Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1813 June 12


Vol. VIII.]

[No. 588.

SATURDAY, JUNE 12, 1813.

NOTICE is hereby given, that FRANCIS WHITE, Esquire, is appointed Secretary of the Presidency of the Honorable the Court of Justice of this Colony; and that the President's Office is continued in the House lately occupied by the Honorable J. S. Masse, for that purpose - where attendance will be given at the usual hours.
President's Office, Stabroek, George-Town, 8th June, 1813.

                  OFFICE OF ORDNANCE,
                  Demerary, June 12, 1813.
WANTED for the service of the Ordnance Department in this Colony - Carpenters, Coopers, Smiths, Masons and Labourers. Persons willing to furnish such numbers as may from time to time be required, for six months from the 1st of July next, will please send Tenders to this Office, until Monday the 28th instant; on which day they will be opened in presence of the respective Officers, and the offers most advantageous to Government, accepted. Further information, if necessary, will be afforded, on application at this Office or that of the Commanding Royal Engineer.
N.B. - The Negroes will be victualled by Government.

                  OFFICE OF ORDNANCE,
                  Demerary, June 12, 1813.
ANY Person or Persons willing to Contract for performing the under-mentioned Work, will please send Sealed Tenders to the Subscriber, marked "Tenders for Workmanship," on or before Thursday the 18th instant, at 10 o'clock in the morning, which will be opened in presence of the respective Officers, and the offer or offers most advantageous to Government, if approved, accepted - viz.
Boarding-in a Frame, 40 feet long by 20 wide,
                              per square,
Flooring ditto                  per do.
Partitions                        per do.
3 Doors, 8 feet by 4 feet,            each.
Windows, 6 feet by 3,            do.
Shingling,                        per square,
Jealousing part of the gallery,      do.
A preference will be given to those who can complete the work in the shortest time. For further particulars apply to Capt. Moody, Royal Engineers.

IMPORTED by the Subscriber, from London, in the Ship Cornwallis, just arrived (in addition to his late assortment of goods by the Cork Fleet) the following articles which he will dispose of on moderate terms, viz.-
Gentlemen's superfine Beaver and Silk Hats, ditto dress Coats, Coatees, Vests, and Pantaloons; ditto Boots and Shoes; Ladies' Shoes – consisting of Black, Morocco, Coloured, and Embroidered Kid, Jean, &c. ditto fashionable split Straw Hats and Bonnets, Honey Comb ditto; Gentlemen's green silk Umbrellas, India Salempores.
June 8. A. IVER.
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement did not appear in an earlier issue.]

FOR SALE - imported in the Ship Camilla, Capt. WILLIAM GEMMEL, (in addition to those lately advertised by the Subscribers), the following Goods, viz.
Yellow soap, glass-ware assorted, ladies' slippers, wine and porter corks, knives and forks, box locks, puncheon iron hoops and rivets, Madras and real pullicate handkerchiefs, ginghams and calicoes assorted, muslins assorted, jeanetts, platillas, Britannias, cotton check, cotton shirting, long lawns, diaper, seersuckers, cotton shirts, &c.

NOTICE. - All Persons having Claims against the Estate of His late Excellency Major-General CARMICHAEL, will please call at the House of Joseph Beete, Jun. Esqr. on Saturday next, the 19th instant, from 10 till 12 o'clock, for payment - after which day, no claims will be attended to.
June 12. JOHN EYRE.

FOR SALE. - Plantation BELL, late the property of SAMUEL RAMSDEN, deceased, situated on the South Bank of Canal No. 2; containing 250 Acres of Land (more or less), on which there are 30,000 Coffee-Trees, 35 Negroes, a Coffee-Logie, a Drogery newly paved, a Dwelling-House lately erected, with convenient Out-Buildings. Apply for further particulars to
ANTHONY OSBORNE, [right pointing brace, inclosing following name, and indicating 'q.q.']
June 10. W. ROACH.

NOTICE. - Absented himself from the Subscriber, some time ago, a Mulatto Man, named Jim, who will very likely endeavour to pass as free. - When he went away, he had on a check shirt and blue cloth pantaloons, and speaks very good English. Whoever will bring him to the Subscriber, will receive a reward of One Joe, and all persons are cautioned against harbouring him.
Kingston, June 11. THOMAS DUNBRACK

ABSCONDED from the Subscriber, a Mulatto-Man, named John – well known in Mahaica and George-Town. The usual reward will be given on his apprehension, and lodging him in the Colonial Barracks.
Pl. Macclesfield, June 6.
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement did not appear in an earlier issue.]

PETER VERBEKE [centered]
HAS imported in the ship Sophia, Capt. HAWKINS, from London, the following Goods, which he offers for sale at his store in the New Town, viz. –
Hams, Bath, loaf, and pine cheese, beer, porter, port wine, old hock, best Cogniac brandy, best Schiedam gin, Hoffman's cherry and raspberry brandy, raspberry rum, cyder, Scotch and pearl barley, green and yellow split pease, tripe, sweet oil, olives and capers, gunpowder and hyson tea, mixed spices, black pepper, vinegar, raisins, prunes, mould and spermaceti candles, soap, tallow, paint oil, lamp oil, and neatsfoot oil, copal varnish, white, brown, black, yellow, green, and blue paints; sein and sewing twine, deep sea lines, cordage assorted, baling rope, nails from 4dy to 40dy, hoes, shovels, cutlasses, buck axes, iron puncheon hoops, puncheon rivets, Gentlemen's silk and beaver hats, Gentlemen's gloves, Ladies' habit ditto, cotton cambric, printed cambric, Irish linen, diaper, long lawn, black florentine, white nankeen, corded dimity, India jean, men's and women's stockings, oats in puncheons, temper lime, salempores, India silk handkerchiefs, flannel jackets, black and blue cloths and cassimere, thread assorted, lined and unlined negro jackets, women's wrappers, women's petticoats, negro hats, tradesmen's do. linen and cotton check, check shirts, duck and Osnaburgh trowsers, negro blankets, furniture check, ditto chintz, starch, indigo, Russia sheeting, and Russia duck, Osnaburgs, &c. &c. – June 8.
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement did not appear in an earlier issue.]

STATE of ACCOUNT of the Subscription for Capt. Peake, Officers, and Crew, of the Peacock.

Balance as per last Advertisement,
May 22


f 808 3

Subscriptions received since,


J. Gordon


R. Johnson


Jardine Watson


J. Watson


R. Proctor


W. Burgess


A. Mounier


C. Stewart


W. Innes





f 1,028 3

The Treasurer proposing to close the account; advertize the particulars, and remit home the balance early in the next month, will be much obliged to the Gentlemen whose Subscriptions are still outstanding, to transmit them as soon as possible; and should there be any demand on the Fund, he intreats that it may be sent in directly, when it will be immediately paid.
George-Town, June 11.

NOTICE. - The Subscriber offers his most sincere thanks to the Inhabitants of these Colonies, for their past favours conferred on him, in his line of business as Jeweller, and will thank them for a continuance of the same; and, from his strict attention to business, flatters himself to render general satisfaction. The heavy pressing demands he experiences daily, causes him to request all persons who have neglected to call for their work, for the years 1810 to the present year - to do so now, as he cannot think of delaying it any longer; and to call and pay the expences, as he cannot think of giving any longer credit. Should no notice be taken of this advertisement, he will be under the disagreeable necessity in one month from date to dispose of them at Public Auction. Should he be obliged to have recourse to coercive measures, it would be hurtful to his feelings.
June 12. S. GARAUD.

House to Let. [centered]
THE Subscriber intending to quit the Colony with the July Convoy, will let his House in Cumingsburg, on moderate terms to an approved tenant, if taken for a year certain. The House is in good repair, has three Bed-Rooms, and every convenient Out-Building. He offers for sale, a healthy valuable Woman, a complete washer and useful drudge about a house, with her three Children, the eldest a girl about nine years of age.
June 12. E. TROUGHTON.

BRISTOL TEMPER LIME, in excellent order, just landed from the Pilot, for sale at the reduced price of f 18 per keg.
On Hand - Planters' and dress shoes, calf and bazil skins, nails 4d. to 30d. cutlasses and shovels, iron hoops and rivets, English puncheons, fine 4-4 Irish linen, superfine French black cloth at f 22 per yard, navy-blue at f 22, extra scarlet at f 30, sein twine, &c.
June 9.

Fresh Medicines, [centered]
BY the Alfred, from London - will be sold at low prices, by the Subscriber - amongst which are
[first column]
Pale & Yellow Bark,
[second column]
Chamomile Flowers,
Henry's Calcined Magnesia
Eau Medicinale, &c.
[end columns]
And a variety of Patent Medicines, Metallic Bougies, White Vials, &c. &c.
June 9. J. L. SMITH.

JUST Imported, per Camilla, Capt. Gemmell, and other Vessels of the last Fleet -
New Scotch Pickled Herrings in kegs, Potatoes, Pearl Barley, Peas, Oatmeal in jugs, Loaf Sugar, Hyson Tea, Mould Candles, Brown Soap in small boxes, Planters' buckle and dress Shoes, Silk and Beaver Hats, Threads, Gentlemen's Coats, Coatees, Vests, and Pantaloons, Glassware, Table Beer, London Porter, Madeira Wine.

                  COMMISSARIAT OFFICE.
                  Demerary, June 12, 1813.
CASH will be required for the following Bill, drawn upon the Right Honourable the Paymaster-General, London, at Thirty Days' Sight -
No. 6425 . . . . . £ 400.
For which Tenders will be received at this Office, until Tuesday next, at 10 o'clock
Deputy Assistant-Commissary-General.

JOHN MADDEN has received by the Ships Samuel Braddick and Thomas -
Consignments of mess beef and pork, hams, Gloster and pine cheese, firkins and half firkins butter, jugs pearl barley, kegs split peas, porter and beer, white wine vinegar, loaf sugar, mustard, pickles, fish and meat sauces, raspberry vinegar, black pepper, sago, salad oil, Glauber salts, bark, rhubarb, gentlemen's coats, coatees, and vests, dark-green, mixture, navy-blue and French black broad cloths, military and half boots, shoes, patent silk, beaver, and water-proof willow hats, Russia and Irish sheeting, dowlass, and duck, checks, white and yellow nankeen, India jean, long lawns, Romal and Madrass handkerchiefs, white, yellow, brown, green, and blue paints with oil and brushes, and glassware – which he is selling cheap for ready payment, at his House in Cumingsburg.
He will dispose of the Lot of Land behind his house. It is newly paled-in with wallaba staves; inside of which is a fence of gum arabick. The lot is highly manured, and produces a sufficiency of Guinea grass to feed a horse. There is an arbour of granadilloes and bell apples, the whole length of the lot, which with several vegetable beds, give a revenue of more than twelve hundred guilders a year. This lot will be sold extremely cheap. – June 8.
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement did not appear in an earlier issue.]

IMPORTED from London, and for sale by the Subscribers: -
Planters' mess beef and pork in half barrels, butter, hams, Bath, loaf, pine, Gloucester, and Dutch cheeses; pickles, mustard, olives, capers, sauces, salad oil, black pepper, sago, spices, bottled gooseberries and damsons, fine biscuit in kegs, pearl and pot barley, split pease in jugs, white-wine vinegar in ditto, garden seeds in small boxes, watering pots, blue and starch; gunpowder, hyson, and souchong teas, double-refined sugar; beer and porter in bottles and bulk, port wine, Cogniac brandy, and real Hollands, fruits in brandy, snuff in canisters, stationery, perfumery, bed and bedding complete, hair matresses, cotton counterpanes, cane bottom, bamboo, and Windsor chairs, wire meat covers, table dish ditto, and tin ware, red and black gilt trunks in nests, window glass from 12 by 11 to 14 by 18, soap and candles, Russia sail cloth, sheeting, and duck, cordage and white rope, Osnaburgs, checks, Irish linen and sheeting, salempores, India cottons, Bandanna handkerchiefs, white and yellow nankeen, cotton and coffee bagging, negro hats, blankets, lined and unlined jackets, wrappers, shirts and trowsers, gentlemen's flannel jackets and coatees, black silk and Marseilles waistcoating, and white thickset, table-cloths, table and towelling huckaback, scarlet, blue, black, corbo, and mixed superfine cloths and cassimere; chaise ditto, binding, and tufts; gilt and plated buttons, silks and twists, boots, dress and walking shoes, strong ancle ditto, ladies' and girls' boots and shoes, ladies' and men's black and white silk and black and white cotton stockings, men's long and ancle lambs' wool and Angola ditto, black muslins, crapes, cottons, and bombazeens; ladies' and gentlemen's umbrellas, Officers' accoutrements, silk, beaver, and Leghorn hats, servants' glazed ditto with and without bands; gunpowder and shot, large swan ditto, flints, fowling pieces, fusees and muskets with accoutrements, spare cartouch boxes; iron boilers, grating bars, iron hoops and pots, cassava plates, punts' and schooners' mooring chains, boats' cambooses, blocks, mast hoops, and hanks, plumbers' solda [sic], iron chests, sheet copper and sheet lead, coffee manaries, brass and copper wire, boat builders' and carpenters' nails, hoes, shovels, and cutlasses, coopers', carpenters', and bricklayers' tools, locks, hinges, bolts, and screws; knives and forks, cooks' and butchers' ditto and cleavers, metal spoons, frying pans, gridirons, coffee pots and biggins, Japan waiters, small steelyards, copper lamps, vase and barrel ditto, pipes in boxes, Swedish tar, pitch, and rosin, paints and paint oil, chaise ditto and varnish in sets, spermaceti and neatsfoot oil, spirits turpentine, Glauber salts in puncheons, best yellow bark and jalap in bottles, juniper berries in puncheons, Poland oats in ditto, Day & Martin's liquid blacking, paint and shoe brushes, house brooms, seine and sewing twine, fishing and deep-sea lines; also a consignment of twenty thousand Slates, which will be sold at cost and charges, for immediate payment.
June 12. CORNFOOT, BELL, & Co.

THE Subscribers offer for sale, at the most reduced prices, for Cash: -
4-4 Irish linen sorted, tapes, round and flat bobbins, thread (linen and cotton) No. 8 to 70, needles, mixed pins, scissars, pen-knives and razors, long lawns, calicoes, cotton cambric, ginghams, stripe, linen platillas, collistraw, Marseilles, bed-ticking, blue, yellow, and white nankeen, gentlemen's ready made linen shirts and coats, black crape, green lawn for ladies' veils, green silk serge, nankeen and black sewing silk, Irish sheeting, ladies' and gentlemen's stockings, children's, girls', ladies', and gentlemen's shoes; ladies' straw bonnets, gentlemen's yellow Leghorn, black willow, beaver, and silk hats; shew-glasses, with prints belonging to them, Charlotte on the tomb of Werter; Jewellery, consisting in diamond, pearl, topaze, finger and ear rings, elegant gold enamelled and coral necklaces, gold beads, breast pins, medallions, gold watch chains, &c. Perfumery, leather trunks, pocket and jockey whips, jointed snakes, cork-screws, tin ware, stationery, slates, pencils; quarter, half, and pint double flint tumblers, ditto goblets, wine glasses, a set of very neat desert dishes, and decanters, barrel lamps (mounted), candlesticks, with and without shades, screw, or unmoveable shades; bed-pans, parasols, candles of spermaceti, knife-trays and waiters, large toilette looking glasses, cruet and liquor stands, beer, porter, and excellent Madeira wine by the dozen, noyau, salad oil, French vinegar, paint oil, oil of turpentine, pump nails, tin and copper tacks, writing-desk locks, pad-locks for trummells, copper-mongery for furniture, negro and dress combs, tooth powder and brushes, increase pease by the flour barrel, a water jar, cane-bottom chairs, a bedstead, Russia sheeting, Palmyra and ordinary soap, socks, boots, pocket handkerchiefs, a chaise and saddle horse, with saddle, sold for no fault.
Werk & Rust, June 12. N. WINANDY & Co.

THE Subscriber has imported in the Ships Sophia, Capt. Hawkins, and Quaker, Capt. Thomas, from London, the following articles, which he offers for sale: -
Mess beef and pork in half barrels, hams, pickled and smoaked tongues, butter, Bath loaf, pine, and Gloster cheese, kits spiced salmon, pearl and Scotch barley, split pease, pickles assorted, sweet oil, mustard, olives, brandy fruits, Stoughton's bitters, raspberry brandy, almonds, raisins, and currants in jars, hyson tea, double refined sugar, black pepper, mixed spices, white wine vinegar, old hock, best Cogniac brandy and Schiedam gin, port wine, beer and porter, soap and candles, paint, spermaceti, and neatsfoot oil, spirits turpentine, white lead, brown, green, and blue paints; account books, foolscap, post, and pot paper; gunpowder and shot, sets ivory-handled knives and forks, sein and sewing twine, deep-sea and fishing lines, cordage assorted, best hair mattresses, with feather bolsters and pillows, cotton and coffee bagging, linen, and linen and cotton check, salempores, Osnaburgs, Russia sheeting and Russia duck, Irish linen and sheeting, long lawns, linen and cotton cambric, lawn and Bandanna handkerchiefs, white Marseilles quilting, clouting diaper, printed calicoes and cambrics; striped ginghams, furniture chintz, white and yellow nankeen, black bombazeen, Florentine, cambric, and crape; men's and women's cotton and white and black silk stockings, men's gloves, ladies' habit and long wash leather gloves, black, blue, and scarlet cloth; black and blue kerseymere, gentlemen's superfine broad cloth coats and coatees, and blue pantaloons; white Marseilles vests, flannel jackets and shirts, Welch flannel, bed ticking, silk umbrellas and parasols, Hessian, military, and top boots; dress, half-dress, and planters' shoes and buckles; ladies' Spanish leather and kid slippers and roses [sic], youths', boys', girls', and children's shoes; men's silk, beaver, and Leghorn hats, women's silk hats, round rims, youths', boys', girls', and children's hats; ladies' fashionable cottage bonnets, trimmed; tradesmen's hats, lavender, honey, and rose water, essences assorted, children's cane-bottom chairs, glass-ware assorted, carpenters' and coopers' tools assorted, wine corks, tea kettles and sauce pans, hoes and shovels, nails 4d. to 20d. &c.
June 12. R. D. JEFFERS.

THE Subscribers have received the following Articles by the Fleet, in addition to their late advertisement - which they offer for sale at their Store, adjoining that of Mr. Finlayson, viz.
Hams, beef and pork, butter, Irish potatoes, boots, half and full dress shoes, planters' strong ditto, ladies' ditto, boys and girls' ditto, tradesmen's jackets, watch coats, tradesmen's and negro hats, earthenware, &c.
June 12. J. DUNLOP & Co.

Has imported for sale, per ship Camilla, Captain Gemmel, from Greenock: -
Half barrels Planters' prime mess beef and pork, kegs tongues, rounds beef, double rose Irish butter, kits spiced salmon, tripe, red and white herrings, hams, preserved fruits, split pease, pearl and Scots barley, single and double Gloster cheese, double refined sugar, port wine, porter, table beer, mould candles, soap, Irish linen, diaper, linen and cotton checks, cotton and coffee bagging, printed calicos, tin kitchen utensils, sets table ware, blue printed ewers, basons, and pots, breakfast cups and saucers, frying pans, gridirons, wood handled cutlasses, iron puncheon hoops and rivats [sic], 4, 6, 8dy nails, and 6 inch and 10 inch spikes, shovels, two gallon iron pots, white, yellow, red, black, blue and green paint and paint oil.
And of other importations, [centered]
Tea, sugar, capers, olives, raspberry and cherry brandy, eau de Cologne, bleaching liquid, raspberry and cherry brandy, eau de Cologne, bleaching liqued [sic], boots, shoe [sic] hats, Negro pipes, snuff, copper kettles of 15, 20, and 25 gallons, iron pots 1, 2 and 3 gallons, lamp oil, nails, shovels, cutlasses, coffee manaries, mill brasses, steel steps, sod irons, whip saws, adzes, hinges, bolts, cordage, blocks, anchors, and grapnels. – June 2.
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement did not appear in an earlier issue.]

NOTICE to the Creditors of WILLIAM BRERETON, Esqr. and Plantation Petershall. The Subscriber being about to leave the colony, requests a Meeting of the above-mentioned Creditors, at Mr. MARSH's Hotel, on Tuesday the 15th instant, for the purpose of appointing a Trustee for Plantation Petershall, in his room - agreeably to the Resolutions sanctioned by the Honorable the Court of Justice.
Cumingsburg, 12th June, 1813.

NOTICE. - The Metting [sic] of the Creditors of WILLIAM BRERETON (required by the Hon. Thomas Naghten) will not be necessary; as it is more than probable, that the arrangement now in progress, for Plantation Petershall, (and for the benefit of his Creditors) will be carried into effect.
June 12. WM. BRERETON.

HENRY HALKET & Co. have imported in the London Fleet, the following Articles, in addition to their late shipment by the Cork Fleet, which they offer for sale on reasonable terms -
Planters' mess beef in barrels and half barrels, tongues in half ditto, pickled herrings, hams, pine cheese, wired porter and beer, ditto in barrels, split pease, pearl barley, soap, candles, mill grease, sugar boilers from 50 to 90 gallons, boat anchors and grapnels, puncheon and vat hoops and rivets, sheet lead, &c. An assortment of Madras, Masalipatam, and other handkerchiefs, muslins, ginghams, seersuckers, corded dimities, Britannias, cotton ditto, crape, bombazeen, patent beaver and Leghorn hats, Hessian boots, gentlemen's fashionable black, blue, and bottle-green cloth coats; scarlet cloth, white cassimere, Russia sheeting, striped nankeen, mattresses, with pillows and bolsters, 5 1/2 by 5 1/2 feet; horse nets, spring girths, cordage, canvas 1 to 6, &c.
June 12.

THE Subscriber respectfully informs his Friends and the public of Demerary, and the Colonies in general, that he has just imported per Ship Eliza-Ann, from London, a very extensive and choice assortment of Goods, which he offers for Sale on reasonable Terms, at his Store in George-Town.
[first column]
Yorkshire and Westmoreland Hams,
Cork Butter,
Pickled Ox Tongues,
Bristol Tripe in kegs and jars
Flitches of Bacon
Prime Loaf and Gloucesster cheese
Refined Loaf Sugar
Split Peas in half bushel kegs
Sago in 4 lb. cannisters
Pickles, Capers, Fish Sauce
Durham Mustard, Black Pepper
Muscatel Raisins in whole and half boxes
Currants and prunes in jars
Spices assorted in 1 lb. cannisters
Gunpowder and hyson tea in chests or 1 lb. cannisters
White wine vinegar in jugs
Stoughton's bitters,
London brown stout in bottles
Draught do. in hhds.
Pale bottled ale
Herfordshire cyder in bottles
Rasberry and cherry brandy
Real Hollands gin
Cogniac brandy
A very extensive assortment of printed calicoes, two dollars the gown, and upwards
Superfine 9-8 cambric do. town work
A large assortment of camprick [sic] muslins
Tambored and Jacconot do.
Corded Dimity and muslinett
Damask table cloths of all sizes
Napkins and towels
Fancy chintz furniture for soffa [sic] covers
Musquetto netting
Shirting and lining calicoes
Fashionable green table-covers with borders
Linen and cotton platillas
Blue India dyed salempore
Britannias, brown holland diaper
Six and 8 quarter diaper for table cloths
Irish linens
Irish, Russia, and Lancashire sheeting
Strong linen checks
Pocket handkerchiefs
Huckaback, long lawns
French linens, cambricks per piece, or in boxes
Fine white marcella quilting
Plain India dimity
Black bombazeens and bombazetts
Black muslins and calicoes
Black crape and cambrick
Welch and Lancashire flannels
Green baize 2 yards wide
Superfine broad cloth, various colours
Blue, buff, and pink striped nankeens
Dark blue nankeens, and granderels
Drab do. & striped bed tick
Madras and romal handkerchiefs
India long cloths, very fine
Fancy silk handkerchiefs
Black ditto
Negro cloathing
Superfine cloth coats and coatees
Cloth and Kerseymere pantaloons
Ditto small cloaths
Black silk vests
White jean and quilting do.
White jean trowsers
Fine flannel jackets, bound with silk
Line and calicoe shirts
Flannel under vests
Silk braces
Gentlemen's black patent silk hats
Planters large silk & beaver ditto
Black & white leghorn do.
Black and white beaver do.
Childrens black & white do.
Ladies black silk hats, with bands and tassels
Do. fashionable straw bonnets
Childrens fancy leather hats and caps
[second column]
Best London hessian and jockey boots
Strong and dress shoes
Planters strong do. with straps and buckles
Ladies black moroco [sic] slippers
Ditto black, blue, white, & fancy kid
Ditto jean top half boots, with cork soles
Ditto velvet and leather shoes for damp weather
Childrens and girls shoes, for 3 to 14 years of age
Best hog-skin London saddles
Huzzar, curb, and snaffle bridles
Plated and gilt gig harness complete
Whiffle and hunting whips
Spare heads and reins, pannels
Saddle cloths, halters
Curry combs and brushes, with spunges
Plated spurs, and leathers
Shot belts and powder horns
Leather portmanteaus
Journals, ledgers, and waste books in sets
One, two, three, and four quire books
Memorandum and pocket do.
Best large letter paper
Ditto foolscap ditto
Bills of exchance [sic], and bills of lading
Quils [sic], ink-powder, pencils, wafers,
Sealing-wax, blotting paper, pounce, & Indian rubber
Gentlemens plain & ribbed cotton hose
Ditto black & white silk do.
Ditto pantaloon cotton do.
Ladies plain and embroidered cotton do.
Ditto black and white plain silk
Girls & boys cotton hose of all sizes
Linseed and lamp oils in jugs
White lead in kegs
Black, yellow, & red paint
Green and blue paint in pots of 4lb. each
London gigs of newest fashion
Green silk umbrellas
Ladies fashionable parasols, with deep fringes and walking sticks
Portable writing desks, Tea caddies, back gammon boxes
Morocco shaving cases complete
Fowling pieces and duelling pistols
Pocket pistols, bird shot No. 1 to 6
Best double seal gunpowder in 1lb cannisters
Fribourg's snuff in 1 & 2 lb. cannisters
Fishing & deep sea log lines
Lavender, rose, and honey water
Plated spoons, & soup ladles
Brass & common wire parrot cages
Rat and mouse traps
Table bells, stone blue, corks
Silver and copper thimbles
Gold broaches, finger rigs [sic], ear rings
Tooth picks, silver scissar chains
Silver butter & cheese knives
Garnet, & other necklaces assorted
Mould candles fours & sixes
Yellow soap, fishing seines
Spy glasses, Windsor soap
Silver pencil cases of the day in the month
Silver and tortoiseshell snuff boxes
Silver nutmeg graters
Superior razor strops, & paste
Shaving boxes complete
Liquid blacking, looking glasses
Plated candlesticks and cruet stands
Elegant tea-trays various sizes and patterns
Morocco decanter stands with plated hooks and edges
Bread baskets and knife trays
[third column]
Japan snuffers & ink-stands
Horn & tin lanthorns
Japan glass ditto assorted
Beafstake [sic] pans & egg boilers
Saucepans with covers and handles
Camp kettles, with ditto
Empty tea cannisters
Gilt and white coffin furniture
Long-handled cutlasses, hoes and shovels
Iron pots, grid irons, frying pans
Nails 4d to 30d. inclusive
HL. & T. hinges, window bolts
Cork-screws, gimblets, saws
Rules, compasses, hatchets masons' trowels
Hammers stock locks
Chissels, sodirons pump tacks
Brass door locks, cubbard [sic] locks
Brass desk locks and hinges
Brass wire and vat cocks with loose keys
Penknives, scissars, & razors of every description
Black handled fluted knives and forks with carvers
Green & white handled do.
Desert do. to match the above
Sportmans and pocket knives
Steel snuffers, tea kettles
Flat and square bar iron, various sizes
Round bolt do. ditto ditto
[fourth column]
Blue printed table services complete
Green & blue edged do. do.
Soup and flat plates per dozen unattached to sets
Blue and white cups and saucers
Sets of elegant china complete
Lustre, Egyptian, and other tea and coffee pots with cream jugs & sugar basins
A great variety of Wedgwoodware butter stands, with glasses inside
Porter mugs and jugs, different colours and patterns
India shades, rumblers [sic], goblet, wine glasses, decanters rummers and covers
Blue finger basons
Blue wash-hand basons and ewers
Elegant glass butter stands and covers
Scotch and stitching thread
Tapes, bobbin, shirt buttons
Milliners best Whitechapel needles
Pins, marking & Lisle thread
Cloaths and head brushes
Small tooth & pocket combs
Shoes brushes
Tooth powder & brushes
Queen's garters
Mens gloves, &c. &c. &c.
[end columns]
The whole of the above Goods having been selected from the London Markets, for Cash enables the Subscriber to dispose of them much lower than the usual prices, who flatters himself they are well worth the attention of the Public.
[Transcriber's note: compare with the brief version of this advertisement in 18130608EDRG.]

IMPORTED in the Eliza-Ann, from London, and for sale by the undersigned -
Hams, beer, porter, vinegar, mustard, candles, white, green, blue, and yellow paints, and paint oil; dry Spanish brown, spirit turpentine, neatsfoot oil, lamp and spermaceti ditto, silk and beaver hats, tradesmen's and servants' ditto; post, foolscap, and pot paper; sets of blank books, ruled; Russia sheeting, boots and shoes, white and brown cotton stockings and socks, leather gloves, India shades, tumblers, goblets, and wine glasses, rummers and covers, vase lamps and shades; white Marseilles waistcoats, ditto jean ditto, ditto pantaloons, black silk waistcoats, superfine cloth coats, nails 4d. to 30d. gutter-bar gridirons, coopers' bick-irons [sic], hoes, shovels, iron-pots, cotton and coffee bagging, Osnaburgs, negro jackets, wrappers, hats, &c. mahogany sideboards, fresh garden-seeds, best hand-picked temper-lime in kilderkins, &c.
Also on Consignment - Dimities, cambrics, printed ditto, durants, linen shirts, boots and shoes, cutlery, shaving cases, plated ware, &c. which will be sold at a moderate advance on the invoice by the package.
June 11. A. CARRON & Co.

WANTED to Freight or Charter, two or three Schooners, from 50 to 100 Tons burthen - to go to one of the Leeward Islands. Any person wishing to Contract, will hear of an advantageous offer by applying to the Subscriber, at the Store of Mr. D. SMITH, America Street.

JUST arrived in the Ship Sophia, from London, and for sale -
Madeira and Port Wine in pipes,
Claret and Teneriffe in hogsheads,
Cogniac Brandy and Geneva in puncheons.
Apply to R. F. HAWKINS, on board the Ship Sophia.
June 12.

ALL Persons having Demands against the Estate of JOSEPH TRIGGER, deceased, are hereby requested to render their accounts, properly attested to the last undersigned for settlement; and all those who are indebted to the said Estate, to come forward with payment - in order to bring the same to a speedy liquidation.
Delib. Executors.

NOTICE. - The Subscribers, having taken over the Estate of their deceased father, request all persons having demands, to render their accounts at the Store of Messrs, ROSE & CROAL; and all indebted to the same, to make immediate payment.

ON CONSIGNMENT. - Received by the Ramoncita, Capt. Venables, from London, and will be sold (for cash) by the Subscriber, at the prices annexed -
Morton's London Brown Stout in hogsheads, will run from 22 to 24 dozen, for f 99.
Ditto, in barrels, will run from 15 to 16 dozen, for f 70.
He will also sell the remainder of his Stock of Goods on hand, consisting of a great variety, and of late importations, at very reduced prices for immediate payment.
June 12. H. O. SEWARD.

FOR LONDON. [centered]
THE ELIZA-ANN, [centered]
WILLIAM ROSS, Master, [centered]
Will positively sail with the July Convoy. Stands A 1. at Lloyd's, and has excellent accommodations for passengers. For Freight or Passage apply to the Master at the store of T. FINLAYSON, Esq. - or to V. A. HEYLIGAR, Esq. and HENEAGE WILLIAMS.
N.B. - Persons having Plantation Stores in the above Ship, are requested to send for them as early as possible.
June 12.

JUST Landed, and now on sale at the store of the Undersigned, which will be sold reasonable for immediate payment:
[first column]
Prime mess beef and port in whole and half barrels
Butter in whole and half firkins
Irish potatoes and Cumberland hams
Kegs tongues and pickled herrings
Wiltshire and Glocester cheese
Brown stout and pale ale
Superior port, claret, and Madeira wine, and real Cogniac brandy
Refined sugar and hyson tea
Durham mustard
White-wine, brown-stout, and raspberry vinegar
Olives, nonpareil capers
Fish sauce and sauce royal
Lemon and walnut catsup
Indian soy and pickled oysters
Soap and candles, 4's and 6's, in whole and half boxes
White and green paint, and paint oil
An extensive assortment of gentlemen's superfine blue, black, brown, green, olive, drab, and mixture coloured coats and coatees
Blue, black, drab, and fawn-coloured pantaloons, light coloured cassimere breeches
Fashionable Marseilles printed vests
Black silk ditto
Gentlemen's silk and beaver hats
Children's ditto
[second column]
London top, Hessian, and military boots
Gentlemen's dress and half-dress shoes,
Planters' strong ditto, with or without buckles
Boys' and girls' shoes
Hosiery, consisting of ladies' and gentlemen's plain, laced, and ribbed cotton stockings, youths' plain ditto, gentlemen's best China silk ditto
Stationery, comprising sets of counting-house books, large and small post paper, pot and large foolscap, paper and bill cases, best German quills, pencils, sealing-wax, wafers and wafer seals, paper solders, ink powder, and ink stands
Fancy printed calicoes, chintz, and corded ginghams
Twilled coffee and cotton bagging
Dressed tow Osnaburgs
4-4 Irish linen and 5-4 sheeting
Cotton and linen cambric
Welch flannel
Thread from No. 8 to 28
Shirt buttons
Best buckskin and cotton gloves
Saddlery, consisting of saddles, with spare pannels, spare reins, girths, curry-combs, brushes, &c.
A general assortment of hardware.
[end columns]
Glassware, viz. Best double flint glass, richly cut, with plated and silver-mounted frames; India shades, ground bottoms; quart, pint, and half-pint rummers and covers; pint, one-third quart, and half-pint tumblers, ditto goblets; tall tulip round bowl, welled and fringed wines; quart and pint ring decanters, cut tops; finger-cups, stand lamps, &c. and a few packages Glauber salts.
J. R. KENNY, & Co.
Who have just landed, and to be disposed of - a fashionable Gig, with mounted Harness complete - being particularly ordered by a gentleman who lately left the Colony.
American Stelling, June 10.

SECRETARY's OFFICE. [centered]

This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony: -
John B. Ferguson, in fourteen days, or June Fleet, from June 1.
Edward Allen and Servant, in fourteen days or six weeks from June 1.
S. Hamer, in 14 days or 6 weeks from June 5.
Thomas Dunbrack, in 14 days or 6 weeks from June 8.
The Revd. John Wray, and Family, and two Servants, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from June 7.
E. Troughton and Family, with one Servant, in 14 days or by July Fleet, from June 11.
H. B. Williams, in 14 days or one month from June 12.
Thomas Edward Woods, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from June 6.
Secretary's Office, Demerary, June 12, 1813.
Sworn Clerk.

AT the request of Hugh Junor, qq. the Estate of W. Charlesson, deceased, all persons having Claims against the above Estate, are requested to render the same properly attested, within six weeks from date, as after that period none can be admitted. All those indebted are requested to come forward with payment in the same period, to the aforesaid H. Junor, qq. at Mr. W. Douglas, Robb's Street, George-Town.
Secretary's Office, 12 June, 1813.
Sworn Clerk.

PUBLIC VENDUES. [centered]

On Tuesday the 15th of June, at the Vendue Office, by order of JAMES JACKSON, Esq. Surviving Partner of the late Firm of JAMES JACKSON & Co. - The Premises in New-Town, now occupied by Messrs. MURRAY & JACKSON; also the schooner Eclipse, and three Sailor-Negroes, named William, Ben, and Abraham. The whole to be sold without reserve, to close their late concern.
Also, by order of Mart. Smit, Esq. – Five Negroes, Welcom, his Wife Princess and her child Primo, - Demba and Sally, field Negroes.
Also by order of John Henry, the remainder of a consignment to close sales – Prime Irish mess beef in half barrels, firkins Neats' tongues, hams, 200 kegs pigs' tongues, and a few pieces brown linen.
Also by Mrs. BRADFORD, qq. – Two negro men named Quamin, and Andrew; field people.
May 8. A. MILLS & Co.

On Friday next the 18th instant, at the stelling of THS. FINLAYSON, Esq. by order of the Honourable J. BEETE, Commissioner in Prize Causes - the Brig Elizabeth and her Cargo, finally condemned on the 21st of May 1813, by his Honor JOHN WOODFIELD COMPTON, L. L. D. Sole Judge of the Honourable Court of Vice-Admiralty of Barbados, and its Dependencies, as a Droit of Admiraly [sic].
The said Brig will be sold with her tackle, apparel, and furniture, as she now lies at the wharf of THOMAS FINLAYSON, Esq. and will be entitled to a British Register, on producing a Certificate of Condemnation under the hand and seal of the Judge. The Cargo consists of about 20,000 feet of Lumber, 16,000 white oak staves, and heading, 6000 red oak staves and two Spars. Terms - Cash on delivery.
June 12. A. MILLS, & Co.

On Saturday next, the 19th instant, at the stores of Messrs. HYNDMAN & CARY, for account of the Ship Venus - 84 barrels and 5 hhds. Building Lime, 12 tierces Temper Lime, 9 barrels and 4 puncheons Flour.
June 12. A. MILLS & Co.

On Tuesday, the 22d of June, at the Vendue Office, by order of Chorley and Cook, to close a consignment - Sixty dozen real Bourdeaux claret, 10 kegs best green paint, 4 trunks containing white and printed Marseilles vests, trowsers pantaloons, flannel jackets and under vests, 2 trunks men's white cotton stockings.
Also by order of Mr. R. MUNRO, qq. - Two negro boys who have been some time at the Cooper's trade.
June 12. A. MILLS, & Co.

On Wednesday the 23d of June, by order of Messrs. Rose and Croal, (at the premises) - The Premises in Cumingsburg, formerly occupied by Messrs. Smith and Bell; with the Land thereto attached - at a credit of 3, 6, 9, and 12 months. Also 20 Negroes, some of them carpenters, the remainder prime field people - and from 80 to 100 Barrels Flour.
Also by order of JOHN WALCOTT, Esqr. q.q. James Walcott - three Negroes, viz. a complete groom, a house servant, and a prime field negro.
June 12. A. MILLS, & Co.

ARRIVALS. - The Brig of War Raleigh, from Barbados, and the Sloop Try-Again, Sherriff. Also the Ship Adventure, Tuitt, last from Surinam.

The vessels from the Island, have not brought any thing new. But the Adventure announces the arrival in Surinam, of the April Packet. The late defeat of the French at Alicant, is confirmed.

[right pointing hand icon] See - Supplement.

THE BRIG FINDLAY, [centered]
G. HARRIS, Master, [centered]
AND [centered]
W. DELDAY, Master, [centered]
To Sail with Convoy in July. For freight or passage apply to
Who has imported by the above vessels – porter and pale ale, candles and soap, Spanish brown, green, black, blue, yellow, and white paint; paint oil, pine and Berkeley cheese, hams, refined sugar, Ladies' and Gentlemen's cotton stocking, ancle socks, boots and shoes, printed calicos, wine corks, white and yellow nankeens, India salempores, nails assorted 4dy to 30d. shovels, hoes, and cutlasses; steel steps and capooses, skimmers and ladles, and anchors and grapnels, cordage assorted 1 a 7-inch, canvas, Russia sheeting, cotton and coffee bagging, cotton cambric, gloves, &c. &c. &c.
Likewise the following, on consignment, which he will dispose of reasonable for immediate payment in produce; - bricks and lime, long and short wood hoops, Roman cement, herrings, &c.
America-Street, June 9.

THE SHIP GRANGER, [centered]
JOHN LAMB, Master, [centered]
Will sail with the July Convoy. For Freight or Passage, apply to the Captain, or
June 12. CORNFOOT, BELL, & Co.

[Transcriber's note: no listing of Runaway and Arrested Slaves in this issue.]

GEORGE-TOWN: [centered]
Printed and Published, every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon.
By Edward James Henery. [centered]

Supplement to the Royal Gazette . [centered]
Saturday, June 12, 1813. [centered]

Created: 07 December 2010   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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