Royal Gazette 1816 March 02


Vol. XI.]

The Royal (Colophon) Gazette
Saturday, March 2, 1816.


[No. 880.

Runaway from the Subscriber, about a week since, a Young Negro Woman, commonly called Venus, but known among her country folks by the name of Fanny, (formerly the property of Miss Thomasin Cuming.) She escaped from one of his people, whilst taking her from Cumingsburg to his boat off Messrs. M'Inroy, Sandbach, & Co's Stelling. It is supposed that she is harboured in or about Town. Whoever will bring her to Mr. John Stewart, at the Store of Messrs. James Gentle & Co. or lodge her in the Barracks, shall receive a reward of Two Joes. All persons are hereby cautioned against hiring or harbouring said Negro, as the Law will be enforced against such offenders.
March 1. Peter M'Lagan

Public Vendues. [heading] . . .
On Thursday the 14th March, at the Vendue-Office, by order of Mr. P. Hammacker - Three-Fourths of the Lot of Land No. 40, with the buildings thereon, situated in Kingston district; also a negro woman, Diana, a good washer, and her two children, the one a girl about 13 years, the other a boy 18 months old; a few articles of furniture, and 18 silver forks.
Also, by order of G. C. Meyer, Esq. - 100 Westphalia hams, landed from on board the ship Vier Vrienden, Captain De Hass, condemned by Survey; also Dutch potatoes in hampers.
March 2. Kingston & Mills.

On Friday the 15th of March, by order of Mrs. Gehricke, on the Premises - the Half-Lot or Concession now occupied by her, and situated in front of Plantation Le Repentir, along the brick-road leading up the river, and known on the chart as sub. No. --, with all the building thereon; different articles of furniture, some valuable books, and a few head of cattle.
Also, by order of P. A. De Veer, the following negroes - Jack, a strong healthy field negro; Present, a most excellent washer and a good cook; and Francis, a strong woman, who would answer well for the field.
Terms of payment for the house and negroes, 3 and 6 months; for the furniture, 3 months.
March 1. Kingston & Mills.

Arrivals. - The schooner Defiance, from Barbados; the schooner Demerary Trader, from St. Vincent; and the brig Halifax Packet, from Halifax.

Also, the schooner Providence, from Grenada.

Departures. - Ship Lively, Hodgson, for London; schooner Good Intent, Tynes, for Barbados; schooner Minerva, M'Leod, for Portland, U.S.; schooner Governor Bentinck, Browne, for Barbados; brig Robert Todd, Nelson, for Boston; and the ship Granger, Venables, for Boston.

Secretary's Office. [heading]
This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting the Colony: -
John Brown, Master of the Schooner Governor Bentinck, in 14 days or 6 weeks from February 5.
Hugh M'Leod, in 14 days or 6 weeks from February 5.
The negro woman Maria, property of Miss C. King, in 14 days from February 5
Elizabeth Weekes, free coloured woman, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from February 5.
Francis Stacy, in 14 days or 6 weeks from February 5.
de Beer or ?
J. de Beer, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from February 6.
Ann Barrow and servant, in 14 days or 6 weeks from Feb. 5 [sic].
J. W. Mapp, in 14 days or a months from February 8.
J. Kenny, in 14 days or by the Ship Albion, from Feb. 9.
P. P. Luyken, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from February 9.
J. L. Forrester, in 14 days or 6 weeks from February 9.
Thomas Savory in 14 days or 6 weeks from February 10.
Richard Haynes in ditto from ditto
Alexander King in 14 days or 6 weeks from February 12.
D. N. Van Asbeck Van Hoytema in 14 days or 6 weeks from February 12.
S. C. Brix in 14 days or 6 weeks from February 13.
The Son of F. W. Tuckerman in 14 days [sic] 6 weeks from February 13.
Edward Nowlan in 14 days or by the Ship Albion from February 14.
Joseph Hanouel in 14 days from February 14.
F. A. Barrow and servant in 14 days or 6 weeks from ditto.
W. B. Panye and servant, in 14 days or 6 weeks from Feb. 17
H. Christophers, in ditto from ditto
R. B. Spooner, son of Benj. Spooner, in 14 days from Feb. 17
The Hon. C. Vincent and servant, in 14 days or 6 weeks from February 21
J. G. H. Scott, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from February 21.
Wm. Grannum, in 14 days or 6 weeks from February 22.
F. C. Marius, M.D. and Lady, and one servant, in 14 days, or by the ship Clarkson, from February 22.
The free black man Charles Nicholas Verony, in 14 days from February 22.
William Poolmeyer, with a mustee boy, named Johannes Philippen, in 14 days or six weeks, from Feb. 26.
A. C. Crookshanks, in 14 day, or by the Schooner Sarah, from February 26.
William Cragg, and two servants, in 14 days or six weeks, from February 26.
Henry Marsh, in 14 days or six weeks, from February 26.
M. Buchanan, in 14 days, from February 27.
Gavin Fullarton, in 14 days or six weeks, from March 1.
Dr. Hugh Holmes Watt, in 14 days or six weeks, from March 1.
[dated March 2]

Arrested Slaves

Printed and Published by William Baker, every Tuesday,
Thursday, and Saturday, at his Office in Cumingsburg.


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