Royal Gazette 1816 June 25


Vol. XI.]

The Royal (Colophon) Gazette
Tuesday, June 25, 1816.


[No. 929.

[the following item has a portion obscured by an inward folded portion of the page]
[Militia?] General Order. [heading]
[illegible] the Commander in Chief takes [illegible]rtunity to express his thanks to Major [illegible] Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, [illegible], of the George-Town Brigade of Mili- [illegible] general good appearance on the Inspec- [illegible] 20th instant.
[illegible] Simpson and the Troop of Cavalry, de- [illegible] credit for their activity in getting equipt [illegible]ounted, as they appeared on that day; and [illegible]cellency does not doubt, but, by the spirit ma- [illegible]ted, they will soon become an efficient troop.
The highest praise is due to Capt. Albouy and the Artillery Company, for the prompt and correct manouver, in which they went through their exercise and served the field-pieces.
Captain Batty and the Rifle Company, drew His Excellency's most particular attention, for their steadiness in the ranks, exactness in marching, wheeling, and the manner they performed the evolutions - which were done with a correctness that reflects great honor upon every member of that company.
The First Battalion is also intitled [sic] to His Excellency's approbation for the improvement made, considering the number of recruits lately joined, the disadvantage of the rainy season, and the bad state of the parade-ground, having constantly prevented the practice of marching - which is so essential for a regiment to go through the evolutions with correctness; and His Excellency takes this opportunity to recommend to the Militia to persevere in practising marching, as the only means of attaining that steadiness required by a battalion, to perform the manoeuvres with precision.
The Commander in Chief flatters himself to derive addition gratification, on inspecting the George-Town [sic] Brigade of Militia, on a future day.
Adjutant-General's Office, George-Town, Demerary, the 25th June, 1816.
By His Excellency's Command,
J. R. Brandt,
Lieut.-Col. & Adjt.Gen. M. F.

Militia General Order. [heading]
His Excellency the Commander in Chief, has been pleased to make the following Promotions in the Demerary Militia: -
First Battalion.
To be Captains of Companies - Supernumerary Captain J. F. Meyer, vice Tinne, deceased - C. Van Baerle, Esq. vice Iver, left the Colony - 1st Lieutenant H. Halket, vice Francke, exempt - 1st Lieutenant A. Van Der Stok, vice Cook, left the Colony - Supernumerary Captain A. M'Kenzie, from the Third Battalion.
To be First Lieutenants - 2d Lieutenants J. Hadfield, vice M'Intyre, absent without leave - D. Campbell, vice Teyssen, exempt - R. Hellemann, vice Benjamin, invalided - Van Braam, vice Halket, promoted - J. H. Luyken, vice Van der Stok, promoted.
To be Second Lieutenant - G. Buchanan, Gent. vice Falconer, absent without leave - G. W. Anderson, Gent. vice Delisle, absent without leave - D. M'Person, Gent. vice Halket, promoted - W. Mair, Gent. vice Van Der Stok, promoted - W. Schlot, Gent. and R. Kennan, gent.
Serjeants to be Second Lieutenants - Wachope, Munro, Graham, Kernan, and A. Cart, Junr.
Adjutant-General's Office, George-Town, Demerary, the 25th June, 1816.
By His Excellency's Command,
J. R. Brandt,
Lieut.-Col. & Adjt.-Gen. M. F.

The schooner Demerary Trader, and the ship Olive Branch, from Barbados; and the Westmoreland, from North-America; are the only arrival since our last.

Printed and Published by William Baker, every Tuesday,
Thursday, and Saturday, at his Office in Cumingsburg.


Created: 08 February 2006   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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