Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1813 June 29 | |||
Vol. VIII.]
593. TUESDAY, JUNE 29, 1813.
Subscriber informs his friends and the public, that he has removed to the House
of WILLIAM BRUMELL, Esq. on the North-Dam, Stabroek; where his Day and Boarding
School will be re-opened, on Monday next, the 5th of July.
Subscriber has just received from London, by the Proselyte, Capt. Barton, via
Barbados, a supply of Fresh and Genuine MEDICINES, which are on sale at his
Shop in America-Street, at his usual reduced prices; among them are -
is hereby given, that no transaction in the affairs of the late WILLIAM NIELL,
deceased, will be held valid unless sanctioned by any two of the Executors, or
such person as may be authorised to act for them.
for CASH. - About Fifty Thousand excellent STAVES for Sugar and Molasses Casks,
will be sold at f 66 per M. for immediate payment. Apply to
- If a Mr. RICHARD YOUNG, who arrived in this Colony in the year 1801, and who,
in the years 1803 and 1804, superintended a task-gang belonging to JOHN
DOUGLAS, Esq. be still in the Colony - he may hear of something to his
advantage, by applying to the undersigned, on Plantation Northbrook.
- Picked-up by the Pilot-Boat of this Colony, off Berbice Bar - a Six-Oared
TENT-BOAT, with a gang-board in her, and six oars. The owner may have her
restored, on paying the expence of this advertisement, and a reward to the
people that brought her into the river. Apply to
from the Subscriber, on the 21st instant, a Negro-Woman, named Simiery; of the
Kanga nation, and has her country marks on her forehead; she once belonged to
Mrs. Fleischman, and is well known throughout the Colony. Whoever will
apprehend said Woman, and deliver her to the Subscriber, at the house of L.
M'BEAN, Esq. shall receive One Joe reward.
in front of Plantation Belle Vue – a small PUNT; about 20 feet long and 6
feet wide. The Owner can have the said Punt, by applying on the Estate, and
paying the customary expences.
Persons having demands against Plantation Belle Vue, are requested to render
them in to the undersigned, in order that they may be liquidated.
Persons having any demands against the Estate of Mr. A. CULPEPER, Jun.
deceased, will please render them to Mr. W. LYNG.
BARBADOS. [centered]
from the Subscriber, a Woman named Sally; she is a native of Bermuda, of a
yellow complexion, is lame in the right leg, has lost some of her front teeth,
and is pregnant. Any person that will apprehend the said woman and bring her to
the Subscriber, shall receive One Joe reward. All Masters of Vessels are
cautioned against taking her off the Colony. She is well known in Berbice, as
well as this Colony, and was formerly the property of Doctor Morris.
SALE. - Two excellent Carpenter Negroes, and a Negro Woman, well acquainted
with huckstering, washing, sewing, &c. They are not offered for sale on
account of any misconduct of theirs of any shape, but only to answer a pressing
demand - consequently will be sold on moderate terms for Cash, Sugar, or Rum,
at Cash price. For further particulars, address X. Y. at the Royal Gazette
Office. MARSHAL'S OFFICE. [centered]
Virtue of an order, obtained from the Honourable Court of Criminal and Civil
Justice of the United Colonies of Demerary and Essequebo, bearing date the 26th
instant, 1813 - I, the undersigned Deputy First Marshal of the aforesaid
Colonies, do hereby publicly notify, that the sale of the Cotton Plantation The
Cottage, situated in Little Coerabana, on the East Coast of Demerary River,
which was advertised to take place on the Second day of July next - is
postponed until further orders.
Virtue of an order from His Honor J. HENRY, President of the Honourable Court
of Criminal and Civil Justice of the United Colony of Demerary and Essequebo,
&c. &c. &c. I, the undersaid Deputy First Marshal of the aforesaid
Colony, will expose for sale unto the highest bidder, in presence of two Counsellor-Commissaries
of the Honourable Court of Justice, and their Secretary, at the Court-House,
George-Town, on the Sixth day of July next ensuing - SECRETARY's OFFICE. [centered] PUBLIC VENDUES. [centered]
Saturday the 3d of July, [see 18130626EDRG] . . .
Tuesday the 13th of July, [see 18130622EDRG] . . . BERBICE. [centered]
the Marshal's Office. [centered]
I, the undersigned, by authority obtained from His Excellency ROBERT GORDON,
Esquire, Captain-General and Governor in Chief of the Colony Berbice,
Vice-Admiral, and President in all Courts and Colleges, within the same,
&c. &c. &c. granted upon a petition presented by A. HOUSTON, as
empowered by letter of KINGSTON & M'BEAN, of Demerary, under date of 14
April, 1811, versus THOMAS WHITE, have caused to be taken in execution,
the undivided share in the Cotton Plantation, No. 35, Correntine Coast of this
Colony, the property of aforesaid Thomas White. And whereas said undivided
share of Plantation No. 35, Correntine, the property of Thomas White aforesaid,
has, on the 17 February last, been put under Sequestration - be it therefore
known, that I, the undersigned, intend to sell, after the expiration of one
year and six weeks, from the 17 February, 1813, the above-named undivided share
in Plantation No. 35, Correntine Coast, with all its Buildings, Slaves,
Cultivation, and further Appurtenances and Dependencies thereto belonging - all
conformable to an Inventory formed thereof, and now laying at the Marshal's
Office for the inspection of those whom it may concern: in order to recover
from the proceeds of the sale of said undivided share of Plantation 35,
Correntine Coast, the property of the now after-named Thomas White, such sum of
money, cum interest and expences, as wherefore the same has been taken in
COMMISSARIAT-OFFICE, The Sloop Blackbird, Dill, from Barbados, arrived yesterday; and, in consequence of the receipt there, of the first Mails for May, has communicated European Intelligence to a late date. The arrival in England of the sloop of war Childers, dispatched by Sir John B. Warren with a notification to his Government, that the Russian Minister at the United States, had proposed to be the Mediator between the two countries - is the only novelty from that quarter. There is no doubt the mediation will be resumed. The Barbados Papers (to the 19th instant) by the Blackbird, make no mention of the Challenge, reported in our last. Hoaxing must be a pleasant pastime - for we have certainly plenty of it. LOCALITIES. [centered] We are happy to announce the appointment of Brigadier-General Murray (our Acting-Governor) to be Adjutant-General of the Forces, serving in the Windward and Leeward Islands, under the Command of Lieut.-Gen. Sir G. Beckwith. A circumstance occurred yesterday, as singular as it is unfortunate. That fine new Ship the Ramoncita, now in the river, from the sudden shifting of a few casks of sugar, during the removal of her ballast, completely upset, and immediately went down. Capt. Venables, and two or three friends, who were in the cabin, with much difficulty saved their lives. Hopes are, however, confidently entertained, of the ship's ultimate recovery. We shall give further particulars in our next. The Festival of St. John, on Thursday last, was commemorated at Marshal's Hotel by the Chosen Friends, with their accustomed conviviality. The Carteret Packet, which sailed hence on the 8th of March, for England, has safe arrived. The hull of the Demerary brig of war, is to be sold, in Barbados, on the 30th instant. FOREIGN NEWS. [centered] GREAT-BRITAIN. [centered] May 10. - Government has come to the determination of issuing licences "for the importation from any port of the United States not blockaded, direct to a port in Great Britain specified, in bona fide neutral vessels, whose names are specified, such American products as are by law permitted to be imported;" these licences being granted without the stipulation of any previous export from Great Britain. May 14. - The House of Commons, on the 13th instant, went into a Committee on the Conquered Islands Sugar Bill. An additional duty of 5s. per cwt. is to be put on the Sugars of Martinique, Guadeloupe, and their dependencies; and an additional duty of 12s. 6d. per cwt. is to be imposed on clayed sugars. May 15. - Earl Darnley, in the House of Lords on the 14th ult. made the motion for an investigation into the manner of conducting the War with America, chiefly as regarding the Naval Administration; - the debates on this occasion were at some length on both sides, but on the question being put, the motion of his Lordship was negatived by a majority of 66.
GEORGE-TOWN: [centered] | |||
Created: 07 December 2010 Last modified:
Creator: Wilmer, John Lance
Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten