1821 Monday Jany 1

Having obtained help of God I continue to this day. Whether I shall live to see the end of this year, God alone knows. Man that is born of woman is of few days. Perhaps mine are nearly spent. During the past year I have experienced much mercy. My dear partner has been very poorly the greater part of the year but blessed be my God that she has not been worse. My conduct during the year has not been what it ought to have been; far from it. I feel it & lament it. O God, pardon my sins. That gracious text Psa.103.13.14.comforts me. Last week I read part of Shower's Reflections on Time and Eternity a valuable little book. I purpose to read it at the end of every year as long as it shall please God to spare me.

This morning we were awoke about 5 o'clock by the singing of the negroes. They had an early prayer meeting to seek the blessing of God at the commencement of this year; and to consecrate themselves anew to his service. Several of the negroes came from the prayer meeting to wish us a happy new year. Andrew spoke for the others. He said, "We just begin to consider dat Massa & Missey lef dem own country, & fader & mudder & came over de water for teach a we, but we no set we heart to it. We beg Massa and Missey for quarrel with we for make we come good and mind the word of God. We mean for serve God better this year. Hope God shall help we".

Among 400 negroes (which is about the number on this plantation) it must be expected some bad ones will be found. This morning Mr Hamilton requested me to go over and reprove two men, one for running away, the other for stealing Coffee. I complied with his wish. Jan Swartz, the old run away, is a young man. He had no excuse for absenting himself. He said he was very sorry for what he had done, and promised to behave better in future. I told him as he had ran away so many times I could hardly believe him. He said the devil had power over him. I assured him the devil would have power over him while he continued so shamefully to neglect the worship of God, but if he prayed to God in sincerity, and gave himself up to his service, the devil would soon lose his power over him. The other, Hill, that stole the Coffee said he was sorry for what he had done &c. Neither of these men attend the chapel. I exhorted them to think of their ways, to seek the mercy of God. They said they would. May God enable them to do so.

The Missionary Prayer meeting was but thinly attended, being a gloomy and swampy evening. I read part of the first chap. of Rom and made a few remarks on Psa.74.20. The dark places &c which was followed by reading Mr Hampson's letter, Missy Register. 1820 P.283-5. Mr Mercer had fever to-day, but got better towards evening. Though neither he nor Mrs M. attended chapel.

Wednesday Jany 3

One of the most gloomy days I ever saw, both for rain & wind. Mr Mercer who had fever again, wished for the advice of Dr McTurk. I wrote a note to the Dr requesting him to call and see Mr M. but he refused to come, and wrote me to that effect.

Thursday Jany 4

Doctor McAllister came to see Mr Mercer. He said Mr M. wanted nothing but bark and that exercise would do him good. As the Sloop was going to town, Mr & Mrs M. wished to go in her, the road being almost impassable. We went with them to the boat, about a mile, and saw them off. About 7 o'clock in the eveng they came back. The boat had got fast in the mud, & they came ashore. They immediately went to bed. We had but a small number of children (26) to be instructed.

Friday Jany 5

Mr Mercer was evidently much better for the exercise he had yesterday. In the afternoon he went to town by land. Our congregation was pretty numerous this eveng. Text Matt 15.10-14.

Lord's Day Jany 7

As to-day is the time appointed for our collection sermon and as from Mr Elliot's note I supposed he would come to preach according to appointment, I gave notice last Sunday that a Collection would be made to-day, but yesterday evening between 6 & 7 o'clock I received a note from Mr Elliot stating that himself and Mr Davies had agreed to have the meeting not to day, but next Sunday. I was not unprepared for a disappointment thinking the bad state of the weather might prevent them. We had a large congregation. I preached from Prov.29.18. The collection amounted to 141 guilders. After service we held our church meeting. Dismissed the people at 1/2 past 4.

Some time ago, I determined to attempt the formation of a Sunday School, and to commence it on the first Sunday of the New Year. I mentioned it to several of the baptized people who have children. Two or three weeks ago many children were brought by their parents. I wrote down the names of about a dozen, their parents promising to send them this morning at 9 o'clock. At the time appointed I enquired if the children had come to be taught? When one only made his appearance. Where are the others? Said I. One answered, Ann could not catch her children. Another said, The manager sent my son to cut grass. I told them I hoped they would bring more than one next Sunday. I began with the one that came.

Jany 8

The catechising, &c was attended, and conducted, as usual. Asking one of the men that came to be catechised, Why he did not attend the church meeting yesterday, being a member. He said the world tempted him to leave the chapel before the members were seated. How did the world tempt You? "Massa, it come into my heart that you did not like me, because when I tell you we manager lick me for not turning out so soon as the whip crack, you say, well, you ought to turn out quick"!

Jany 9

Our congregation this evening was pretty large. Text Matt. 15.15-20.

Jany 11

Catechising this eveng as usual.


This eveng I preached with freedom from Matt. 15.21-28.

Attended the funeral of Mr Floriment. Alas! Alas! Where is his soul!

Lord's Day Jany 14

Yesterday Mr & Mrs Elliot came up from town to attend the meeting! To day he preached from Isa. 11.9. last clause. He also administered the Lord's Supper, it being our usual day for that ordinance. We made no collection, but some of the people that were not prepared last Sunday, brought money to day. The whole amount of the collection is F. 212.

Immediately after the prayer meeting this morning I called for the children whose names were entered as Sunday scholars. Twelve made their appearance. These I taught, assisted by one of our girls. They are all now learning the alphabet. Nine out of the 12 have no book, nor have I any to give them.

Several persons applied to me for admission into our church, all from the same plantation. They have attended our chapel some time. About 3 months ago they requested their Master (the attorney) to give them a letter of recommendation to me that I might baptize them. This he refused, but gave them a letter to Mr Millar, the clergyman; by whom they were baptized. I was much pleased with the conversation I had with them. They are to bring their wives with them.

Cesar, belonging to Better Hope, being at chapel to day I enquired why he was not more regular in his attendance on the ordinances of religion, especially as he is a member of the church. He stated that his owner Mr Douglas kept all the men employed nearly every Sunday, loading the boat with plantains, to send to town to sell. While Cesar was speaking, Jason came in and attested the truth of it. It was no new information to me, though Cesar was not to know I was aware of it.

Jany 15

This eveng Mr Elliot catechised the girls in the Hall, while I catechised the boys in the School Room.

Tues. 16

Mr Elliot was to have preached to night; but was taken with a vomiting just before service time; which prevented him. I preached from Matt.15.21-28 and finished the subject of friday's discourse.

Wed. 17

Went to town, engaged to preach for Mr E. Thurs. 18 returned home.

Fri. 19


Our congregation was very large. Text Matt.16.1-4. To day I wrote a letter of advice to Mr Hankey & a letter of friendship to Mr Brightman.

Monday Jany 22

Nothing particular occurred yesterday. At the prayer meeting I expounded the 18th chap. of Genesis. I had 11 scholars to day. After preaching on 2 Tim.1.12 I know whom &c 4 men came to converse with me on baptism, i.e. to request me to baptize them. I told them to come next Sunday that I may converse with therm. In the meantime I have requested some of the people to enquire into their characters.

This evening a great many came to be catechised.

Friday Jan. 26.

This evening, as also on tuesday we had a large congregation. Tuesday I preached from Matt.16.13-17 and this eveng the 18th verse.

Yesterday evening the people came so late to be catechised that I determined to send them away without teaching, to try if that will make them come sooner. They did not like it.

Sunday Jan. 28

This has been a laborious day to me, though extremely pleasant. I was all the morning after the prayer meeting examining candidates for baptism and teaching the children. 15 Scholars to day. The congregation assembled very late the chapel not being full till I was nearly half way through the service, although I did not begin till _ past 12. After service February & his wife Cecilia, came to converse with me on the concerns of their souls. We had a long conversation. I was much pleased with the man.

Monday Jan. 29

This evening the people came by 8 o'clock to be catechised, which was much better than on Thursday and one in particular was prepared with a double reading lesson.

Friday Feb. 2

Yesterday evening I went to see one of the sick members, Asia. She was very ill. This evening I preached from Matt. 16.21-23 having preached on ver. 19.20 tuesday.

Wednesday Feby 7

West Coast Meeting


Letters sent

On Saturday morning at 7 o'clock I & Mrs S. left this for the purpose of attending the Missionary meeting at Mr Elliot's on the West Coast. We arrived there at about 3 in the afternoon, being detained more than 2 hours at the ferry, waiting for the punt. In the evening we had a prayer meeting, attended by about 30 persons.

Sunday was a wet day, but cleared up by about 11 o'clock. We commenced the service at a quarter before 2. Mr Elliot read the Scriptures and prayed. I preached on Prov.29.18. After sermon we went up stairs for about half an hour, while Mr E arranged things below for the administration of the Lord's Supper. At this ordinance I presided. It was the first time our Saviour's death has been commemorated in that chapel, and as far as I know, on the whole coast. About half past 5 the congregation was finally dismissed.

Considering the state of the weather there were more people than I could have expected: there might have been near 500. The collection was small, about f 70 – which I suppose was owing to some understanding between Mr E. and the people; for while I was urging the claims of the Society he rose and told the people that he did not wish those to give who were not fully inclined to do so. He lets his seats for f 6 a year each and 2 bits per quarter for a ticket which makes it f 8 per year for a seat. And from what I could learn he makes a monthly collection. At this rate the people certainly cannot have much to spare for the Society.

In some respects the meeting was incouraging, but having no prayer meeting in the morning and no catechising going forward, and the miserable lodging among pain and dirt in a cold room without doors (tho' 2 door ways) and no sheet to cover ones self, made me uncomfortable.

If Mr & Mrs Elliot were to reside here (at Ebenezer chapel) instead of living in town and visiting these people on the Sunday morning, I have no doubt but he might be very useful. I am exceedingly doubtful as to the wisdom or advantage of his present plan.

On Monday I returned, but in consequence of the punt being so long crossing the river (above 3 hours) I remained at Mr Mercer's all night. The expense of ferry was f 28 – f 14 each time.

Yesterday we came home. I did not expect many people at chapel, but the service was well attended. Text Matt.16.24.25.

I might have observed that on Saturday I sent a letter to Mr Brightman, and one to the Directors.

Thur. 8

Our catechising was attended much as usual but nothing worthy of notice occurred.

Friday 9

While conducting the service in the chapel I was again annoyed by the manager shaking his bunch of seals at the end of his watch chain. It appears to be his chief employment during the time of worship and having so many seals he makes a noise resembling the shaking of buttons in a bag. I enquired what noise it was. He desisted a little, but still continued clinking in a gentle way. He mostly comes to chapel either to play or to sleep. The behaviour of most of the whites is so unbecoming in a place of worship that I sometimes wish they would not come at all. Text Matt 19 – 6. I felt considerable inlargement in prayer. Blessed be God that he does give me to feel for souls so strongly.

Sunday Feby 11

I was surprised at seeing Mr Garwin come into the chapel during the prayer meeting. He walked up from town, this morning. He always makes himself useful in catechising the children while he is here. At 1/2 past 12 I preached from Gen. 17.1. and afterwards administered the Lord's Supper. We had the prayer meeting for the members at 1/2 past 10, but in consequence of my being from home last Sunday we could not have our church meeting. The School was attended as usual. I was very weary in body, but much comforted in mind. One continued service as ours generally is, from 7 in the morning till about 4 in the afternoon, with scarcely half an hour interruption makes one tired.

Sunday Feby 11

I was informed of the death of Arther belonging to Monky. He had been ill some time and bore his affliction with much patience and resignation to the will of God. He died on Wednesday last, expressing a full persuasion that he should find mercy through the merits of the Saviour, in whom he trusted. He was baptised by me in 1817. I believe he was a good man and I lament his death as a loss to the cause of religion. He could read the bible, and was just bringing forward his children in the knowledge of the Scriptures.

On the same day and belonging to the same plantn, died a woman of quite opposite character. On the preceding Saturday she quarrelled with one of the Christians, when she took occasion to load with curses all the baptised people and the church & parson. Monday morning when going out to work she fell down in her house apparently dead. She was taken to the sick-house, and came too a little. She refused to speak to any of the Christians who visited her tho' she could talk if she pleased. The people themselves understand this lesson. They look upon the death of Arther as a proof that religion is infinitely preferable to the ways of the world, and think, nay they say, the death of the woman (I forget her name) is a judgment from God to warn others against her vices. May it have this effect!

Wednesday Feby 14

Yesterday eveng while in my study after service, I heard a strange noise in the gallery. All I could discern was, "Do, Massa; do Massa". As the noise soon ceased I did not think it worth while to go down & open the house. This morning I was told it was a woman come to ask me to forgive her sins! I had been preaching on Christ's coming to judgment, Matt.16.27. Whether she thought he would come immediately, and was alarmed, I cannot tell.

This evening I went to see Miss Nanncy Black one of our members who is ill, tho' is much better. Called on Mr Kelly.

Thursday Feby 15

The children came very late to be catechised as they did on Monday last. They begin to grow weary of instruction. They prefer playing about the buildings. Their parents are almost as indifferent as the children & will take no trouble to send them. I can only allure them, having no command over them, save while they are here.


Briefly expounded Matt.17.1-13. Our congregation was not so large as one might have expected on so fine moon-light an evening.

Lord's Day Feby 18

This Sabbath day was passed as most others are with us. The people came very late, and not so many as I expected. I examined eight candidates for baptism, all belonging to Plantn La Bon Intention. I was much pleased with them. Besides repeating the first catechism and prayers, they answered all my questions to my entire satisfaction. I dismissed them at 4 o'clock.

Monday Feby 26

*This applies to those only who live at a distance from the chapel. The others can come at their meal time.

Sunday being the only day the negroes have anytime (except their meals), every thing they have to try to [ ] in matters of religion is reserved for that day*. In consequence of this I am much engaged with answering their queries &c. Yesterday I was occupied from about 8, when the prayer meeting closed, till 4 in the afternoon. I was surrounded by negroes who came to converse with me on the state of their minds. Most of them resolving to serve the Lord and to look for salvation through Christ. Several of them I shall shortly baptize. At noon I preached from Rom.3.4. "Let God be true, but every man a liar". I observed that Mr Hamilton was not at chapel, nor was he on Friday, and on Tuesday he went out just as I named my text. I could almost wish he would never come again, for he sets a bad example to the negroes, mostly playing with his watch chain, or sleeping. Between 4 & 5 o'clock I met those of the people who attend chapel from the Industry and from Cuming's Lodge. These, about 30 in number, I formed into a class. I intend to meet all the baptized part of the congregation in this manner, & form them into about 10 classes, and meet one class every Monday. The design of this is to spur them on in religion and to adjust any little differences that may arise. This plan will bring nearly the whole of the baptized people before me at least once in 3 months.

Talmaka told me the Fiscal being yesterday at Bachelor's Adventure punishing some negroes to gratify the Master (Mr Grant) informed the negroes they were at liberty to come to chapel. Talmaka told it as a matter of great joy. Ah! Poor deluded fellow!

Last Friday evening Bill called to see me. He was let out of prison about a week before I saw him. See Dec. 12 & 13. Thus, after being in prison about 2 months upon a charge palpably groundless, and malicious, he is liberated by paying (I think f 33,10) for jail fees! Doubtless those who falsely accused him will escape punishment with all the impunity and security which a partial and consequently unjust magistracy can confer or inspire.

Saturday Mar. 3

Susanna came to ask me if I would baptize the child of Hannah, an Indian who has not been baptised herself. The child, about 6 years old, is very ill with a dysentery and fever & not likely to recover. I am sorry my duty to the sacred scriptures forbids me to gratify the wishes of the mother in this respect.

This week we have gone on as usual.

Monday Mar. 5

Yesterday besides the usual services, I had to canvass, & endeavour to adjust two disputes among our members. These times are exceedingly distressing to my mind. I fear it will be a long time ere the heathen habits of the converts will be entirely cast off: perhaps they never will as long as they are slaves.

The above dispute having taken place between two of our members belonging to Orange Nassau, the whole of them at that place, 8 in number, have absented themselves from the chapel for 5 months. Three weeks ago I appointed three of the members to go & enquire into the matter. Two of the three could not go, therefore nothing was done. Yesterday at the church meeting, I appointed other three to go & desire the said members to attend here next Sunday morning.

Our prayer meeting was more numerously attended yesterday than ever I remember to have seen it.

Monday Mar. 5

If I could have forgotten that cruel lashing about an hour ago, I should not have noted it here. Hearing the whip, curiosity led me to reckon the stripes. I counted seventy lashes in such quick succession as would convince every one accustomed to see or to hear Negro flogging that they were all inflicted on one person. Had it ended here, I should not have noticed as 70 lashes being a common thing, but after an intermission of I suppose not more than half a minute hearing the whip again and to every appearance the same voice reiterate no! as cried out to the lasher before, I again reckoned and seventy-four lashes were again inflicted as quick in succession as the 70 above mentioned, making a total of one hundred and forty four lashes as I conceive, on the same identical slave person.

Since the above was written I have learned that my surmises respecting the flogging this morning were perfectly correct. It was Cimon (or Simon) that received the 144 lashes. He is now in the stocks there to remain till his wounds are healed, that nobody may see them I suppose. His crime was running away, but on what account he started, or how long he was absent I know not......

Missy prayer meeting was well attended.

Thur. 8

The catechetical meeting was held as usual but nothing worthy of notice occurred.

Frid. 9

Being a fine evening the service was numerously attended. I preached from Matt. 18.15-18. A subject very suitable to the present state of our church. It is a lamentable thing that just at this time when there is evidently a considerable work going on among the heathen part of our congregation, so many little quibbles should disturb the peace of our church. How does Satan endeavour to spoil the work of God!

Satur. 10

Box of Bibles

To day I received a box of Bibles from B & F Bible Society. Pity that so few can read them.

Sunday Mar. 11

I bless God for strength to sustain the duties of this day. Every thing tended to encourage me (except one circumstance namely a dispute between 2 of our members). Both services were well attended. At one I preached from Heb.10.25. The chapel was thronged. The Lord's Supper was administered: most of the members were present. Except during the time of the services I was occupied from morning to night conversing with those that desire to be baptized. May God carry on & perfect this good work which he has graciously begun. A man that I baptized about 3 years ago, & who went back to his ungodly ways soon after his baptism, came to day to beg my pardon for his past conduct! I admonished him of the consequences of his ungodly life heightened in crime by his apostasy, & told him to beg God's pardon. He promised to take my advice. But I can't believe him.

Thur. 15 Mar.

Tuesday evening being moonlight we had a large congregation. Text Matt.18.19.20. Yesterday afternoon we went to see Mr & Mrs Mercer. From Mr Mercer's account of the conduct of the planter at Le Guan, I fear he will not succeed as he expected. They seem to want a "jolly parson", and thanks be to God, Mr M is not such a one. A planter told him, I suppose in the name of the rest, that they had determined not to countenance preaching to negroes.

Saturday Mar. 17

Yesterday evening our congregation was pretty large. Text Matt.18.21-35. I felt considerable liberty in speaking and in applying the conduct of the unmerciful servant, it should seem I touched the conscience of Mr H--- too closely, for he started up and hurried out banging the door after him, evidently in a rage. These men don't like plain truth. He stood outside till the service closed.

Lord's Day Mar 18

An instance of Demarary Justice

The success with which it pleases God to bless my feeble labours far exceeds my most sanguine hopes. To day I have been employed much the same as last Sunday in answering the enquiries of many respecting the way of salvation. In what way this general conviction of sin, & anxiety for salvation is effected I know not. The people themselves can give no account of this matter; but the fact appears indubitable. One thing they know that whereas they were blind, now they see. I thank Thee, O Lord, that having hid these things from the wise and prudent, thou hast revealed them unto babes. We had about 200 at the morng service at 1/2 past 7 and afternoon the chapel was crowded. I preached from Col.1.21.22. and baptized 26 adults (most of whom were married) and 10 children.

Among the baptized was one in whom I feel much interest! Prince, belonging to the Bachelor's Adventure. He has lately endured much suffering on account of his religion and humanity. A few weeks ago one of the men belonging to the same estate and who attends the chapel occasionally complained to Mr Grant, the Manager, that he was unwell. Mr G. ordered him into the stocks, where, it seems he lay sick and neglected. Prince and Joseph and another man commiserating the condition of their sick imprisoned and neglected friend, agreed to go to Mr Grant and beg him to take the man out of the stocks and allow him to go to the sick-house where he might have some attendance, &c. They applied to Mr G. with their request. Instead of listening to them Mr Grant took a whip, with which he answered them on their backs, telling them he would settle that affair afterwards. These three men were put into the stocks, as if they had been guilty of some horrid offence. The burgher officer, Mr Spencer, was then sent for, but not adjusting the dispute, the Fiscal was requested to go up and settle the matter. His Honor went accompanied by McTurk. These three men were brought out of the stocks, and by the Fiscal were ordered to be flogged. They asked His Honor if he would allow them to speak before they were punished, he told, No!!! They were then flogged in the presence of the Fiscal, M. McTurk & Mr Spencer, both burgher officers. One of them received 200 lashes, the others more than 200. They were then told they might speak. They informed His Honor they had done nothing to deserve such punishment and that according to Mr Grant's own confession to Mr Spencer, he had nothing particular against them but their religion, and they put it to His Honor whether it was not right for them to go to chapel, and to hold meetings for prayer and catechizing? The Fiscal told them they were at liberty to go to any place of worship, & keep such meetings on the estate. This was related to me a fortnight ago by Talmaka, but I did not choose to note it down till I heard more about it. To day it was confirmed by Prince himself.

Monday Mar. 26

All last week I went on as usual. Yesterday I was so engaged all day as scarcely to have time to eat any thing. At the morning service at 7 I examined 14 or 15 candidates for baptism, which took me till half past 10. I then went to my breakfast. Before I had had time to eat my breakfast, 8 or 9 negroes came round the door desiring to converse with me, on the concerns of their souls. I spent about an hour with them, then went to the chapel to preach. After service I wrote down the names of about 50 people who "wish to serve God", as they say. Having dismissed the people by about half past 3, I went to Lusignan to see Mr Brown, who was very ill, and had sent for me. Mr B is, or at least was, a professor of religion, and I believe a member of the Wesleyans, but has degenerated into the spirit & conduct of the planters, so as no longer to refuse working on the Sabbath &c. Conscious of his backsliding state, he feels very uneasy in his mind. After conversation & prayer with him, he said he felt more comfortable within. O my God, what bewitching charms has this world! How it draws the heart from thee. Save me from the love of the world. I reached home by 9 o'clock, and felt myself very unwell, and so sick as to vomit abundantly. I suppose this was owing to much exertion, and little eating.

Tues. 27

Went to see Mr Brown. He was somewhat better. He complains much of the absence of God. I hope he is a true Christian, and that this affliction will be sanctified to his soul. Our congregation was very large this eveng. Text Matt. 19.20-22.

Wednesday Mar 28

Being in town on business, I called to see Mr Gawan. I found him in a house he has hired, in a miserable condition, and very ill. He complains of a pain in his bowels and stomach. Some misunderstanding having taken place between him & Mr Mercer, with whom he lodged, it appears to me as if he had got sulky – he is evidently much depressed in his mind. I want to get him out of that miserable place where he is, to come to our house till he gets better. He promised to come. Put letters into the post for T. Davies, Mr Hankey, & Mr Godden.


Yesterday eveng our house was thronged with people to be catechized. This eveng I preached on Matt. 19. 23-26. The chapel was three parts full.

Sunday April 1

Besides the usual services of this day I baptized 60 persons, about 15 of whom were children. Among the rest was an old African, Lora, whose history is very interesting. While she was in Africa one of her children was stolen away by the slave traders, and taken, she knew not where. Twelve or 14 years afterwards she was herself kidnapped and brought to Demerary. When she had been here a few years, her Master bought several negroes, one of whom Lora recognized as her son that had been stolen from her near 20 years; and the man remembered his mother. Doubtless it was a joyful meeting for both. Lora is a very old woman & being a Dutch Negro, does not understand much, but I believe she is sincere in her professions of religion. I preached from Matt. 28.19.20. The chapel was excessively crowded.

Monday Apl 2

Missy Prayer Meeting. I delivered a short address from Psa. 119.130 and read the account of Roselle in the Missy Chron. for Decr 1820. Sarah the wife of Immanuel died last night, and was buried this eveng at 6.

Tues. 3

Mr Gawan came up from town to try what a change of air &c may do for him. He seems much better than when I saw him last week, but he is so reserved it is impossible to learn any thing about him.

Thur. 5

Mr Hamilton coming in this evening interrupted our catechizing. One cannot tell him to go out of the hall so the people cannot be admitted into it & the School Room will not hold above half of them. Mrs S. made the best she could of it in the School Room.

Frid. 6

It is delightful to me to see the people coming to chapel on a fine moon-light evening. And from their constant attendance I am sure it is not less so to them. From their prayers I often learn how they appreciate the privilege of evening worship. After a day's labour (as field slaves labour) and the harsh sound & perhaps harsher feel of the bloody and busy whip, surely the sound of the gospel of peace, promising rest to the weary, must exhilarate their spirits and comfort their hearts. The chapel was more than half full. I felt myself at liberty in speaking from Matt. 19.27-30.

Sunday April 8

While dressing this morning I saw from the window at the distance of half a mile many negroes coming to the chapel. I know them by being drest in white. I suppose there were near 20 at the prayer-meeting at 7. Bristol & London prayed. I expounded the 28th chapter of Genesis, chiefly enlarging on the timeserving religion of Esau in marrying wives that he thought less objectionable to his parents. A little reformation will not answer the end of repentance unto life. When the service closed fifteen persons came into the vestry to offer themselves as candidates for baptism. They gave me a letter of recommendation from the manager, Mr Abbot. They belong to Pln Vigilance. One of our members, Jack, has been instrumental of bringing them forward by means of a prayer meeting which is held twice a week in his house. At this prayer meeting Sambo reads the scripture. I spent about two hours in examining these people, and approved of 13 out of the 15. The other two did not appear sufficiently instructed. About half an hour before the service commenced, Azor came to tell me that two white men had come from the Hope to observe if any of the negroes from that place came to chapel, with a view of punishing them the next day, and that they were writing down the names of the negroes as they came into the chapel with that intention. I hope for the credit of those whites it is a mistake of Azor. I preached with considerable freedom from John 15.13.14. and administered the Lord's Supper. The chapel was very full & the people attentive. I was weary in body but comforted in mind. To be so engaged from 7 o'clock till 4 certainly does fatigue one, but, "As thy day, so shall thy strength be."

Mon. 9

Parcel from Directors

In town purchasing provisions. When I came home, a little past 9, I found the hall & school room both nearly full of people, mostly children. Mr Gawan taught in the School room & Mrs S. in the hall. Recd a parcel from the Directors.

Tues. 10

Preached on Matt. 20. 1-16. A fine evening, congregation about the same as on Friday. Perhaps about 300.

Wed. 11

Mr Gawan was taken very ill. 12th Mr G. a little better. Many people came to be catechised. 13 Preached on Matt. 21.20-23. Mr G. was very ill to day. I think he has the bilious cholic.

Saturday Apl 14

Sent for Dr Fairbairn to Mr Gawan. Dr F. says he has the dry belly ache & the jaundice.

Sunday 15

This day I was occupied in the same manner as last Sunday. I observed 15 whites in the chapel. At noon the text was Ps.25.2. To day I was informed by Quamina that Susannah has been persuaded by Mr Hamilton, the manager, to yield to his impure solicitations, to sleep with him of a night. Several of the members conferred together on the best method of acquainting me with the sad affair. It was agreed among them that Susannah herself should come and tell me. I think if she does I shall turn her out of the house. Henceforth I cannot have confidence with any one. What her husband will say I cannot conjecture.

Tues 17

Went to town to buy lumber & provisions. Found Mr Mercer very ill with fever. I had a fagging day, but got home in time to preach in the evening. Text Matt.20.24-28. Large congregation.

Thur 19

Catechising as usual.

Friday 20

Being Good Friday I preached from Isa. The solemnity of the subject & the interesting appearance of the congregation, which was very numerous, and above all I trust the influence of the Sacred Spirit, made it a profitable season to my soul. May it have proved so to many.

Easter Sunday

The prayer meeting being over, I was surrounded by about 12 or 14 negroes, as usual, wishing to converse with me on the concerns of their souls; & others came so thick upon me that I was obliged to dismiss several without conversing with them or I should have had no time for breakfast or for preaching. At noon I preached from 1 Peter 1.3. The chapel was full which is not usual on the Sunday preceding a holyday. Many go to market, & others are kept at home to receive a dram or two of rum, a half pound of sugar, a sprig or two of tobacco, &c. Most of the Planters make a whole days business of this mighty work, which might be done of a Saturday eveng. I was done with the people at about 1/2 past 4. I was amused his morning by an old African, who said he had never been here before, but he had heard of the domine, & told his master he wanted to go & see him, & to hear this good word. His master replied, Why you have been baptized in your own country, that is religion enough for you!! I entered into conversation with the old man. He said he baptized in his own country by a domine (black one) who made him drink some particular kind of water, & told he would then be happy. He had taken French leave of his master, & brought a cock for my breakfast tomorrow. I told him nothing but believing in Jesus Christ, & doing the will of God could save his soul, that his country baptism was not good enough to save him, that he must discourse with Alpha (the man that brought him) and come again. He said he would do so.

Easter Monday Apl 23

The chapel being full long before the time for commencing the service I began earlier than usual. I preached to the children from Gen.39.21."The Lord was with Joseph, & shewed him mercy". Upon the whole they were as attentive as could be expected. From want of better arrangements nearly a third of the chapel was occupied with adults; while multitudes of children perhaps 200 could not gain admittance. I think there could not have been less than 400 people, young & old, outside. A more pleasing scene than we have witnessed this day, can scarcely be imagined. Though Mr Gawan was very ill he determined to get into the chapel. A seat in Mrs Smith's pew was reserved for him, but the heat of the place was so oppressive he was obliged to go out. When the service was concluded I baptized 60 adults and 21 children and married a great number. Finally dismissed the congregation at about 5 o'clock.

Among those that were baptized were three negroes, Jemima, Paul & James, from the Reasonable, Mahaicacony. James is a young man, that was formerly a pretty regular attendant at our chapel. About 3 years ago his master thought he was too religious, and that he would spoil the rest of the negroes with his Methodism! To prevent the spread of so dreadful a contageon, he sent him to the above mentioned place, a distance of, I suppose, 30 miles from Le Resouvenir, & 23 or 24 from where James had previously dwelt. James did not like this transportation but submitted with patience. He took a Bible with him and resolved to diffuse as far as possible the glorious Salvation he had been brought to the knowledge of. This holyday, he came down, & brought Paul & Jemima. These three requested to be baptized, and so well satisfied was I with them from the conversation we had together, that I baptized them with great pleasure. Paul & Jemima were married. These have been brought to the knowledge of the truth by the reading the Bible by James.

Thursday Apl 28

Collection for Mr Wray

Mr Gawan is gone to town with a view of consulting Doctor Robson as to the probability of his ever recovering in this climate for Doctor Fairbairn thinks he never will, but that in a cooler country he would have his health again. I sent by Mr G. a parcel directed to Mr Wray. It contained one hundred and seventeen Guilders & 7 1/2 hivers, being the amount of a collection we have made towards his new chapel. The parcel is committed to the care of Mr Davies, who will forward it to Berbice. The attendance of negroes this eveng was numerous.

Fri. 27

Enquired of Mr G. what Dr R. said to him. It seems he agreed with Dr Fairbairn that Mr G. will not stand the climate and advises him to go home. We had a large congregation. Matt. 20.29

Lord's Day Apl 29

Susannah. See also Apl. 15.

We had the smallest congregations that I remember to have seen for 12 months past (about 300). The reason was this: last Sunday I gave out by mistake that the missionary meeting would be held in town the next Sunday (i.e. to-day), & that in consequence there would be no service here. But recollecting in the middle of the week that I had miscalculated the day of the month, on Friday eveng I stated to the congregation my error, & told them there would be service on Sunday. In the morning I expounded Gen.XXXII. At noon preached on Rev. 5.9. "And they sang a new song saying------thou wast slain, & hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred &c". I felt considerable liberty in speaking, & also in prayer before service. I thank God for this. After service I formed another class out of the congregation. Finding that Susannah always avoided me, I sent for her, & conversed with her on her wicked conduct. I told her she must renounce her beastly connection with Mr Hamilton, or we should exclude her from the church. I had a long conversation with her, & am sorry to say I could not discern those marks of repentance I could have wished. She says Mr H. got her into his bed room, & shut the door, & by absolute force abused her. This does not stagger my belief, though I remember that on Xmas day last Mr H. told me he gave a Negro man 150 lashes for forcing a negro girl to uncleanness! But I blame Susanna for not making complaints of Mr H., & for staying in the house afterwards.

Yesterday eveng Aaron, one of our members, died.

Monday morng Apl. 30

I cannot resist the inclination I feel to note here, that a few minutes ago, (about 1/2 past 6 A.M.), hearing the whip crack, I was induced to reckon the lashes, & counted 105 stripes or cracks, on one individual! The person flogged was Filis, a woman, for running away.


Tuesday May 1

The flogging of the negroes so much annoys and affects me that I can think of little else. On enquiring who it was that had such a flogging yesterday morning, one of the negroes told me it was Filis. I observed I was sorry she had done any thing so bad as to deserve such punishment, the negro replied, "Mr Hamilton has not done yet." On hearing eighty-six lashes this morning on one person I determined to note them down. In the eveng I preached from Matt. 21 1-6.

Wed. 2nd

Eighty-one lashes on one individual.

Thurs 3rd

Thirty-four lashes, and after a cessation of about half a minute seventy-two more. These lashes 106, I believe to have been inflicted on one person, the interval between the 34th lash, and the first of the 72, not being sufficient for a negro to get up from the ground & for another to be put down. Mr van der Haas used to flog the negroes a great deal, but this man, a jack in office, beats him out and out.

Frid 4th

The Carpenters came to work to day. They are to take down the back gallery of the house, and to make it 3 feet wider. Eveng service as usual. Text Matt. 21. 7-11.

Lord's Day May 6

Attended the annual Missy meeting in town. Mr Mercer preached at Mr Davies' from 1 Peter 1.11 "The suffering of Christ and the glory that should follow". In the eveng I preached at Mr Elliot's from John 1 40-42. Both congregations were small.

Monday May 7

The meeting for business was held at Mr Davies'. The chief business was a quarrel between Mr D. & Mr E. and adopting a plan which almost does away with the meetings in future. If this plan had not been adopted the meeting would have been entirely dropped. I do not wish to attend such another.

Friday May 11

The chapel was well attended.Text Matt.21.12-16. Tuesday we had no service in consequence of my being detained in town.

Lord's Day May 13

Nothing particular except that at our church meeting we appointed 4 members to look into Susana's affair. We admitted Ajax. The sermon was on Matt.5.8.

Monday May 21

We went on as usual all last week. The attention I have been obliged to pay to the carpenters, and their noise, have prevented my noting any thing down. Yesterday was a wet day and the congregation was small. Text in the forenoon Psa. 130.7. "With the Lord there is mercy". The Lord's supper was afterwards administered. My being in town last Sunday week was the cause of putting it off a week later.

Monday May 28

Yesterday was a showery day, but the congregation at noon was pretty large; - text Jer. 3:21.22. The people had not all left the chapel when Quaminie died. As he lived next door, as it were, to the chapel, and his daughters made a great noise, there was a multitude of people soon gathered round the house, where they continued till dark.

Quaminie was a great favourite of Mr Post. He was one of the first that embraced the gospel at this place, being baptized Nov 13th 1808. He has been very feeble ever since I have been here. Last week I heard he was getting worse, & went over to see him on Saturday. He did not appear to be so near his end; but seemed completely resigned to the will of God, and looking for salvation through the merits of Christ. About a quarter of an hour before he died, some of the members of the church going from the chapel, called in to see him. He spoke sensibly to them, and requested two of them, (Cilton & Philip) to pray by him. His complaint appeared to me to be the nervous asthma, in a paroxysm of which he died.

NB. Just returned from the funeral of Quamine. It was conducted by Quamina, (of Success) &c with great decorum, and was very numerously attended. His grave was dug in a straight line with that of Mr Post about 6 feet to the west, so that Quamine's feet lie near to his master's head.

Tues. 29

Mr Gawan came up to take his leave of us. He expects to sail in the Margaret Bogle for Glasgow, in about a week's time.

This evening I preached on John 5.28.29. with a view of giving the best effect to impression occasioned by the death of Quamine. The congregation was rather small.

Lord's Day June 3

Susannah excluded

In some respects the services of this day were pleasant, a large congregation at the chapel; at the church meeting 8 or 9 persons proposed for admittance: but Susannah! one of our most sensible, active and in every respect most promising members, was excluded by the unanimous voice of the church. I repeated the nature of her offence, and read those scriptures which prescribe the conduct of the church in such matters. One or two of the female members spoke a few words with a view of extenuating her fault. One of the deacons, Bristol, who with three of the members had been deputed by the church to persuade her to leave that man who as she said, had actually forced her to uncleanness, rose to state the result of their interview with her. He made two or three attempts to speak but his tears prevented his utterance. At length he said Susannah admitted her guilt, but refused to leave the man with whom she "lives" in adultery. Her exclusion was then proposed, and after some hesitation, not as to the justice or propriety of the act, but we remembered our own deserts, we pitied a fallen woman, a backsliding professor. She was excluded by the vote of every individual member present. We had a very full church meeting. I then read a few regulations for the conduct of the members, which were unanimously adopted.

June 4

Missionary prayer meeting as usual.

Whitsunday June 10

This day has been an interesting one. After the Lord's Supper was dispensed, I baptized about 50 persons, (see Register) and married several. I have been engaged from 7 o'clock till 5, and am completely weary with the services of the day.


When public worship was concluded, I desired the subscribers to the Missionary Socty to remain while we gave them some account of the sum raised by us this year, and how it was applied. I then read some accounts of the success of various missions, after which two of our people stood up on the seats and recommended the cause of missions to the people and persuaded them to continue their exertions. I baptized a few people and married several.

Lord's Day June 17

Both services in the chapel were well attended. Met the La Bon Intentn people, and formed them into a class.

June 18

Our School room having been taken down with a view of making it larger and more convenient, the school has been discontinued these 6 or 7 weeks past. To day we resumed both the day school and also the

evening school. In the evening we had about 60, old and young.

June 19

This evening I expounded Matt. 22.1-10. Our eveng services have not been interrupted or omitted though I have not noticed them in this journal merely from want of time.

Thursday June 21

I informed our evening scholars that on Monday eveng I should adopt a different plan i.e. that we should omit the catechism and introduce singing in its stead. Since we have discontinued the singing meetings our congregation has sung very indifferently. I hope by this means to give new energy to this sublime part of Divine Worship.

June 22

Eveng service as usual, but nothing particular.

June 24 Lord's Day

Nothing remarkable. Though we had an overflowing congregation at noon, and the usual number in the morning, I had an easy day having little else to do than merely preach.

Jack, of Success, came to tell me they made such a bad hand at singing at their evening prayer meeting they were obliged to give it up. He wished to know if I would their people in singing. About 15 of them came to speak to me on the subject. I appointed Wednesday.

Monday June 25

This evening we commenced our new plan with the school. We began with singing instead of catechising. We practiced but one tune, (Shirland) and employed the remainder of the time in teaching to read.

July 1

At the church meeting to day we admitted ten members, and seven more were proposed.

July 8

This sabbath has been I trust a profitable one to me & to many others.

Tuesday July 10

Mr & Mrs Elliot came to see us. Mr E preached in the eveng from Phil.2.5-7.


Mr & Mrs E. went to town. I preached in the evening from Matt.22.41-46.

Monday July 23

I thank God for enabling me to continue my service without interruption. Yesterday upwards of sixty negroes (of Mon Repos) were formed into a class. The chapel was excessively crowded.

Heard that Mr Grant died last night. He was overseer at Mon Repos till about two months ago when he was made manager of Lusignan. One of his first exploits was to prevent the negroes holding prayer meetings on the estate. He was in authority long enough to show his enmity to religion. He is now gone to receive his reward. See Psalm 73.

Friday Augt 3

Yesterday about 6 o'clock I & Mrs S. returned from Mr Elliots. Saturday last I went down the west coast in order to preach for Mr E on Sunday (Mr E preached at Le Resouvenir). We returned to town on Wednesday morng. Preached for Mr E. In the evening. The principal reason of our going down was a change of air for Mrs S. who has been very ill lately. About 40 came to be catechised.

Monday Augt 6

School given up

The past sabbath was truly pleasant, & I trust profitable to me. Both services, but particularly that at noon, were well attended. At 7 I expounded Gen. Chap 47th. At noon preached on Rom.6.14. The church meeting was held immediately after service, when seven were received into the church, namely, Charles, Gill, Nancy, Joseph, Telemachus, Hants, Eliza. Sally of the Industre was proposed. I scarcely ever saw the chapel fuller than to-day, though the Lusignan people were kept at home in consequence of having a new manager, and many of the Success negroes were at work shipping sugar.

We begin this week without a School, which makes the house appear quite stale & lonesome. Mrs S was obliged to give it up in consequence of not being able to attend to it through ill health. All the children, except four, could read & write very well, and those 4, with several others are to come for an hour in the middle of the day.

The Missionary prayer meeting this eveng was well attended. I expounded Isa 49. 23. Kings shall be thy nursing fathers, &c. and read the letters from the king of Madagascar; from the King of Atooi (one of the Sandwich Islands) and one from Atooi's Queen. See Phil. Gazette, May 16. 1821.

Thursday Augt 9th

Tuesday I & my wife spent on board the ship Belmont (Capt. Ferguson) in company with Mr and Mrs Elliot. We had a pleasant day. The Belmont is a fine ship, of 400 tons. Mr Mc Crae dined with us on board. Yesterday eveng I preached for Mr E. Matt.5.14. Ye are the light of the world. To day we reached home after a most unpleasant ride from the obstinacy of the horse. I was thrown out of the side of the chaise but fortunately got fast hold with my hands & pulled myself in again without sustaining any injury. Thanks to a kind providence which kept me from broken bones. Going out for pleasure is much against my inclination, but the state of my wife's health me to take her about, or I shall be obliged to send her home (i.e. to England). This eveng the creoles were taught as usual.


A great many people at chapel this eveng text Matt. 23.34-36.

Lord's Day Augt 12

The services of this day have exhausted my strength. The morning service was well attended. At noon the chapel could not contain all the people that came. Text Luke 6.46. Many white gentlemen present, amongst whom were Bonnel Tongue.

The Lord's Supper was administered, about 100 communicants.

Saturday Sept.1

Last Thursday week, Augt 23 I and my wife went to visit Mr Mercer, in his place of abode, and labors, on the island Leguan. Our landing there was very unpleasant, owing to two causes, the darkness of the night, and low water which obliged us to walk a long way through mud and sand. Mr & Mrs Mercer being with us, we had no difficulty in finding their house, except that of laboring through the long grass. The light of friday morning discovered to us the gloomy situation of the house in which Mr M. lives: it is completely buried in bush, a most unsuitable place for him, because he is very nervous, and mostly dejected, unless when in company.

Sunday, the 26th, about 9 in the morning, Mr M & I set off on horse-back to Plantn Success, a distance of 8 or 9 miles. I thought the road pleasant, though solitary. The heat of the sun, I think, exceeded any thing I ever felt; we were almost broiled. The congregation was assembling for worship, as we arrived. I preached on Heb.2.6. to about 300 slaves, in the engine house. I was much pleased with the appearance of the people considering it was but the second or third time the gospel had ever been preached there. Mr M. catechised them collectively. They answered very well. This estate is the joint property of Messrs Jones and Borrows, the former encourages Mr M. to preach there, thinking it may counteract the sad effects of the witchcraft Obeah, which is practiced there to a great extent. The Manager appears to me an inhospitable man, a Barbadian. We got by two o'clock. After having a little refreshment, we went to the Elizabeth Ann, about a mile. Here we found Mr Walcott, joint owner of the St Christophers, on the opposite coast. He came on purpose to request Mr Mercer to go over and preach on his estate. It seems Mr W. has lately lost several negroes by witchcraft, Obeah. It is 4 or 5 miles across. He promised to send a boat. In the boiling house at the Elizth Ann I preached to about 180 slaves on Acts 13.26 To you &c. These people did not appear to me so interesting as those at Success to whom I preached in the morning.

Monday evening I went with Mr Mercer to see a man, Prince, whose leg was amputated the day before. He said another negro, Sunday, had obeahed him. The circumstance was this. Eight or ten years ago, Sunday had his leg cut off in a barbarous manner, chiefly through the instigation of Prince. Vexed with the brutal conduct of Prince, Sunday told him it would come home to him, and that he should live to see his (Prince's) leg cut off in like manner. Prince had not forgot this, and now he has lost his leg, he imagines Sunday has some influence with Satan, and that both of them have brought this judgment upon him. I conversed with him & read the 91st Psalm, and prayed. He seemed thankful and somewhat satisfied. I think Prince a bad man.

We remained with Mr & Mrs Mercer till 8 o'clock yesterday (Friday) morning, when we went on board the schooner and arrived in town at 2 o'clock. We called at Mr Elliot's (but they were down the coast) and after having a cup of tea, came home by 8 p.m.

I felt much at parting with Mr & Mrs Mercer. One can't help sympathising with them. They had many difficulties to contend with, and their present situation is not enviable.

The land of Leguan lies very low, is destitute of fresh water save what falls from the clouds, and abounds with Alligators. Two of these frightful animals were caught by the negroes of the Eliz Ann during the few days I was there. One of them I saw. It was dead: measured about 4 1/2 feet.

Lord's Day Sept 2nd

I have not enjoyed this Sabbath, but have been very heavy and dull. We had plenty of people, though the chapel was not crowded as it usually is. In the morning after briefly explaining the 50th chap of Genesis, I read to the congregation McEwen's remarks on the history of Jacob, which recapitulates the principle events in the Patriarch's life. See Mc Ewen's Types.

My visit to Leguan gave me an opportunity of observing how favorably the people there receive the gospel. I could not resist the inclination I felt to preach today on the efficacy of the gospel in triumphing over ignorance, prejudice, superstition & lust. This I illustrated from 2 Cor.2.14. At the church meeting 6 persons, 5 men & one woman, were proposed for admission next month. A great number of our members are sick, among the rest, Quamina, Bristol, Jemima &c.

Mrs Pollard and family attended service at noon.

Monday 3

I read no missionary intelligence this evening, but delivered a short discourse on the text from which I preached yesterday, "Maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place." After service some of the women came in to see Mrs S. who has been ill all day with a violent pain in her right side.

Friday Sept 7

The service was numerously attended. Matt. 24.9-13. When I came from the chapel I had an unpleasant affair to settle between Hay and his wife Filida. Some time ago, perhaps 4 months, Hay went to work in town. He was there 6 weeks. During that time Filida cohabited with another man. Hay was told of it, & Filida confessed it. Hay wanted to know whether he was obliged as well as permitted, to put her away? They had lived together many years, and she had many (I think 12) children by him. He did not wish to put her away, but would do so if the scriptures obliged him. After about an hour's conversation, it was concluded that there was no law in Scripture to oblige him to put her away, but that the notoriety of the offence seemed to require it; yet as she gave satisfactory evidence of repentance there could be no sin in taking her again. He then agreed to take her, and they went home together.

Lord's Day Sept 9

The heat of this day was almost unbearable. I dragged thro' the services in a heavy, weary manner. In the afternoon I married Abel and Lucy of Mon Repos. I think we had as many members at the Lord's Supper, as ever I saw here. I went over, in the eveng, to see Mr Hamilton, who is sick. The Doctor came to see Mrs S.

Sept 11

Spent the greater part of this day in visiting Mr Kelly, and Mr Hamilton, who are both sick and confined to their beds. In the eveng I preached to a good number of people.


Was much disheartened at the small progress our people make in singing. They promised, as they always do, to do better; but I don't find them improve.

Lord's Day Sept 16

Nothing particular. Preached freely from Psa. 40.4. Conversed much with the people in the School room. Some things encourage me; others are painful, particularly the case of Cipeo, who is reported to have stolen sugar.

I might add that on Monday & Thursday evening we had the people to instruct as usual. On Friday our congregation was not as large as it has generally been lately.

Monday 17

Some of the people practicing singing in the School room stopped short in the middle of a tune, Sprague, and burst into a loud laugh. The circumstance hurt my feelings much, and I immediately dismissed them for their rudeness. I have often been astonished at the accounts of some of the missionaries of Africa, respecting the excellent singing of the natives. I have taken much pains with the Africans & creoles here, to teach them to sing and all to very little purpose. They are indeed slow to learn and trying to ones patience.

Tues 18

Service as usual.

Wednesday 19.

Captn Ferguson, of the Belmont, called to see us. Success people came to sing.

Thur. 20

A few, 4 or 5, of the people came to be catechised & to read and that very late, I told them we should give up this evening meetings until the picking of the coffee was over, which will probably continue three months. The people are employed every night to grind stock (pulp) what is picked during the day.

Lord's Day Sept 23

Early this morning Captn Ferguson came up to spend the day with us according to promise. Mrs Elliot came with him without an invitation. We had a good attendance at 7 o'clock, perhaps 180 or 200. Expounded part of Exod. chap 3rd. It turned out a very wet morning, raining hard from 10 to 12. This occasioned our congregation at noon to be smaller than usual, tho' the chapel was nearly full. Add to this, that all the Success gang, men were at work at the water side from about 7 in the morning till sun set. I preached with some freedom from Psa.73.28. Examined some people for baptism, and formed the Lusignan class.

We heard to day that a negro belonging to Bachelors Adventure named London, killed his wife yesterday week. This he did by cutting her across the belly with a cutlass, so that all her bowels came out. She died the same evening, London was much opposed to religion.

Ferguson went to town in the afternoon, about 4 o'clock. Mrs E. went with him.

Monday Oct. 1

Historical Preaching

Last week passed away in the usual manner with us. Yesterday was a pleasant day, both in the natural and religious sense. Both our services were well attended. In the morning I read & expounded Exodus IV. This service being concluded I examined several candidates for baptism, and others for church fellowship. At one o'clock, the time of commencing service, the chapel was more than full, many not being able to get in. I commenced preaching on the historical subjects of Scripture. This I intend to continue occasionally, perhaps twice a month. These subjects I have already selected and arranged: about 100 in number. In this way of preaching I trust the important truths of revelation will be fixed upon the minds of the people in a more pleasing and impressive manner than if delivered in an abstract form. Yesterday the subject was The Creation, text Nehemiah IX. 6 with Exod. XX.11. We had a very full church meeting & the following persons were admitted: Sally, Industry; Jackey, Dochfour; Peter, Collin & Tom, of the Hope. Eight others were proposed for next month.


Yesterday evening, our missionary prayer meeting was very well attended, and as comfortable an opportunity as I could wish, Quamina & Bristol engaged in prayer, & I read the extracts from Mr & Mrs Ruggles' Journal. See Miss Chron. Augt 1821. P.354 &c.

Wednesday Oct. 3

Negroes can't or Learn to Sing Hymns.


The singing meeting was but poorly attended. I think I must give it up. More than three monthe have passed since these Success people began to attend on a Wednesday evening to learn to sing. We then began to teach them Sprague, the easiest tune I am acquainted with, and they seem nearly as ignorant of it now, as when they first heard it. With Sprague we tried Shirland, a tune they have been accustomed to ever since they knew what singing was; but now after 10 or 12 years practice, they can't sing it at all. The only way they can drone it out is to begin in the middle and sing the last half to the whole verse; and this is the way they do with almost every tune they attempt to sing. Some of them have pretty good voices, but as to judgment, they seem to have no more than so many cows. The first week of my residence here I established a singing meeting, which continued about a year & a half. Finding we made but little progress, & all parties growing weary of it, we gave it up. Near a year afterwards we revived it again, and continued it about 12 months. From the same cause it was again relinquished. This third attempt disheartens me more than ever.

Thur. 4

Mrs S went to town this afternoon, thinking the ride might do her good. I think otherwise; 'tis too far for her in this country.

Fri. 5

Service well attended, being a charming moonlight eveng text Matt.25.7-13.

Lord's Day Oct. 7

Though this has been rather a laborious day to me, it has certainly been a comfortable Sabbath. The prayer meeting at 7 was a pleasant one. I expounded Exod.V. At 11 we had a prayer among the members. I was astonished & delighted at the piety & good sense which marked the prayer of Bill, one of the members that lives in town. At one I preached with much freedom & pleasure on 1John 1.7. The blood of Jesus, &c. The Lord's Supper was administered to-day by a mistake made last Sunday as to the day of the month. One of the members, Ned of Le Resouvenir was forbidden the privilege of communion for this day, on account of voluntarily absenting himself from the chapel the whole of last Sunday. He spent the whole Sabbath lounging around on a neighbouring estate.

In the course of the day I examined 18 adult candidates for baptism, all belonging to this estate. I approved of 14 of them; the other 4 being doubtful characters, & very ignorant. One of the women, Amarillis, a candidate, not being present, I asked Matilla, her mother; who was Amarilla's husband? The mother answered, Massa, me no know; me no been watchman for her. A specimen of the concern of heathen mothers for their daughters, The daughters, aye, and sons too, came just as much for their parents.

Oct 8

Stantia, one of the candidates for baptism examined yesterday evening, came to inform me she had left her husband, Allot, about 4 months, because before that time he had beaten her for persuading him to become sober and religious. She says she could not live with him & do her duty to God. She therefore wanted to know what was to be done? whether I would baptize her now she is without a husband, or whether she must get a husband first! Stantia is a sensible creole, but I must make further enquiries respecting this affair.

Tues. 9

Amarilla, or Amarilis as she is called, one of the candidates for baptism who was absent yesterday, came to converse with me on the subject. I was not much taken, either with her appearance or conversation. Her man, November, lives in town; she sees him perhaps once in 3 months. Feeling persuaded she will not be satisfied, nor faithful to November while he lives at such a distance, and as he is not likely to return here, I persuaded her to make an amicable separation; and get another man & be married. I should not like to baptize her under her present circumstances.

Good congregation in the evening. Matt 25.14-23.

Wed 10

Bessey, a candidate for baptism, brought Hamilton, her husband to me to accuse him of having another wife at Mon Repos. She said she could not think of being married to him unless he would put away the other woman. This he promised to do. I don't like the appearance of Hamilton. We dragged thro' the singing as usual.

Thur. 11

Went to town to do a little business. Breakfast at Murray & Jones.


Service as usual. Matt.25.24-30. No coffee pulping tonight, we had a large congregation.

Saturday Oct. 13

Aia's ill treatment

About noon Mrs Smith went to see Asia, (the old woman having sent for her) who is in the stocks. Returning, she informed me the old woman was in a good deal of distress. She told Mrs S. the manager had been in the sick house this morning, the first day of his going out after a severe fit of sickness, and had used her very ill by kicking and thumping her. She wished Mrs S. to use some means to endeavour to get her out of the stocks. What Asia said was confirmed by the sick nurse, & others present. The old woman had been the driver of the feeble gang on this estate for 25 or 30 years, until about 5 months ago, when the manager removed her from that easy situation and sent her to work in the field, as a regular field-negro. After working in this way a few weeks, she got sick. When she got well she told the manager her strength was not equal to the work, and she could not do it. He therefore put her in the stocks about 2 months ago. She has had some intervals of release, chiefly during the manager's sickness. Mrs S. wrote a note to Mr Hamilton, saying if he intended to continue such severe treatment to the old woman, she should feel it her duty to inform Mr VanCooten. Mr H. wrote back, he would keep her in the stocks till she would promise to go to work, i.e. in the field, work she has never been accustomed to, & doubtless too laborious for such an old woman. Mrs S. then went to Mr VanCooten, & stated the circumstance, begging him to come & look into it. He said Mr H. always told him what he did!!! and he knew Asia was not in the stocks!! But, however, he would come over to the estate some day next week, & look into it.

The old gentleman seldom comes to the estate, & when he does come he merely talks with the manager, seldom goes into the sick house, or converses with the negroes: but from the manager's mouth he hears everything, and of course, all is right, and just as it ought to be! Mr VanCooten is certainly too old & too easy to do justice to an estate like this.

Lord's Day Oct. 14

The services of this day were very numerously attended. I examined 6 candidates for church fellowship. Sermon at noon, "on creation". After service Polly informed me that Charlotte of Mon Repos, was behaving very strange. It seems she is ill, and attributes her trouble to my prayers. Before the death of the old queen in 1818, of course I used to pray that God would bless Queen Charlotte, and she used to fancy I prayed for a curse on big Charlotte, for so they call the old woman. Polly says it will be necessary for me to assure her she was mistaken, & that I wish her well, or this Big Charlote is likely to grow insane. I think she is already insane, and must have been so for years past.

Oct. 16

This morning Mr VanCooten came to the estate, and liberated Asia from the stocks. He has allowed her to remain in her house till next Monday to recruit her strength, when she is to do some light work, I believe pick cotton.

Mr & Mrs Elliot came to see us. Mr E. preached this eveng on Jonah 3.1-5. Not a little annoyed during the service by the noise of the coffee mill.

Oct. 17

Mr & Mrs E. Returned. Not one of the people, except Sophy, came to sing. I know not the reason.

Fri. Oct. 19

No coffee pulping this eveng, we therefore had a good congn. Matt.25.31-40.

Lord's Day Oct. 21

The morning service was well attended, about 200. Expounded Exod.VII. At noon the chapel was really crowded. Several persons from town were present, namely; J.P. Smith, second Fiscal; Doctor McDowal; Mrs Hewlings; and Mr & Mrs Douglas, &c. Text 1 Peter 2.12. Having your conversation honest, &c.

Baptized one man, & two children.

Tues. Oct. 23

Before I went to the chapel, I thought I should not be able to get thro' the service, on account of the head ache, with which I have been almost destracted for several weeks past. I found however that God was better to me than my fears anticipated. I preached on Matt.25.41-46. Not many hearers in consequence of the coffee pulping.

Thur. 25

Went to town with Mrs S. to purchase a few things, but chiefly to ascertain whether the Perseverance had arrived from London. I found it had been in several days. I then got my two boxes of goods ashore, and left them at Mr Elliot's intending to send a cart for them tomorrow.

Sent a letter to my mother. Packet was to sail this evening.

Frid. 26

Received the boxes safe at Le Resouvenir.

Went over to see Mr Hamilton who had got a second relapse of the dry belly ache. Signed what he affirmed to be his last will and testament; and prayed with him. I have just seen him a second time, having called as I came out of the chapel, he is no better. He thinks he will die.

Sat. 27

Wrote to Mr Davies to inform him our collection sermon for the Society will be preached on the 2nd Sab. in Novr by Mr Elliot. In the eveng, went to see Mr Hamilton. The Doctor was there. Mr H. no better, but could not take a little calomel without profanely swearing! Afflictions often harden the notorious sinner. Doctor called to see Mrs S.

Lord's Day Oct 28

Nothing particularly interesting occurred today. The services were as usual. Several candidates for baptism were examined, & most of them approved. Baptized one child. For about an hour & 1/2 this forenoon we had heavy rain. A more acceptable favor could not have been bestowed.

Mon. 29

Called to see Mr Hamilton. Was glad to get out of the room, it was so offensive from dirt. I should suppose it had not been cleaned for three months. He is much better.

Tues. 30

Very small congregation, probably not 100 persons; & this is likely to be the case till the coffee is all picked. Text Matt. 26.6-13.

Frid. Nov.2

Nothing particular these few days. Text this eveng Matt. 26.14-&c. But few people.

Lord's Day Nov. 4

Death of Messrs Ames & Bellamy Methodist Missionaries

After the prayer meeting at 7 I was occupied till nearly noon examining candidates for baptism & others for the Lord's Supper. Some of them gave me great satisfaction. Subject of discourse, at noon Creation of Man. At the church meeting we had the pleasure of receiving nine new members. I say pleasure because they appeared to me, with the exception of one, far more intelligent than those we have been accustomed to receive. Six others were proposed for admission next month. Near 5 o'clock when I came from the chapel; quite weary in body but refreshed in spirit. I desire to bless God for the comfort I find in His service & for the success that attends my feeble labors.

After service Philip put into my hand a note from Mr Elliot, informing that Mr Ames, the Methodist Missionary at Mahacia, died on Wednesday morning last at about 7 o'clock; and that Mr Bellamy, the colleague of Mr Ames, died on Friday morning about 6 o'clock. This news almost stunned me. Two missionaries cut off in one week! My God, spare the rest of us, for our work's sake, and send us more help to oppose the mighty. These two missionaries were taken ill about the same time, Saturday evening previous to their death. Both sickened and died of a billious fever. Mr Ames has left a wife & 2 children, & Mr Bellamy, a wife & one child. - What an awful circumstance to their families, & to the church. They were the only Methodist missionaries in the colony. How necessary for us to put ourselves in a departing posture, to have our loins girt about with truth, & our lamps burning.

Monday Nov. 5

Our missionary prayer meeting attended better than I could have expected during the coffee grinding. I delivered a short address on Matt.14.12. "And the disciples - went and told Jesus"; and read a letter from a lady of America relating the conversion of a slave dealer by means of the prayer of one of his own negroes. See Chron. May 1821 P. 157. Bristol & Quamina prayed. The prayer of the latter affected me much; The scope of which was that God would have mercy upon the bereaved churchs here, & spare the missionaries that remain.

Tues. Nov. 6

Went to Mahaica, to invite Mrs Ames to come & take up her abode with us for a time.

Thursday Nov. 8

According to agreement with Mrs Ames, I went to Mahaica to bring her & her 2 children to Le Resouvenir in order to take up her abode with us. Mrs A. felt unwell on the road, on which account, & partly to refresh the horse, we called at Mr H. Rogers', where we rested about three hours. We reached home about half past 6. I really pity Mrs A. for she does not appear to me to be a woman either adapted to bear trials, or to get through the world.

Friday 9

Service as usual; but a small congregation. Matt. 26.26-29.

Saturday Nov. 10

Mr & Mrs Elliot came up with a view to be present tomorrow. Mrs Bellamy being at their house, came with them.

Lord's Day Nov. 11

I have not observed anything today particularly worthy of remark. The services were well attended, and I trust we were all edified by the prayers of some of our members. The service at 7, and likewise the prayer meeting of members at 1/2 past 10, I myself conducted. At 12, the chapel being full, we commenced the principal service. I conducted the devotional parts before sermon, and Mr E. performed all the rest. His text was Isa. 52.10. He made many good remarks, but it was not easy to discern their connection with the text. The Lord's Supper was administered by Mr E. Mrs Bellamy, & Mrs Ames, sat and partook with us.

Monday Nov.12

We reckoned the money collected yesterday, and found it f358. Waited on Mr VanCooten on behalf of the Society. He gave 15 pounds sterling. A very unhappy dispute was raised by Mrs Elliot. She complained that Mrs S. did not treat her with proper respect, that she did not give her, nor any body else, half enough to eat, and that she endeavoured to set Mrs E. & her at variance. These things appeared to Mr Elliot such barefaced & insulting falsehoods that he reproved her in a warm & angry manner. The dispute rose high, and proceeded to blows, but has not ended there. Mrs Elliot's passion is like the eruption of a burning mountain, it must have its course, and woe to any thing that stands in the way of the lava of her tongue: reputation, character, conscience, religion, are nothing to her. I would not say she is not a converted woman, but she is certainly not a sanctified woman.

During the quarrel, before any blows were exchanged, for both fought, Mrs Bellamy went away. A good thing she did.


The service this evening as usual. Very few present. Matt. 26.31-35. Mrs Ames returned to Mahaica. We expected her to abide here some weeks.


In company with Mr E. called on several of our neighbours on behalf of the Society. Several of them gave a Joe each; but others refused. No doubt we should have got more, had their last year's donations been acknowledged in a more respectful manner, (Mr Cort would not give us his name) and if we had been able to put this years Report into their hands; but we have not yet received it.

Thur 15

Mr & Mrs Elliot returned to town this eveng. Mrs E. wishes Mrs S. To promise to visit her as usual; but whether our peace, & the interests of religion, will not be better served by not visiting her, deserves consideration.

Sat. 17

Yesterday evening we had not more than 50 at the chapel. Indeed I cannot expect many more till the coffee & cotton are gathered in. The people have scarcely any time to eat their food, they have none to cook it, eating for the most part, raw yellow plantains. This would be bearable for a time, but to work at that rate, and to be perpetually flogged, astonishes me that they submit to it. From the flogging we have heard today, I should suppose all the gang have been flogged twice round. They have been picking cotton in the front, near our house, and appear to have done their best, not having 15 minutes to eat, drink, or rest, and have been whipped like criminals, and if not with so much ceremony, yet with equal severity!

Lord's Day Nov. 18

A good deal of rain fell this morning. It was much wanted, the dry season having now continued more than 4 months, during which time we have had a few seasonable showers which have given us water to drink, but for the ground are almost useless as the sun dries them up almost immediately. The congregations were small. In the morning, read and expounded Exod. X.XI. Examined several candidates for baptism. At noon (i.e. at 1) the chapel would have held 100 more than were present, text John IX.35. I felt very comfortable while preaching, but when singing the last hymn felt a severe pain in my lungs. The singing exhausts me more than preaching. Perhaps it would be best for me to discontinue the singing, after sermon, having no one that can conduct it. On the whole this has been a comfortable day to me. In the morning I felt very dead & cold, but I trust the H.S. quickened me.

Saturday Nov.24

The days of this week have passed away; and I have done almost nothing. The negroes are worked so hard that they have no time to come to me for instruction, & for me to go to them is impossible. Tuesday evening not more than about 50 people were present and yesterday evening not more I suppose than about 70. Besides the smallness of the congregation, which is very discouraging, we are much annoyed during the evening services by the noise of the cattle mill grinding the coffee, and often by the flogging the negroes, the cracking the whip & the cries of the people; and in addition to this the noise of the crappo's & the frogs, & the cloud of flying beetles (black hardbacks) driving against one's face & getting down one's neck & bosom, besides the hosts of moschettoes, - these things taken together render the evening services at this season extremely irksome. I scarcely know what I pray for, or what I preach about. O Lord, my God, forgive such mock services! In some respects it would perhaps be best to give them up: - but on the other hand it might be accounted indolence on my part, by some, and others might make it an excuse for their absense on other occasions.

Monday Nov. 26

Early yesterday morning, there was a good deal of rain, but the day was not a wet one. Having to preach at Mr Elliot's chapel in town in the evening, I commenced the second service rather earlier than usual (i.e. at 12) with the chapel half full, but before I named my text, Acts 11.23. it was well filled. On our way to town, between 3 & 4 o'clock, we observed some negroes coming out of the cotton field belonging to Pln. Plaisants, (Van Waterschott) with their baskets full of cotton which they had doubtless just been picking. They carried it to the buildings. Mr Elliot informed us, that on the west coast the slaves had been at work, on some plantations, in the fields as on a week day. And we all know that the practice of working the slaves on Sundays is very prevalent.

All the way to town we were in a drizzling rain, but tho' it was scarcely enough to wet an umbrella, it seems to have formed an excuse for Mr Elliot's congregation not coming to chapel. I suppose there were not more than 40 hearers including 7 or 8 whites. The collection was no more than f30!!! I am more & more confirmed in my opinion that Mr E. is doing no good in town, & by living in town does but little in the country, for how can it be otherwise? We got home to breakfast.

Wednesday Dec. 5

In the afternoon yesterday we reached home, having been to Mr Elliot's on the West Coast with a view of collecting for the Missionary Society. We went down on Friday, and on Saturday Mr E. & I went as far as Pln De Kinderen adjoining Boerasirie Creek, to solicit subscriptions for the Society. We succeeded beyond our expectations. On Sunday I preached at Mr E's chapel to a large congregation on Psa.116.12. and afterwards administered the Lord's Supper. I was astonished to see so many communicants, I suppose about 200 I imagine they were all members, if so I fear many must have been admitted without due examination. Mr E. spends so little time down the coast, coming away as soon as he has done preaching on Sundays, and the negroes having so little time to attend, it is next to impossible he can pay that attention to them which is necessary in order to ascertain their fitness for receiving the Lord's Supper. The collection I fear was but so so. I have no doubt but the negroes do as much as ours, but the money is gathered in a different way & applied to a different use. There are about 220 sittings let to the negroes at f.1 per quarter, and 2 bits for the ticket, say f1.10 per quarter. This hire Mr E. claims as his own. At first he rented his seats at a higher rate. See Journal Feby 7th 1821. Add all this to the collections, which are frequently made for the chapel, & the annual collection for the Society, the negroes at Mr Elliot's chapel will be found to contribute much more in the course of the year than is contributed by our congregation at Le Resouvenir to the Society for not a sliver do any of them pay for a seat, or for any thing else but to the Society. Again I say Mr E. is culpable for not living down the coast especially as he has a good house there standing empty. His people seem to me to be in great disorder.

Monday we returned to town, Tuesday we held a meeting according to appointment - we formally dissolved the Union of Missionaries - and I Mrs S. returned home. In the evening we had a good congregation. Text Matt. 26.69-75.

I was much grieved at learning that nearly all the negroes belonging to this plantation voluntarily worked all day on Sunday last at picking cotton in the fields! The manager told them if they would do it he would give them a day's rest for it when the crop was in; but he left it to their choice, saying, "As there is no chapel tomorrow, you may as well work".

Friday Dec.7

This has been a very wet day & the congn in the eveng was very small, perhaps 40 people. Text Matt.

Lord's Day Dec.9

A tremendous gale & deluging rains the greater part of last night, but upon the whole this has been a fine day. This sabbath has passed away much as usual, pleasantly, tho' laboriously to me. During the interval of the services I examined 7 candidates for baptism, one of whom I did not approve. I felt much freedom & comfort in preaching on James 2.10. The church meeting, & some other little matters occupied me till 5 o'clock. We admitted three members, i.e. Molly, Lydia (Mon Repos) & Nancy, Orange Nassau.

Monday Dec.10

A few minutes since, three negroes, belonging to the Hope, Frank, George and John Lewis, called here to inform me of the following circumstance. When the people returned from the chapel, Mr McKeand, their manager met them as they entered the plantation to which they belong and after abusing them for coming to chapel, ordered them to go into the stocks, (of their own accord I suppose). This they refused to do; but it seems some of them were put into the stocks. Frank was not. This morning McKeand flogged some of them severely, Frank among the rest. Not content with punishing Frank, himself, but sent him to the barracks in custody of the said negroes, George & John Lewis, with a note to Mr Thomson, the jailor, to keep Frank safe, for he (McKeand) had some charges to bring against him to His Honor the Fiscal. All the three declared the only ground of Mc Keand's complaint is their coming here to chapel.

Dec. 11

We had more hearers this eveng than for some time past. I suspect the coffee picking on this estate is nearly done. Text Matt.27.19 &c.


Sent or rather wrote with a view of sending the first opportunity the returns of the number of marriages, according to the order of the Governor communicated by His Excellency's Secretary. It is as follows, A.D. 1817 married, none; 1818, five couple, 1819, 3 couple, 1820, 27 couple; 1821, 61 couple; total 96 couple, all slaves. What is the motive of the government at home in wishing these returns I cannot say.

Frid. 14

This evening I felt considerable comfort in the service. The congregation being pretty large, perhaps 200, seemed to put new life into me. Matt. 27.24.25.

Lord's Day Dec. 16

I have seldom felt more fatigue on the Sabbath than I did when I came from the chapel this afternoon. I have not felt that enjoyment in the public services to-day which I am accustomed to experience. Nor is this any mystery considering how I have neglected secret prayer! Not five minutes have I devoted to this important duty - this great privilege. My Dear Lord, do not hence forth refuse to hear me when I call to Thee.

In conversing with many of the members I felt much pleasure and am thankful to discern a spirit of love & zeal among them. Examining candidates for Baptism, conferring with the deacons on the subject of adding two more to their number, reproving some of the members for being absent last Sunday, besides the services of the day, have occupied nearly every minute of my time from 7 in the morning till nearly 5 in the eveng. At 7 Expounded at considerable length Exod XlV. Quamina was so much affected in prayer that he could not proceed for some time. I envied the devotion of his mind. At the prayer meeting at 10, my mind was so barren that I could not say any thing & told the members so. At 12 I preached, if preaching it deserves to be called, on John 15.4 The Lord's Supper was numerously attended, perhaps three fourths might have been present which is very well for this country where all the members we see are slaves.

Bristol informed me Goodluck was very ill & has requested him to go & pray for him. Bristol wishes to know whether it was his duty to comply with Goodluck's request, considering how many times he professed had to repent & turn to God, and had as often relapsed into sin and became a persecutor & blasphemer. Of course I told him to visit him & pray for him & to tell him faithfully his real state as a notorious sinner. May God yet grant this poor deluded creature repentance unto life. See Jan. 8 1820 in this journal.

Monday morning

Dec. 24

Last week passed away much in the usual manner. Now the coffee picking is over our evening congregations are again pretty numerous. On tuesday & friday I preached on the text that came in course. Yesterday I preached to a very small congregation (not more than 400 I suppose) on the Fall of man, Gen.3.1-6. Many candidates were examined between the services, some of whom were approved, & others rejected. I was informed by Bristol that Goodluck died on Saturday without discovering the least anxiety about his soul. When told of his sad state as a dying sinner, he said he was not going to die yet!

Thursday Dec. 27

These two days past have with me been the busiest of all this year. On Xmas Day Tuesday, we had not many people here, perhaps not more than about 400 attended the preaching, but a great proportion of them were candidates for Baptism, many of whom had not undergone their final examination, on account of the distance they live from the chapel. This examination occupied me & Bristol till near 1 o'clock. I then preached on Rom.8.3. After this service many were baptized, & some were married. The smallness of our congregation on Tuesday was owing first to the planters keeping the negroes jobbing about & giving them allowances of sensory trifles, and secondly to its being a very wet morning.

Yesterday morning was spent in examining candidates for baptism. Though the chapel was quite full by 12 o'clock, I could not disengage myself from these people till near one. Many of them live too far off to come often. I preached on Heb.9.20. Unto them that look for him, &c. and afterwards baptized the remainder of the candidates that were approved. Several of them were married. The total number baptized this Xmas is 100, including 35 children. There now remains a list of 51 adults & 8 or 10 children, yet to be baptized as soon as it will appear proper. Some of them have already been examined & not yet approved; others have not been examined, having but just given in their names.

Monday morning Dec. 31

The prayer meeting yesterday morning was very numerously attended upwards of 200 present; and the mutual conversation (after the exposition) on the chapter, Exod XVI discovered a deal of good sense among the members. In preaching at noon I took a Review of the Mercies of God towards us, particularly as a church, during the past year. - text 1 Sam.7.12. Then Samuel took a stone, &c. Surely the Lord has helped us this year. The means of grace have suffered no interruption among us from adverse providences. My feeble efforts have been continued & the power & grace of God have given them effect; - the whole year has been a season of great awakening among the heathen around us, as far as Plantn Docfour, & the members seem to have been much revived, - the preaching has been very numerously attended, - 390 persons have been baptized, 272 of whom were adults, - about 70 couple have been married, - & 35 members have been added to the church. It is true that 2 of the members, Susannah & Philida, have been excluded for immorality, & 4 have died, we believe in the faith: but what are these evils compared with the mercies of the year? We have raised about £100 - sterling - for the Missionary Society, from the month of May to the present time.

Such have been the mercies of God to us as missionaries in prospering the work of our hands. The Lord has been equally gracious to me & my dear partner as individuals. Our wants have been supplied; my health, though it suffered some slight aberation, has been preserved; and though my wife had been declining in health for 18 or 20 months, that she was scarcely able to keep about, lying down almost the half of her time, yet by the blessing of God on the prescriptions of Doctor Fairbain she is now as well as ever she can expect to be in so hot a country. We cannot expect to have the enjoyment of Society here. I should be sorry to have a relish for the company of our white neighbours; & to the black ones we cannot have access, except when they come for instruction, & on these occasions I frequently experience a degree of happiness which I never thought of enjoying among them. If we consider the mercy of God to us in sparing our relations, we shall have reason for thankfulness. With the exception of Mrs Smith's mother, who has indeed suffered much & for ought we know may now be happily released from all evil, our friends have, we believe, enjoyed uninterrupted health. Surely goodness & mercy have followed us this year. Bless the Lord, O my soul, & forget not His benefits, for thou mayest truly say

"Hitherto hath the Lord helped us."
"And He shall Guide us with His counsel;"
"Then will He receive us to glory".