Royal Gazette 1816 March 28


Vol. XI.]

The Royal (Colophon) Gazette
Thursday, March 28, 1816.


[No. 891.

[Waterloo subscription - many names with the amount subscribed]

Arrivals. - The Schooner Swift, from Berbice; the brig Pacific, from London; and the ship Lord Melville, from Glasgow.

Departures. - The schooner Triad, for Barbados; the brig Grace, for Liverpool; the brig Thomas Duncan, for Bermuda; and the ship Clio, and brig Jane, for London.

Public Vendues. [heading] . . .
On Tuesday the 2d of May, by order of Mrs. the Widow Frances Runnels, Sole Executrix to the Boedel of her deceased Mother, Mrs. the Widow Frances Sampson, at her residence in Stabroek, at three months credit - Household Furniture, consisting of a small set of dining tables with D ends, two pair of card tables, a tea ditto, a large sideboard, a dozen mahogany hair bottomed chairs, three sofas, bedsteads, wardrobes, night chairs, a large mirror, silver spoons, and many other articles. Also, the following slaves, belonging to said Boedel - a negro man Abraham (commonly called Dasher), a mulatto girl Polly, aged about 8 years; a mulatto boy George, aged 10 years; a mulatto girl Diana, aged 6 years; and two girls, named Fanny and Mary (twins) about two months old, at three months credit.
March 28. Kingston & Mills.

Printed and Published by William Baker, every Tuesday,
Thursday, and Saturday, at his Office in Cumingsburg.


Created: 07 February 2006   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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