Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1813 March 30


Vol. VIII.]

[No. 567.

TUESDAY, MARCH 30, 1813.

Memorandum. [centered]
THE Coquette's Signal on approaching the Bar, will be a French Ensign at the Top-gallant-mast Head.
March 22. J. SIMPSON.
[Transcriber's note: this item did not appear in an earlier issue.]

NOTICE. [centered]
THE Undersigned requests all who have any demand on, or are indebted to, the Estate of Dr. W. BOSTOCK, deceased, of Plantation Arno's Vale, to render in their accounts at his Domicilium, for settlement, and come forward with payment of the sum due to the above Estate, within the time of two months from this date; and those indebted, having not complied with this request, the demands will be placed in the hands of an Attorney at law, to enforce payment without respect to persons.
Demerary, March 29, 1813.
C. H. de MUNNICK, qq.
Mrs. the Widow Sarah Bostock.

FOR SALE - the Lot and Buildings at present occupied by the Subscriber, in America-street. Terms will be made easy to an approved purchaser. For further particulars apply to
March 29. L. M'BEAN.

THE Undersigned informs the Public in general, that he has some excellent WAX SKINS, just arrived - which he will sell reasonable for Cash, per single skin or per dozen.
March 23. W. ROACH, Shoemaker.
[Transcriber's note: compare with a similar ad of the same posting date for 18130323EDRG.]

FOR SALE - at the Store of the Subscribers, on the most moderate terms for immediate payment, the Cargo of the Ship Hero - consisting of
White Pine Boards and Planc [sic], Spruce Spars, Red Oak Staves, Salmon in barrels, Mackarel in ditto, Shads in ditto, Beef in barrels and half ditto, Pork in barrels.
March 30. J. H. ALBOUY and Co.

SECRETARY's OFFICE. [centered]

This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony: -
John Findlater, in fourteen days, or by the April Fleet, from the 13th of March.
Thomas Finlayson, in fourteen days, or six weeks, from the 16th of March.
Lucius Van Baerle, in fourteen days, or by the First Fleet, from the 16th of March.
Andrew Smith, with one servant, in fourteen days or six weeks, from the 16th of March.
Charles Mackintosh, in fourteen days, or by the First Fleet, from the 18th of March.
William Lucas, with one servant, in fourteen days, or six weeks, from the 19th of March.
Richard Chandler, in fourteen days, or six weeks, from the 19th of March.
John Naegeli, in fourteen days, or six weeks, from the 22d of March.
Peter Rose, in fourteen days, or six weeks, from the 23d of March.
D. Redfern, in fourteen days or six weeks, from the 23d of March.
David Cornfoot, and servant, in fourteen days, or by the first Fleet, from the 24th of March.
Henry Richardson, in fourteen days, or by the first Fleet, from the 24th of March.
Isaac Hadfield, and Wife, with two servants, with the April Fleet, from the 24th of March.
Henry Van Baerle, in fourteen days, or by the April Fleet, from the 24th of March.
John M'Donald, in fourteen days, or six weeks, from the 26th of March.
Charles Simson will transport to Berbice, Twelve Negroes, the property of John Heyslop, of the aforesaid Colony, names to be seen at this office; in fourteen days, from the 26th of March.
Secretary's Office, Demerary, March 27, 1813.
Sworn Clerk.

PUBLIC VENDUES. [centered]

On Monday the 5th of April, at the store of L. M'BEAN, Esq. in America-street: - Port wine, gin, tobacco in barrels, cordage, calicoes, Irish linen and sheeting, long lawn, bed tick, check, Bengal stripes, men and womens' [sic] stockings, ancle socks, thread, tape, ginghams, musquito netting, black silk Florentine, diaper, cotton cambric, jeans, Princes' cord, quilting, lined and unlined negro jackets; also the following books - Johnson's Works, Malone's Shakespeare, Paley's Philosophy, Goldsmith's History of England, Hume's ditto with Smollet's continuation, Hook's Roman History, Hume's Essays, Robertson's History of America and Charles the 5th, Colman's Miscellanies, Gillier's Ancient Greece, Plutarch's Lives, Blair's Lectures, Orrery's Pliny, Priestly on Education, &c.
March 30. A. MILLS, & Co.

On Thursday the 13th of April, [see 18130313EDRG] . . .
[see 18130327EDRG] . . .
Also by order of J. VAN DEN HEUVEL, Esq. for account of those concerned – 28 hogsheads of Stock Fish; imported in the Claud Scott, from Liverpool.
March 13. A. MILLS & Co.

A Sloop from Bermuda, is the only arrival we have to announce. - She, however, has not brought any news from that quarter.


Several very intelligent Letters have been published in England on this subject - we purpose copying them in a regular succession, when nothing of more importance offers.

No. 1. [centered]
SIR - The events of the American war, as far as they have reached us, are, I think, calculated to excite some surprise and regret - and it is not unnatural that a considerable sensation should be produced in the country by so unexpected a circumstance as a naval defeat; but it seems to me that partizans [sic] have endeavoured to give this feeling an improper direction, and that political hostility has most unfairly attempted to instigate the public feeling against the Government, by charging upon it negligence of which it is not guilty, and by attributing to it reverses for which it is in no way responsible.
A desire of doing justice impels me to trouble you with the following observations on some of the principal points on which the Naval Administration has been arraigned; and, as the reasons which I shall advance have already persuaded myself. I am not without hopes, that they may have the same effect on other impartial persons. I shall not, I dare say, be able to comprise what I have to say in one letter, but if you shall think proper to insert this, I shall understand it as a signification of your willingness to permit my future communications also, to appear in your paper.
The first charge which is made against the Government, is, that the declaration of war by America took them by surprise: this allegation is very strongly advanced by the opponents of Ministers, when the object is to convict them of weakness and negligence; but these same opponents do not hesitate, in another point of their attack, to make a charge of a diametrically opposite nature - they say "that conciliatory Councils, and a wish to preserve peace on our parts, would have ensured it on the part of America; and that it is the hostile determination of our Government that the war is justly to be attributed." These arguments put together (and I have seen them both in the Morning Chronicle) mean, that we were surprised by a war, into which we had, of our own prepense malice, driven our peaceable antagonist. It sometimes happens, that of two contradictory statements, neither is true; and this is just the case with these arguments of the Opposition. It is false that we forced America to the war; but it is not, therefore, true that we were surprised by her aggression!
It is not known, that long before the declaration of war, information was sent by this Government to the Admiral at Newfoundland announcing the probable approach of hostilities, and directing him, in the event of any American aggression, to attack, take, sink, burn, and destroy all American ships, and to pursue all other measures of active warfare; and accordingly, when the Americans declared war, his Excellency Sir J. Duckworth was so far from being taken by surprise, that he was prepared by the before-mentioned order, for that event, and proceeded immediately to execute, with firmness and activity, the usual measures of hostility. The order of which I refer was probably (and very properly, considering the state of our negociations with America), given very secretly; and because it was not communicated to those respectable gentlemen, the Editors of the Times and the Morning Chronicle, they have not failed to assert that no such thing was done, and that the American declaration of war found our Admirals abroad unprovided with either the means of retaliation, or orders to retaliate. It is from the circumstance of the vessels taken by the Newfoundland squadron being condemned under the order to capture, sink, burn, and destroy, given early in May last, that I have happened to know that such an order existed; but I think I am entitled to presume, that since Sir John Duckworth received such instructions, the other Admirals on the American stations had the same; though I am not from my own knowledge able to assert the facts; and I have not yet quite learned the practice of the Morning Chronicle, of asserting what I know nothing about.
So much then for the charge so boldly made, of the Government's being surprised, and of its not having issued orders to sink, burn, and destroy; the fact is, that to one station at least, and probably to all the rest, prospective orders of the most determined and warlike nature were issued early in May, and the fault of the Government has been, that to vigour and decision of councils it also added secresy. I do believe, that until the account of the condemnation of the Newfoundland prizes reached England last week, these measures were (as certainly they ought to have been) unknown to the public; but now they have been promulgated they will satisfy, it may be hoped, the criticism of Mr. Canning, and of all those who criticise, with English feelings, any thing that looks like too much moderation towards the public enemy; but I have too good an opinion of the patriotic obstinacy of the Morning Chronicle, to expect that any change will be made in its sentiments. It will at first deny the fact altogether, when it shall be proved beyond even its power of denial, it will make light of such prospective hostility; and when it shall be at last forced to admit the fact, and to acknowledge the efficacy of the measure, it will turn short round (after the manner of Mr. Trotter and the digitalis) and say, "Why did
"you give such an order? Why did you run the risk of exas-
"perating America? Was it honourable, was it candid, at
"the same moment you were negotiating and professing to
"wish for peace, to send forth, in secret, orders of the most
"violent hostility?"
You, Sir, will perhaps now think that I have written enough for one letter; the Morning Chronicle will feel perhaps that I have written too much; but with your leave, and to its discomfiture, I shall continue my correspondence to-morrow or next day, and shall show that as the Ministers did by their orders prepare the Admirals to expect war, so they did by the force collected on the several stations enable them to maintain it. NENEUS.


A Court-martial was held on Thursday, the 8th of October 1812, on board his Majesty's ship Jason in St. John's harbour, Newfoundland, Captain Carpenter, President, for the purpose of investigating the circumstances which led to and occasioned the capture of his Majesty's late sloop Alert, on the 13th of August last, by the United States frigate the Essex, and to try Capt. T. L. P. Laugharne, late Commander of the said sloop, the officers and ship's company, for their conduct on that occasion.
The Court having heard Capt. Laugharne's Letter to the Commander in Chief, containing his relation of the circumstances, and having examined him and the officers, and the ship's company, and very maturely and deliberately weighed and considered the said letter, and the whole of the evidence, delivered their sentence as follows: -
"That no blame whatever was imputable to Capt. Laugharne, but that his conduct throughout the action was marked by gallantry and judgment, and that he did not strike the colours of the Alert until it became utterly impossible to continue the action against so superior a force with any prospect of success.
"That the conduct of Lieut. A. Duncan, senior Lieutenant of the Alert, has been highly reprehensible; and although the Court acquit him of cowardice, still it appears that he failed to give that assistance to his Captain, and that encouragement to the ship's company, which ought in a more peculiar manner to be expected from his situation.
"The Court are of opinion, that the remaining officers, and the ship's company, behaved with gallantry during the action; but they cannot pass over the circumstance of their having gone aft to advise their Captain to strike, without expressing the strongest disapprobation, nor would such a proceeding under any circumstance be justified. The Court, however, think proper in making this remark, to except Mr. Clearing, the Master, and Mr. Haggerty, the Purser, who appear to have acted with the greatest gallantry, and not to have gone aft with the rest.
The Court do therefore unanimously and most honourably acquit Capt. Laugharne, and he is hereby unanimously and most honourably acquitted accordingly; and do adjudge the said Lieutenant A. Duncan to be dismissed from his Majesty's service, and he is hereby dismissed accordingly: and do honourably acquit Mr. Clearing, the Master, and Mr. Haggerty, the Purser, and they are hereby honourably acquitted accordingly; and finally the Court being convinced that the coming aft of the other Officers and ship's company was not occasioned by any cowardice or disaffection, do acquit them, and they are hereby acquitted accordingly."

For London. [centered]
HERO, [centered]
JACOB LEVETT, Master, [centered]
Is well armed and manned, and will leave this, with the Convoy appointed for June. For Freight or Passage, apply to
March 30. JAMES GENTLE, & Co.

GEORGE-TOWN: [centered]
Printed and Published, every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon.
By Edward James Henery. [centered]

Created: 07 December 2010   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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