They are considered weeds. Their fine prickles are enough to make one cry really. But the intrigue of using a bunch of stinging nettles I saw at the market today was so intense, that I claimed victory over the sting. … Continue reading
Category Archives: Tasty Bits and Little Morsels
Being nearer to a market we don’t usually frequent last Saturday led us to choose to shop there instead of our regular–and delightfully organized and familiar in comparison–market. Well, as I battled my way around through the crowds, I let … Continue reading
So, what does it mean to celebrate? And why at Easter? cel·e·brate verb \?se-l?-?br?t\ :to do something special or enjoyable for an important event, occasion, holiday, etc. :to praise (someone or something) :to say that (someone or something) is great … Continue reading
I get many phone calls going something like this…”Maggie, how do I cook…?” or “What do I do with…?” I love cooking and sharing my experiences and knowledge about food, but quickly I say here: food is not the be … Continue reading
If you feel like old Mother Hubbard who went to the cupboard only to find it bare when you have tried LTPC blog lately, I am sorry for underfeeding you. But it is a new year, which brings a restocking … Continue reading
One of my previous posts “Divine Paschal Lamb–My look at Easter feasting” looked at some of the symbolic foods of the Easter celebration, with an emphasis on these feast day foods being just that–symbols, and that they should not be, … Continue reading
As a Christian who believes in celebrating with food, I have had a considerable tussle in my mind about how to write about Easter feasting from a theologically informed perspective. What is the role and symbolism of food at Easter? … Continue reading
A few friends and I went to the market together the other day, one for the first time with two of us regulars, and her first visit in months. She wants to join us again. She had fun. As we … Continue reading
White Chocolate, Pistachio and Cardamon Wedding Cake with Rosewater Butter- cream Frosting Ingredients for 1 layer of 12 inch round cake. (I used 3 layers for this cake.) 300 g white chocolate (at least 26% cocoa butter) 250g unsalted butter, … Continue reading
The relief was palpable! But this only really eventuated when the cakes were securely and strategically placed and artistically arranged on the cake table, ready for the bride and groom to ceremoniously cut. I was supremely chuffed when my Godson … Continue reading