My “Marriage is like baking a cake together” wedding speech.

100_2962Baking a cake is a journey. So is marriage.
You choose to have cake. Cake is good.
You choose to get married. Marriage is good.

Now, baking a cake together is a metaphor for marriage.

You both want the cake. You agree together to make the cake. You start with a recipe that outlines the process and lists the ingredients that will combine and lead to a tangible thing that will be good.

Before you start the cake baking journey you need to read the recipe and understand what it involves–the time it takes, the temperature, the cooking process. You do not bake blind.

The marriage journey starts with understanding what is involved–that it is a journey, an organic process that takes time, the right ingredients, mixing…and a bit of heat 😉

Each of you are the vital ingredients and you need to choose and bring with you the other necessary ingredients–sex, fidelity, gentleness, kindness, patience, forgiveness, laughter…And God needs to be the binding agent.

You not only make the batter–you are the batter. The mixing of ingredients happens when you start your marriage. Avoid using ingredients that do not blend with the necessary foundational ingredients–these will spoil the texture and flavour of your cake.

Use the appropriate mixing techniques and treat the cake mixture well. Make it fun.

As you bake the cake, the batter will go through a process that develops it into the intended form–a proving, stabilizing and tempering of the blended ingredients. You can still taste the main flavours, but together they merge to produce a wonderful creation–a delight to see and experience.

The icing on the cake is how you put your own stamp on it–how you work and blend together. There is a saying–the couple that ices the cake together, stays together.

The thing is that God provides you with the cake making and decorating equipment you need, and as you work with Him, you will make the best cake possible.

May your marriage bring to it all the good ingredients of a great creation. Stir the batter together with love and laughter.

Serve each other with love, caring, tenderness and patience. Serve as Jesus served you.

And, yes, you can have your cake and eat it too!


My “Marriage is like baking a cake together” wedding speech. — 2 Comments

  1. Hi Maggie,
    What was the descriptions of the layers again? I know there was some Red Velvet cake in there somewhere.

    • Jess- from bottom up:
      dark chocolate mud cake, whipped white chocolate ganache butter cream flavoured with raspberry liquer,red velvet cake, whipped dark chocolate ganache buttercream with pop rocks, dark chocolate mud cake, darck chocolate ganache, fondant.

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