Royal Gazette 1816 June 11


Vol. XI.]

The Royal (Colophon) Gazette
Tuesday, June 11, 1816.


[No. 923.

General Militia Order. [heading]
His Excellency the Commander in Chief, has been pleased to make the following Appointments to the Demerary Volunteer Marine Battalion: -
To be Second Major - James Finlayson.
To be Captains of Companies - John Ferguson,
James Lovie,
Robert M'Dowall,
Matt. Crawford,
James Oxley,
W. Richardson,
Peter Van Vliet,
Jacob Reiwarts,
To be Lieutenants - John Cameron.
Thomas Crowley.
David Stalker.
Alex. Sim.
John B. Cumming.
James Thompson.
David Tyrer.
Chas. P. Stewart.
John Davidson.
Peter Simpson.
D. H. Brown.
Geo. Forster.
Willem De Boer.
J. Okkeson.
J. Luyken.
J. G. Keatts.
To be Adjutant - W. C. Tonge, with the rank of Captain.
Qr. Master - W. C. Tonge.
Surgeon - William Jones.
Adjutant-General's Office, George-Town, Demerary, the 11th June, 1816.
By His Excellency's Command,
J. R. Brandt,
Lieut.-Col. & Adjt.Gen. M. F.

The brig Pandora, from Cape de Verd Islands, is the only arrival since our last.

Departed this Life, on Sunday night - David, a Son of Dr. Smith; at his residence in Cumingsburg.

Printed and Published by William Baker, every Tuesday,
Thursday, and Saturday, at his Office in Cumingsburg.


Created: 08 February 2006   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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