Random Lunch Challenge–A double serve: Red Capsicum Dip; Japanese Rice Suprise.

Thank you dear family and friends who so loyally read my blog and were concerned enough to ask when my next post will be. You have been on a little “fast” as the last few weekends for me have been like a Hobbit pantry full of good foodie things–usually in the form of some shared meal or celebratory feast and I just have not had the space to tap away here at my computer.

Last week end, the $2 a kg price for heavy, shiny red capsicum was hard to pass by and a capsicum based dip was dreamed up. 4 large capsicums, grilled skinned and pureed with about 1/2 cup ground almonds, a crushed clove of garlic, 1/3 cup crushed tomatoes, a cup of torn turkish bread and a cup of aioli provided us with a moorish dip we scooped up with freshly warmed turkish bread. $9.
And where were the other 5 people who could have sated their appetite with the amount we had? Boys used it on their lunches for the rest of the week. Who needs to go to the canteen when this is left over?

Random Lunch Challenge today was something we were all pretty excited about. It was mainly from a bargain bin, it was totally random, it was different and it was delicious.

The Asian stall at the market was where  boys struck RLC gold–Japanese rice flavourings/toppers that normally were up to $6 a pkt were going at 3 for $2. We were almost uncontainable in our triumph, even though we had only a rough idea what we were purchasing. All the labelling except the list of ingredients was in Japanese. With the mention of bonito flakes or dried sea lettuce or tuna shavings or Japanese wasabi powder, it was a no brainer. The packets were snaffled.
And so was a packet of rice. Not just any rice–multi grain rice. With no list of ingredients, I have sifted through and found white rice, brown, wild, and red rices and split peas and little red beans and a few other grains I don’t recognize. It was perfect with the rice toppings.

And a great little $5 lunch for 4 (with ingredients left for another lunch too!) before the next two “bring a plate” events, but that is another serving.

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