It was a bit of a slow start this morning (it is holidays!) and after our usual coffee and menu planning, we were tossing around ideas for the RLC using some items we knew were in season–cauliflower again?? hmmmm.
We passed through the deli section..some possibilities, but nothing really leapt out at us. On passing the fishmongers, out of the corner of my eye I spotted it..
Mussels at $5 a kg. We had not long ago been reminiscing about Moules Frites from our journey in France, so at this price, and thinking of the left over apple cider in the fridge to steam the mussels in, lunch was in the pot. We got 1.5 kg.
Boys wanted “frites” but this would have blown the budget. We purchased some rye sourdough ($3) to slather in garlic oil and toast and this with the steamed mussel liquor made a wonderful accompaniment.
Slurpy, tasty little treasures.