Random Lunch Challenge–Eggs in curry sauce.

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Weeks ago, a friend asked if he could come around to make ice cream after he discovered that I have an ice cream maker. He had just been given one. I was more than happy to oblige.
Then there was the next request “Can I come for lunch first? Can I bring a friend?”

I was delighted at his request, but had to remind him that it was RLC day. “Yes, I know, that’s why I asked.” The concept was explained to his friend, who was enthused by the idea, even though I warned that it is random and I have no idea what would end up on the plate.
And this is what did, much to everyone’s enjoyment:
One of the boys spotted a mango curry sauce by a reputable brand at bargain bin price and wanted to do a Coronation type chicken.
Chicken for 6 however would blow the RLC budget, so we shelved that idea.
But trying to agree on an alternative was a nightmare, and apart from having friends request to partake of RLC, I might have shelved it.
One of the ideas toyed with was an Asian inspired omelet but stubborn boy really wanted to use curry sauce somehow.
Light bulb moment.
Curried eggs!
Mmmm mango curried eggs!

Sauce, a dozen free range eggs and basmati rice fitted the bumped up budget (we allowed $12 for 6). It smelt delicious and actually tasted fine!
(As is known to occur, I cooked too much rice, so fried rice was decided on for dinner. Bonus.)
In preparation–a learning process about communication, creativity, team work and flexibility;

In essence–a basic, simple but tasty lunch;

In the gathering and eating, a relaxed time of sharing each others lives and laughter….not bad eggs, that lot!

Next venture: Churn, baby, churn–3 divine ice creams…


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