Royal Gazette 1816 June 04


Vol. XI.]

The Royal (Colophon) Gazette
Tuesday, June 4, 1816.


[No. 920.

This being the Anniversary of His Majesty's Birth-Day, the usual military and maritime honours, were paid at noon; and, in respect to the Militia, we never witnessed so large a muster. This latter circumstance, no doubt, is attributable to the joint operation of the late Proclamation, the fine appearance of the weather, and the well-known loyalty of every class. - Pursuant to the Order, issued from the Office of the Adjutant-General, the Cavalry, commanded by Capt. Simpson, the Artillery, by Capt. Albouy, the Rifle Corps, by Capt. Batty, and the different Companies of the Lien, under their respective Commanders, began to assemble at an early hour; and about eleven, the whole battalion, under Major Tulloh, marched to the General-Parade, in Cumingsburg - where the 60th had already taken up its position under the command of Major Mauriage. - The united line being formed, and intimation received of the approach of the Commander in Chief, the business of the field commenced; and, we are given to understand, was gone through very much to His Excellency's satisfaction. Rain however falling at the critical moment; manoevering was in general dispensed with. - His Excellency was attended, both by the Garrison and Colonial Staff.

The Leve[accent]e at two, was numerously attended; and this evening, there will be a large party at Camp-House. At which time the customary convivialities will take place; tempered however, by the melancholy recollection of the lamented state in which His Majesty exists.

The Holidays of the Slaves, commenced on Sunday; and hitherto their general good conduct, has fully justified the confidence that was placed in it. Indeed the Slaves of these Colonies, have always been remarkable, both for temperance in their enjoyments, and a cheerful return to their respective labours. A proof, also, that such labour is by no means heavy; and that they do not look forward, to an approaching Festival with such frantic expectations, as some imagine. In this state, therefore, they will do well to continue; as nothing but such conduct, can ensure the good treatment of their Proprietors, and the gracious protection of His Excellency the Governor.

Printed and Published by William Baker, every Tuesday,
Thursday, and Saturday, at his Office in Cumingsburg.


Created: 08 February 2006   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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