Demerary and Essequebo Royal Gazette 1815 November 21




Vol. X.] [Colophon] [No. 843.


Tuesday, November 21, 1815.

Notice. - The Subscriber has authorised, by virtue of a Power of Attorney, Doctor J. C. Luders, to transact all business relative to her deceased husband, J. C. Kalenberg.
Nov. 20. Catharine M. Kalenberg.

Public Vendues. [heading]
On Monday the 14th of December [expansion of earlier advertisement]
A lot of Land, situated in Canal No. 3, named Sans Souci, formerly belonging to F. Croll, deceased, containing 250 acres, or 100 rood facade by 750 deep. - and the following effects: 2 gold thimbles, 1 gold bodkin, a pair silver shoe buckles, 1 gold neck-lace, a pair hair bracelets, 1 hair collar, 2 gold watch hooks, 2 smelling bottles, 1 gold watch, 1 straw box with spangles, an ornamental stone, 1 silver Free Mason's ornament, 1 pearl ring, 1 breast and hair pins, some beads, 1 silver kninfe [sic], a box with 19 rings and breast pins, 2 pocket books, 2 pair silver candlesticks, 1 soup ladle, 1 do. punch ladle, 6 do. salt cellars, 1 pair do. snuffers and stand o. sugar tongs, 2 do. gravy spoons, 1 do. marrow spoon, 2 do. strainers, 1 do. cheese knife, 4 do. decanter standss [sic], 2 do. porter cups; 1 do. fish knife, 1 feather bed, sundry articles of apparel, several miniatures, and a few books: - the whole at a credit of 6 and 12 months. . . .
Nov. 18. Kingston & Mills.

On Monday the 18th of December, on the premises in North-Street, by order of the Attornies of Jean, J. and M. McAulay - their Right and Title to the One-Third of Lot No. 19, Bridge-Town, with the Dwelling House, Blacksmith's Shop, &c. thereon. - Also four Blacksmith Negroes, named Neptune, Bob, Fish, and Monday - complete tradesmen.
Nov. 18. Kingston & Mills.

BOARD OF POLICE. [heading]
Whereas it is found by the repeated Reports of the Clerk of the Market, that the Regulations contained in his Instructions framed by the Honourable Court of Policy, bearing date the 1st May, 1811, and amended by the Commissioners at their sitting held on the 24th June following, are in many instances violated by the Butchers, and the attempt of the Clerk to enforce such Regulation contravened: And whereas the necessary accommodation for receiving, slaughtering, and dressing Cattle and Sheep, has been provided in the erection of the Slaughter-House by the water-side, where it was intended the offal, skins, &c. of such Cattle and Sheep should remain for a reasonable time, until removed by the owners; but none of such offal or skins were intended to be brought into the Stalls or Market-Place, - this abuse, however, in particular, has crept into practice, together with the additional one of curing the Hides in the Stalls, to the great detriment of the Market, and of annoying all those Inhabitants who are accustomed to attend it. - To obviate such abuses in future, it is hereby declared, that from the date hereof, no Skins Offal, or ilides [sic], are to be carried into the Market-Place or Stalls, on any pretence whatever, - but whoever shall presume to commit such offence, shall in the first place, pay a fine of f 44, and forfeit the Hide, &c. and be excluded from the Market until such fine is paid, - and for a second offence of a similar nature, be excluded from the benefit of the Market until the pleasure of the Board be further known. And the Clerk of the Market is hereby authorised to put these Regulations in full and immediate force.
By Order of the Board,
November 18. H. S. Thomas, Clerk.

George-Town, Demerary:
Printed and Published every Tuesday and Saturday
By Edward James Henery.

[Saturday, November 25, 1815 - issue missing from microfilm]

Created: 06 October 2004   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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