Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1813 February 06


Vol. VIII.]

[No. 552.


Court of Policy.

By His Excellency Major-General HUGH LYLE CARMICHAEL, Acting-Governor in and over the United Colony of Demerary and Essequebo – and the Hon. COURT of POLICY of the said Colony.
Unto all whom these Presents do or shall concern – Greeting – be it known:
WHEREAS it has been represented to us, that in framing the Publication resolved upon, at the Combined Meeting, on the 21st of November, and and [sic] published on the 26th of December last – no provision was made how the Receiver was to proceed against persons, who might neglect to send in proper Returns or Statements of the Produce made on their Plantations:
We have therefore thought proper to issue this our Proclamation, hereby requesting, that all Proprietors, Renters, Occupiers, or Attornies of any Plantation in the United-Colony, who shall neglect to send to the Receiver's Office, on or before the First Day of May next, a proper Return on Oath, of the Produce made on such Plantation or Plantations, in conformity to the Act of the 21st of November last, on pain of incurring a Fine of Five Hundred Guilders, they, nevertheless, remaining liable to the payment of the Tax on the Produce of their Plantations, as specified in the aforesaid At.
And further, in order to avoid any question between Parties paying their Taxes in Bills of Exchange, and the Colonial Receiver – the latter is desired to receive such as he approves of, at the rate of Thirteen Guilders to the Pound Sterling.
And that no ignorance may be pretended of the several Orders contained in this Ordinance, these Presents shall be published, affixed, and sent round for general information.
Given in our Ordinary Session, held at the Colony-House, George-Town, this 29th of January, and published the 8th of February following.
By Command,
Clerk to the Court of Policy.

A PLEASANT RESIDENCE in Cumingsburg, fit for the immediate reception of a small family. - Apply at the Office of this Paper.
February 6.

                        COMMISSARIAT OFFICE,
                        Demerary, Feb. 5, 1813.
WANTED for the Engineer Department, the following Negro Cloathing, viz. -
109 Jackets
109 Trowsers
109 Hats
109 Blankets
8 Shirts for Tradesmen.
Persons willing to supply the above Cloathing, will send Tenders, in triplicate, upon half sheets of foolscap paper, marked Tenders for Negro Cloathing, on or before Saturday the 13th instant, when they will be opened, and the Tender most advantageous to Government accepted.
N.B. - Samples to be sent to Capt. DAWSON, Commanding the Royal Engineers, previous to the acceptance of the Tender, for his approval.

                        OFFICE OF ORDNANCE,
                        Demerary, Feb. 6, 1813.
ANY Person willing to supply this Department with a Colony-Boat or Schooner, for the purpose of transporting stores from Berbice to this Colony, will please send sealed Tenders to the Subscriber (stating the rate per day, or trip), until Wednesday the 10th instant.
Ordnance Store-keeper.
NB - Further information will be given on application at this Office.

Berbice Agricultural Society.
A PREMIUM of One Hundred Ponds Sterling will paid by this Society, to the Inventor and Erector of a Ginning Machine, in workmanship and durability satisfactory to a Committee of the said Society, and which shall Ginn [sic] One Thousand weight of Cotton per day, and require only Ten female Negroes, and Two Males for this purpose, and shall not exceed the Expence of Three Hundred Pounds Sterling, to place it completed on any Estate on this Coast. - January 27.

ABSENTED himself from the Subscriber, on Sunday last, a negro boy, named Charles, lately purchased of Mr. JOHN HUNT, and formerly the property of J. P. HICKS, Esq. - He appears to be about seventeen years of age, of a coal black complexion, speaks broken English, Dutch, and French; had on, when he went away, a red flannel shirt. Masters of vessels and all others are cautioned against receiving or harbouring him, and One Joe reward will be given to any person who will bring him to the Undersigned, or lodge him in the Colonial Jail.
Robb's Stelling, Feb. 5. JOHN HENRY.

FOR SALE by the Subscriber, on moderate terms for immediate payment; the Cargo of the Ship Cūsar, just arrived from Newfoundland, consisting of COD FISH, in 3, 4, 6, and 8 quintal casks, Salmon, Mackerel, and Herrings, in barrels and tierces, Lamp Oil, &c.
Robb's Stelling, February 6.

Found, Two pieces of Colony-Paper Money. Whoever can prove property, may have the same, by applying to the Undersigned, paying for this advertisement, and rewarding the Negroes who found them.
February 6. ROBERT SPENCE.


ALEXANDER FULLERTON, Esqr. has been appointed one of the Commissaries for the Public Market, in George-Town, in the room of ADAM SMITH, Esq. deceased.
Court-House, George-Town, January 26, 1813.
Clerk to the Court of Policy.
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement did not appear in an earlier issue.]


This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony: -
J. P. Blount, in fourteen days or six weeks, from the 8th of January.
John Stewart, in fourteen days or six weeks, or by the Bridget, from the 23d of January.
Mary Perry, in fourteen days or six weeks, from the 25th of January.
L. N. Allkins, in fourteen days or one month, from the 29th of January.
H. B. Burges, in fourteen days, from the 30th of Jan.
George Johnstone, in fourteen days or by the Brig Bridget, from the 1st of February.
R. W. Allkins, with one servant, in fourteen days or six weeks, from the 2d of February.
Richard Jenkins, in fourteen days or six weeks, from the 4th of February.
D. T. Mallony, will transport to Barbados, two Negroes, named Greenock and Annacilla, the property of Miss Speed, in fourteen days or six weeks, from the 5th of February.
Secretary's Office, Demerary, February 6, 1813.
Sworn Clerk.

AT the request of W. GOOD and GEORGE GELZEAN, Executors to the Estate of SAMUEL CHALLONER, deceased, all persons having any claim of demand against the Estate of the deceased, are requested to render the same, properly attested, on or before the 5th of April next; and all those indebted, to come forward with payment to the said W. Good and George Gelzean aforesaid.
Secretary's Office, February 5,1813.
Sworn Clerk.

For the First Time.
BANNS of MATRIMONY - between JOHN M'DONALD, born in Scotland, of the Protestant Religion, being of age; and Miss REBECCA ROGERS, born in this Colony, a Minor, but with the Consent of her Mother, also of the Protestant Religion.
Any person knowing any just cause or impediment, why the above parties should not be joined together in Holy Matrimony, must declare the same at the Colonial Secretary's Office.
Secretary's Office, February 6, 1813.
Sworn Clerk.


On Wednesday next the 10th instant, at 12 o'clock, as [sic] the store of JAMES ROBERTSON, Esq. by order of Mr. BEETE, Jun. - Sixty hogsheads of Newfoundland Cod-Fish.
February 6. A. MILLS, & Co.

On Thursday the 11th inst. at the Vendue Office, by order of H. O. SEWARD, Esq. for the benefit of those concerned - 39 kegs mill-grease, marked H. O. S. four pieces cotton bagging, part of bales No. 1 and 2 marked L. M. C. landed from on board the Ramoncita, Capt. L. Venables, from London; and one packet of white crape, part of trunk No. 41, marked H. O. S. landed from on board the Thomas, Capt. W. Langley, and condemned by survey.
February 6. A. MILLS, & Co.

On Friday the 12th of February will be sold, [see 18130130EDRG] . . .
Also on the same day, by order of Capt. JOHN MASON – twelve tierces and two barrels, containing 112 dozen of porter, condemned by a Board of Survey, and sold for the benefit of those concerned. Also two cases of cotton hammocks.
January 16. A. MILLS & Co.

On Tuesday the 16th of February, [see 18130130EDRG] . . .
On the same day, by order of C. DE BEAUSOBRE, q.q. a small Schooner-Boat, with sails and rigging, built of best materials. She is to be seen three days before the sale, laying close to the American Stelling.
January 30. A. MILLS, & Co.

On Monday the 22d of February, [see 18130130EDRG] . . .
On the same day, by order of COLIN MACRAE, Esq. a Lot of Ground, in the District of Charles-Town, near the stelling. – The whole of it is completely railed round, with best materials, and has the advantage of the Water-Lot in front, and the convenience of a good stelling adjoining. Also an elegant three-barrelled organ, two puncheons of old Jamaica rum, in quantities of five gallons and upwards, an excellent ship's camboose with boilers complete, a choice collection of books, among which are the British Drama, Smollett's Works, Encyclopedia, Blair's Sermons, Novels, &c.
January 30. A. MILLS, & Co.

The Arachne brig of war, Capt. Watson, arrived on Wednesday morning from Barbados, with our long-expected Mail for December; and yesterday, the ship Cūsar, M'Larty, from Newfoundland.

The Barbados Papers are to the 26th ultimo, and we regret to state, that the Spanish News they afford us, is by no means pleasing. There is one consolation, however - it is only given from report.


January 23. - [Transcriber's note: European news not transcribed] The Convoy from Cork, which sailed on the 19th of December last, under charge of the Cumberland 74, Surprise 38, and Amaranthe brig, arrived yesterday. The Surprise frigate had parted from the body of the fleet some time previously; but she again joined them on the morning of yesterday, having in company the American privateer brig Decatur, of 12 guns, which she captured on Saturday last, after a chase of three hours, in which the enemy had thrown over her guns and every thing that was likely to impede her sailing, but that our frigate being still superior, she was fortunately prevented from committing any further depredations on our commerce, having already taken the ship Neptune, bound for Brazil, a vessel that sailed with the fleet which left Portsmouth under the protection of the Victorious, 74; and two other vessels destined for Quebec.

January 26. - His Majesty's ship Venus, with the transport Edward & Ann came in yesterday morning, 20 days from Madeira; - the latter has on board ordnance stores for Halifax; and the Captains and Supercargoes of the brig Louisa, and schooner Industry, bound for Quebec (the vessels mentioned in our last to have been taken by the Decatur privateer) came passengers, having been sent to Madeira in a licensed American vessel which the privateer had fallen in with at a short distance from Funchal. The prizes have been sent to France. - The Venus sailed from Portsmouth on the 25th of December, last, in company with His Majesty's ship Argo, 44, and eight East Indiamen; but having parted from them, called at Madeira with a view of gaining intelligence of the convoy. She had previously taken the brig Fly, that had been captured off Funchal by the American privateer Yankee which boarded her under English colours, but unfortunately shortly after a midshipman and three of the Venus's men had been in possession of the vessel, she upset, and all on board perished.

[Transcriber's note: European news not transcribed]


At a Meeting of the Smithfield Cattle-Show Club, held at Free Masons' Tavern, London, in December last, after the ordinary business of the Society had been transacted.
"Mr. Mellish begged leave to inform the company, that their worthy Chairman, Mr. Waters, had an important communication to make to them and to the country – a discovery of his, that working horses can be partly fed with sugar or molasses, in a manner extremely economical and effectual; and that he was now about to apply this important fact to more extensive practice, by superintending, under the auspices of his Royal Highness the Commander in Chief, the feeding of cavalry horses at Canterbury.
"A printed statement was then circulated in the room by Mr. Waters' servant, mentioning that the high price of hay in 1811 caused Mr. W. to recur to sugar, for economising this article with his working horses and oxen, and the result was so satisfactory, in the improved condition of the animals under severe work, as to induce the extension of the system to carriage and saddle horses, reducing their portions of oats and of hay, and substituting a moderate quantity of sugar in its stead.
"The results of these experiments had been so satisfactorily made out to his Royal Highness the Commander in Chief, that he had been pleased lately to order a considerable number of His Majesty's cavalry horses to be in part fed on sugar or molasses, under Mr. Waters's own immediate inspection; and the hope is held out, that on the successful issue of this experiment, this practice may become general.
"Mr. Waters said, that early in his practice with sugar in the cattle-stall, he had pledged himself to institute a series of experiments on the same, in supporting horses under their usual labours; and he hoped, that the journey he was now about to take, to superintend, with the Commissary in Chief, a larger experiment on the substitution of sugar daily, for a part of the rations of the cavalry horses, would enable him properly to redeem that pledge, and to shew to the country that sugar is no less necessary in the stable than it is in the house; and by which the country may be relieved from a large importation of oats, and increase profitably its consumption of sugars."
The result of this experiment cannot fail of being generally beneficial to the British Empire, for while it will be productive of good to the Sugar Planter, it will at the same time reduce the expenditure of the National Funds; as it appears, by calculation, that in the feeding of 10,000 cavalry horses, there will be a saving of Ģ 264,000 – and that, if followed up, the sum of one million, annually, may thus be saved: independent of the consideration, that it will prevent the necessity of importing a supply of oats from hostile countries.


A Letter, we understand, has been received by His Excellency the Acting-Governor, from the British Secretary of State, Earl Bathurst - intimating the Prince Regent's approbation, of the conduct of those of the Inhabitants of Demerary, who lately "so gallantly volunteered their services against the enemy." Those, therefore, of our fellow-colonists, who are interested in this most honourable distinction, we heartily congratulate - for, in point of real gratification, next in value to self-applause for duty done, is, its being noticed by the Sovereign!

The Mail for Europe will be closed at 9 o'clock, on Tuesday morning; and for the conveyance of which to Barbados, the Arachne waits off the Bar. From that island it will be forwarded to St. Thomas's, where the Packet has orders to wait its arrival.

The Coquette sails to-morrow, for the general rendezvous, with the following vessels under convoy: - the ships Thornton, Fanny, and Ceres, the brigs Dominica Packet, Penelope, and Kingston Packet, and schooners Jane and Joseph (but for their ultimate destination, see the Ship List below).

The Richard, Robinson, late from this port, is arrived at her place of destination.

It is reported, that the ship Cūsar above-mentioned, fell in, off Bermuda, with an American privateer of 17 guns, and after engaging her for several hours, on two successive days, finally made her retire.

Departed this life, at Plantation Elizabeth Ann, Leguan, on Tuesday the 2d instant - Mr. John Trotter.

The Spectator, Spooner, and the Latona, M'Grath, may be daily expected.

His Excellency Governor Gordon is arrived at Berbice. He received the accustomed salute from the Fort: and, as a further mark of respect, a guard of honour, from the 60th Regiment, waited his arrival at the King's House.

Erratum in our last - For "the Legislature of Berbice has decreed," - read, The Acting-Governor of Berbice has re-published a Proclamation decreeing, &c.


(From the Custom-House)

Since our last Report.

February 4. Schr. Energlen, Hinson from Oronoque.
6. Ship Cūsar, M'Larty, Newfoundland.

February 4. Brig Penelope, Perkins, Halifax.
Brig Kingston Packet, Lovett, Halifax.
Sch. Jane, Cronk, St. John's, N.B.
5. Sch. Joseph, Strickland, Barbados.
Brig Dominica Packet, Hea, Liverpool.
Ship Thornton, M'Dougal, Malta.
Ship Fanny, Byron, London.
6. Ship Ceres, Burn, Liverpool.

For Liverpool.


Is now ready to take in, and will positively sail with the first Convoy that may offer. For Freight or Passage apply to
Feb. 6. SIMSON, GRANT, & Co.


in the Colony-Stocks of Demerary.





Pl. Georgia,




Pl. Alliance.


Boedel M'Rae,

L. Corbet.


Pl. Orange Nassau,




Post Morocco.


T. Robinson,

Pl. Vryheid's Lust.






Pl. Marias Lodge.


J. M'Pherson,

From Mahaicony.


J. M'Pherson,

From Mahaicony.






S. Duport.





Pl. Rebecca's Lust,



M. Campbell,

B. Jacobs.


Dr. Webster,




Pl. Providence.


Estate J. Ford,

H. Austin.


Pl. Success,



Pl. Meerzorg,

Pl. Alliance.

February 6. F. STRUNKAY, Scout.

Printed and Published, every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon.

By Edward James Henery.

Created: 07 December 2010   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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