I get many phone calls going something like this…”Maggie, how do I cook…?” or “What do I do with…?”
I love cooking and sharing my experiences and knowledge about food, but quickly I say here: food is not the be all and end all, I am not professionally trained, I do make mistakes (just ask my boys about smoked eggplant moussaka) and there are many great home cooks out there doing their thing really delightfully.
Ultimately the provision of interesting, nourishing food is about the growing and feeding of relationships.
My sharing of good food has at it’s heart the desire to provide a vehicle and environment that allows people to relate, to celebrate, to commemorate, to meet some of peoples’ needs for nourishment and a sense of belonging. My aim is to be generous and hospitable as God has been with us.
As we approach Easter, I am and have been busy planning different meals with symbolic intentions and to simply relish in as we acknowledge our state before God (fatally flawed and fantastically forgiven), of Jesus’ death and resurrection–His generous act of love that brings a redemption of broken relationship and the hope of the eternal banquet of life with Him. For God is the be all and end all.