Random Lunch Challenge–A weed pie (read that carefully)–Stinging Nettle Tart

stinging nettles imagesThey are considered weeds. Their fine prickles are enough to make one cry really.

But the intrigue of using a bunch of stinging nettles I saw at the market today was so intense, that I claimed victory over the sting.

I was toying with nettle tart or risotto as a vehicle to let the nettle have it’s say, and intense negative reaction to the suggestion of risotto left me with nettle tart. It could also have been a soup, but soup sucks according to 1/2 the household.

Along side the cleaned, blanched* and chopped nettles, we had eggs, some left over ricotta cheese and some creamy fetta that I could marry together with some spring onion  and smoked garlic, baked in a puff pastry tart case.

100_3575$8.00 allowed for a tart that was packed with flavour and nutrients. It was rustic and flavoursome.

I think I need to go and do some backyard weeding as it has been confirmed, there are tart ingredients growing freely out there!
*blanching the nettles removes their fine prickles.

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