Royal Gazette 1831 December 31


[Transcriber's note this two page item occurs between issue of February 3rd, 1810 and February 6th, 1810 of The Essequebo & Demerary Royal Gazette. The issue has an internal date of December 31, 1831 and I believe this to be the last page, front and back of that issue. The pages of this issue are larger than those in which it is enclosed. A portion of the page is folded at the bottom; there is also considerable mutilation on the outer edges. In a few cases within the text a single letter does not appear, I have used my judgment and enclosed that single missing letter in square brackets]

[first page]
The Royal Gazette. [header to the page]

British Guiana. [heading]

No. 9.]




Ordinance Enacted
By His Excellency Major-General Sir Benjamin D'Urban, Knight Commander of the Most Honorable Military Order of Bath, of the Royal Guelphic Order, and of the Portuguese Royal Military Order of the Tower and Sword, Governor and Commander-in-Chief, and Vice-Admiral, in and over the Colony of British Guiana - with the Advice and Consent of the Court of Policy thereof.
To all to whom these Presents shall or may come, Greeting" be it known: -
Whereas the Harbour-Masters of Demerary and Berbice have of late performed the duties of Superintendants of Quarantine, and it is deemed just that a proper remuneration should be made for certain services hereinafter pointed out.
Be it, and it is hereby Enacted, that the following charges shall hereafter be made and become payable to those Officers, that is to say: -
Article 1. - For the Passage or Conveyance by the Harbour-Master of Demerary, of the Health Officer for the purpose of visiting a Vessel of whatsoever size or tonnage, by order of His Excellency the Governor, on her arrival in Port, Six Guilders.
Article 2. - For attendance on each Vessel placed in Quarantine, including the conveyance of the Health Officer and all necessary supplies, for every day the said Vessel shall be so visited and supplied, the sum of Twelve Guilders; the visits of the Health Officer to take place under an order of his Excellency the Governor, or in compliance with a signal made from the Vessels, and the supplies to be signalled for in like manner.
Article 3. - And be it, and it is hereby further Enacted, that the Fees established and allowed to the Officer of Health, as prescribed by an Ordinance of the Court of Policy of Demerary and Essequebo, dated the 14th day, and published on the 19th of November, One thousand eight hundred and twenty-two, shall be, and the same disallowed; and that in lieu of the sums specified in said recited Act, the Health Officer shall henceforth be entitled to receive as follows:
First. - For the first visit to each Vessel of whatsoever size or tonnage, on her arrival in Port, Twelve Guilders.
Second. - For every visit to a Vessel in Quarantine, Six Guilders; such visits to be under the directions of his Excellency the Governor, or in compliance with a signal from the Vessel.
Article 4. - And be it, and it is further Enacted, that the Harbour-Master and Health Officers of the District of Berbice, shall, be, and they are hereby authorised to charge for the duties by them performed respectively, a sum not exceeding one moiety over and above the sums respectively allowed to the Harbour-Master and Health Officer of Demerary, for the several duties by them performed.
Article 5. - And be it further Enacted, that the above charges shall be borne and paid by the Ship, or Vessel which may be visited by the Harbour-Master and Health Officer, in manner herein pointed out, and that no [S]hip or Vessel shall be permitted to be cleared outwards or depart from the river, unless the said sums hereby imposed, shall have been first duly paid and satisfied.
Article 6. - And whereas, by the 9th Section of an Act, made and passed on the 5th day of August, 1831, it was declared that certain sums of money should be raised and collected from Ships, Vessels, and [c]argoes, placed in Quarantine, as by the said Act is more particularly pointed out. Be it, and it is hereby Enacted, that the same shall be, and is hereby repealed, anything therein contained to the contrary notwithstanding.
And that no ignorance may be pretended of the several Orders contained in this Ordinance, these presents shall be published, affixed, and sent round for general information.
Thus Done and Enacted at Our Ordinary Assembly continued by adjournment, held at the Colony-house, Georgetown, Demerary, this 21st day of December, 1831, and published on the 24th following.
B. D'Urban.
By Command of the Court,
Charles Wilday, Dep. Col. Sec.

British Guiana. [heading]
No. 8.] [1831.


Ordinance Enacted
By His Excellency Major-General Sir Benjamin D'Urban, Knight Commander of the Most Honorable Military Order of Bath, of the Royal Guelphic Order, and of the Portuguese Royal Military Order of the Tower and Sword, Governor and Commander-in-Chief, and Vice-Admiral, in and over the Colony of British Guiana - with the Advice and Consent of the Court of Policy thereof.
To all to whom these Presents shall or may come, Greeting! be it known: -
Whereas three several Ordinances, specially affecting the Free Coloured Inhabitants, are found to exist on the Statute Books of Demerary and Essequebo; which, although virtually repealed and become obsolete by disuse, it is nevertheless expedient should be repealed by Legislative Enactment.
1st. - Be it therefore Enacted, that from and after the publication of this Ordinance, the Ordinances made and passed at the respective dates hereinafter set forth, shall be, and they are hereby revoked, abrogated, and repealed; that is to say: -
First. - An Ordinance of the Governor and Court of Policy, dated the 30th January, 1793, and published on the 1st February following; by which the Free Coloured Male Inhabitants are specially held liable to the performance of certain services.
Secondly. - An Ordinance of the Governor and Court of Policy, dated the 6th August, and published the 9th August, 1794; forbidding Free Coloured Persons to carry arms, without a written permission of the Burgher Officer of their District.
2nd. - And be it further Enacted, that the hereinafter recited Clause, portion of an Act of The Governor and Court of Policy, dated the 20th May, 1816, and published the 8th June following, for better regulating the number of white persons to be employed on Estates - to wit: "Those free coloured persons employed on any [illegible] Estates in this Colony, who (on a representation made [illegible] their employer) shall be approved by the Governor [illegible] with respect to the Provisions of the pre- [illegible] be considered in the same light of [illegible] and it is hereby declared to be re- [illegible] and all Free Coloured Persons em- [illegible] shall be henceforth taken and consi- [page folded under but heavily mutilated when viewing the next page] dent are not also subjected and made liable, shall be, and they are hereby revoked, abrogated, and repealed accordingly.
And that no ignorance may be pretended of the several Orders contained in this Ordinance, these presents shall be published, affixed, and sent round for general information.
Thus Done and Enacted at Our Ordinary Assembly, continued by adjornment, held at the Colony-House, Georgetown, Demerary, this 21st day of December, 1831, and published on the 22d following.
B. D'Urban.
By Command of the Court,
Charles Wilday, Dep. Col. Sec.

British Guiana. [heading]
No. 7.] [1831.


Ordinance Enacted
By His Excellency Major-General Sir Benjamin D'Urban, Knight Commander of the Most Honorable Military Order of Bath, of the Royal Guelphic Order, and of the Portuguese Royal Military Order of the Tower and Sword, Governor and Commander-in-Chief, and Vice-Admiral, in and over the Colony of British Guiana - with the Advice and Consent of the Court of Policy thereof.
To all to whom these Presents shall or may come, Greeting! be it known: -
Whereas an Act was passed by the Lieutenant-Governor and Council of the Government of the Colony of Berbice, on the 27th day of April, 1830, entitled "An Act to re-enact and amend certain Clauses
"of an Ordinance for promoting the Religious Instruc-
"tion and bettering the Condition of the Slave Popula-
"tion in His Majesty's Colony of Berbice:"
And whereas the said Act having been continued in force by an Ordinance passed on the 2d day of December, 1831, by the Governor and Court of Policy of British Guiana, it is expedient to assimilate the Manner of Proceeding for the recovery of the Fines and Penalties provided in the aforesaid Act of the Lieutenant-Governor and Council of Government of Berbice, passed on the 27th day of April, 1830, to the Manner of Proceeding for recovering the Fines and Penalties provided in an Ordinance passed by the Lieutenant-Governor and the Court of Policy of the United Colony of Demerary and Essequebo on the 17th day of April, 1830, entitled,
"On Act to continue in force certain Clauses of an Ord-
"dinance for the Religious Instruction of Slaves in His
"Majesty's Colony of Demerary and Essequebo, and
"for the improvement of their Condition."
And whereas it was enacted in part of the 12th Clause of the aforesaid Act of the Lieutenant-Governor and the Council of Government of the Colony of Berbice as follows: -
Clause 1. - "And it is hereby further ordered, that
"the Protector of Slaves shall proceed for the recovery
"of fines and penalties in the same manner as the Fis-
"cal is authorized to proceed for the enforcement of
"pecuniary penalties, according to the existing laws of
"the Colony."
"And it is hereby further ordered, that the Protector
"of Slaves shall institute all proceedings in his own
"name, and the same shall be conducted by some legally
"qualified person duly authorised thereto by the Presi-
"dent of the Court of Justice; and the Protector of
"Slaves and the Assistant Protectors of Slaves, shall
"have the like powers as the Fiscal to procure evidence
"and enforce the attendance of witnesses, according to
"the existing laws of the Colony."
Clause 2. - Be it, and it is hereby enacted, that so much of the 12th Clause of the said Act of Lieutenant-Governor and Council of Government of the Colony of Berbice, passed on the 27th day of April, 1830, as has hereinbefore been cited, shall be repealed, and so much of the said 12th Clause of the aforesaid Act is hereby repealed, revoked, and annulled accordingly.
Clause 3. - And be it further enacted, that the Protector of Slaves of British Guiana, or the Assistant Protector of Slaves of British Guiana, for the District of Berbice, shall institute all proceedings under the aforesaid Act passed by the Lieutenant-Governor and the Council of Government of the Colony of Berbice on the 27th day of April, 1830, in the name of some person duly authorised thereto by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of British Guiana.; and the same shall be conducted by such person; and the Rules of Criminal Trials, the act for the more speedy enforcement of pecuniary penalties (any thing in the said Act provided notwithstanding), and an Act for altering the Law of Evidence in Criminal Cases, shall extend to all prosecutions under this Act; and the said Protector of Slaves of British Guiana, the Assistant Protector of Slaves of British Guiana for the District of Berbice, and the other Assistant Protectors of Slaves for the District of Berbice, shall have the like powers as the Fiscal and Deputy Fiscals, to procure Evidence and enforce the attendance of Witnesses.
And that no ignorance may be pretended of the several Orders contained in this Ordinance, these presents shall be published, affixed, and sent round for general information.
Thus Done and Enacted at Our Ordinary Assembly, continued by adjournment, held at the Colony-House, Georgetown, Demerary, this 21st day of December, 1831 and published on the 23d following.
B. D'Urban.
By Command of the Court,
Charles Wilday, Dep. Col. Sec.

Colonial-Taxes. [heading]
The Undersigned has been authorised to extend the time stipulated in his last Notice until the 31st inst. after which date Law Proceedings must be instituted for all unpaid Colonial Taxes.
M. J. Retemeyer, Colonial Receiver.
Demerary, 22d December, 1831.

Notice. [heading]
The 2d Article of the Act for conducting the Works of the Fresh Water Canal, is published by order of the President of the Committee, for the information of those concerned - and the Meeting will take place at the Colony-House, at 12 o'clock, on Monday the 16th of January, 1832.
John Simson, Overseer.
Demerary, Dec. 20th, 1831.
ARTICLE II. [centered]
A General Meeting of the Proprietors or Representatives of Estates concerned in the Fresh Water Canal, combined with the President and Members of the Board of Police, shall be held on the Third Monday of the Month of January in every year, for the purpose of making an election of six persons being duly qualified [page folded under] which election shall be reported by them to the Court of Policy, at their Ordinary Session in the month of January every year; and said six persons thus elected, shall, together with the President of the Board of Policy, being a Member of the Court of Policy, be the Comm[illegible] of the next following year.

Public Vendues. [heading]

Notice. [centered]
The Vendue Master has to call upon the Purchasers at Mr. Christiani's Vendue, due in May, 1829, for a settlement of their Accounts for the last instalment of that Sale - as all Accounts outstanding for that instalment, at the expiration of 14 days from date, will in terms of the sale, be made over with Cession of Action to the Seller.
S. A. Goodman, Vendue Master.
17th December, 1831.

Store Goods, Stationery, &c. &c [centered]
On Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Monday, and Tuesday, the 3d, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 9th, and 10th of January, 1832, by order of Troughton, Wells, and Co., at their Stores, to close sundry sales,
Fine Irish Linen, in whole and half pieces, coarse ditto in whole, half, and quarter pieces, long lawns in whole and half pieces, tamboured, sprig, jaconet, mull, book, and nainsook muslins, linen bed tick, white, brown, and white and coloured striped drills, plain jean, canvas, dowlas, sheeting, diaper, Marseilla, huckaback, striped, check, and white cotton and linen shirts, diaper and damask table cloths, napkins, towels, and doileys, table covers, maddapolams, dimities, nankeens, furniture checks, Maule derries and cottonades, striped Florentines, brown holland, linen, cotton, and linen-mixed checks, silk handkerchiefs, a large assortment of handkerchiefs, counterpanes, quilts, &c.; plain and figured gros de Naples, satins, sarsnets, Persians, lisse gauze and crape de Lyons, piping, silk, and thread fringes, satin, sarsnet, and gauze ribbons, arophan, and black crapes, bombazeen, bombazette, gambroon, Adrianople stripes, needle-worked robes, insertion, trimming, and flouncing, collars, pelerines, cuffs, and frills, tatting quilling, thread edging and blond lace, a large assortment of gauze handkerchiefs, cravats, scarfs, and veils, ladies' and gentlemen's gloves, silk hose and half hose, a very general assortment of ladies' and gentlemen's cotton hose, and gentlemen's white and coloured half hose, cotton and silk reels, cotton cord, pins, stiff muslin, button moulds, hooks and eyes, tapes, stays, steel busts, braiding, warm shawls, ladies' napp'd cloaks, boat cloaks, children's jean dresses, leather belts, frock bodies, cap crowns, silk aprons, a general assortment of ginghams, muslins, &c.; ladies' boots, shoes, and slippers, gentlemen's and youths' boots and shoes, umbrellas and parasols, gentlemen's and youths' drab and black beaver hats, boys' leather and cloth caps, children's beavers and feathers, infant's cambric and satin hats and crape bonnets, pasteboard, a very handsome assortment of flowers, wreaths, and head dresses, gentlemen's black and blue dress coats, surtouts, coloured cloth (with velvet collars,) and riding coats, black and blue cloth, gambroon, bombazette, jean, drill, Bengal striped, dowlas, and sheeting jacjets, silk, cassimere, Valencia, white and coloured Marseilles waistcoats, black cloth and cassimere, drill, jean, gambroon, florentine, and sheeting trowsers, long and short drawers, stocks, linen collars; a very general assortment of perfumes, brushes, combs, &c.; one quire books, fine pot, foolscap, large thin wove and hot pressed 4th post paper, quills, ink, wafers, sealing wax, India rubber, lead pencils, round rulers, slates, tablets, children's books, instructive games, &c.; fish kettles, pots, saucepans, kettles, coffee pots, frying pans, gridirons, sod and toy irons, hinges, bolts, locks, improved balance weights and steelyards, rat and mouse traps, cheese toasters, and knives, tea and table spoons, Jew harps, thimbles, bells, bed screws, screws assorted, gimblets, carpenters' and coopers' brace and bitts, brass cocks, coffee mills, fish hooks, fishing lines, skein and sewing twine, seines, pen knives, scissors, razors, and razor strops, setts bone and ivory balance-handle knives and forks, buckhorn-handle table knives and forks, guns, percussion caps, flints, turn screws, wadding punches, bullet moulds, wash rods, powder flasks, and shot belts, candlesticks, tea pots, percolators, and egg cups, ink stands, dram bottles, foot baths, and water jugs, slop pails, water pots, bottle holders, cash boxes, conjurers, dust pans, bread baskets, knife trays, spice boxes, graters, and snuff boxes, tumblers, spittoons, bottle stands, Sandwich and tea trays, paste cutters, a large variety of cake moulds, dripping pans, lanthorns, cullenders, funnels, tinder boxes, egg codlers; coffin furniture; a very handsome assortment of lockets, crosses, finger rings, pins, watch hooks and chains, ladies' neck chains, studs, seals, and keys, ear rings, pencil cases, vinegarets, scissors, corals, pickle forks, spectacles, buckles, bodkins, &c.; a few setts superior gig harness, mule harness, bridles, Martingale's stirrups, girths, horse cloths, spurs, halters, horse nets, ear caps, curry combs, and brushes, dog collars, monkey chains, whips, travelling and lawyers' bags; a handsome assortment of furniture, consisting of glasses of various sizes, bed steads, couches, sofas, chests drawers, dining tables, card ditto, mahogany, imitation rose wood, and cherry tree chairs; flock matrasses, ship do., &c. &c.; brass castors, finger plates, frame pullies, hat and cloak pins, gauging rods, buck glasses, violins, &c.; Kilner, Moorson, and Co.'s preserved provisions, patent barley and groats, sago powder, potatoes, japanned cannisters with biscuit, Le Mann's fancy biscuit, raisins, currants, almonds, and walnuts; candles, and soap in boxes, sperm, candles and oil; black pepper, and mixed spices, pickles and sauces assorted, sweet oil, salt in barrels and baskets; Hoffman's preserved fruits, jams and jellies; white lead, Spanish brown, Venetian red, black, yellow, green and blue paints, vermillion, indigo, pomice and rotten stone, pipe clay, Paris plaster, linseed, engine, and lamp oil, Day and Martin's blacking; Barclay, Perkins, and Co.'s porter and ale in hogsheads, london bottled ale in barrels, Hoffman's raspberry and cherry brandy, raspberry vinegar, capilaire, and orgeat, London bottled port, sherry, and madeira wine, superior sparkling champaigne, wine and porter corks; the remaining stock of Plated ware, and Glassware, the latter in broken setts, buck and sailor knives; Tinware, Earthenware, and Glassware, in puncheons, to suit retailers.
S. A. Goodman, Vendue Master.

Boedels. [heading]

On Wednesday the 11th January, 1832, by order of the Board of Orphans and Unadministered Estates, at the Orphan Chamber, Vlissingen.
The following Effects, belonging to the undermentioned Estates.

Estate of J. L. Rogers: [centered]
The deceased's wearing apparel, an old dressing case, a white hat, and an old mattrass, a bedstead, a pallias, 2 night chairs, an old sofa, 2 wall shades, and a pair of pistols.

Estate of Jan Van Vollevelde: [centered]
A gold watch, chain, and key, 13 silver table spoons, 7 ditto ditto forks, a ditto soup ladle, 1 ditto gravy spoon, 1 ditto butter knife, a pair silver spectacles and case, 1 silver snuff box, 2 silver pencil cases, 1 ditto segar tube, a tortoise-shell segar box, a corkscrew, a pocket compass, a militia fusee and accoutrements, a pair of brass double-barrelled pistols, a japanned snuff box, an opera glass, a sabre, a box of mathematical instruments (incomplete), a box of weights, a writing desk, a liquor case, a ditto without bottles, 17 bottles of wine, 3 jugs of brandy, a cask containing some rum, [paper folded under here] a mahogany table, a trunk of old wearing apparel; also a horse, saddle, and bridle, the property of the copartnership of Van Vollevelde and Kannenberg.

Estate of Joseph Conver[mutilated] [centered]
The deceased's wearing apparel [mutilated]
taire, a small liquor [mutilated]
wood ditto, [mutilated]
paper, a lot [mutilated]
Annals of [mutilated]
chest, an old [mutilated]
bottles bitters, [mutilated]
6 ditto mats, a [mutilated]
2 metal tea pots [mutilated]

Estate of William Camer[mutilated] [centered]
The deceased's wearing apparel, a [mutilated]
flute, an old dressing case, a lot of [mutilated]
ware, a white hat, a [illegible] colony-wood [mutilated]
trunks, a bedstead, a [mutilated]
liquor case, a gold watch, 2 seals, a key [mutilated]
and a broken snuff box.

Estate of Philip Lookey: [centered]
All the deceased's right and title to the [mutilated]
lease of the one-half of Lot No. 107, in [mutilated]
with such buildings as were erected there[mutilated]
Philip Lookey, deceased.

Estate of Daniel Smith: [centered]
The deceased's wearing apparel, a white [mutilated]
shoes, a trunk, a tin canister, a rifle gun, [mutilated]
and an old silver ditto.

Estate of Sarah Burgess: [centered]
A colony-wood sideboard, a bed[mutilated]
and bolster, a wash-hand stand [mutilated]
chairs, a small bench, a trunk [mutilated]
clothes, also an empty trunk [mutilated]
piano forte, a guitar, and [mutilated]

Estate of William S[mutilated] [centered]
A common bedstead, an old mattrass [mutilated]
and a musquetto net, the deceased's wear[mutilated]
trunks, a hat, a lot of old shoes and [mutilated]
looking glass, and a silver watch and cha[mutilated]

Estate of Widow S. C. Crawford ([mutilated]
Catherena), born Vander Mar[mutilated]
A trunk containing a few articles of [mutilated]
4 silver forks, 3 ditto spoons; the [mutilated]
tle, and interest, as far as may be, to a [mutilated]
land situated in Coeberiserabae Creek; al[mutilated]
ing Slaves: July, B[illegible] Lizetta, [mutilated]

Estate of [illegible] Ford [centered]
A trunk containing [mutilated]
small box with a few [mutilated]
a lot of old prints, [mutilated]
belts, and a cartouch b[mutilated]
old books, a ditto of m[mutilated]
a writing desk, a tin can[mutilated]
struments, a basket with[mutilated]

S. A. [mutilated]

Lots, Bui[mutilated]

On Thursday, Janua[mutilated]
by order of W.P.[mutilated]
The Half Lot No. [mutilated]
tuated in Werk-[mutilated]
Messrs. M'Inroy, Sa[mutilated]
occupied by Miss An[mutilated]
lot no. 2, with the b[mutilated]
King, a first-rate gr[mutilated]
Also by order of J.[mutilated]
finished House Fram[mutilated]
house, but will ans[mutilated]
house. The dimensi[mutilated]
long, 25 feet wide, an[mutilated]
10 feet 6 inches; seco[mutilated]
gallery 9 feet wide in [mutilated]
beams and roof proje[mutilated]
gallery roof 1 foot. Si[mutilated]
pal posts, 7 x 7; wind[mutilated]
upper ditto, 5 x 6; low[mutilated]
ditto, 5 x 7; top ditto[mutilated]
Also, by order of the[mutilated]
Estate of F. C. Sebastia[mutilated]
credit - A silver-mounted [mutilated]
ling piece, of superior wo[mutilated]
sard Mellet, at St. Etien[mutilated]
caps, bullet-moulds, &c.[mutilated]
piece in mahogany case).
shot, shot belt and two[mutilated]
(repeater), a silver ditt[mutilated]
thorough repair, two set[mutilated]
and snaffle, a grey horse.
Also, by order of W. J.[mutilated]
a doubled bodied Phaeton[mutilated]
to drive with one or two [mutilated]
harness, all in good orde[mutilated]
Also, by order of the [mutilated]
Stewart, late Minister [mutilated]
of Dining and Pembroke t[mutilated]
a four-post bedstead comp[mutilated]
knives and forks, earthen [mutilated]
hores, saddle and bridle.
Also, by order of the E[mutilated]
deceased, the Effects of the[mutilated]
household furniture, a cha[mutilated]
groes Attrape, an excellen[mutilated]
boat builder; John, a tayl[mutilated]
people accustomed to work[mutilated]
a house servant and washer[mutilated]
Also, by order of A. Re[mutilated]
John Morison, deceased, th[mutilated]
the Court of Justice, datd[mutilated]
counts, viz: H. Downie, f 3[mutilated]
Cowap, f 519, heirs of D. Ba[mutilated]
gations, viz.: Wm. Cricht[mutilated]
3, ditto f 202 14, D. Bucha[mutilated]
John M'Pherson, f 440, Bo[mutilated]
payable in molasses carks at [mutilated]
account against said boedel [mutilated]
Crichton, for f 1066.
Also by order of J. L. M'M[mutilated]
a house servant and huckstres[mutilated]
capable sailor and fisherman; [mutilated]
grass cutter.
Also, by order of R. S. Turt[mutilated]
cattle minder; and Abel a fiel[mutilated]
Also, by order of the Ven[mutilated]
Francois, Phoebe, Francky, [mutilated]
Quashy, Stephen, and Leah; t[mutilated]
ed by the Vendue Master, will [mutilated]
Also, by order of the Vendue [mutilated]
of 4 pipes Madeira, of superior [mutilated]
Also, by order of James R[mutilated]
slaves, consisting of the m[mutilated]
washer and dresser of linen, a[mutilated]
childern, Tom, aged 15 yea[mutilated]
years, and Margaret, 6 1/2 years[mutilated]
posed domestics, and not so[mutilated]
made known on the day of sal[mutilated]
S. A. Good[mutilated]

Cattle [heading]
On Saturday the 14th January[mutilated]
and M'Hardy, on the la[mutilated]
ling, Georgetown.
From Eight to One Hundre[mutilated]
sixty of which are Milch C[mutilated]
calf, of a very superior breed [mutilated]

[second page]

[mutilated] Annual - Gem
[mutilated]nter's Wreath
[mutilated]Not - Juvenile
[mutilated]ies' Book for [illegible]
[mutilated]e will be given to-morrow, for the
[mutilated]modating purchasers, who are wishful
[mutilated]of the above annuals.
[mutilated] [illegible]chard Haynes.
[mutilated], 1831.

Notice. [heading]
[mutilated]ership heretofore carried on by Ar-
[mutilated]itstead, of Lancaster, in Great Britain,
[mutilated]and Henry C. Bradshaw, under the
[mutilated]ley and Bradshaw," in this Colony,
[mutilated] by Contract. All Persons having De-
[mutilated] the aforesaid Concern, are requested to
[mutilated]Accounts to John Ripley for payment;
[mutilated]ons Indebted to the Concern to pay to him
[mutilated]their respective Accounts.
Arthur Armistead,
By his Attorney John Ripley.
John Ripley,
[mutilated]hn Lane
[mutilated] Johnston Executors of H. C. Bradshaw.
[mutilated]ber, 1831.

Notice. [heading]
[mutilated]nership of Charles Conyers and
[mutilated]day dissolved by mutual consent. All
[mutilated] Claims thereon, are requested to furnish
[mutilated]diate settlement; and as it is desirable to
[mutilated]s of the Concern without delay, all Per-
[mutilated]up immediately, every reasonable indul-
[mutilated]hewn them, provided they be prompt in
[mutilated]acknowledging their respective accounts.
[mutilated]orney, C. Conyers.
[mutilated]carried on by Fran-
[mutilated] and Samuel A. Har-
[mutilated]conyers and Harvey.

[mutilated]and Co. [heading]
[mutilated] London and Indian
[mutilated] Currents, and shell
[mutilated]; Candles, in small
[mutilated]heads Sugar.

[mutilated]les [heading]
[mutilated]incere thanks to the
[mutilated] its Vicinity, for their
[mutilated]ine of business, and
[mutilated]s been his good and
[mutilated]ars last past. J. V.
[mutilated]32, at his stall, No.
[mutilated]try can afford, at 10
[mutilated]ners shall be supplied
[mutilated] credit; Shipping at
[mutilated] [illegible]
[mutilated] for 12 months, ra-
[mutilated]mers, and if it does not
[mutilated] it up.
[mutilated]ON supplied in general,

[mutilated]oyal. [heading]
[mutilated]lency the Governor.)
[mutilated]January 3, 1832,
[mutilated]a comedy of
[mutilated] Gentleman.
[mutilated] New Farce, Entitled
[mutilated] A Post.

[mutilated]iana Almanack
[mutilated]Year 1832,
[mutilated]rinted at this Office,
[mutilated] Monday the 2d January.
[mutilated], cash.
[mutilated] Dec. 1831.

[mutilated]ce [heading]
[mutilated]ly informs his Friends and
[mutilated] supply them with first gun-
[mutilated]d shipping at 9 stivers per
[mutilated]next; and solicits a conti-
[mutilated] J. F. Bee.
[mutilated]ber, 1831.

[mutilated] To Hire. [heading]
[mutilated]Negro Girl, that is compe-
[mutilated]ork, one from 12 to 14 years
[mutilated] further particulars, please to

[mutilated] for Sale. [heading]
[mutilated] and 2 barrels whole, 16 bags
[mutilated], 2 bags old infer[illegible], 1 bag
[mutilated]E, in lots to suit purchasers,
[mutilated]sday the 5th January, 1832.
[mutilated]ed, at Plantation Ruimveld,
[mutilated] my be seen. The Tenders
[mutilated] 6th January, when the highe-
[mutilated] accepted.
[mutilated] N. M. Manget,
[mutilated] J. R. Brandt,
[mutilated]strators of Pln. Mocka,
[mutilated] Canal No. 3.

[mutilated]ttee of the Boys'
[mutilated]d at the School-Room
[mutilated]y, at 2 o'clock, when a
[mutilated]sted, [page fold up over text]

Notice. [heading]
Mr. Bibby begs leave to inform the Public in general, that his Office, as Practitioner-in-Full before the Supreme Court of British Guiana, is at the House of John Alstrom, Esq., where he will be happy to undertake any business entrusted to his care.
Office Hours from 7 to 9, during the Session of the Court, and from 7 till 2, during the Non-Session.
29th December, 1831.

Strayed. [heading]
From the front land of plantation Liliendaal, about six
weeks since.
A Light Coloured Donkey, with dark streak on back and shoulders, the end of the ear slit. Informations respecting him will be thankfully received.
S. D. Landry.
29th December, 1831.

Port of Demerary. [heading]
Dec. 29. Schooner Plover, Godfrey, from Halifax.
31. Ship Albinia, Purvis, London and Portsmouth.
Barque Indemnity, Woodall, London.
Dec. 28. Ship Elizabeth, Ross, for Liverpool.
29. Ship Isabell, Griffith, Liverpool.
Schooner Paget, Burrows, Barbados.
30. Sloop Alicia, Ker, Berbice.

Passengers Arrived.
Per Albinia, Mr. Scott.
Per Indemnity, Mrs. Thomas and servant; Messers. Fullarton and Robertson, Misses Fullarton and Garraway.

Entered at the Custom-House.
Dec. 30. Brigt. Plover, Godfrey, from Halifax, N. S., with 166 casks cod-fish, 200 boxes herrings, 10 boxes chocolate, 4000 red oak staves, 4000 hoops, 1000 libs. cheese, 6 half barrels salmon, 20 barrels apples, and 2 half kegs tobacco.
31. Ship Albinia, Purvis, from London, with general cargo.

Dec. 30. Schooner Paget, Burrowes, for Barbados, with 26 barrels alewives, 20,000 cydar shingles, 6 casks fish, 11 cords firewood.
31. Schooner Union, Collings, for St. John's N.B. wit 90 casks molasses, 25 puns. rum, 14 brrls. sugar.
Schooner William IV., Lightbourn, for Barbados, with 60 casks fish.

Ship News.
Hence in the Clyde, Nov. 22. - Minerva, Morris.

Birth. [heading]
Yesterday morning, at her residence in Charlestown, the Lady of Samuel B. Cox, Esq., of plantation Zee-lugt, of a son.

Died. [heading]
On Wednesday at the house of her father J. D. Haley Esq., one of the infant-twin daughters of that gentleman.
Yesterday at her house in Cumingsburg Mrs. Thomas, Relict of the late John Wesley Thomas, Esq.

Produce Report. [heading]
London Markets, Nov. 25.
Sugar. - B. P. The importers have shown considerable firmness this week; and business has been limited, buyers not being disposed to give advanced prices. Good sugars are scarce, and business is chiefly confined to middlings and brown qualities from 43s. to 48s. per cwt. The weekly sales ending this morning amounted to 2,400 hhds.
Coffee. - Considerable activity has prevailed within a few days, both in B. P. and foreign, a gradual rise has occurred from 2s. to 3s. per cwt.; about 4,000 bags of Bengal and Havannah have been sold as high as 62s. Of B. P., the market is very bare.

The Royal Gazette.
Saturday, December 31, 1831.

The ship Albinia, Captain Purvis, from London, last from Portsmouth, arrived this morning in 32 days from the latter port. She brings London dates to the 25th November, with the perusal of which we have been kindly favoured by the ships consignees.
Although these papers are of considerably later dates than what we were in possession of before, yet do they contain nothing of much importance, domestic or foreign.

[European news]

Since writing the above the Indemnity, Captain Woodall, has arrived from London, 34 days from the Downs. She brings no later papers than those already received by the Albinia.

The thirty-first day of December is dedicated to Saint Silvester, who died Pope of Rome in the year of our Lord 334. We close our year with this notice of him, that we may begin our hebdomadary on Sunday, the first day of the new year.
We now stand upon the confines of this year, almost gone by: in a few hours we shall be on the verge of the confines; and, whilst the clock is yet chiming - whilst the bell yet tols its funerial notes for departing time, the last stroke will fall, and then shall we be inhaling the firstling breath of the new-born infant-year. Even now we may exclaim with Poet, "we see the skirts of the departing year;" and soon shall the merry peals of rejoicing, to welcome the stranger, endeavour to make us forget the companion who has just left us. We may say with sweet Jessica, "we are never merry when we hear such music." A thousand recollections of all that has gone by crowd upon us, till we are more inclined to regret the past, than to hope for aught better from the future.
An English writer of note of the olden time has said, very finely, that "every man has two birth days: the one, he emphatically calls his own, and the first day of January." Old Cotton was right when he wrote this; for, then, desuetude of old observances had not yet fallen upon mankind. The good old custom of keeping birth days was then fresh amongst our fore fathers. Now, such holidays are never observed beyond those of laughing childhood. - too thoughtless to mark that it has made one step more of the three score and ten strides allowed for the length of our journey to the grave. We, wiser in our own conceit than our progenitors, have managed, by this neglect, to shift one day of thought from our shoulders; but no man was ever able entirely to neglect - entirely to forget - the first of January: it is the day from which we commence our dates. It is the birth day of our common nature.
No man, at the commencement of a present year, can cast aside, entirely, all thoughts of the time misspent, the things done, now wished undone, the things neglected, now vainly wished accomplished, during the irrevocable past year.
How many bitter, melancholy ponderings throng the heart of every one of us, as we look back through the volume, at the last page of which we have now arrived" As we count over the deaths of our own particular acquaintance, perhaps, among the many "gathered to their fathers," not one had attained the allotted period of three score and ten; but many, in pride of blooming prime of manhood, or, in the lovelings of female beauty and innocence - many, in lisping infancy, have gone to that bourne from whene no traveller returs. Bet we are becoming too grave, and, instead of a newspaper article, are actually writing a [mutilated]
Let us turn [mutilated/page turned up]
[illegible] the time to come," and just as "that hour of night's black arch the key-stone" begins to strike, we open the door of a hospitable Dutch family, and see the whole circle with many assembled friends, standing round a well-furnished board, each holds a glass in hand, filled to the brim with sparkling Champagne, which as the last hammer falls, all raise to their heads, and drain to the bottom; now begin the shaking of hands, the meeting of lips, the roar of glad voices, shouting "Geluhhig niewe jaur! veel geluhhige niewe-jaren!" amidste the firing off of pistols, the bouncing of crackers, and the fizzing and cracking of squibs; for hours the uproarious rejoicings continue, till mirth itself tires of her own overmirth, then the party breaks up; and each, after seeing the fair ones safely home, betakes himself to his truckle-bed or hammock - too soon to be roused from his slumbers by a combination of sounds the most incongruous, must unharmonious, and most unearthly imaginable. Are heard the squeak of wry necked fifes and long handled fiddles, rolls of the banja, bellowing of the conch shell, or still more horrid blasts of a cracked brazen trumpet, accompanied with the jingle jingle of the tamboureen, and triangle; all mixed up with the joyous laugh from the lungs of many a gang of half drunk, dancing, capering blacks of both sexes, come to wish the massa and misses "happy new year."
So opens the New Year amongst our fellow Colonists the Dutch inhabitants, the descendants of the original settlers; and a happy and a merry time the first day of the new year is with them.
And now, recollection turning its eyes inward on itself, sees, a few minutes before the clock strikes twelve, no the last night of the year, a father and a mother seated in a bed, surrounded by a large family of boys and girls, with many near relations intermixed; and when the hour has struck, the father breaths the farl [sic] of short bread over the heard of his eldest born, blesses it, and blesses his children, and blesses the accompanying friends; the short bread is quickly shared, and as quickly washed down with a glassful of hett-pint, to the health, happiness, and prosperity of all, during the coming year.
Then sally forth the lads to be the first fit (foght) in the house of her he loves best; while the lasses, getting on hats, shawls, fur tippets, and muffs, await the coming of their first fits, to accompany them on a friendly visit to more distant friends; now are the well-lighted streets filled with joyous parties - now are heard the merry reel and lightsome strathspey from a thousand fiddles; now party meets party, and shake hands, and kiss, and dance reels on the smoothly flagged pavement, till old Edina seems to reel herself with very joy, at beholding the happiness of her happy happy children.
Such used to be the mode of hallowing the birth of the new born year, in Auld Reekie, till some twenty years ago, a parcel of ruffians, from London, came down to commit depredations upon that night, when carefulness and suspicion were completely off their guard; not content with robbery, the barbarians committed foul murder in the streets upon two or three of the peaceable unsuspecting inhabitants; from that time the custom of first-fitting has fallen into desuetude.
But to return to Demerary - With us, of the British file, the new year commencing on a Sunday, it ought to be passed in a more reverend - more reflective mood; and, at the close of the day, he who can reflect with satisfaction on the past, may anticipate, with calm delight, the entrance of the new year, and lift his eyes to the living glories of the firmament with gratitude and thankfulness: to such a one, in the words of Bowering, we may say -
"The night comes calmly forth,
Bringing sweet rest upon the wings of even;
The golden wains rolls round the silent north;
And earth is alumb'ring 'neath the smiles of heaven."
And now read, farewell; we close our labours of the year with our best wishes for your happiness in the next; and we sincerely hope that the worst of your coming days may be happier than the happiest you have passed.

State of the Weather - Nautical Time. [heading]
(for the past week.)
Dec. 25. Fine; slight showers about dayslight; g.h. 87 8
26. Fine; heavy showers [illegible]aylight 87 9
[remainder mutilated]
[illegible] James Henery.






Created: 24 March 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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