A few RLC’s ago, one boy couldn’t find an ingredient he had seen on a previous market shop.
Well, today he found it. Black sesame seed rice paper roll sheets.
Or so he thought.
I was happy that he should run with his rediscovery and, on the pursuit of all things interesting and cheap, he tracked down 3 items for $2 at the Asian supermarket stall–Tempura sauce, a jar of hearts of palm and a bottle of Yakisoba sauce.
His vision became: rice paper rolls filled with julienned hearts of palm (tastes like artichoke), carrot, cucumber, finely chopped spring onion, some finely sliced and fried Chinese sausage served with a bowl of the tempura sauce.
The only thing was, what he actually bought was these bread and butter plate sized sesame crackers–sort of like the prawn crackers that puff up when fried or zapped in the micro wave.
What we actually ended up with was like a sesame cracker bowl that we filled with the shredded vegetables and sausage, then dressed with the tempura sauce. It crackled as we dressed it with the sauce.
It was an interesting mix of textures and was a really tasty and thrifty lunch–$8 max. for us 4, with about 1 ltr of the sauces left.
Not bad for a new realizing of one’s actual resources as opposed to one’s ideas. Snap, crackle, pop.
Delicious. I love prawn crackers. Those where nice.