Vol. XI.]
The Royal (Colophon) Gazette
Tuesday, February 27, 1816.
[No. 878.
Arrivals. - The schooner Tarlogie, Bruce, from Barbados; schooner
Lady Wellington, Tucker, Surinam; schooner Waitham, Bell, Newfoundland; and
brig General Brock, from Boston.
Departures. - The schooner Maria, Smith, for Berbice; and the
Triad, Gourly, for Barbados.
For Boston. [heading]
The Ship Westmoreland, Thomas Hamlin, Master, will sail on or
about the 1st of March. For Freight or Passage, having good accommodation, apply
to the Master, or
Henry T. Ferguson & Co.
and Published by William Baker, every Tuesday,
and Saturday, at his Office in Cumingsburg.