Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1813 March 20


Vol. VIII.]

[No. 564.


To the Printer of the Demerary and Essequebo Royal Gazette.
For the information of others, who may be equally interested, we beg you will have the goodness to insert the following Account of the Sums charged for the clearance of our Schooner from Berbice - her burthen being only 36, 75-94 tons.
Receiver General's Office, per receipt -

Lastage on Schooner Sisters, 36 tons,
16 lasts, each f 3

f 48.

Anchor and Flag Money


Hospital Money







f 92.

Government Secretary, per receipt,

f 22.


Colonial Secretary,



Customs, including all Officers,











f 216.

Cumingsburg, March 19, 1813.

The Committee for Financial Purposes [centered]
GIVE NOTICE, [centered]
THAT attendance will be given for a few weeks longer, at the House of Mr. JOSEPH BEETE, Jun. in Columbia District, every Monday, from ten till two o'clock, for the purpose of exchanging the old Colony Paper that may be still outstanding; after which the accounts will be made up, and given over, with the vouchers, to the Receiver General; and if any Notes remain out after that period, they will be received only in payment of the public debts by the respective Receivers.
George-Town, March 18, 1813.

TO be disposed of, in Berbice, either by Private or Public Sale, and immediate possession with Transport given - those extensive and very valuable Premises, on Lot No. 3, in the town of New Amsterdam, consisting of an excellent Dwelling-House, Out-Buildings, and Stores, all lately put in complete repair, at a considerable expence. The eligibility of the situation, for either a store, shipping, or public establishment, an be exceeded by none; and no Building could be better calculated for a commodious and good Hotel, with Stabling, &c. so much wanted in that Colony. Terms will be made very easy to an approved purchaser. Apply in Berbice to Mr. WILLIAM DUNCAN, or here to
Should the Buildings not be sold by private bargain, betwixt and the 30th May next, they will then be disposed of by public sale, in such lots as purchasers may incline.

Picked-Up in front of Plantation La Jealousie, a CREEALL, 19 feet long, 4 feet wide - the bottom painted red. The Owner can have it by paying for this advertisement, and a reward for the Negroes who found it, by applying on the said Estate.
March 17.

PATENT STILL for sale, of 400 gallons; sent out in the Alexander, just arrived, by Mr. Sutherland, of Liverpool, the Patentee - on trial, and for the inspection of such gentlemen of these colonies, as may be desirous of availing themselves of the late improvement, and favouring him with their orders. Explanatory drawings, accompanied with instructions, to be seen at the Counting-Room of
The Still now advertised, will be sold at the Invoice Cost, with the usual Commission and Charges, payable in a Bill of Exchange, by the sailing of the First Convoy - 450l. Sterling. - March 20.

St. George's Church, Demerary, [centered]

March 20, 1813. [centered]
NOTICE is hereby given to all persons whom it may concern, that the Annual Vestry-Meeting will be held at St. George's Church, on the 25th of this month, at 12 o'clock in the forenoon, to make a Public Canvass for the Election of Five Persons to serve as Vestrymen for the ensuing year: who will afterwards unite together in the Choice of a Treasurer. The Meeting will then take into consideration, any measure that may be proposed, conducive to the improvement of the Church, or the benefit and advantage of its community.
By Order of the Vestry,

Notice to Creditors. [centered]
PERSONS having demands against the Estate of ROBERT FERRIER, Esqr. deceased, are hereby informed that there will be Thirty Hogsheads of Sugar ready for delivery, on the 8th of April. Tenders for which, addressed to the Trustees, will be received at the Counting-House of Messrs. Fullerton, Oliverson, and Co. until one o'clock on Thursday the 8th of April aforesaid; when they will be opened in the presence of such Creditors as choose to attend, and the Produce delivered to the highest bidder.
March 17.

                  Demerary, March 18, 1813.
THE Subscriber has disposed of 1/4 Lot of Land, with the Buildings thereon, being part of Lot No. 127, situated in Cumingsburg, with his whole right and title to the said Buildings, &c. to Mrs. MARGARETTE MOORE.
Note. - All those indebted to the above Subscriber, are requested to make payment of their open accounts, and notes of hand - as no further indulgence can be given after the 20th of April next.

Best Superfine Baltimore Flour. [centered]
NOW Landing from the schooner Joseph, Captain Strickland, from Barbados, and for sale by the Subscribers, at Mackay's Stelling - One Hundred Barrels best Superfine BALTIMORE FLOUR; also two Pipes of real Old COGNIAC BRANDY, proof 24, in quantities of five gallons and upwards. Cash, or Produce, at the current market price, will be received in payment.
March 19. D. MORRISON & Co.

Coffee for Sale. [centered]
35,000 lbs. First Quality Coffee, and 200 bags good Broken Coffee - for which Bills will be taken in payment by
March 20. G. LACY and Co.

IMPORTED in the Brigs Alexander and Claude Scott, from Liverpool, for sale by the Subscriber, viz. -
White calicoes, pullicate and white handkerchiefs, printed calicoes, superfine printed cambrics, mourning calicoes, furniture check, cotton cambric, bed tick, Carlisle and other check, Irish linen, dimity, hair-cord cambric, linen and cotton platillas, thread, tape, &c.
March 19. W. LUCAS.

TO be Sold, on Tuesday, the 13th of April next, by public sale, at the Vendue Office, on a credit of 3, 6, 9, and 12 months - the middle one-third part of Plantation Laurentia, up this river, adjoining the Estate of C. M. OVERWEG, Esq. and containing 100 rod façade by 750 deep. There is in cultivation on this place, a very good bearing Plantain-Walk, of about 50 acres, with some good Coffee, and twenty acres of Sugar-Cane planted, and lately cut for the first time; likewise all the requisite Buildings, and in complete order, for making bricks. The land is in general of excellent quality, well adapted for Plantains, Coffee, or Sugar, and communicates behind, at the distance of 800 rods, with Hobbaboe Creek; from whence, by means of a canal, a constant supply of fresh water and fuel may be obtained. There will be sold, at the same time, 150 M. Bricks, made and now laying on said place. Any person desirous of viewing the Land or Bricks, will please apply to Mr. HOLLORAN, on the premises, and for further particulars, to
Demerary, March 18. C. MACRAE.

THE Store of the Subscribers was broke open last night, by some person or persons unknown, and a writing desk, containing papers and money, as well as Goods, the extent of which is not known, were carried away. The writing desk has since been found in the river, and several papers. A handsome reward will be paid to any person who may give information which will tend to detect the thieves.
March 20. THOMAS HOLM, & Co.

The Subscribers are now landing from on board the Brig Greenbow, from Belfast, the following goods, which they offer for sale on reasonable terms, for immediate payment in Cash or Produce, at the store lately occupied by Messrs. James Jackson & Co.
Barrels and half barrels beef and pork, ditto and kegs of herrings, firkins and kegs of butter, tubs with rounds of beef, ox and pigs' tongues, hams, cheese, potatoes, barley, lard, soap, candles, porter and ale, white-lead, paint and lamp oil, Irish linen and sheeting, cotton cambric, socks, cotton and coffee bagging, gentlemen's beaver hats, tradesmen's and negro ditto, cordage, boots and shoes, wine and porter corks, hoes, shovels, cutlasses, iron hoops, rivets, nails, coopers' tools, stationery, glass-ware, calf-skins, negro pipes, building and temper lime, bricks, &c.

FOR SALE, [centered]
FROM Fifteen to Seventeen head of fine CATTLE, most of which are young Cows with their first Calves. - Terms (for the whole) will be made very eligible. For further particulars, enquire at this Office.
March 20.

SECRETARY's OFFICE. [centered]

This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony: -
J. Chaudony, M.D. in fourteen days, or by the April Fleet, from the 9th of March.
John Parcell Walsh, in fourteen days, from the 9th of March.
John Findlater, in fourteen days, or by the April Fleet, from the 13th of March.
Thomas Finlayson, in fourteen days, or six weeks, from the 16th of March.
Lucius Van Baerle, in fourteen days, or by the First Fleet, from the 16th of March.
Andrew Smith, with one servant, in fourteen days or six weeks, from the 16th of March.
Charles Mackintosh, in fourteen days, or by the First Fleet, from the 18th of March.
William Lucas, with one servant, in fourteen days, or six weeks, from the 19th of March.
Richard Chandler, in fourteen days, or six weeks, from the 19th of March.
Secretary's Office, Demerary, March 20, 1813.
Sworn Clerk.

At the COMMISSARY-COURT on the 5th of April next, will be passed the following
viz. [centered]
1. By the Hon. John Wilson, q.q. K. F. Mackenzie, Esq. a Mortgage on Plantation Nog-Eens and Two Friends, situated on the East-Coast of this Colony - in favour of John Gladstone, Esq. of Liverpool.
2. By R. F. Yearwood, a Transport of Lot No. 12, in Cumingsburg District, George-Town, with all the Buildings thereon - to the Representative of the estate of N. Smith, deceased.
3. By the representative of N. Smith, deceased, a Transport of the same - to Roderick Young.
4. By Roderick Young, a Transport of the same - to Robert Bell.
5. By the Free Woman, Lieven Simonis, a Transport of the Lot or Concession, No. 38, situated in Werk en Rust District, George-Town, with the Buildings thereon - to Theodore Van Well.
[Transcriber's note: conflict here in the Lot Number – 38 here; compare with 33 in the 18130320EDG; it changes to 33 in 18130403EDRG.]
6. By Henry Marsh, a Transport of Lot No. 92, situated in Kingston District, George-Town, with all the Buildings thereon - to R. MacLeod.
7. By R. MacLeod, a Transport of the same - to the Representative of the estate of Mrs. Ana Taylor, deceased.
[Transcriber's note: Ana here; Ann in 18130320EDG; changes to Ann in 18130403EDRG.]
8. By John M'Garel, a Transport of Lots No. 48 and 49, with all the Buildings thereon, being situated in Cumingsburg - to the Honourable John Johnson.
9. By G. Van der Haas, q.q. the estate of the Widow of I. Van der Haas, deceased, a Transport of a Lot or Concession, known by No. 13, situated in Werk en Rust, with the Buildings thereon - to J. F. Cordes.
10. By the same, a Transport of a Lot or Concession, known by No. 14, situated in Werk en Rust, with all the Buildings thereon - to Free Coloured Man, J. Neischer.
11. By the same, a Transport of Lot No. 36, situated as above - to J. J. Boullier.
12. By the same, a Transport of Lot No. 34, situated as before - to M. Hoppen & Co.
13. By the same, a Transport of Lot No. 35, situated as before - to P. Looven.
14. By one of the Sworn Clerks in the Secretary's Office, duly authorised, a Transport of Plantation John, situated on the East-Coast of this Colony, together with all its Cultivation, Negroes, and other Dependencies, &c. - to John Austin; who will pass a Mortgage at the same time, on the aforesaid property, in favour of Mrs. Martha Nihell.
15. By the Representative of W. Niell, a Transport of the Buildings situated on the South side of Robb's Stelling, in front of Plantation Vlissingen, together with the Right and Title to the Land, during the present lease - to Henry Clementson.
Secretary's Office, George-Town, March 20, 1813.
Sworn Clerk.

PUBLIC VENDUES. [centered]

On Tuesday the 23d instant, at the stores of HYNDMAN & CARY - Sundry goods, the effects of the late Captain Langley: Bitters, Irish linen, cotton stockings, waistcoat patterns, a parcel beads and garnets, Buck knives, smelling bottles, 3 cases hats, 100 cotton shirts, 8 pair Russia sheeting trowsers, candles, a parcel bottled Madiera, cotton bagging, a pipe gin, barley in jugs, caret in cases of one dozen, 18 dozen coffee bags, Osnaburgs, 4 barrels hearts and shorts, a parcel earthen ware, a fashionable saddle complete, a chest of slops containing fearnought and blue cloth jackets and trowsers, Guernsey frocks, &c. &c. – a parcel of wearing apparel belonging to the late Captain Langley.
Also, provisions of different kinds – salmon, shades [sic – shads], flour and what further may be exposed for sale.
March 13. A. MILLS, & Co.

On Wednesday the 24th instant, at the Vendue Office, will be exposed, and sold without reserve, to close sales - Irish linen, brown Holland, linen check, printed calicoes, blue furniture and furniture chintz, fine 9-8 cambric muslin, muslinets, towels and table-cloths, &c. Also 60 dozen porter, umbrellas, 18 M. needles, pins in 1 lb. papers, cruet and liquor stands, chamber door locks, &c.
March 20. A. MILLS, & Co.

On Friday next the 26th instant, at the Vendue Office, by order of Messrs. MURRAY & JAMISON, the following goods, just arrived by the Cork Fleet - beef and pork, in whole and half barrels, herrings, hams, butter, tongues, sheeting and linen, soap and candles, and what further may be offered for sale.
March 20. A. MILLS & Co.

On Tuesday the 30th instant, will be exposed for sale at Public Auction, at the Vendue-Office, by order of the Honourable F. P. VAN BERCKEL - four carpenter negroes, named Rodney, Louis, Caesar, and Carlol.
Also on the same day, by order of Mr. H. S. Thomas, a negro named George.
March 20. A. MILLS & Co.

On Tuesday the 6th and Wednesday the 7th April, will be sold, by order of WILLIAM LUCAS, at his Store in Middle-Street, to close several consignments previous to his departure for Europe, viz. - One bale broad-cloth, Berlin web, boots, two bales salempores, two trunks furniture chintz, Irish linen, brown Holland, check of various descriptions, table linen, men's stockings, Bandana and other silk handkerchiefs, white nankeen, muslins, cambrics, white and printed calicoes, superfine cloth coats, bed-tick, Pullicate and Balasore handkerchiefs, &c. Also two cases damaged cotton platillas, V. No. 76 and 77, landed from the ship Belmont - sold according to survey held thereon.
March 20. A. MILLS & Co.

[seal - centered]
The King's House, [centered]
DEMERARY. [centered]

GENERAL MILITIA ORDER. - His Excellency the Acting-Governor has been pleased to make the following Promotions:
1st Battalion Essequebo Militia, [centered]
Second Company, [centered]
Robert Burnthorn, Esqr. to be Captain - vice Captain J. Fullarton, removed out of the district.
Edward Higgins, Gent. to be Lieutenant.
Third Company, [centered]
Lieutenant Peter M'Garel to be Captain - vice Hugh Fraser, deceased.
King's House, George-Town, March 20, 1813.
By His Excellency's Command,
Lieut. Col. & Adj. Gen. M.F.

Militia Brigade Orders, [centered]
March 20, 1813. [centered]
HIS Excellency the Acting-Governor having this day received a further representation from Major Firebrace, respecting an Act of insubordination of a Non-Commissioned Officer of the Third Battalion Demerary Militia; and as the charges, substantiated before the Regimental Court Martial, certainly places the conduct of the aggressor, in a highly reprehensible and unmilitary point of view - the Acting-Governor, being desirous to avert the disagreeable consequences and inconvenience that would result, to several individuals, by convening a General Court Martial, refers the punishment to the Officer then commanding the Regiment, as far as the Militia Laws point out, or the contrition that may be expressed by the offender. It is also observed, that not withstanding a Superior Officer may be actually in Uniform off Parade, it cannot justify insult or disrespect to be shown to him, by any person under his military orders, and personally known at the time.
By Command,
Lieut. Col. & Adj. Gen. M.F.

NOTICE. [centered]
HIS Excellency the Acting-Governor has received a Letter from Capt. Simpson, commanding His Majesty's Ship Coquette, off Demerary River, enclosing the following:
"The periods, appointed for the Trade leaving
"Berbice and Demerara, are as follows: viz. 18th April,
"17th June, and 17th July. - The Trade from Berbice
"and Demerara are to leave those colonies to join the
"home-ward-bound Fleets, at the Full-Moon in the
"months before-mentioned; to be conveyed by one of
"the Vessels under your orders in safety, to Grenada,
"and to wait there to be taken to the General Ren-
"dezvous, by the Vessels of War calling for the Trade
"of that Island - for which you are to give the neces-
"sary directions. The convoying vessels is to return to
"her station immediately. As the periods appointed
"for the departure of the home-ward-bound fleets, can-
"not be deferred, you are strictly enjoined not to regard
"any application which may be made to you, to post-
"pone the sailing of the convoys from the colony under
"your protection.

ARRIVALS. - The brigs Alexander and Claud Scott, from Liverpool; Greenbow, from Belfast; Ann, from Bristol; and Farina, from Dublin. The ship Princess Mary, from Malta; and the schooner Favourite, from Barbados.

By neither of the late arrivals, have we received intelligence from Europe of a later date than what the public is already acquainted with; but, the Barbados Papers by the Favourite, (to the 10th instant) have enabled us to give the following account, of the defeat of another Division of the American Army invading Canada: [Transcriber's note: not transcribed]

Those triumphant feelings, however, which the above must give birth to, will doubtless receive a check from the following extract:

                  "Boston, February 17.
"On the 29th December last, in lat. 13 6. long. 38 W. about ten leagues from the coast of Brazil, the Constitution fell in with and captured His Britannic Majesty's frigate Java, of 49 guns, and manned with upwards of 400 men. The action continued one hour and fifty-five minutes, in which time the Java was made a complete wreck, having her bowsprit and every mast and spar shot out of her.
"The Constitution had 9 men killed, and 25 wounded; the Java had 60 killed and 101 wounded certainly; among the latter, was Capt. Lambert, a distinguished Officer, who died of his wounds at St. Salvador, five days after the battle.
"The Java was rated a 38, but mounted 49 guns, she was just out of dock, and fitted in the most complete manner, to carry out Lieutenant-General Hislop, Governor of Bombay, and his suite; with Capt. Marshall, a Commander of the British Navy; and a number of Naval Officers, going to join the British ships of war in the East Indies."

FOREIGN NAVIES. [centered]

[Transcriber's note: here I only transcribe the British and American information.]

BRITISH. [centered]


Sail of the Line,


Fifties and Forty-fours,




Sloops and Yachts,


Bombs and Fire Ships,






Schooners, Luggers, &c.








of which are in Commission.




at Sea.

Establishment of Rates and Men – 1st rate, 100 guns, 875 men to 850; 2d, 98 to 90, 750 to 700; 3d, 50 to 64, 650 to 500; 4th, 60 to 50, 420 to 520; 5th, 40 to 32, 300 to 220; 6th, 28 to 20, 200 to 140; sloops, 12 to 16, 125 to 90; g-bs, cutts, &c. 14 to 6, 50 to 25. – When an Admiral's flag is hoisted in a first rate, her complement is 875; when a Vice-Admiral 870; a Rear-Admiral, 865.


FRIGATES. [centered]








Capt. Hull

United States



----- Decatur




Commodore Rodgers





New York







Capt. Bainbridge




----- Smith








Capt. Porter

CORVETTE. [centered]

John Adams



Prison Ship.

BRIGS. [centered]




Capt. Jones




----- Lawrence




Lieut. Carroll




----- -------




Lieut. Walsey

SCHOONERS. [centered]




Lieut. Golsden




------ Blakley




------ Bainbridge

GUN-BOATS. [centered]
170 stationed at New Orleans. [centered]
BOMBS. [centered]
Vengance, Ūtna, Vesuvius, and Spitfire.
  The Wasp was captured on the 18th of October, by his Majesty's ship Poictiers, Capt. Beresford, and carried into Bermuda.

LOCALITIES. [centered]

We congratulate the Public, on the following very favourable Price Current, at Liverpool, on the 23d of January. It is extracted from a Letter of Sales.
Coffee, from 65s to 105s.
Sugar, ---- 30s to 90s.
Cotton, ---- 2s. 0 1/2 d. to 2s. 6d.
Rum, ---- 4s. 6d. average.

The Cotton above-mentioned, is of the Demerary and Berbice quality - finer, was higher in proportion. The expected opening of the Baltic, will still have a more favourable effect.

We are sorry to announce, that on the 6th instant, off the Island of St. Thomas, the American privateer Comet, captured the brigs Alexis and Dominica Packet, and the schooner Jane - late from this port, though at the same time under convoy of the Swaggerer, brig of war. On the same day, however, the Jane, was re-taken by the Swaggerer, and the Alexis by the Lightening, sloop of war. But the other brig remained in possession of the enemy.

For Liverpool. [centered]
(Warranted to Sail with the April Convoy) [centered]
CLAUD SCOTT, [centered]
ROBERT COWLEY, Master, [centered]
For Freight or Passage, (the greater part of her cargo being now ready to be put onboard) apply to
Who have received by the said vessel - Pilchards in barrels, Sat in puncheons, Building and Temper Lime, Coals, Bricks, &C. - March 20.

in the Colony-Stocks of Demerary. [centered]






Pl. Alliance.


Boedel M'Rae,

L. Corbet.


T. Robinson,

Pl. Vryheid's Lust.






Pl. Marias Lodge.


J. M'Pherson,

From Mahaicony.


J. M'Pherson,

From Mahaicony.





M. Smit,

C. Chandler.


Dr. Walker,

a negro of C. M'rae.


M. Paadevort,

Pl. Kinderen.



From Mahaica.



Noot en Zuyl.


J. H. Albouy,



Mrs. Morehouse,

Pl. Plaisance.


Pl. Columbia,

No. 45, Essequebo.


St. Deeges,

Pl. Windsorforest.


Pl. Ruymveld,


March 20. F. STRUNKAY, Scout.

GEORGE-TOWN: [centered]
Printed and Published, every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon.
By Edward James Henery. [centered]

Created: 07 December 2010   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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