


Matches 1 to 23 of 23

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 Combs, John  I505
2 Drinkmilk, Martha Le Neve  I1762
3 Hutchins, Martha Le Neve  I1760
4 Jackson, Pam  I327
5 McGillvray, Alec  I323
6 McGillvray, Carrie  I325
7 McGillvray, Donald  I322
8 McGillvray, Lillian  I326
9 McGillvray, Robert  I324
10 Powell, Brian  I340
11 Powell, Carol  I347
12 Powell, David Arthur  I337
13 Powell, Dawn  I344
14 Powell, Geoffrey  I341
15 Powell, Graham  I348
16 Powell, Helen  I342
17 Powell, Jan Rosilind  I336
18 Powell, Russel  I349
19 Unknown, Darren  I356
20 Unknown, Jennifer  I354
21 Unknown, John  I355
22 Unknown, Sean  I392
23 Unknown, Warren  I391


Matches 1 to 28 of 28

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Death    Person ID 
1 Combs, Celia  I504
2 Combs, Emma  I499
3 Combs, Emmeline  I495
4 Combs, George Henry  I498
5 Combs, Jane  I497
6 Combs, Jessie  I501
7 Combs, John  I505
8 Combs, Julia  I503
9 Combs, Mary Ann  I500
10 Combs, Moses  I496
11 Combs, William  I502
12 Jackson, Arthur  I329
13 Jackson, Harriet  I331
14 Jackson, Mary Ellen  I330
15 Jackson, Pam  I327
16 Jackson, William  I328
17 McGillvray, Donald  I321
18 Powell, Agnes  1947I267
19 Powell, Charles Theosphylus  I266
20 Powell, Elizabeth  Abt Apr 1950I275
21 Powell, Enoch  I269
22 Powell, Fred  Abt 1948I271
23 Powell, George  I265
24 Powell, Unknown  I270
25 Sewell, Alfred Ernest  21 Oct 1971I278
26 Unknown, Bertha  I334
27 Unknown, Elizabeth  I332
28 Walters, Unknown  I333


Matches 1 to 31 of 31

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Burial    Person ID 
1 Combs, Celia  I504
2 Combs, Emma  I499
3 Combs, Emmeline  I495
4 Combs, George Henry  I498
5 Combs, Jane  I497
6 Combs, Jessie  I501
7 Combs, John  I505
8 Combs, Julia  I503
9 Combs, Mary Ann  I500
10 Combs, Moses  I496
11 Combs, William  I502
12 Jackson, Arthur  I329
13 Jackson, Harriet  I331
14 Jackson, Mary Ellen  I330
15 Jackson, Pam  I327
16 Jackson, William  I328
17 Le Feuvre, Susanne Elizabeth  I250
18 McGillvray, Donald  I321
19 Powell, Agnes  1947I267
20 Powell, Charles Theosphylus  I266
21 Powell, Elizabeth  I275
22 Powell, Enoch  I269
23 Powell, Fred  I271
24 Powell, George  I265
25 Powell, Mary Lillian  Sep 1950I273
26 Powell, Unknown  I270
27 Robertson, Margaret  I530
28 Sewell, Alfred Ernest  I278
29 Unknown, Bertha  I334
30 Unknown, Elizabeth  I332
31 Walters, Unknown  I333


Matches 1 to 7 of 7

   Family    Marriage    Family ID 
1 Jenkins / Farquarson  F121
2 Powell / Berg  F117
3 Powell / Unknown  F114
4 Powell / Unknown  F115
5 Unknown / Powell  F116
6 Walters / Powell  Abt 1930F107
7 Watson / Jenkins  F123