Transcript of letter from Eugene Van Cooten to the Reverend Mr. Venn, Secretary of the Church Missionary Society.

Item in Church Missionary Society archives held by University of Birmingham Cadbury Research Library

CMS/B/OMS/C W O27/1-4

British Guiana: Demerara 1846

/1-3 Letters applying to be a missionary with CMS 1846;
/4 Letter from William Fox, chairman of Corresponding Committee, supporting application 1846

Item 3

Transcribed by Rodney Van Cooten, March 2008.

Demerary 17 Nov 1846

Revd. and dear Sir

Your kind and welcome letter duly to hand. I cannot express the nature of my feelings, on reading the decision of the committee. I was overpowered and bowed down & humbled in the dust, with a deep sense of my unworthiness, and that it was too good for me, tho’ it had been the wish of my life.

I thankfully accept the offer of the Committee conveyed in your letter of 16 Oct. & have given Mr Richardson notice to quit in three months, at the expiration of which time, I will sail by the first vessel sailing for London, and will lose no time in presenting myself before you.

I hope not much is expected of me for the first, as I stated tho’ cherishing the desire I used not the means for advancing in the necessary knowledge from a mistaken sense of duty. I shrink not from the labor it will now require, and trust that health of body and mind may be preserved to me.

The sooner I leave here the better, as I am so engaged that ’tis impossible to study. Business commencing with the dawn of day & thro’ the day ‘tis quite impossible to attempt it. Dinner is taken after business, which is opposed to setting the body for study after a weary day, therefore I shall hasten the period for returning as much as I can.

I am
Revd. & dear Sir with feelings of the deepest respect
Your obliged & humble servt.

Eugene van Cooten

NOTES: 1.  Rec. Dec 21/46
               2.Comm Cor Dec. 22/46