Royal Gazette 1816 May 07


Vol. XI.]

The Royal (Colophon) Gazette
Tuesday, May 7, 1816.


[No. 908.

Premises in Cumingsburg. [heading]
For Sale - the House and Premises in Cumingsburg, belonging to Thomas De Lisle, Esqr. and at present occupied by C. R. Playter, Esqr. The above Premises are in a central and convenient situation for business; and will be disposed of, on very reasonable terms. For particulars, apply to
April 25. T. Frankland.

The Chanticleer brig of war, having arrived on Saturday evening, with intelligence from Barbados, of a most calamitous nature; His Excellency the Governor, to remove any wrong impression on the subject, issued an Address yesterday, to the Slave-Population of these Colonies, of which the following is the substance: -

Public Vendues. [heading]
On Saturday the 25th of May, by order of M. Smit, Esq. at the Store lately occupied by E. Gallup, Esq. on Robb's Stelling - [list of goods]. Three Concessions situated in Cumingsburg, being No. 351, 352, 353, adjoining the Premises of Mr. Buckoll; a chaise and harness, a young creole cow, cotton-mill wheels, with iron gin cranks, and sundry other articles. - The Vendue will commence at 11 o'clock.
May 7. Kingston & Mills.

On Thursday the 6th, and Friday the 7th of June, by order of M. Jacobs, Esq. at his Store on the Canal Dam, next to Messrs. H. T. Ferguson & Co. . . . The half lot of land No. 85 with the buildings thereon; formerly the property of Francis Parris, dec. situated in Kingston district. And several valuable negroes.
May 7. Kingston & Mills.

Printed and Published by William Baker, every Tuesday,
Thursday, and Saturday, at his Office in Cumingsburg.


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