Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1813 June 05


Vol. VIII.]

[No. 586.


THE Colonial-Receiver regrets to be again under the necessity of reminding several Planters and others, both here and in Essequebo, with respect to their Returns and Payment of Taxes for the preceeding year - which appears to have escaped their memory. He therefore, for the last time, notifies to those whom it may concern, that he will continue to give due attendance at his Office, as usual, until the 18th of the present month - after which period, the names of all defaulters, will be made public, and the law enforced against them.
Demerary, 5th June, 1813.
Colonial Receiver.

                  OFFICE OF ORDNANCE,
                  Demerary, June 5, 1813.
REQUIRED for the Service of the Royal Engineer Department in this Colony, the under-mentioned Materials, viz: -
White Pine American Lumber, 4000 feet,
White Cedar Boards, 1 inch 5000 do.
Crabwood ditto, 1 1/2 inch thick 5000 do.
White Silverbally ditto, 2500 do.
Walaba Shingles, 18000
Sealed Tenders for which will be received at this Office, on or before Thursday the 10th instant, marked Tenders for Materials; and opened in presence of the respective Officers - when the offer or offers most advantageous to Government, if approved will be accepted.

BOARD OF POLICE. [centered]
ANY Person or Persons willing to enter into Contract for one year, for the purpose of Lighting the Lamps of George-Town, throughout the same, the Contractor furnishing Oil, and every necessary for the purpose, are requested to send in Tenders for the same, at the next Ordinary Meeting, being the 6th July. - The number of Lamps, and particulars can be known on application to the Inspector-General.
By Order,
June 5. H. S. THOMAS,

FINDING but little attention has been paid to its former advertisement, request again, all persons who may be indebted to the Estate of the late ADAM SMITH, to pay those sums; those who may have any claims to render them in; and such who have trusted him with papers, either in his private capacity, or in the concerns in which he acted as attorney; to come and fetch the same, as far as they have been found, in the shortest delay possible, the Board being wishful to settle this Estate.
Demerary, 3d June, 1813,
By Order of the Board,
F. A. VERNEDE, Recorder.

FOR SALE, [centered]

WANTED to purchase, by the Subscribers - a LARGE STILL; for which immediate payment will be made.
June 4. GARDEN, KING, & Co.

LUMBER. [centered]
A LARGE Quantity of Crabwood Boards, and Plank, at f 187 per M. Cash. - Apply to
Where a sample of Light Wood, fit for heading, may be seen, and orders executed for any quantity.
June 5.

WILLIAM POSTLETHWAITE requests all those who have any Demands against Plantation Resource, Canal No. 2, will render their accounts to him, that they may be finally settled - and such arrangements made for the payment thereof, as will be satisfactory to all the Creditors. - June 4.

THE Domicilium of the Subscriber, as well in his prive, as qq. is removed to the North-East part of the former Stores of Messrs. Pittman and Ashley, in the Canal of La Bourgade - where any business, in either of his capacities, of Sworn-Accountant or Sworn-Surveyor, will be punctually attended to.
George-Town, 3d June, 1813.

                  FORT WILLIAM-FREDERICK,
                  June 2d.
PICKED-UP, off the Block-house - a Ship's Launch, copper-bottomed. Any person claiming the same, may have her on paying the expences, and applying to
Gun. R. Artillery.

FOUND, on Friday last, in the main street in George-Town - a Silver Stop Watch. Any person who can prove property, will have it restored by applying at the Royal Gazette Office, paying the expences of the advertisement, and rewarding the negro who found it. - June 3.

DEMERARY FERRY. [centered]
THE Undersigned is sorry to observe that little or no attention has been paid to his former advertisement; again begs leave to observe, that in future no person will be passed across without immediate payment.

NOTICE. - All Persons having Claims against the Estate of H. POGGENBURG, deceased, are hereby requested to render their accounts, properly attested, to the Subscribers, for settlement; and all those who are indebted to said Estate, to come forward with payment, in order to bring the same to a speedy liquidation.
Essequebo, June 2. HELENA CUFF,
Deliberating Executors.

THE Creditors of Mr. D. TIMMERMAN, or Pl. Strandgroen, are requested to meet on Thursday next, the 10th instant, at noon, at the house of P. Verbeke, Esq. to hear the proposals to be made to them on that day, by
June 3. Sequestrators for Pl. Strandgroen.

MARSHAL'S OFFICE. [centered]

BY Authority duly obtained from His Honor J. S. MASSE, President of the Honourable Court of Criminal and Civil Justice of these Colonies - I, the undersigned Deputy First Marshal of said Colony, will expose for sale, unto the highest bidder, in presence of Two Counsellor-Commissaries of the Hon. Court of Justice, and their Secretary, at the Court-House, in George-Town, on Wednesday the Ninth instant -
In behalf of A. VAN DER STOK, Plaintiff versus G. MAHLSTEDT, Defendant - the Lot of Nand [sic], No. 16, situated in George-Town, Stabroek District, with the Buildings thereon, viz. a Dwelling-House, facing the Middle or Brick Dam, the frame of Colony-wood, enclosed with American lumber, and covered with wallaba shingles, length about 46 feet by 44, with Out-Houses; and another Dwelling-House, facing the South Dam of Stabroek District, the frame of hard-wood, enclosed with American lumber, and covered with wallaba shingles, 32 feet by 26, with an Out-House.
Those inclined to speculate, please attend the sale, on the day and place before-mentioned.
Demerary and Essequebo, this 2d day of June, 1813.
Deputy First Marshal.

SECRETARY's OFFICE. [centered]

This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony: -
John Staunton, and Servant, in fourteen days or six weeks, from the 27th May.
George Gellie, in fourteen days or by the June Fleet, from the 27th May.
John Henley, in fourteen days, or by ditto, from the 28th May.
Thomas Hames, in fourteen days, or by the Ship Hero, from the 28th May.
Thomas Murray, in fourteen days, from the 28th May.
George Gill, M.D. and Family, and two Servants, in fourteen days or six weeks, from the 28th May.
Elizabeth Bruce, in fourteen days, or by the June Fleet, from the 28th May.
Joseph Derrick, in fourteen days, from the 29th May.
Harriott Busline, with a Servant, in fourteen days or by the June Fleet, from May 31.
H. E. Lemmex and Family, in fourteen days, or by the schooner Liverpool, from Halifax, from May 31.
The negro-woman Nelly, the property of Ann Sanderson, free coloured woman, in fourteen days, or June Fleet, from May 31.
John B. Ferguson, in fourteen days, or June Fleet, from June 1.
Edward Allen and Servant, in fourteen days or six weeks from June 1.
S. Hamer, in 14 days or 6 weeks from June 5.
Secretary's Office, Demerary, June 5, 1813.
Sworn Clerk.

PUBLIC VENDUES. [centered]

NOTE. - The Sale of Fullerton, Oliverson, & Co. - is put off to Thursday the 17th instant.

On Saturday the 12th of June, at Bel Air, Estate, - Household furniture consisting of chairs, tables, sophas, sideboard, silver and glass ware, an assortment of books, book cases, an excellent chaise with new harness, saddle and draft horses, a parcel of grating bars, about 40000 superior quality staves for sugar and molasses' casks; which will be delivered from a Stelling in Town, and several other articles which will appear on the day of sale.
June 5. A. MILLS, & Co.

On Monday the 28th of June, at the Vendue-Office, by order of the Executors of H. POGGENBURG, dec. - a large schooner, 40 feet keel, 16 feet beam; not more than five months launched, with sails and rigging in complete order; a capable boat captain, and a crew of five sailor negroes; eleven head of cattle, two horses, wearing apparel, and what further may appear at the sale.
June 5. A. MILLS & Co.

Notice to Creditors. [centered]
THE Creditors of RICHARD WELLS, deceased, and Plantation Parika, are hereby informed, that there are Twenty Hogsheads Sugar, and Ten Puncheons Rum now ready for delivery. Sealed Tenders for which will be received by either of the Subscribers, until Monday the 14th current, when they will be opened at one o'clock precisely, in the presence of such Creditors as choose to attend, at the Office of the first Subscriber, and the highest offer accepted. The Produce is to be received on the Plantation, and removed at the expence and risk of the purchasers, by whom puncheons must also be found.
George-Town, June 5, 1813.

NOTICE is hereby given, that whereas, L. VAN ROSSUM, Esquire, having resigned as Secretary of the Presidency of the Honourable Court of Justice of this Colony - FRANCIS WHITE, Esquire, is appointed in his place.
In consequence of which, the capacity of J. V. Nedderman, Esqr. as Clerk of that Office having been a temporary measure, has ceased.
George-Town, 5th June, 1813.
(signed) J. S. MASSE,
President Ct. of Justice.

The following is a Copy of the Barbados Petition, against an Open Trade with the East-Indies:
            "To His Royal Highness George, Prince
            Regent of the United Kingdom of
            Great Britain and Ireland.
"The humble Petition of His Majesty's Council and of the Assembly of Barbados,
SHEWETH - That your Petitioners, although they have often suffered in their interests by the Policy pursued by Great Britain in the Government of her Colonies, and have been distressed beyond measure by taxation, have forborne to lay their grievances at the foot the Throne, lest their complaints, however well-founded, might embarrass the Administration of His Majesty's Government in these arduous and unprecedented times of war and desolation.
"But it now becomes a duty that your Petitioners, own to themselves, to their posterity, and to their Parent State, to represent the danger, they may say the certain ruin to themselves, and destructive consequences to Great Britain, of adopting the measures in contemplation to be pursued respecting East India, (the laying open the trade with that country), by which an unlimited quantity of our staple commodity, Sugar, may be imported into Britain.
"It has long been admitted, that the West Indies produce a sufficient quantity of Sugar for the supply of Europe, even when free access is had to the Continental markets. The introduction of an increased quantity from the East Indies will occasion a glut in the market, as ruinous to the speculators themselves as to your Petitioners, who, already weighted down with past years of misfortune, the moment their hopes and expectations are raised by brightened prospects in the North, witness a storm gathering in the East, about to hurl destruction on their heads.
"It is not in the power of your Petitioners to enter into competition with the cheap labour, the simple machinery and fertile soils of the East; they build their claims for protection on more solid grounds than those of bringing the article cheaper to the British shores; they found them on the just right of preference they have as Colonists, on their faithful attachment to their Sovereign and the country which gave either themselves or their ancestors birth, on the true policy which the United Kingdom must maintain in supporting the Colonies, which send their produce to the Mother Country, and take in return her manufactures of iron, clothes, malt liquors, in fact almost every thing which is used in the mode of agriculture suited to these countries, in the sugar and other manufactories; every article of apparel worn, every luxury enjoyed, and many of the necessaries of life, against foreigners with whom commerce is carried on by right of conquest: possessing no claim of attachment to Britain and Britain's Sovereign, no claim of reciprocal advantages in commerce, which will bear a comparison with those derived by the United Kingdom from the consumption in these Colonies of Home manufactures.
"Your Petitioners pray your Royal Highness will graciously consider that all these advantages to the Mother Country will be lost by suffering increased quantities of sugar to be brought from the East Indies. - Indigo formerly was the produce of the West Indies; at the present day, there does not exist an Indigo manufactory in the British West India Islands, they have departed to the East, never to return: - a country from whom Britain cannot obtain the benefits she does from her West India Colonies, inasmuch as East India manufactures for almost all her wants.
"Your Petitioners, in the plain and unadorned language of truth, have thus humbly represented to your Royal Highness the certainty of their ruin, and the mischiefs to be expected by Great Britain to her Manufacturers, her Commerce, her Nay, and to her Colonies, with the firm reliance that your Royal Highness will graciously condescend to direct such measures as in your Royal Highness's wisdom may seem proper to be taken, to avert their ruin, and preserve the blessings which the commerce of these unfortunate Countries has long poured into the bosom of Great Britain."

LOCALITIES. [centered]

The anniversary of His Majesty's birth-day, was yesterday commemorated as usual, by the Troops, in garrison; the Militia, stationed at head-quarters; the Fort, and Shipping. About eleven o'clock, the Combined-Battalions assembled on the ground of exercise; and soon after, His Excellency the Acting-Governor, left the King's House for the purpose of receiving the honors of the field, attended by his Aides-de-Camp, and other Military Gentlemen. Admirable precision marked the fue-de-joie [sic]. But the only novel circumstance attending the commemoration, was the Grand Dinner given by the Officers of the Militia, at the Union-Coffee-House, to the Governor and Suite; Lieutenant Colonel Codd, and the Officers of the 60th; the Officers of the Ordnance, Commissariat, and Engineer Departments, &c. These distinguished personages sat down to an elegant entertainment, about six o'clock. A detachment of the light-company of the Militia was on duty the whole of the evening - as was the Band of the 60th. The company did not depart until an early hour this morning.

The Exchange of Colonial Paper Money, closed on the 1st instant.

The Berbice Gazette of Saturday last, contains a rather extraordinary article. It is a philippic against His Majesty's Ministers, for taking in trust, the alien property in Surinam!

Cleared from the Custom-House, on the 2d instant - the schooner Brothers, Tynes, for Barbados.

Departed this Life - on Friday last - C. P. Brotherson, Esqr. at his residence, at the Sandhills. Also J. Trigger, Cumingsburg.

[Transcriber's note: no listing of Runaway and Arrested Slaves in this issue.]

GEORGE-TOWN: [centered]
Printed and Published, every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon.
By Edward James Henery. [centered]

Created: 07 December 2010   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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