Gosport, Hampshire, England



Matches 1 to 11 of 11

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 Collins, Alice Georgina  Abt 1865I1130
2 Gorman, Charles  Abt 1839I1564
3 Gorman, Edward  Abt 1805I1560
4 Gorman, Elizabeth  Abt 1834I1562
5 Gorman, Ella L  1872I1539
6 Gorman, George  4 Oct 1840I1536
7 Gorman, George Leopold  11 Aug 1867I1538
8 Gorman, Henry  1844I1730
9 Gorman, Mary  Abt 1836I1563
10 Humphrey, Louisa Matilda  Abt 1841I1537
11 King, Elizabeth  Abt 1802I1561


Matches 1 to 11 of 11

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Census    Person ID 
1 Gorman, Charles  1861I1564
2 Gorman, Edward  1861I1560
3 Gorman, Elizabeth  1861I1562
4 Gorman, Ernest Hamilton  1871I1225
5 Gorman, George  1861I1536
6 Gorman, George  1871I1536
7 Gorman, George Leopold  1871I1538
8 Gorman, Henry  1861I1730
9 Gorman, Mary  1861I1563
10 Humphrey, Louisa Matilda  1871I1537
11 King, Elizabeth  1861I1561