Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1813 February 13


Vol. VIII.]

[No. 554.


Banns of Matrimony,


JOHN HALL, Junior, Bachelor,

Born in Antigua;



Born in Dominica.
Any person knowing just cause why those persons should not be joined together in holy matrimony, must declare the same to
The Rev. W. G. STRAGHAN.
Demerary, February 13.

TO BE SOLD - a Young Negro Man, about 23 years of age, who has been accustomed to act as butler and groom. Apply at the Printing Office.
Feb. 9.

            Demerary, February 13, 1813.
WANTS a situation as House-Carpenter - a steady Young Man, who can be well recommended. Apply at this Office.

ON SALE - at very reduced prices for cash - received by the schooner Brothers from Barbados:
Firkins Irish Butter,
Gordon's Old Madeira in quarter casks,
Fine Irish Linens,
Opposite Messrs. Rose and Croal.

FOR HIRE - a healthy YOUNG NEGRO, accustomed to wait in the house; but if required, would do any other labour. Apply to the Printer.
February 13.

FOR SALE - Thirty-Six Square Bales of Cotton, from Plantation Turkyen - for which Tenders will be received by the Undersigned, at the Store of Messrs. Cornfoot, Bell, and Co. until 12 o'clock on Thursday the 18th instant, payable in Cash on delivery, at which time they will be opened, and the highest offer, if approved of, accepted.
Delib. Executor to M. TINNE, Esqr. deceased.
Demerary, Feb. 11, 1813.

FOR SALE - by the Subscriber, for immediate payment -
Prime Newfoundland Cod Fish, in casks of 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8 quintals each; Pickled Salmon in tierces, and Herrings in barrels.
Feb. 14 [sic]. J. BEETE, Junr.

THE Undersigned having been appointed by the Honourable Court of Policy, Sworn Book-keeper and Translator in these Colonies, begs leave to offer his services to the Public in the aforesaid capacities, and to inform the same, that Books will be kept, or brought up by him in the English and Dutch Languages, and Translations made from the Dutch, French, and German Languages into English, and vice versa.
He begs further to promise that all functions of the above description, or any other transactions, as settlements of Concerns, Collections, or other performances which may be committed to his care, will be done with propriety and faithfulness to the satisfaction of all those who may favour him with their confidence.
His Office will be kept at the house formerly occupied by Mr. ONINK, near the residence of C. M. OVERWEG, Esq. Werk en Rust.
George-Town, February 13, 1813.

A SMALL Invoice of Fresh Medicines, amounting to about f 1100, will be disposed of for Cash, or Rum at Cash Price, at a rate so very much under common sale Cash Prices, as to demand the attention of any Medical Gentlemen requiring a supply. They comprehend an entire and well-chosen assortment for general practice.
Feb. 13. J. L. SMITH.

THE Consistory of the Dutch Reformed Church, request all persons who may have claims against the Building intended for a Church, either for work done, or materials furnished, to render in their accounts to the Subscriber, before the First of April next.
Demerary, February 13, 1813,
By Order of the Consistory,
F. A. VERNEDE, Elder.

ALL Persons indebted to the deceased Mr. JAMES LYON, are requested to come forward with payment; and all claims against his Estate may be given in for examination, at the Office of the Undersigned.
For self and DONALD MACKAY, Executors under the Act of Deliberation.
Demerary, Feb. 13, 1813.


NOTICE is hereby given, that the Fourteen-Days' Roll Court, and the Meeting of the Honourable the Court of Criminal and Civil Justice, which were to have been held on the 15th instant, have been postponed until the 1st of March next.
Court-House, George-Town, February 13, 1813.
By Command,
Clerk to the Court of Justice.


BY virtue of an Order obtained from His Honor THOMAS FRANKLAND, President of the Honourable Court of Criminal and Civil Justice of the United Colony of Demerary and Essequebo, bearing date the 1st of this present month, February - I, the undersigned Deputy First Marshal of the aforesaid Colony, will expose for sale unto the highest bidder, in the presence of two Counsellors-Commissaries of the Honourable Court of Justice, and their Secretary, at the Court-House, George-Town, on the Second day of March next ensuing -
In behalf of J. G. Walteling, versus J. Schepens - a Negro Woman, named Kitty, and her Child, Abeniba.
Should any person pretend to have any right, title, or claim on the above-named Slave and Child, and wishes to oppose the sale thereof, let such person or persons address themselves to me, the said Deputy First Marshal, stating their reasons of opposition in writing, when I will appoint such person or persons, a day of hearing before the Honourable Court of Justice for the trial of the same; and those intend to purchase, please attend the day of sale above-written.
Demerary, 12th of February, 1813
Deputy First Marshal.

BY Virtue of an Order obtained from the Honourable Court of Criminal and Civil Justice for the Colonies of Demerary and Essequebo, bearing date 23d of October last - I, the undersigned Deputy First Marshal of the aforesaid Colony, do, by these presents, publicly notify, that the sale of Plantation Annandale, which was advertised to take place on the 11th day of November last, is postponed until the 12th day of May, 1813. An inventory whereof is now laying at the Marshal's Office for the inspection of those whom it may concern.
Whoever should think to have any right, title, or claim in the before-mentioned Plantation Annandale, and intends to oppose the sale thereof, let such person or persons address themselves to me, at the Marshal's Office in this Colony, declaring their reasons for such opposition, in due time and form; and I do hereby give notice, that I will receive such opposition from any one thereto qualified, appoint them a day to have such claim or claims heard before the Honourable Court of Justice, and further act therein as the law directs.
Demerary and Essequebo, this 9th day of February, 1813.
M. A. MEERTENS, [sic]
Deputy First Marshal.


This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony: -
J. P. Blount, in fourteen days or six weeks, from the 8th of January.
John Stewart, in fourteen days or six weeks, or by the Bridget, from the 23d of January.
Mary Perry, in fourteen days or six weeks, from the 25th of January.
L. N. Allkins, in fourteen days or one month, from the 29th of January.
H. B. Burges, in fourteen days, from the 30th of Jan.
George Johnstone, in fourteen days or by the Brig Bridget, from the 1st of February.
R. W. Allkins, with one servant, in fourteen days or six weeks, from the 2d of February.
Richard Jenkins, in fourteen days or six weeks, from the 4th of February.
D. T. Mallony, will transport to Barbados, two Negroes, named Greenock and Annacilla, the property of Miss Speed, in fourteen days or six weeks, from the 5th of February.
William Ross, in fourteen days, or one month, from the 9th of February.
James Wheelright, and family, and two servants, in one month, or six weeks from the 12th of February.
Allen Dalzell, and Lady, with two servants, in fourteen days or one month, from the 13th of February.
William Burges, will transport to Berbice, twenty Negroes, the names thereof to be seen at this Office, in fourteen days, from the 13th of February.
Secretary's Office, Demerary, February 13, 1813.
Sworn Clerk.

At the COMMISSARY-COURT on the 1st of March next, 1813, will be passed the following


1. By William King a Transport of the half Lot or Concession No. 87, and the whole of Lot No. 72, lying and being situated in Kingston district, George-Town, with all the buildings thereon, to the Representatives of the Estate of Bothamley & Jackson.
2. By the Representatives of the Estate of Bothamley & Jackson, a Transport of the same to the free coloured woman Mary Ann Bellamy.
3. By William King, a Transport of the front Half of Lot No. 36, and a piece of Lot 35, (as it is railed in), situated in Cumingsburg District, George-Town, with all the Buildings thereon – to Elizabeth Rouse Bentinck.
4. By J. Pantliz, for the late Firm of J. Pantliz & Co. a Transport of two Lots of Land, situated in Charles-Town District, George-Town, and known by Nos. 10 and 13, with all the Buildings thereon – to the Representative of the Estate of G. A. F. Van Kinschot, deceased.
5. By N. M. Manget and S. Cramer, as Attornies of Louis D'Helliand, a Transport of the Undivided Half of Lot No. 16, situated in Charles-Town District, George-Town, with all the Buildings thereon – to M. Macdonald.
6. By A. C. Boode, for himself and nom. ux. an Act of Confirmation of two Mortgages, vested on Plantation Uitvlugt, situate on the West sea-coast of Demerary, passed in London, in favour of Edward Van Harthals, Esq. Margareth Boode, and James Gildart, all of the aforesaid City.
7. By S. Cramer, q.q. Gezina van der Vliet, Widow of E. L'Espinasse, and Pieter L'Espinasse, a Transport each of their one-third share or interest in Plantation Blankenburg and Anna Catharina, cum annexis, situated on the West-Coast of Demerary, and in Plantation Sage Pond, cum annexis, situated in Canal No. 3, on the East bank of the River Demerary – to Bertram Pieter L'Espinasse, of London.
8. By A. Van der Stok, q.q. the Widow J. Van den Paadevoort, Executrix to the Estate of J. Van den Paadevoort, deceased, a Transport of the Lots Nos. 74 and 65, situated in Kingston District, George-Town, to Mary Goudy.
9. By Catharine Cells, a Transport of the Lot of Land, No. 155, situated in Cumingsburg, with all the Buildings thereon – to Frances Caroline Moll.
Secretary's Office, February 13, 1813.
Sworn Clerk.

For the first Time.
BANNS of MATRIMONY - between CORNELIS HENDRICK DE MUNNICK, Widower of the late LUCY ADRIANA ROUSSELET, born in Utrecht; and Miss ELIZA BOSTOCK, born in this Colony, Spinster, a Minor, but assisted by her mother Mrs. SARAH BOSTOCK, both of the Protestant Religion.
Any person knowing any just cause or impediment why the above parties should not be joined together in Holy Matrimony must declare the same at the Colonial Secretary's Office.
Secretary's-Office, February, 12, 1813.
Sworn Clerk.


On Saturday the 20th of February, at the store of Messrs. M'INROY, SANDBACH, & Co. – a quantity of potatoes, herrings, port wine, loaf sugar, London porter, salt in barrels, cotton hammocks, cotton and coffee bagging, &c. Also a copper-bottomed Sloop-Boat, of an easy draught of water, with her sails and rigging, as she now lays at their stelling.
February 13. A. MILLS, & Co.

On Monday the 22d of February, [see 18130130EDRG] . . .
[see 18130206EDRG] . . .
Also by order of Mrs. M. DENIUAT, a Negro, Cupid, a complete butler and very good cook, sold for no fault, but is dissatisfied with his present owner, and two valuable Lots of Land, in Cumingsburg, Nos. 50 and 51. Also two pipes real old Cogniac Brandy, proof 24, being part of a prize cargo, in quantities of five gallons and upwards – at a credit of three months.
January 30. A. MILLS, & Co.

The King's House.


THE office of the Book-Keeper-General is discontinued until further orders. B. HEBBELINCK, Esq. will act as Accountant-General, and will superintend and countersign all Receipts and Expenditures of Public Money.
King's House, George-Town, February 13, 1813.
By Command,

The schooner PhÏnix, Narbourn, five days from Barbados, arrived yesterday.

The Papers by the PhÏnix are to the 6th instant. They communicate no European intelligence; but their domestic news will be found below, under its appropriate head.

The American intelligence received, by the way of Barbados, is of a truly gratifying nature. Smith, the third Invader of Canada, and the forlorn hope of the War Party, is said to have followed the example of his predecessors. This welcome communication has approached us in the shape of a Letter from Canandaigua - and of which the following is a copy:

[Transcriber's note: news of the American campaign against Canada not transcribed.]

Under the head of American Intelligence will be found, a somewhat curious account of the proceedings of the Army, since the Declaration of War, and which has been extracted from one of their Papers. It is called, The Adventures of a Year.


February 6. - The ships Tiger and Maxwell, from hence for Liverpool, have been particularly successful in prosecuting their voyage, having captured, in the course of thirteen days after leaving this anchorage, three American vessels, two of which have safely arrived here, and the other was in company with them. Their last prize, which anchored in this Bay on Thursday, is the schooner Rising States, from Salem bound for St. Jago in the Island of Cuba, with 780 boxes of fish, besides some lumber, a parcel of shooks and wood hoops, and was taken on the 24th ult. in Lat. 27 30. Long. 62. then fourteen days from the port of her departure. By this vessel we learn, that Commodore Rodgers, in the President, 44, with the Congress frigate and Argus brig, had returned to Boston on the 2d of that month, but without having captured any other vessels during their cruise than the Swallow Packet, and the South Sea-man that formed one of a convoy under the Galatea, which we have before stated. This squadron had commenced refitting; and the United States and Macedonian (late British), were fitting at New-York, from whence it was supposed they would put to sea about the middle of last month. The Constitution, Chesapeake, Essex, and Hornet, had sailed, but not in company, the successes of theirs over two of our frigates having inspired them with confidence to hazard the combat singly.


Gen. Harrison marched 200 miles with an army to see an infatuated Prophet - encamped as the Prophet directed. Prophet saw him next morning - Harrison lost 400 choice men in the interview - Prophet absconded - Harrison burnt the Prophet's corn!
Hull issued a lock-down Proclamation to the affrighted Canadians - took Sandwich - planted the American Eagle - poor Canadians flocked to it - several rencounters [sic], but no victory. Hull, in want of ammunition and provisions, left Sandwich - Canadians in distress - gave up Detroit and the American army, arms, and stores, with the Michigan Territory. Government did every thing they could, but Hull was a traitor or a coward - durst not fight. Cass was brave - he furthored [sic] an insurrection; genuine follower of Bonaparte: - Superiors must yield to force!
General Van Rensellaer attacked Queenstown - pushed the enemy - fought well - won the battle - enemy's reinforcements arrived - Militia read the Constitution - refused to cross - the victors fled - boatmen run away - all was lost - all surrendered, but were soon paroled.
Gen. Tupper's army of mounted men in the west returned, most of them alive, but quite unsuccessful - all dismissed.
Harrison embarrassed for a few trifling articles, such as provisions, powder, bullets, and well-made rifles.
Gen. Hopkins sent on an expedition with mounted riflemen - crossed the Wabash - steered for the Kickapoo and Peoria villages - got lost in the woods - guides took him a wrong route - lodged in a Prairie - Indians set it on fire - like to have been all consumed - visited with the diarrhÏa - left many things untold which ought to be known - safely at home.
Gen. Dearborn spent the summer at Boston and Greenbush, sometimes at balls! - Late in the fall ordered all the regulars to Plattsburg - called for 2000 Militia from Vermont, some from New-York - all encamped - much blustering - Bloomfield in command - some shot, some drowned, some flogged, and some had both ears cut off - Dearborn arrived in great haste, covered with laurel leaves! - called for pikes - ordered all the troops to march 30 miles to Champlain woods, quick time - left their tents all standing - terrible snow storm - three tentless nights - cooled their courage - saw the line, frightful things beyond it - ordered for winter quarters - Burlington, Greenbush, and Pittsfield, finished the campaign. - Thus endeth the first lesson.
The gasconading Gen. Smyth, and his rantical, bombastical, nonsensical, and abusive Proclamations, are yet in the full tide of successful experiment. - What wonderful effects they may produce, is yet uncertain, but we are enduced to believe that Canada will not be taken this winter.
Twenty Millions more to be borrowed, says Mr. Gallatin, besides robbing the merchants of all the profits of their late importations. 'Never more prosperous!'


The commencement of the First Grand Session of the Court of Justice for the present year, which was to have taken place on Monday next, is postponed until the First of March.

The Royal Battalion of Demerary Militia paraded yesterday. Lieutenant-Colonel Otto, Adjutant-General Brandt, and Major Tulloh, were on the ground.

His Excellency Robert Gordon resumed the government of Berbice, on the 1st instant. T. C. Emery, Esq. is to continue the exercise of the secretarial functions.

Frederick Backer, Esqr. Professor of Translation and Book-keeping, has received the Court of Policy's permission to practise, in Demerary and its Dependencies. - See the First Page.

Departed this Life - On the 29th ultimo, on Tiger-Island, Essequebo - Mr. D. Broadhead, Junr. Also, on Sunday last at Plantation Unity - Mr. Robert Williamson.

The remains of the unfortunate Capt. Langley, of the brig Thomas, were interred yesterday, at Plantation Klyn Poederoyen. Of the circumstances, attending this well-known and respected commander's loss of life, the following are the only particulars we have yet received: - On Tuesday last, in the company of Mr. Dobbrauski, of America-Street, and two lads of the brig, he went up the river, and was not heard of until Thursday-night; when his body was discovered near the plantation where it is now deposited. The fate of his companions is not certain - little hope, however, can be entertained of their safety.

The melancholy catastrophe just mentioned, is supposed to have been caused by one of those violent and sudden squalls, so frequent here; and the rapid and powerful nature of our river's current. Circumstances, to which numbers have fallen victim; and yet, strange as it may appear, they are seldom uppermost in the recollection of the navigator. On the contrary, for the sake of dispatch, safety is too often unheeded - skiffs, of the most diminutive size, being often seen labouring under sails of a surprising magnitude. And such we understand, was the case in the present instance.

Since writing the above, we understand, that all the other bodies have been found near Hobabo Creek.

Astronomical Intelligence. - On the 15th instant there will be a grand and visible Eclipse of the Moon. It is calculated to begin at eighteen minutes past three in the morning; and its middle will be at forty-four past four; and the end of the Eclipse, at ten past six. The Sun will rise at six minutes past six; and the Moon will set four minutes after the Eclipse ends. - They may both be seen above the horizon at four minutes past six.


(From the Custom House)

Since our last Report.

February 9. Schr. Brothers, Adamson, from Barbados.

February 8. Brig Alexis, Capt. Bell, for Glasgow.

For Liverpool.


Well armed and manned, and will sail with the First Fleet. For Freight or Passage apply to said Master, or
Who have for sale, Candles, Irish Sheeting, &c.
February 13.


in the Colony-Stocks of Demerary.






Pl. Alliance.


Boedel M'Rae,

L. Corbet.


Pl. Orange Nassau,



T. Robinson,

Pl. Vryheid's Lust.






Pl. Marias Lodge.


J. M'Pherson,

From Mahaicony.


J. M'Pherson,

From Mahaicony.





M. Campbell,

B. Jacobs.


Estate J. Ford,

H. Austin.


Pl. Meerzorg,

Pl. Alliance.



Pl. Quakers-Hall.


Dr. La Hay,

Pl. Two Brothers.


Rule, (Berbice)

T. Finlayson.


Pl. Swanenschuts,

Pl. Lowlands.


C. Manuville,

H. Williams.

February 13. F. STRUNKAY, Scout.

Printed and Published, every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon.

By Edward James Henery.

Created: 07 December 2010   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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