Fifty whole ditto, Ten Half Barrels of Tongus [sic], Irish Linen, Check, Negro Cloathing of the best quality, Negro Hats, Hammocks, &c.

On Wednesday the 30th instant, at ten o'clock precisely, will be exposed for sale, at the House of C. H. De Munnick, Esq. Yorkshire-Hall, Surviving Partner of the Firm of De Munnick & Co. and sole Executor of A. Z. De Munnick, deceased - a few barrels of terras, a few thousand bricks, a few empty rum puncheons and pipes, a water closet for ship's use, a truck cart, two 2-hand barrows, a set of copper scales and weights, steelyards, a set of money-scales; the schooner Ann, with her rigging complete, as per inventory to be seen at the Vendue Office, built by Mr. F. W. Ruperti, in Essequebo, in all the year 1809, 56 tons measurement, stows a large cargo, and is well calculated for this colony, as well as the Island trade - the hull and rigging have always been kept with particular care and order. - Terms of credit, 3, 6, and 9 months. Also a four-oared clinker-built jolly-boat, lately imported; a long-boat, in good repair; a sextant and octant, a camboose, a large ship's anchor, ship's compasses, hour-glasses, boat and schooner rudder-irons, blocks and tackles, thimbles and hooks, bolts, and sundry ironmongery, a fowling-piece, gold and silver watches, and jewellery, a life-preserver, an officer's sword, a collection of books, a cooper's vise, and a bake iron; a few pieces of Kersey, gloves, sweet-oil, and starch; large water-vats, a neat chaise and harness in good order, a saddle and bridle, an excellent chaise horse; a four-oared tent boat, in good repair; glass and earthen ware, a few quarter-casks of best Malmsey wine, a copying machine; several negroes, amongst which are a good boat captain and cook; and further, sundry articles, as will be exposed on that day.
Also a valuable collection of Medical Books and Surgeons' Instruments, of the late W. Bostock, M.D. deceased, viz. -
Cooper on Hernia, Fordyce on Digestion, Bell's Surgery, Fothergill's Works, Munro on the Dropsy, White on Lying-in Women, Heberden's Commentary, Hooper's Anatomists' Vade Mecum, Underwood on Children, Hunter on Venereal, Sydenham's Works, Swediaur on the Venereal, Cullen's First Lines & Synopsis, Hoffman's Practice, Smellie's Midwifery, Hooper's Medical Dictionary, Medical Commentaries, Fordyce on Fevers, Manning on Diseases, Bree on Respiration, Earle on the Hydrocele, Jenner on the Cow Pox, Willan on Cutaneous Diseases, Fordyce's Practice of Physic, Saunders on the Liver, Cleghorn on Diseases, Skeete on Bark, Haller's Physiology, Monro on the Army, Thesauru's [sic] Mediceminum, Leake's Mediceminum, say Midwifery, Letters and Essays by different Practitioners, Lint on Hot Climates, Healdes' Pharmacopeia, Huxham on Fevers, Nisbet's Clinical Guide, Monro's Practitioner's Medica, Pringle on the Army, Foster's Midwifery, Hamilton's do. Pharmacopeia Londinensis, Chirurgica, and Graves, Heister's Cases, Brown's Elementary Medicine, Medical Review, 15 vols. James' Dispensatory, Buchan's Domestic Medicine, Darwin's Zoonomia, Adam's Essays on the Microscope, by Kanmacher, Adams' Observations on Electricity, Whitering and Robson's Botany, Gibbon's Roman Decline, Kite's Essays on the Recovery of the Apparently Dead, Shaw's Boyle, Hinshaw's Anatomy, Cullen on Medical Theory and Practice of Physic, Anatomical Tables of the Human Body, Pharmacopia, Malloney de Uso Aqua, Fissot on Health, Observations on the Chances of the Air, Young on Opinium, Douglas on the Hydrocele and Marsh Fever. Also a Lot of Books of Dr. Herman Boerhaave, vol. 4, 5, 7, 8, 10 and 11. Also three Cases of Surgical Instruments, three ditto for the recovery of drowned persons, and two parcels of Splints of different sizes for setting limbs.

Four P.M. - The Albion, Captain Nicholson, just arrived from Berbice, under Convoy of the Opossum brig of war.

The only article of Foreign Intelligence we have been able to make room for, in the present number, is a Copy of a Letter from Colonel Cass, to the American Secretary of War, on the subject of the Surrender of General Hull.

LOCALITIES. [heading]

A Commissarial Court sits on Monday next; and on the 15th instant, commences the last Session of the Court of Justice for the present year.

The Maxwell arrived safe in the river on Wednesday. She is however, much injured in her masts and rigging.

The Anniversary of St. Andrew, (Monday last) was most convivially commemorated at the Union Coffee-House.

The last Subscription Ball for the present year, we find is to take place on the 16th instant, at the Union Coffee House. The Stewards are the Hon. T. Naghten, the Hon. J. Johnson, P. C. de Veer and J. Reed, Esquires.

The last Barbados Agricultural Report represents the scarcity of provisions as still continuing, and a matter of serious distress throughout the Island.

A challenge is said to have been lately sent by Capt. [illegible]
of the Southampton, to Capt. Porter, of the Essex, frigate, and it is added, duly accepted. The action is to take place off the Delaware - but we believe that a sight [illegible] former will be enough for the latter, as Jonathan [illegible] adventures on an equal contest!

The Diamond-Rock Maurice, well-known in this colony, has returned to England; the Government of Anholt being in future to be vested in the hands of a military man, [illegible]ver, however, we prophecy, will the island be better de[illegible]ed!

We congratulate our readers, on what will be [illegible]d in a subsequent column, on the subject of the Guerriere frigate. By the decision of a competent Court-Martial, [illegible] Halifax, complete justice has been done to her gallant de[illegible]ers.

Departed this life, on Thursday last, Mr. Alexander Gray, saddler, of this Colony.


BRIDGE-TOWN, [heading]

November 10. - On Sunday last, His Majesty's Ship Hyperion, Captain Cumby, with five sail of merchant vessels from Newfoundland, anchored in our Bay, having had 22 days passage. There were three other vessels that sailed in company with those arrived, but they were dispersed in a severe gale of wind which they encountered [illegible] the passage.

All that we have yet learnt of the proceedings of Admiral Warren since his arrival at Halifax, is that he had dispatched the Junon frigate (with a flag of truce) to Boston, on board of which was the bearer of a communication to the American Government, the result of which he was awaiting at Halifax; but in the mean time, with that attention to his country's welfare which distinguishes every Commander in Chief who possesses an ardent desire for it, had sent his flag-ship, the San Domingo, on a cruise.

September 14. - . . . .
[Transcriber's note: European news not transcribed]
By a schooner arrived this morning, that was boarded to leeward by the Joel Barlow, of 10 guns and 65 men we learn that the Brig Nancy, which sailed hence on Tuesday night last for Guadeloupe, was taken on the following morning by this cruiser and sent to America, being the thirteenth prize that had fallen into her possession.

November 17. - The following are particulars of the capture of the sloop Retrieve, Hill, Master, on her passage from Berbice to this Island: -

October 31 - Observed in Lat. 8.14 at four P.M. saw a sail bearing N. N. E. tacked and stood to the southward; at eight P.M. the brig came up with us and fired two muskets; I then hove to, and he sent his boat on board; the Officer of which desired me to go on board the brig with my papers, which I did, and found her to be the privateer Retaliation, from New York, commanded by Samuel Newsom. He then manned the sloop and took the prisoners on board the brig; and on the 2d November, we fell in with a ship, which they engaged; but finding her to heavy, and getting his main-mast-head much injured by the shot, he hauled off and bore up for Oronoque, where we arrived on the 8th Nov. and filled with wood and water. - He then took several articles from the sloop, and give her up to me.

His Majesty's ship Barbados, of 28 guns, Capt. Huskisson, sailed from Bermuda on the 15th Sept. last, with three vessels under her convoy, for St. John's, Newfoundland. - About ten o'clock on Sunday night the 27th, the wind blowing hard, with a heavy sea and hazy weather, the ship struck on the N. W. bar of Sable Island; and, notwithstanding every exertion, was completely lost. Two of the convoy, schooner Emeline, with a cargo of sugar, and sloop Swift with rum, also went on shore and soon went to pieces. - The Captain, Officers, and crew on the frigate, with the exception of one man, and those also of the merchant vessels, were fortunately saved, as was also the cargo of the Swift, and part of the provisions, &c. of His Majesty's ship Barbados.

Sept. 21. - By the Charybdis, from Guadeloupe, account of late date are said to have been received there from Canada, which state, that the American army had made three attempts to penetrate into Lower Canada, in each of which they had been repulsed by the gallant and experienced Governor, Sir George Prevost. In one of these actions, it is said, the Americans lost 1500 men, in killed, wounded, and prisoners.

Schooner Favourite, of this Port, on her passage from Berbice, and within sight of this Island, was captured on Wenesday [sic] last by the privateer Sparrow, of 5 guns and 50 men. - After detaining her until about seven at night, the Commander of the American cruiser was about to give her up, but was prevented by the crew, who declared that unless she was either manned and sent to the United States, or destroyed, they would not defend their vessel if chance should throw them in the way of an enemy. Thus circumstanced, a meeting of the Officers took place, when it was suggested to the Master of the Favourite that a ransom would probably satisfy the crew; which was proposed to them, and, after much altercation, assented to - the sum of 3000 dollars being stipulated as the lowest that would be received. - Considering it to the owners interest, an order to this effect was signed by the Master; - who, notwithstanding, feels it his duty to acknowledge the good treatment of the Commander of the privateer; and to express his confidence that, had he not been compelled by the remonstrances and threats of his crew, the schooner would have been unconditionally liberated. - The vessels were so near the land, that shortly after seven o'clock the Favourite was permitted to proceed, and by eight she was off Charles-Fort, but did not anchor until the following morning.

There is a report that the Princess Amelia Packet, which left this in the month of August last, has been captured by an American privateer, and that the Captain of the Packet was killed in the action.


HALIFAX. [heading]

By the Right Hon. Sir John Borlase Warren, Bart. K. B. Admiral of the Blue, and Commander in Chief of His Majesty's Ships and Vessels employed and to be employed on the American and West Indian Stations, &c. &c.
Whereas, many British Seamen are now in the United States of America, and several of them by various means have been seduced to serve on board the American ships, at war with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and others who have deserted from His Majesty's service, have been forced to serve against their Native Country:
I therefore call upon all British Seamen and others, in the present state of the war, and before it may be too late, to join the British colours, under which many of them have formerly obtained glory and honour; to repair to any of His Majesty's provinces, garrisons, ships or vessels; and upon their giving themselves up, and declaring their sense of error, I pledge myself to obtain for them His Royal Highness the Prince Regent's free pardon and forgiveness; and to those who are willing to enter into the British Navy, every encouragement they can wish.
I trust, that every British Seaman will unite in supporting the noblest cause that ever called for the efforts of men - the preservation of the liberties, independence, religion, and laws of all the remaining nations of the world, against the tyranny and despotism of France, and to defend the honour of the British flag upon the sea, at a moment when Providence has blessed her arms with success, in sustaining the efforts of injured Spain and Portugal.
Given under my hand at Halifax, the 5th day of October, 1812, in the 52d Year of His Majesty's Reign.
John Borlase Warren.

Oct. 19. - On the 2d inst. a Court Martial was held on board His Majesty's ship Africa, for the trial of Capt. Dacres, the surviving Officers and crew, of His Majesty's late ship Guerriere, for the surrender of that vessel to the United States' frigate Constitution, on the 19th August last - Vice Admiral Sawyer, President; Captains Sir J. P. Beresford, P. B. V. Broke, J. Bastard, and G. Gill, Members - After mature consideration, the Court came to the following opinion:
"That the surrender of the Guerriere was proper, in order to preserve the lives of her valuable remaining crew; and, that her being in that lamentable situation, was from this accident of her masts going, which was occasioned more by their defective state, than from the fire of the enemy, though so greatly superior in guns and men. The Court do therefore unanimously and honourably acquit the said Captain Dacres, the Officers, and ship's company of His Majesty's late ship Guerriere, and they are hereby honourably acquitted accordingly.
"The Court, at the same time, feel themselves called upon to express the high sense they entertain of the exemplary conduct of the ship's company in general, when prisoners, but more particularly of those who withstood the attempts made to shake their loyalty, by offering them high bribes to enter into the land and sea services of the enemy, and they will represent their merits to the Commander in Chief."

For Liverpool. [heading]
[sailing ship icon heading]
JOHN IRLAM, Master, [heading]
Will positively sail hence the 18th instant. For freight or passage apply to the said Master, or
Dec. 1. Fullerton, Oliverson, & Co.
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement does not appear in an earlier issue.]

Runaway and Arrested Slaves, [heading]
in the Colony-Stocks of Demerary. [heading]



Brought by


Rule (Berbice)

Pl. Grove.


Pl. Concordia,

Pl. La Penitence.



Pl. Zorg en Hoop.


Pl. Anandale,



Pl. Georgia,




Pl. La Redruite. [sic]








Pl. Alliance,

Pl. Industry.


Pl. Vlissingen,

Pl. Alliance.


Boedel A. M'Rae,

L. Corbet.


Pl. Affiance,

O. Kernan.


Pl. Velvooren,

J. B. Sandiford.


Pl. Georgia,

Pl. Swanenschuts.


J. Rogers,

J. Gilbert.


N. Volkerts,



Col. Berbice,




Van Senden.


S. Eyeman,

Van Senden.


Pl. Groenenveld,

Pl. Phoenix.


Pl. Ruimveld,



Dr. Gall,



Mr. Cummings,

Pl. Friendship.


Simson, Grant, & Co.

Pl. Rome.


Simson, Grant, & Co.

Pl. Rome.


R. C. Ouckama,


November 28. F. Strunkay, Scout.

GEORGE-TOWN: [centered]
Printed & published every Tuesday & Saturday Afternoon,
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 18 June 2008   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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