Pastry Crust: (Makes enough pastry for 3 33 cm x 12 cm fluted tart tin) Tastes like halva. Ing: 2 cups plus 2 tbs gluten free plain flour 70 g almond meal 150 g cold unsalted butter 3/4 cup … Continue reading
Monthly Archives: April 2014
To learn one must have a level of “teachability”. It is difficult when one has a strong creative bent that can not really be fleshed out within constraints of the assignment. This week one of the major players in RLC … Continue reading
So, what does it mean to celebrate? And why at Easter? cel·e·brate verb \?se-l?-?br?t\ :to do something special or enjoyable for an important event, occasion, holiday, etc. :to praise (someone or something) :to say that (someone or something) is great … Continue reading
I get many phone calls going something like this…”Maggie, how do I cook…?” or “What do I do with…?” I love cooking and sharing my experiences and knowledge about food, but quickly I say here: food is not the be … Continue reading