Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1813 January 19


Vol. VIII.]

[No. 547.


                        COMMISSARIAT OFFICE,
                        Demerary, Jan. 11, 1812.

CASH wanted for Bills of Exchange for £ 1000 Sterling, drawn by the Deputy Paymaster-General, on the Right Honourable Paymaster-General, on the Right Honourable the Paymaster-General, London, at Thirty Days' sight. Tenders in triplicate, on half-sheets foolscap paper, will be received at this Office, on or before Monday the 25th instant, when they will be opened, and the highest offer (if approved) accepted.
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement did not appear in an earlier issue.]

NOW landing, and for sale by the Subscriber, at the Store of Mr. H. S. THOMAS, on the south-side of the Vlissingen Draining-Canal, for immediate payment -
The Cargo of the Brig Alexis, from Newfoundland; consisting of Prime Cod Fish in casks of 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8 quintals each - Pickled Salmon in tierces and Herrings and Mackarel in barrels.
January 18. J. BEETE, Junr.

A Young Gentleman from Europe, who is properly qualified, and who has resided and practised his profession in one of the West India Islands, is desirous of becoming a Copartner or Assistant with a Medical Gentleman of extensive practice in the country. A letter, addressed to A.B. and left at the Printing Office, will be attended to. - Jan. 16.

NOTICE. - The Copartnership of PETER VERBEKE and Co. ceased on the 31st ultimo; and as it is absolutely necessary that the concern be finally closed, persons indebted to it, are requested to come early forward with payment.
January 18, 1813. M. DYETT.

Mr. H. CANTZLAAR, j.z. Attorney at Law, requests all persons who have demands against him, will call for payment previous to the 1st of March next; and those indebted to him to come to a settlement within the same period.
January 16, 1813.

THAT part of Lot 27, with the Buildings thereon, all in complete repair and newly painted. The dwelling-house, forty feet by twenty, and two stories high. To accommodate a purchaser, a Water Vat, containing two thousand gallons, will be sold. Terms will be made known on application to
January 19. B. SPOONER.

IT is with feelings of regret, the Subscriber finds himself under the necessity of making a second application through the medium of this Paper, to those who are in arrears with him, he earnestly requests all such persons will come forward without delay, and discharge their respective account - particularly those who have been debtors of long standing, as his establishment cannot be supported without the timely assistance of those who have favoured him with the tuition of their children.
George-Town, January 19, 1813.

IMPORTED per Bridget, and others, and for sale by the Subscriber, at his Store in Water Street, very reasonable for immediate payment in Cash, or Produce at Cash price:
Beef, pork, butter, soap, candles 4s and short and long 6s to the pound, split peas and real fine pearl barley in jugs, fine white biscuit in tin canisters of 130lbs. weight each, black and blue superfine coats, and pantaloons, black Florentine and Marseilles quilted waistcoats, black and white silk stockings, cotton stockings and half do. silk and beaver hats assorted, shoes of all kinds, Irish linen, French cambrick and lawns, Irish sheeting and cotton shirting, Carlisle checks, tradesmen's blue jackets, trowsers and tats, linen check shirts, red flannel ditto, a variety of knives and forks, tin and crockery ware, indigo, nails, gridirons, frying pans, sod irons, spring rat traps, hinges, bolts, screws, brass door locks, noyau, porter, Madeira wine and old spirits, salt in barrels, and many other articles.
January 18. WILLIAM GOOD.

RUNAWAY from the Subscriber, about four weeks ago, a Negro named Clem William, lately the property of Mr. John Hall. He is a creole of Barbados, by trade a taylor, and as such works, and passes himself as free. In height, about five feet ten inches, of a swarthy ill-looking countenance; and steals when he cannot otherwise get good cloaths. He generally goes in a dark coloured frock or coat, a slouched hat, with sometimes a fine linen shirt, and always with shoes. His whole appearance is strikingly dissolute, and marks him as a complete vagabond. Masters of vessels, and all others, are cautioned against receiving or harbouring the said slave; and whoever will apprehend and lodge him in the Colony Barracks, will be thankfully rewarded.
January 19. M. CAMPBELL.

JUST arrived by the Belmont, Capt. Knubly, from Liverpool, the Thomas, Capt. Langley, and the John & Thomas, Capt. Wilson, from London, and for sale by the Subscriber in addition to his former Stock of Goods by the Ramoncita, all of which will be sold very reasonable for immediate payment in Cash or best quality Produce:
Oats in puncheons, hams, pine cheese, double and single refined loaf sugar, gunpowder, hyson, and black tea, best brown soap in large and small boxes, wax and spermaceti candles in small boxes, best tallow candles with waxed wicks, best salad oil, mustard, black pepper, sago, Poland starch, button blue, double heads and reins, snaffle, ditto plain and with billets and buckles, fine checks, long lawns, black sarsnet muslins, broad and narrow black crape, white crape, bombazeen, bombazet, green canvas for window blinds, white canvas for boat sails, No. 1 to 6; wine and porter corks, liquor-stands, large scales and weights with best beams, small ditto, assorted window and door bolts, hook and eye, HL, iron and brass butt hinges, with screws, fine padlocks, fancy bitted and double bolted ditto, brass door, drawer, and desk locks, iron rim locks with brass knobs, stock locks assorted, window hooks and staples, brass sash-pullies, sash-weights, boot-hooks, plated boot-hooks and nut crackers, collar heads, bed-screws, bright set ditto, brass door-knockers and handles, red and black gilt bottle-stands, with gold borders, beaded ditto, plated ditto, tea-bells, house-bells, brass castors, door scrapers with pans, bright wood-handled choppers, machets with socket handles, carpenters' best broad axes, garden-rakes, Indian corn mils, coffee mills, gin-cranks, &c. Building lime in 24 bushel hogsheads, temper-lime cased, bricks (malm pavers), paving-tiles, long wood hoops, iron puncheon and vat hoops and rivets, anchors and grapnels, &c.
Jan. 19. H. O. SEWARD.

Demerary Almanacks for 1813,
Printed and sold at the Royal Gazette Office.

THE Committee for Financial Purposes, give notice that the supply of larger Notes yet received being exhausted, attendance will be given on Tuesday next the 19th instant, from nine till two o'clock, at the house of Mr. JOSEPH BEETE, jun. in Columbia-District, for the exchange of those of ONE and TWO JOES only.
The Committee are in hourly expectation of the arrival of the rest of the Notes from England, which have been delayed beyond their calculation. Due notice will be given, as soon as they can be prepared, of the time for exchanging all those remaining, as it will also at a future period of the time, when the old Notes will no longer be considered as a tender. - But though it is on many accounts the wish of the Committee to withdraw the old notes from circulation, as soon as can be done with perfect convenience to the public, it is never the intention of Government to take advantage of the negligence or ignorance of any one, by refusing to exchange any old note that may remain out at any future period whatever.
George-Town, January 16.
[Transcriber's note: here the advertisement changes, stressing the amount of the Joes to be redeemed – capitalized.]

IN addition to former advertisement, the Subscribers have imported the following articles by the Thomas, Captain LANGLEY, from London.
Gentlemen's silk, beaver, and leghorn hats, planters' broad rimed [sic] black and white hats, youth's and boy's drab and black hats, brown stout in bottles, and in bulk, pale ale and table beer, chests of tea and puncheons of refined sugar, French olives, old Cogniac brandy, Hoffman's cherry and raspberry ditto, Godsman's fashionable hunting saddles, best double plated curb and snaffle bridles, spare bit and bradoon bridle heads, and reins, martingales and neck straps, spare spring girths and surcingles, best plated chaise harness, with fashionable embellishments, stable collars and hemp halters, watering snaffle bridles, curry combs and brushes, mane combs and spunges, jockey and hunting whips, Packwood's razor strops, silver wire tooth brushes, and tooth powder, honey water in pint bottles, tortoise-shell pocket combs, sets shoe brushes and liquid blacking, hair and cloaths brushes; Stationary, sets ledgers, journals, and cash books, various sizes, foolscap and post paper, quills, wafers in tin boxes, japan ink in bottles, black and red ink powders, pencils and silver pencil cases, Morocco pocket books, gentlemen's dress and thick shoes, glass ware, engraved, cut, and plain wine glasses, goblets and tumblers, India shades, desk ink stands, sets white and green ivory handled table knives and forks, deserts and carvers, sets of stag, buck, and black handled ditto, with deserts and carvers complete, buck and negro knives and razors, cup board, desk, chest and stock locks, vat and wine brass cocks, Osnaburgh and sail needles, window bolts, hand, tenon, sash, whip, and cross-cut saw files.

[seal - centered]

The King's House,


HIS Excellency the Acting-Governor having received a Letter from Captain SIMPSON, Commanding His Majesty's Ship Coquette, stating, that on or about the 2d of February next, he would Convoy the Ships at Demerary to Barbados:
His Excellency has, in consequence, thought proper to intimate the same, for the information of all concerned.
George-Town, Demerary, January 19, 1813.
By Command, JOHN EYRE,


This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony: -
Alleyne Culpeper, and a Servant, in 14 days or 6 weeks from the 2d of January.
Alexander Macrae, Junr. in fourteen days or six weeks from the 4th of January.
C. Waterton, in fourteen days or by the First Fleet, from the 7th of January.
J. P. Blount, in fourteen days or six weeks, from the 8th of January.
Secretary's Office, Demerary, January 16, 1813.
Sworn Clerk.


On Saturday the 23d instant, at the Vendue Office, by order of JOHN STAUNTON - the Cargo of the Brig Harriot, Capt. Mason, just arrived, and consisting of salt in bags and tierces, herrings, pilchards, ling-fish, lamp oil in jugs, and earthen ware in crates. They will be up in convenient lots for planters, and coffee and sugar of good quality taken in payment, at two months' credit.
Also by order of PETER SINCLAIR, the fast sailing schooner Meadow, burthen, per register, 43 and 75-94 tons, with tackle, rigging, &c. as she now lies in this river. For further particulars, apply to said P. Sinclair on board, or at the store of Messrs. James Gentle & Co.
January 19. A. MILLS & Co.

On Tuesday the 26th instant, at the Vendue Office, by order of O. KERNAN, Esq. - 50 firkins of butter, a considerable quantity of Irish linen and sheeting, bottled port wine, &c.
January 19. A. MILLS & Co.

Arrivals since our last - The ship Fanny, Byron, from London; the brig Alexis, Bell, from Newfoundland; the schooner Good Intent, Bowen, from Barbados; and a Schooner from St. Bartholomew.

The Coquette sloop of war, convoyed the Fanny.

Having been favoured with London Papers to the 11th ultimo, we have taken the liberty of omitting several advertisements, for the purpose of giving publicity to two very important British documents.


Nov. 30. – The Prince Regent this day proceeded in great state from St. James's to the House of Lords. . . . Being seated on the Throne, and the Commons in attendance, he delivered the following Speech:
"My Lords and Gentlemen,
[Transcriber's note: European items not transcribed]
"The declaration of War by the Government of the United States of America was made under circumstances which might have afforded a reasonable expectation that the amicable relations between the two nations would not long be interrupted. It is with sincere regret that I am obliged to acquaint you, that the conduct and pretensions of that Government have hitherto prevented the conclusion of any pacific arrangement. Their measures of hostility have been principally directed against the adjoining British Provinces, and every effort has been made to seduce the inhabitants of them from their allegiance to his Majesty. The proofs, however, which I have received of loyalty and attachment from his Majesty's subjects in North America are highly satisfactory. The attempts of the enemy to invade Upper Canada have not only proved abortive, but by the judicious arrangements of the Governor-General, and by the skill and decision with which the military operations have been conducted, the forces of the enemy assembled for that purpose in one quarter have been completely defeated. My best efforts are not wanting for the restoration of the relations of peace and amity between the two countries; but until this object can be attained without sacrificing the maritime rights of Great Britain, I shall rely upon your cordial support in a vigorous prosecution of the war."


His Excellency the Governor of Berbice, landed here yesterday from the Fanny - which brig received him from the Coquette, sloop of war, for that purpose. He was immediately conducted to the King's House, where he was warmly congratulated by Governor Carmichael, on his safe return; and where a party of the most Distinguished Characters in the Colony, assembled in the evening.

The following extract of a London Paper, will doubtless be read with universal regret. It intimates the death of him who, in 1803, swayed the colonial sceptre of Demerary, to the unanimous approbation of those he governed: - "Letters mention the death of General Andrew Ross, Aid-de-Camp to the King, who died at Carthagena, greatly lamented."

Marsh's Assembly-Rooms, last night, were as crowded by Beauty and Fashion, as could possibly be expected, when the previous unfavourableness of the weather is duly considered. The dance commenced at the usual time, and continued to an early hour this morning.

The Cotton Planter will hear with pleasure, that several licences for several ports of France, have been granted by the Government, for the importation of that commodity - and the Sugar-Planter we also congratulate, on the circumstance of several Public Bodies in England, being about to petition Parliament, for the continued prohibition of distillation, from grain.

The homeward-bound Fleet, under Convoy of the Peacock, sails to-morrow - in consists of the Fame, Thomas, Kingsmill, Caledonia, Camilla, Herald, Hawk, Pilot, Trelawney, Albion, Granger, Ramoncita, Isabella, Nereus, and Diana, from this river, and Speculator, from Berbice.

The Passengers in the Packet were, The Hon. Thomas Frankland, President of the Court of Justice, J. C. McLeod, and C. D. l'Escaille, Esqrs.

The vessel which came in on Saturday, with the Thomas, instead of a Sloop of War, proved to be the brig Alexis, from Newfoundland.

The Packet sails on Thursday.

For London.


Will sail with the First Convoy. For Freight or Passage apply to the Master on board, to G. ANGLE, or
January 18. W. F. DOBBRAUSKI.



Will sail with the First Convoy. For Freight or Passage apply to the Master, or to
January 18. J. BEETE, Junr.

Printed and Published, every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon.

By Edward James Henery.

Created: 07 December 2010   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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