Random Lunch Challenge- Smoked trout on sourdough with beetroot.


After an eye glasses malfunction and an emergency appointment with the optometrist, we finally sat down to our RLC lunch at almost 3:45pm.

Did we enjoy it !

With a knowledge and appreciation of our Random Lunch Challenge, our visiting daughter /boy’s sister, who came to the market with us in the morning, suggested something that she had spotted that rather took her fancy.
Ours too, mind you, as she had discovered a whole smoked trout for $7.
Now, that is a large chunk of the RLC budget, but thinking how we could use the trout, we were able to pair it with some on sale sourdough  and.. hmm, needs a little something else..
I love salmon and beetroot and knowing I had a small tub of home pickled beetroot in the fridge thought that that would be the something else the trout and sour dough needed.
It was.
Toasted sourdough, flaked smoked trout ,julienned beetroot with a dollop of fat free Greek yoghurt and a little dill frond.

Felt indulgent, and not our cheapest or biggest RLC but it was enough for 4 and cost just on $10.
And, did we ever enjoy it!
And daughter wasn’t even there for lunch!


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