Royal Gazette 1816 January 25


Vol. XI.]

The Royal (Colophon) Gazette
Thursday, January 25, 1816.


[No. 864.

For Boston and Portland [heading]
The Brig Union, H. Heatherly, Master; to sail hence the First Springs in February. For Freight or Passage, apply to the Master, at Messrs. Martin & Duport's, or to
January 25. J. B. Rule.

The brig Four Friends, Captain de Haas, from Rotterdam, arrived on Tuesday, after a passage of fifty-two days. This vessel confirms the departure of the Hereditary Prince of Orange, for St. Petersburgh.

Masonic. - This being the day appointed for the Consecration of the Building intended for a Lodge, a Procession was formed this morning, at Brother Marshal's Hotel, and proceded [sic] to the customary formalities, about twelve o'clock. The Revd. Mr. Straghan, and the Revd. Mr. Floors, were present. The Celebration, takes place to-night.

W. K. Samms, [heading]
Most respectfully informs his Friends and the Public, that he will commence a Day and Boarding School, for Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic [sic], on the 5th of February, at his Place of Residence, in front of Plantation Le Resouvenier, East-Coast. [undated]

Printed and Published by William Baker, every Tuesday,
Thursday, and Saturday, at his Office in Cumingsburg.


Created: 07 February 2006   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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